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- Simple Henry

Henry and Wolsey were stood in one of the private rooms with different expression on their faces, " Forget about the French, the Queen's nephew has been elected! Now he is not only Charles V, The King of Spain he's also the Holy Roman Emperor" Henry yelled out furiously taking a couple of steps towards Wolsey, " His dominions are vast, his wealth extraordinary and he's only twenty years old"

Wolsey let out a heavy sigh as he stared at the King of England calmly as he stayed silent for a moment before he continued speaking as he looked at Wolsey and demanded, " You will make arrangements to visit him at Aachen, personally. It may suit us better to do business with him than with the French"

"Yes, Majesty" Wolsey mumbled under his breathe nodding his head in understanding as he began to bow in respect for the king of England as he noticed the expression on Henry's face causing him to let out another sigh as the King of England anger is something no one wants to get on the other side off.

Meanwhile, at Penhurst Place James and Edward were sat in the main room planning their next move against Henry. James Armstrong had been staying at Penhurst place since Sophie was put in bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy.

Lord Armstrong was furious with his wife at the fact time after time she always chooses Henry and now is currently carrying their fourth child. He felt betrayed that no matter what he does Sophie will always choose Henry and he couldn't help me feel a burning desire of rage and jealously of their relationship as Henry was Sophie's epic love and no one would even come close to how she feels about him.

"Sir Thomas Boleyn, your Grace" the page announcer informed causing both James and Edward to turn their attention to Thomas who had entered the room and spoke up, " Your Grace, My Lord. I..." Thomas was interrupted by James who narrowed his eyes at the older man letting out a scoff and questioned, "What did you think of that performance?"

Thomas Boleyn stuttered over his words as he glanced between the two men with wide eyes but before he could say anything Edward cut in and snapped, " don't be stupid, you're not stupid! The king's performance at the summit. How did it strike you?"

" Personally, I would have wished to have seen a greater more powerful man upon the throne of England. Someone who's presence would have made the French sit up and come to heel" Thomas stated with a shrug of his shoulders causing Edward to scoff in amusement, " I have the way and the means to crush the usurper of my throne as one world crush a revolting spider"

Thomas glanced between Edward and James with a look of surprise on his face as Lord Armstrong started speaking angrily, " I will make him wish he'd entered the church after all and left the affairs of the state to those who are born to rule" Edward then took a couple of steps forward so he was standing directly in front of Thomas and harshly warned, " if you betray me, Boleyn, I'll feed your body to me dogs"

A short while later, back at Whitehall palace Henry turned to face Wolsey with a knowing look on his face and questioned, " Now, what have you discovered here?" Wolsey took a deep breathe as he looked away from the ground and glanced as Henry and informed, " I have it on good authority that the duke of Buckingham and the duke of Burgundy are raising an army"

"He says it's to protect him while he tours his welsh estates where he's not popular. He's also been borrowing large sums of money" Wolsey finished caymans Henry to let out a heavy sigh clenching his jaw together and questioned, " Buckingham? Armstrong? Does Sophie have any knowledge about what her husband is up to?"

Wolsey shook his head in response tilting his head to the side and explained, " Lord Armstrong has been staying at Penthurst place since Lady Armstrong has been placed on bed rest as she's due to give birth any day now"

Henry nodded his head with a small smile on his faces revealed that the girl he loves has no idea what her husband had been planning behind her back as he turned to face Wolsey with a thoughtful look on his face and demanded, " invite both Buckingham and Armstrong to court for the new year but don't say anything to alarm him"


It's been a week since Henry found out about Edward Buckingham and James Armstrong plan to murder him and overthrow the throne. Currently, he was traveling with Tomas Moore when he curiously questioned, " how are your children?" Tomas furrowed his eyebrows as he nodded his head and replied. " they're well, thank you, Your Majesty. I encourage them all at their studies. Even the girls"

"Always the idealist" Henry stated with an amused smirk on his face causing Tomas to scoff with a smile on his face as he shook his head and resorted, " At some point, I imagine it will be considered ordinary enough and nothing strange for a girl to be educated"

An comfortable silence was heard between the two men when Henry decided to break at as he spoke up and informed, " I've received a gift from the Duke of Urbino. It's a book called 'The Prince' by a florentine, NiccolΓ² Machiavelli" Thomas hummed with a small smile on his faceΒ  as he turned to face Henry and replied, " Yes, I know it. It's about political opportunism"

"It's true. It's not like your book Utopia, it's less utopian. Nevertheless, he asks an important question: whether it is better for a king to be feared or loved" Henry commented as he went silent for a couple of moments before he revealed to his most trusted advisor, " Buckingham and Armstrong are going to try and kill me"

Meanwhile, at Montgomery place, Sophie walked into the room with her hand resting on her swollen stomach as she had gotten word from one of the ladies that had been helping her throughout her pregnancy that Wolsey was here to speak to her about something important.

The youngest Evans twin had sent her children to play in the garden with their aunt Emily as her children hasn't left her side and have been clinging onto her since their father had left for business. Sophie sent a small smile to Wolsey as she began to curtsy and softly greeted, " Your Eminence"

" Lady Armstrong" Wolsey replied as Sophie stood up straight straightening and out her dress causing the older man to glance at the blonde girl swollen stomach and curiously questioned, " you are full term?" Sophie let out a small sigh resting her hands on her stomach as she let out a chuckle and informed, " in a couple more weeks the baby should be born" Wolsey nodded his head in acknowledgement as he moved forward a couple of steps so he was standing in front of Sophie wanting to see how she's been since being put on bed rest, " how is the pregnancy going?"

"Hmm, as can expected when I look like a bloated whale while looking after three children" Sophie spoke letting out a small chuckle causing Wolsey to smile at her sympathetically, " have you heard from his Majesty?"

Wolsey let out a heavy sigh as he glanced at the blonde and informed, " Just that he wishes you and your child well. Lady Armstrong, are you aware what you've husband have been planning with the duke of Buckingham?" He questioned raising his eyebrows at the blonde.

"No, just that he has some business out of town. I just thought he wanted to get away from me seeing as I'm carrying another child of Henry's. James had always been jealous of our relationship you see" Sophie confessed with an confused frown on her face tilting her head to the side as Wolsey nodded his head with a sympathetic look on his face and aware, " I'm afraid I have to tell you that your husband has been plotting to have the King killed"

Sophie's eyes winded in horror letting out a small gasp as Wolsey continued, " you know what this means don't you?" He questioned causing Sophie to nod her head with a saddened expression and softly spoke, " Yes, Henry will have both my husband and Edward Stafford killed for treason"

"I'm afraid so. Lady Armstrong if your child is a boy be aware that Henry will recognise this child. I'm afraid I can offer you no more comfort than that."Wolsey explained calmly with a small sigh, "The King had allowed you to keep your other two sons because he didn't want to rip their mother away from his children but you know as well as i that the Queen can't bare him a living son"


In the throne room, Henry and Catherine were both sat on their thrones enjoying the new year celebration when the announcer called out, " His Grace, the Duke of Norfolk" Henry smiled warmly as he held out a hand for Norfolk to press a kiss to his ring and greeted, " Your Grace"

" I hope your majesty will accept this humble gift for the new year" Norfolk spoke as he took a step back as his servant walked over opening a chest revealing a golden goblet making an smile immediately appear on the King's face as he replied, " we are very grateful to Your Grace. Your generosity overwhelms me, as always"

"His Grace, the duke of Buckingham and the duke of burgundy" the announcer spoke loudly as James ana Edward slowly walked into the room as Henry eyes the two with narrowed eyes before outstretching his arm for the two men to press a kiss on his ring.

Henry clenched his jaw in anger but kept his calm as he glanced between the two men and commented, " Your Graces" James and Edward shared a look before speaking in unison, " Your Majest" James cleared his throat as another servant walked over with an object in his hands as he informed, " it has some words engraved on it"

"Give it to me" Henry demanded causing the servant to walk closer as the king read out the words loudly, " with humble, true hearts. Your overwhelms me, your words touch me. They are the greatest gift, greater than any riches" Henry glanced over at Tomas Moore before turning his attention back to the two men with a nod of his head.

Meanwhile, back at Montgomery place Sophie had gone into labour. The blonde beauty was laid in bed screaming out in agony as she gives birth to her fourth child. One of the midwives was knelt between her legs, constantly telling Sophie that she had to push.

Emily was sat beside her sister holding her hand tightly in her own whispering comforting words as she applied a cool cloth to Sophie's forehead, " I can't do this" the blonde breathed out with a shake of her head breathing heavily as Emily squeezed her hand in reassurance and told her, " you've done this three times, Sophie
You can do this again. so you need to push so I can finally meet my niece or nephew"

Sophie glanced at her sister for a moment as she sat up on the bed clenching her teeth together as she screamed out loudly pushing as hard as she could. It felt like hours when she finally let out a sigh of relief as she fell back onto the bed at the sounds of her baby crying.

Sophie looked up with a beaming smile on her face at the sight of her son as the midwives began to clean him up before Emily placed the baby boy in her arms. The blonde smiled sadly, looking down at her child as she began to cry knowing that Henry will recognise this child and would soon enough be sent away to be an Earl on his own lands even if he's just a baby.

The baby stated up at his mother cooing loudly with a smile on his face calming down when looking into Sophie's eyes recognising his mother as Emily questioned, " what will you name him?" Sophie stayed quiet for a moment with a thoughtful expression before she stated, " Henry. His name is Henry"

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