| Mevomun (18) |

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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: The most frustrating chapter i've ever written pls- I cannot believe this chapter was 11k words- I also can't believe I wrote most of it in one day LMAO anyway, here come the dts! As promised in my announcements, I also want to give a few dt's before we get started :,) I love you all! spiderssocorro -ohhcney -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp -HANGESSLUTT-

Let me know if any of you guys want one for the next chapter! This is my first time around doing dt's and they're fun! I'm so grateful for all of you :,)

As always, don't forget to comment and vote <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they truly make my day 🤍 Without further ado, I hope you guys like it!

Somehow you and Lo'ak were able to make it back home to the village with anyone noticing, and the two of you parted ways as soon as you reached the reef. He soon went off to find his siblings, but not before expressing his gratitude to you for coming with him and allowing him to meet Payakan again. It truly meant the world to the Sully boy and he wouldn't have imagined today going in any other way.

After Lo'ak suddenly embraced you with a hug, you reciprocated it and hugged him back. He was eternally grateful to you and if he has the chance to go to Payakan again, he'd love for you to be there too. Today made him forget how misunderstood he really is, and he felt true happiness for the first time in a while.

After separating and promising to meet up with him and his siblings later, you told Lo'ak you had to go back to the village and speak with Jake for a bit. You promised you'd keep the outing you had with a boy a secret because if anyone found out about you willingly taking Lo'ak to see Payakan, you'd dig yourself into a hole that you wouldn't be able to get out of. After he left to find his siblings, you had a feeling that he was particularly excited to see Tsireya. You knew she was just as excited to see him. Anyone could see how much they liked each other but neither of them did anything about it. Their connection was undeniable, and anybody could see it.

You laughed and smiled to yourself when thinking about that on the way back to the village. You really hoped that if you were to encounter anyone, that they wouldn't ask where you've been all day. You were on your way to see Jake now, so you hoped that he didn't noticed you were gone for so long, and also didn't connect the dots if he realized that Lo'ak was out at the same time as you. It was all complicated, but as you had said to Lo'ak, this would be a one time thing for now, so you wouldn't have to worry about getting caught.

Now that you were back in the village, all of your previous thoughts came back and other problems started swarming your mind. Maybe not so much 'problems', but more like simple wonderings. You didn't know how Jake felt, and you hated to admit that you were starting to lose hope that he'd feel the same way you did, and the chances were incredibly slim. You'd spare yourself the embarrassment, and besides, you were running out of time for choosing someone to mate with.

Things like that party that Tonowari was organizing, which you were considering going alone to at this point, even if you wanted Jake to ask you despite of your discouragement. Then came the arrival of the Tulkun and you wanted to introduce Jake to your spirit sister, as your friend, as what he saw you as. Part of you considered to try and confess first, taking a chance, but you were far in by now, and the heartbreak, disillusionment, disappointment and sadness that would most likely follow after you told him what you've been feeling.

Neither of you knew where the other stood. Jake had gotten the closure he needed and slowly began that Neytiri lives within Eywa and the last time that he saw her, didn't have to be the last time. He began to think about her words about 'finding someone', and those words were more true than ever now, and after a year, they have never held much importance to him up until now that he has found a person that could be that someone.

As for you, knowing what Payakan had told you, it was easier for you to accept that maybe it was finally time to move on, and that Hahona clearly expressed to the Tulkun that he wanted you to be happy with or without him. He'd never truly be gone, and you had much more courage now to visit him through the Spirit Tree, which was an inner fear you had ever since he died. Things were much clearer now.

In the end, neither you or Jake knew the other was ready to move on, and the two of you struggled to know how one was truly beginning to feel for the other. It was really exhausting to watch for anyone else around who's noticed how close you and Jake had become from the moment you met. It was no surprise that Jake, who was famously known as Toruk Makto, had women in the village pining after him and he had many to choose from if he wanted. As for you, you've had suitors that have already been arranged by Tonowari or others who've approached you by their own free will.

And, then came the date or outing that Vokan proposed. The more you thought about it, the more you began to realize that it wouldn't be such a bad idea if you gave the date a shot. As much as you hated to admit it, things were just not happening with Jake and he probably didn't feel the same, so you had to began to consider giving him a chance. Maybe you judged Vokan too quickly, and just maybe, it would be for the best. Jake has not shown interest and you slowly began to realize that it just wasn't meant to happen. From what you have experienced with him since he arrived, he only sees you as his friend and someone who he's grateful for when taking care of his family.

All of those lessons with him teaching him the ways of your people, the talks you've had with him about practically anything, the fun moments like the game you played that kept you in a good mood for the rest of the day, the bonding you've had with all of his children, and just everything in between kept rushing back to you. Were you the only one who began to feel something after all of that? Were you being too hopeful that you were finally starting to feel something again? You'd feel pathetic if you did, knowing it was just in your head all this time.

As much as you hated just giving up on what you were feeling for Jake, time wasn't on your side and you wished he knew how he felt. He had a family, and you didn't want to get in between a place that was obviously not yours to meddle in. As much as you loved the kids, you'd hate for them to believe that you were trying to replace their mother. As much you'd love to be there for them and serve as a mother figure for them, you'd hate that if you and Jake got together and it didn't work out, that it'd destroy their young hearts. And even with all of that, there was someone waiting for you to say yes. The next time Vokan asks you, it wouldn't hurt to agree and see where that goes.

With troubled thoughts, you continued to walk through the woven paths of the village. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even notice that someone was calling your name. And not just anyone. Jake was walking towards you with a smile on his face, which was a normal ocurrence for him whenever he saw you. But, his smile slowly dropped when he saw your sullen and conflicted face. What's got you so down? He didn't know what came over him, but a sudden sense of wanting to do everything he possibly could to put that pretty smile of yours, that he cherished and loved so dearly, back on your face was the only thing on his mind in that very moment.

You continued to walk and didn't notice Jake in front of you. He continued to walk towards you, but it seems that your head was in the clouds because you ended up bumping into him, which immediately knocked you out of your thoughts. You looked up with wide eyes to see who you just bumped into, and muttered a quick 'I'm sorry', and then noticed that it was Jake who you'd bumped into. He gently held and grabbed ahold of either one of your arms, and searched your face for anything.

He noticed that your face softened a bit when noticing it was him, but he didn't quite know why. Either way, he looked over your features fondly and concern, not knowing what has you so out of the loop all of a sudden. "Woah, hey. Are you okay?" Jake asked, and at his question you came into the realization of how out of it you were. You inhaled and exhaled once, and immediately your bearings returned and you nodded in confirmation that you were okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine" You replied, and Jake nodded hesitantly, not believing it for a second but he slowly loosened his hold on you and let you take a few steps back. "What had you so out of it? I was calling you" Jake said said with a small laugh as he raised his hand and pushed stray hairs out of the way of your face. His action made you freeze and tense up, not knowing what to make of it. You didn't know why the sudden action, but you refused to let your mind make anything of it anymore. You were slowly bringing yourself back to reality on how things stood between you two, not forgetting that he saw you as his friend.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about a couple of things. Is there something you needed me for?" You asked, trying to get off the subject. You were trying your best to ignore his gesture, but it was proving to be exceedingly difficult. Jake seemed to remember what it was that you meant, because his eyes widened and he nodded. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. I haven't seen you much today" Jake said with a soft smile, and somewhat shy tone, which you found endearing to no end.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. What do you want to do?" You asked, and watched as Jake racked his mind for anything that you two could do today. To you, it looked like he had no clue for any sort of plans and was just searching for one on the spot, but in reality, he had already known what kind of outing he wanted to take you on. He's thought about it down to the last detail and wished he could have the courage to ask you more formally. But, once again, you were kind of disappointed to know that by what it looks like to you, didn't sound like a date at all and just another outing as friends, as usual.

Ready to abolish any sort of doubt that you had in your head about this not being a date, Jake was prepared to rearrange his words and ask you out for real this time and taking a shot in the dark. "Well, Y/n," He started, and made full eye contact with you, not being able to ignore the fluttering and weird feeling inside him whenever he looked into your eyes. You were expectant and waited for what he had to say. "I was thinking and-" Jake started, finally gaining the courage, but Eywa was not on his side. He was cut off by an approaching Vokan appearing around the corner, beaming at you. Jake cursed in his mind, sighing with defeat.

"Hey, Y/n!" He said, and you turned from looking at Jake to see Vokan walking towards the two of you, unaware that he had just disrupted Jake's plans. The ex-marine groaned inwardly, but his face couldn't even hide how annoyed he was. Vokan approached you and Jake stood in front of you, crossing his arms in front of him. It looked like he didn't even acknowledge Jake standing there, but now the courage that Jake had mustered up was gone.

"Oh, hi" You said simply, smiling politely. Just as you met eye contact with Vokan, you remembered what you had thought of before. Give the warrior a chance, and maybe it wouldn't be so bad. As much as you wanted to hang out with Jake, even as friends, it would only remind you that you couldn't be with him. You stuck with what you agreed to in your head and if Vokan was here to ask you out again, It wouldn't hurt to agree this time around. But, Jake wanted the exact opposite. He wanted to ask you out, and show you how much he truly liked you, but he was doing a terrible job at showing it. He really needed to step up.

"I was wondering if you reconsidered that outing I told you about, remember? To go hunting" Vokan reminded, and just as you expected as he'd do, he didn't give up and asked you out again. You sighed and let a bit of a bashful smile penetrate your lips. Jake didn't let himself feel disheartened by Vokan asking you out with much more ease than him, but what did matter to him was what you replied with. He watched as you shyly smiled at the warrior, but he couldn't see a single ounce of happiness beneath it, and it made him wonder.

You looked back at Jake for a second, seeing that he had an unreadable expression painted all over his face. He didn't know when he started feeling this way, but seeing you go out with other men or just talking to another man made his stomach churn. It broke his heart a little. When it came to you, you didn't like that you had the need to answer right here and now with Jake standing there, but you didn't want to delay this any longer. Jake hasn't shown any interest and here is a man, who is displaying that he wants you to give him a chance. A part of you wanted to deny Vokan once again, and take up an opportunity for Jake and you to have another friend outing, or even staying loyal to your feelings for him, while continuing to wait until either you got the courage to tell him how you felt or in a crazy world, waiting until he did. All of that just wasn't in the cards.

Jake didn't want to believe that there would be an 'us', between you and him. And if he was being honest, that was truly all he wanted these days. Since he had come to the realization that he liked you, or maybe even loved you, as more than just a friend or someone that was simply assigned to him as a task, he could not stop thinking about you. You were just an amazing woman, and now, he felt you were slipping away from him with every passing second

Your humility, kindness, compassion, and just unconditional love for anyone was just so admirable and noble. And don't even get Jake started on just how beautiful you are, because spending more time with you has given him the chance to realize just that. Your gorgeous, big, doe eyes left him in a trance whenever he set eyes on you (and probably the most stunning pair of eyes he has ever had the honor to see) your perfectly shaped and soft-looking lips, your soft and silky hair that he had tried to seem discreet earlier when running his hand through it, and everything about you made him forget all of his inhibitions. Not to mention that warmth you brought whenever your skin touched his. It was things like this when he realized that he was jusy undeniably in love with you, and he wasn't complaining one bit.

He was confused as to what he felt as first, and if he had to point it out, he would have to say that it began when you and him spent time together riding ilu's, teaching him sign Na'vi language, and up until recently when you and him spent that morning together by the shore. Don't even get Jake started on the way that your honeyed and gentle voice said his name. He never got enough of it. You never saw him as; Toruk Makto, the savior of the Na'vi, like everyone around him did. You saw him as Jake. Just Jake. That's all he's ever wanted and you never made him feel like he was disappointing anyone by not wanting to be associated with that title. You saw him for him. You made his heart race, and no words were enough to describe you. If you agreed to have him, he'd spend the rest of his days making you feel the same way. There's so many things he wanted to say, but not much time to say them.

If what you worried about was getting in between his family, he needed you to know that you've done the exact opposite. You've been the mother figure that his kids needed all this time. Not a replacement, but someone who could make them feel loved, and that's exactly what you did. Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tuk have not missed an opportunity to tell their dad how much they love you. You were completely unaware of the impact you were making in their lives, and your influence on all of them has been more than life changing as well.

You unknowningly continued to send his mind into overdrive, and now, he was kicking himself for not making his feelings known as he realized what your answer to Vokan would be. He was scared of falling in love again, but he wasn't anymore. You still hadn't chosen, and he would do everything could to help you see how much you truly mean to him. You mean so much to him, too much. You've become the woman he's dreamed about having by his side. You're the only one he wants. He is the only one you want. He wanted to take your pain, he could handle it, and he wanted to shoulder it all with you. Share your burdens. It was scary how much he was willing to devote himself to you, and its like nothing he ever felt.

In that tableau, that's why it broke Jake's heart into pieces when you said; "Sure," You smiled at Vokan, completely unaware of how your words seem to tear Jake apart. While he awaited for your answer towards Vokan, he could only think about how he truly felt about you. Those hopes of someday having the chance to kiss you, hold you, touch you, in a way that told everyone that you were his and he was yours, and maybe even the possibility that you'd wake up next to him one day came crashing down. He had unleashed the doors that his doubts were holding closed shut, and now, you were all he could think about. What he didn't know is that your thoughts were seemingly and almost identical to his.

"Okay, great! Do you want to go now?" Vokan asked eagerly, and you gave him a simple, yet slightly untrue smile, and nodded. You didn't notice how Jake visibly deflated behind you and kept his gaze to the ground. Although, once Vokan grabbed your hand and started taking you away, you turned around to see Jake's expression. He looked sad and sullen.

Was he upset you had said yes? You refused to let yourself believe it was for any other reason, and as much as it broke your heart to see Jake so sad and disheartened, you let your head push it aside and let Vokan drag you over to the place he was so eager to show you.

You know you should at least, out of respect, show some emotion but you would have rather hung out with Jake as friends than lead on Vokan. Even if he knew that you were hung up on Jake. As painful as it would be, accepting Jake's offer would have given you the slightest bit of happiness, yet, also would have made your unrequited and painful feelings return.

Before he was too far away for him to hear you, you turned your head around to face Jake and called out to him. "I'll see you later, okay?" You called out to Jake with an encouraging smile, hoping that it put the smile that you loved so much back on his face. Your words seemed to work because he smiled gently and nodded, but you had a feeling he wasn't really feeling it.

Your eyes softened with regret at seeing Jake slowly turn around and begin to make his way back to his home. The farther away that Vokan dragged you, the smaller her got and your hopes along with it. It was too late now. You'd already agreed to this and like your head kept telling you, it was for the best. It'll be better, won't it? This would all work itself out.

As you turned your head back around and saw Vokan, he had a look on his face that was so full of happiness yet, mixed with pride all over his face, which you struggled to comprehend what the reason for that was. Besides, it didn't really matter to you what his true intentions behind sticking to you like glue were. Your intentions were not inclined to him, and his were probably not inclined to you, so it didn't bother you. This was all just a way to try and find a solution to a problem that was out of your hands at this point. Finding a mate.

You sighed to yourself and watched where Vokan had brought you too. It was a small area of hunting and fishing that was often used around the village. There was a shore nearby for fisherman, and a bit of a small clearing in the forest on the other side for those who preferred to hunt on land rather than on water.

One of the only things that Vokan knew about you were that you were a warrior and a hunter, and that was it. You cursed yourself for even remembering how Jake knew so much more about you and would have prepared an outing for you and him that was much more inclined to other things that made you who you are, aside from just being a warrior and a hunter.

"I thought we could hunt for a bit. You used to love to do that during our training back when we were young" Vokan pointed out, and you nodded in response. But then again, that was when you were a kid, around 10 years old, and now you were less inclined to hunting and you are more interested towards fighting and being a warrior, including training other children in the village. You appreciated his effort either way, and you'd go along with what he had planned, despite how outdated it was. You knew he wasn't much of a hunter either.

"Okay, so do we head out to the reef?" You said, gesturing with your head to the calm waters in front of you two. It was bright in the afternoon right now so the sun was beaming above the two of you. Vokan nodded and after that, you two began walking towards the shore, wading into the water, and waiting to call for your Ilu's to travel through the reefs and hopefully catch some fish and others that served as food for the Metkayina.

Both you and Vokan had gathered your spears on the way to the clearing he brought you to, so the only thing left to do was to mount the ilu and begin the hunt. While you two waded into the water, you suddenly shivered at how cold the water had become compared to earlier that day when you travelled with Lo'ak. You began to shudder and continued to slowly make your way into the water. You suddenly heard a laugh coming from in front of you, so you looked up and saw Vokan snickering at your situation.

Your face scrunched with confusion and then spoke up. "What's so funny?" You inquired, and Vokan pursed his lips as he shook his head, trying to stifle more laughs. "No, it is nothing. Just never seen you shiver because the water was cold. It's amusing" Vokan began to smirk, and you deadpanned at him.

But then his logic started to come around in your own head and you started to realize that he was right. You've always managed to go into the water with no trouble despite the coldness so you could see why it was funny to him. As he continued to laugh, you couldn't help but let a ghost of a smile appear on your lips until you began to start laughing along with him too.

"It's colder than usual," You said as you slowly started to get used to the temperature. If you were going to hunt, then you needed to stay in place for a few seconds before going into the water completely. "I understand. It's getting to that time of the year anyway" Vokan reasoned, and you nodded, realizing that he was right. It was nearing a time of the year where the waters surrounding the reef clans were colder than ever and it completely went over your head.

(A/N: Please keep this in mind <3 It's really important for future and upcoming chapters)

As you and Vokan continued to go deeper into the shores to the point that the water reached your waists, Vokan noticed how slow you've been moving and how you kept taking careful steps. He sighed and took a couple steps back, outstretching his hand out to you. You noticed this and looked up, noticing him offering his hand to you. "Here, i'll help you" He offered, and you were surprised at his offer, but nodded nonetheless and accepted it apprehensively.

You hesitantly raised your hand from below the water and placed it on his. He immediately gripped it tightly and firmly, but not too much. Soon, you two were starting to make your way further in and quickly getting to the area that ilu's were found in. You couldn't help but smile, and maybe you did underestimate him, but Vokan was making this more enjoyable than you originally thought it was going to be.

It was completely out of your eyeline, but it was unfortunate how Jake was just so happen to be right in front of the clearing you and Vokan were in. His hut just happened to be a couple tents over to where you and the warrior were, and if it was on purpose by part of Vokan, he had to admit, it was cruel. Jake watched with confliction as you and Vokan laughed together, as he offered his hand out to you and guided you to the water. He could not believe he'd blown his shot like this. But, Jake he'd made up his mind and promised himself he would make up for it. Jake wouldn't give up so easily.

He huffed through his nose as he strip his rifle and pull apart its fragments to work on each piece separately and then put it back together. He was on his knees with his legs tucked behind him. He tried his best not to look over there, but it was inevitable. Every time you laughed with him, the moment Vokan had actually put his hands on your waist when you mounted your ilu, as you two dove together underwater and then came back up with beaming smiles, it all made him feel fuzzy inside. Was he really...jealous? Is that what this was? It was probably the wakeup call he needed, but it doesn't necessarily mean he liked it. Jake usually wasn't one to get jealous, so what was this strange emotion that kept making his stomach churn uncontrollably?

It would be stupid for Jake to deny that he wants to be there with you, because he does. He didn't know what to do. Why has this become so foreign to him all of a sudden? Why did he not have a problem with it? As Jake started to think about what he could do to make up for this, he started to think about all possible things he could add to the date had already planned. Your favorite flowers, your favorite place, what you liked and didn't like, and everything that would make that date perfect for you. He had one chance to let you know how he felt and wouldn't spare anything.

As he continued to think, he didn't even realized that he had already done maintenance to all of the different parts of his rifle and all that he had to do now was assemble it back together. He was suddenly knocked out of his trance, and as he looked up, he let his eyes trail back to the beach and saw that you and Vokan were walking up the shore and towards the village again. Time must have been flying by, because by the looks of the sun in the sky, it was much later in the day. The date was over.

He sighed with a small smile, and went back to quickly assembling his weapon. He had to find the perfect moment to ask you, and make it special. Ideas ran through his head, so much that he felt like a teenager again. You brought that sort of light and energy back into his life and he wasn't complaining at all about that.

He watched as you and Vokan parted ways, he saw as you waved him goodbye and you were on your way back to your tent from what he could see, but in reality, you were heading straight towards him. During that date with Vokan, you began to think and you'd ask Jake to come with you to the Tulkun arrival in a couple of days. Despite the fact that it wouldn't count as a date if he didn't see it as one, you really wanted to introduce your spirit sister to one of the most important people in your life.

Now, after the date was over and you were walking on the woven paths of the village, the date with Vokan was over and you spotted Jake sitting in front of his hut fixing what looked like one of his weapons, foreign to traditional ones that the Na'vi used. He had an impassive expression on his face but you still decided to come up to him and hopefully put a smile on his face. After your date, Vokan had asked for another outing, but this time, you refused.

You knew that Vokan was aware of your feelings for Jake, but it didn't stop him from trying to ask you out again. Despite your inclination to choosing him for the sake of your people and to your duty, you didn't want to lead him on. You'd mate with him if it was necessary, but dragging on feelings that weren't there wasn't fair to him, so you politely denied his request. You were certain that he knew that and was aware that there was just no connection between the two of you, and trying to make it work would be a waste of time.

After that realization, you came to the conclusion that it still wouldn't hurt if you asked Jake innocently to go see the Tulkun. It was a special event, very dear to the ocean Na'vi, and you wanted to share that with him. It's been a year since you've seen your spirit sister, and it's saddening that you'd have to tell her that Hahona was no longer around. The last time that the pod arrived, your mate was there, but now that he isn't, it's time to break the news. Although, that was a matter for some other time. You wanted Jake there with you, and it would be as friends. Just that. Friends.

As you walked up to him, he still hadn't noticed your presence. Perhaps you had not made yourself known as well. Since you were had been standing up and he was kneeling on the floor, you bent down and tapped his shoulder. Jake quickly looked up and his face went from emotionless to brightened up in a matter of seconds. He smiled and put aside his almost assembled weapon to the side. You smiled back and sat down in front of him with your legs crossed, and facing him directly. He followed your movements and could sense that there was something that you wanted to say.

"Hey" You spokes up, settling your hands on your legs and watched as Jake began to declutter the space around him. Though, he was giving you his undivided attention. After he was done, he sat in a different position where his leg was propped up and his arm settled on his knee. "Hi," He breathed out, and raised his free hand to rub the back of his neck. "So, how was it with Vokan?" Jake asked, and he immediately regretted doing so when you looked at him with a bit of conflict. He didn't want to know how it went. Except if the date itself made you happy. He would be happy to know that part at the most, and only that.

"It was okay. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. We just did what I did in my day to day, like hunting and all. He's nice" You simply shrugged, and Jake nodded. But on the inside, he was celebrating. He had a chance to make up for not asking you out by taking you in an even better date. What he didn't know is that to you, no matter where Jake took you, you would love every minute of it because it was with him.

There was silence for a few seconds before you remembered what you wanted to talk to him about. "There's something I wanted to ask you, Jake" You said, sending him a small smile that told him that what you were about to ask him was nothing bad at all, but rather the complete opposite. He nodded wordlessly and gave you the go-ahead to continue speaking.

This was something you had been thinking about for a long time, and you'd only ever want to go with him. You inhaled softly and then got the courage to finally ask. "A very important time of the year for the ocean Na'vi is coming soon, and I couldn't imagine taking anyone else but you. Someone so important to me," You said, placing your hand on top of his. He didn't hesitate to turn his hand around and connect it with yours, intertwining and holding it firmly. Your words got caught up in your throat when he did this, but continued anyway.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and meet my spirit sister when the Tulkun arrive. I'd love for you to meet her" You said, exhaling at the fact that you were able to get it out. As much as you wanted it to be a date, Jake didn't see it that way, and because of that, you'd leave it like it was originally. Friends enjoying a happy and joyous event together.

Jake smiled at your proposal, and his heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. It would be an honor for me to experience such a special moment by your side. Just the thought of spending time solely with you and being introduced to someone as special as your spirit sister was something he could never pass up.

He'd like to think this is a date of sorts, even if you didn't know it, and he'd certainty count it as one. Before he replied, Jake turned his head behind him, spotted a tree next to his hut that had sprouting flowers growing out of it. He suddenly got an idea. Jake turned back to you for a second before saying; "Hold on, wait right here," He said, standing up and leaving you confused as you watched him carefully lean over the edge of the path, reaching for the branches of the tree behind him.

"What are you doing?" You asked as you tried to lean over, staying seated, to get a look on what he was trying to do. After a few seconds, he cane back around with something in his hand and when he sat back down in front of you, you saw that it was a red and orange infused flower that was fully grown. Jake twirled it between his thumb and pointer fingers before speaking up again. "You like flowers?" He prompted, and you nodded. Flora species here in the Eastern region of Pandora were so beautiful. You'd collect all of them if they didn't have the chance of wilting so fast.

"I do," You admitted, unconsciously moving closer to Jake as he edged closer to you too. He looked down for a moment to look at the flower and then you could see a hint of a smirk on his lips. He looked up and suddenly your faces were inches away from each other, to the point that you could feel his breath fanning on your cheek's faintly. It almost made you dizzy.

Your heart started to race at the proximity, and you began to smile stupidly as you suddenly felt Jake slide the stem of the flower behind your air and through your hair. Even after placing it there, Jake didn't move away and stayed just centimeters away. He had this half-lidded look to his eyes that was leaving you breathless and he hasn't even done anything.

"It suits you. You look beautiful," He whispered as he let the words slip out, and before he could take them back and let his facial expressions betray him, it is truly how he felt and he would not regret it. By the look on your face, you didn't seem to dislike what he said. A soft smile was coming upon your lips and your breath hitched the moment he said it. His words have much more impact on you than he will ever know. If you didn't know any better, your mind was telling you that this was a clear sign that he felt the same way. As more than just a friend.

He didn't know if your reaction was in the heat of the moment, but he'd keep your reaction treasured in his heart and his mind. "And, there's no one else I'd rather go with" He muttered loudly enough for you to hear. You exhaled softly in relief, and the reaction made Jake laugh a bit and take a chance to raise his hand and tuck your hair behind your ear.

Your eyes didn't leave his, and the two of you just continued to study the other intently as if there would be no opportunity ever to do so again. And it was starting to feel less and less like studying, but more like admiring and taking in everything about the other. Your pulse was accelerating with every passing second and you didn't know what to do. Nothing was said. There was complete silence and it felt like nobody else was around.

Suddenly, Jake's eyes trailed for a second down to your lips and then back up to your eyes. Everything else around the two of you seemed to disappear and your breath got caught in your throat when Jake slowly started to lean in. Did this mean what you think it meant? Was he simply getting carried away by the moment? As he got closer and closer, your instincts kicked in and your eyes fluttered closed with so much anticipation that you could barely take it.

You suddenly shuddered when he suddenly slid his hand to rest behind your neck and cup your jaw. Butterflies were erupting in your stomach at the overwhelming feeling, not only that he was about to kiss you, but the chances that he liked you now had grown exponentially.

If this wasn't just in the heat of the moment, and he truly meant every single movement he made, you wouldn't let it slip away. Your lips parted and just as your lips were about to brush against his a child's voice resonated from behind you two. It seemes to snap you both back into reality, because when you realized it was Tuk, you and Jake quickly separated and moved as far away from each other as you could, quickly standing up on opposite sides.

You and Jake turned around and saw Tuk approaching with Neteyam and Kiri following close behind. The little Sully girl was too young to notice what had happened, but for Kiri and Neteyam, they had knowing looks on both of their faces. You made eye contact with the two older Sully's and they had small smirks, that mostly consituted as teasing smiles, spread across their young and impressionable faces.

You refused to look back at Jake because you know you'd give everything away the moment you looked into his eyes. What just happened? It was so quick and sudden you can't even remember how or when it even started. Did this mean he liked you too? Did that mean you didn't have to choose Vokan anymore? It'd be cruel if he did what he did just now and he didn't really feel that way about you. You didn't dwell on it, because you'd drive yourself crazy.

"Y/n! Tsireya wants to take us somewhere. It'll be really fun. Want to come?" Tuk asked excitedly, jumping in place. You looked at Neteyam and Kiri and they were holding back snickers, making you groan internally. They wouldn't let you live this down for a long time.

You desperately needed something to get your mind off of this, so you didn't hesitate to reply; "Yeah, sure. Let's go" You said, quickly walking forward and catching up to the kids who were starting to walk towards their destination where Tsireya and Rotxo were waiting.

You refused to look back at Jake, but as you left, his eyes never left you as your figure disappeared with his children. He hadn't acted on impulse. He wished you knew that what he just did was something that came from his true feelings and the bottom of his heart. The way you leaned into his touch when he cupped your face told him that maybe he wasn't so crazy. That just maybe you liked him back. As he was left alone, he exhaled and ran a hand through his hair as he smiled happily and tiredly.

As you walked in between Kiri and Neteyam, Tuk skipped happily in front of the three of you on the way to where Tsireya was waiting, Kiri suddenly nudged you gently with her elbow and you turned to look at her. She had a very giddy and excited look on her face, you looked at her with confusion, although you knew exactly what she wanted to speak about. "What was that about?" Kiri asked, not even bothering to hide her mischievous and teasing tone to her voice. You rolled your eyes with a smile and looked away from her, only to see Neteyam with a very curious expression, awaiting your answer as well. You shrugged and looked away.

"Nothing happened, so don't get any ideas" You denied, mixing your response with a bit of your own personal feelings about this. Kiri and Neteyam gave each other looks, not buying your words at all. "So, are you and my dad together now?" She asked with hope, and it warmed your heart at how excited she was, but along with the reason that if it didn't work out with you and Jake, you could never do that to them. Bringing them yet more pain than they already endured through was something you'd never forgive yourself for. That almost-kiss wasn't anything, and they shouldn't worry about it. "No, Kiri. We are not together. We won't be" You answered, and this time around, Neteyam was the one who chimed in, trying to change your mind about what happened.

In the kids eyes, they don't see you as a replacement for their late mother as you probably thought you were intruding as. You have given each and everyone of them so much love, just as much affection, if not more, as their mom. Treating them as if they were your own, as well as standing by them no matter what. You were nurturing, loving, caring, and above all that, you were strong, decisive, and loyal. All good qualities in a mother that Kiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Tuk all see in you.

They have seen how happy you've made their dad, and they have seen you bring out a side of him that they haven't seen in him for years even before their mom died. Emotions that war took away from him but you managed to bring back. You swore to stand by with the Sully's, even when everyone else doubted them. They'd always keep you close in their heart for that. The kids just really wished you could see what they see and what their dad sees in you.

"Why not? Y/n, you should know he really likes you, and what happened just now was proof of that" Neteyam said, and you looked at him, wanting to believe his words, but there were so many things holding you back from believing them, and so many things preventing you from doing something about what you felt. It just couldn't happen. Truly, you hated feeling like you couldn't do anything, and detested when things were out of your hands like this.

After what just happened, only moe confusion clouded your mind. You were supposed to leave your feelings for Jake behind and go along with Vokan, but now you didn't know what to do. "We are just friends. What you saw was a very simple misunderstanding, that's all" You smiled, placing a hand on the boy's cheek tenderly. He leaned into it and nodded with defeat. You looked back at Kiri and she nodded as well, but by the looks of it they didn't agree.

As you patted and ran your hand through their hair gently for a couple seconds, you walked forward and began to join Tuk in her trek. She was skipping and jumping on the path, so you joined her and laughed along with the youngest Sully. Neteyam and Kiri looked at each other, and their expressions said the same thing. 'These two are exhausting' They thought.


After that whole issue, you, Neteyam, Kiri, and Tuk were able to successfully meet up with Tsireya and Rotxo who were taking the Sully's to a very special place to the Metkayina. When Tsireya said you were visiting the Spirit Tree, you suddenly got very nervous. You've avoided visiting since Hahona died, and you weren't quite ready to visit just yet. Maybe someday, but you'd just accompany the kids for today. The Cove of the Ancestors was a very special place for the Metkayina. It was close to the village but they still had to get on their ilu's to get there since they couldn't just swim there.

You were riding with Tuk in front of you, Neteyam and Kiri were each riding on one alone, as well as Rotxo and Tsireya. They were now making their way across these floating coral islands below water, which the Sully's had never seen before up until now so the kids all wondered at the sight and looked at the corals in awe. Tsireya had mentioned to the Sullys that if they spotted these, it meant that they were close to where they were trying to get to.

Eventually, it was time to come up to the surface so the ilu's were commanded to swim up until they lifted their heads above water, prompting the kids to do the same and gasp a bit for air. The kids had a ceiling of rock above them, but they could still be upright. Even so, you put a hand on top of Tuk's head so she wouldn't accidentally bump into it. The ilu's chirped at and flapped their fins on the water contently because of where they were.

Not only was it a special place for the sea Na'vi, but for the creatures around it too. When the Sully's took in where they were, their mouths gaped open in awe. It already looked so majestic and beautiful, and they hadn't even seen the entire place yet. It was just so astounding. You smiled at their reactions, happy that they were already as in love with this place as you have always been since you were brought here for the first time since you were very young. It was very nostalgic.

"We are here," Tsireya said with a smile, turning back to look at Neteyam, Tuk, and Kiri, who were all utterly speechless. You smiled down at Tuk as she looked up at you with so much awe and began pointing at everything that she was seeing with so much excitement and joy. It was truly endearing. "This is the Cove of the Ancestors. Our most sacred place," Tsireya explained while the Sully's let their eyes fall onto the beauty in front of them. It was very much like the Tree of Souls back in the forest, mostly because of the arches that loomed over the horizon of the landscape. There were also floating boulders in the distance, that truly reminded them a lot of the Hallelujah Floating Mountains back.

As they got closer and one of their three suns was beginning to set, marking the start of the end of the day. It was around mid-day and that's when an eclipse usually occurs. The glare of the rays made Kiri, Neteyam, and Tuk to put a hand over their faces so that they could see better and so they didn't have to squint. You, Rotxo, and Tsireya were all used to being here at this time of day in such proximity to the eclipse. As Tsireya began to speak again, she mentioned just that. "Eclipse is the best time of day to be here," Tsireya explained while they all watched how the sun began to set and create an eclipse behind a neighboring planet nearby.

The group soon spent so much time at the Cove of the Ancestors that it reminded Tsireya of one last place that she wanted the Sullys to see that was around this same area. It was the place you were dreading the most, yet it was the closest place you had to those you've lost. It was the Spirit Tree of the Metkayina. They call it, Ranteng Utralti. Unlike in the forest, their tree was underwater and the coral extensions glowed at night, giving it such an ethereal appearance even from afar and above water.

The group was all riding their ilu's above water towards the site. Tuk was now standing behind you instead of sitting in front of you like she was before, all the while continuing to ride the ilu. Neteyam and Kiri stayed close to Tsireya and Rotxo. Soon enough, they had swam close enough to the point that the Spirit Tree was just below them, glowing in all its glory. "This is it. This is the Spirit Tree," Tsireya said, and Tuk smiled as she let their curiosity take over while peeking down the water to see the tree through the soft ripples and currents of water. You smiled at the little girl's curiosity as she leaned over your shoulder and you held onto her hands to support her so she doesn't fall.

Before they entered the water completely to see the tree, Tsireya explained, that just like the Cove of the Ancestors, The Spirit Tree was a very sacred site for the Reef People of the Metkayina clan, deep under the waters of the Cove of the Ancestors. Similar to the Tree of Voices back in the forest or the Tree of Souls for the Omatikaya, the Spirit Tree is the Metkayina's main access point to Ewya's neural network providing memories, stored spirits of their own ancestors and on top of that, even oxygen allowing for long sessions underwater.

After getting off of their ilu's, you told Tuk to stay close to Kiri while you, Tsireya and Rotxo were swimming ahead from the Sully's to lead them towards the base of the tree where the main branches were at, to teach them about this magical place. You were Metkayina as well after all. The group soon arrived to a cluster of neurological roots that directly connected to Eywa, so eventually, everyone was off to do their own thing and explore but still being close enough so that nobody got lost or left behind.

While Rotxo stayed with Neteyam and Tuk, you joined Tsireya, proceeding to lead Kiri to a branch that was closest to her, and the oldest Sully daughter nodded with a smile, swimming closer to connect her queue to the roots, just like Tsireya had demonstrated a few seconds before. As Tsireya left to check on the other Sully siblings, you stayed with Kiri as the girl sent you a soft smile. Rotxo was showing Tuk and Neteyam the ropes as well, leading them toward a close root nearby. Neteyam was soon ready to join his queue, getting his braid over his shoulder. After Kiri told you that she was ready, you assisted her and gestured to her braid, getting the tendrils of it closer to the tree, just like you, and Tsireya, had shown her a couple of second ago before she left.

You would refrain from connecting yours, and mostly because you weren't ready to see those you've lost and because you wanted to be alert if Kiri needed something or help at all. You watched as Kiri had a tranquil look on her face as she got her tendrils to attach to the roots and neurological connections the tree had. Her queue instantly attached, so the roots and veins of the tree glowed at the contact and Kiri could already feel herself drifting away. The girl was quick to close her eyes and let her mind be in the hands of the Spirit Tree. It definitely felt strange but Kiri really felt like she was being transported somewhere, even if her physical self wasn't going anywhere in that moment.

After a few seconds of feeling her mind go through a wave of different stages, Kiri opened her eyes again, but this time she was already standing up and was in a place very familiar to her. It was lab back at the Omaticaya camp. It was too uncanny for her not to recognize. The girl looked around quizzically before letting her feet start to move. She was barefoot, and the cold floor kept her alert and ready as to what she might find in this memory or hallucination of some kind. She had no idea.

After walking a bit more through the lab, Kiri turned a corner and let out an inaudible gasp at what she saw. If the woman who was sitting at that desk in front of a monitor was truly who she thought she was, then Kiri had no idea how to go about this. Her mom, Grace, was there. And as a human to top it off. A form she hasn't seen her mother in, much leas in the flesh like this. She wasn't behind a screen like she has seen her all this time.

As if noticing a presence behind her, Grace's eyes widened a fraction and she turned around in her chair, looking up at her daughter. Grace's mouth was agape, and she let out a shaky breath, not truly believing that Kiri was standing right there even if it was just a figment of her imagination. "My beautiful daughter," Grace sighed with a motherly and gentle smile.

Grace stood up and was now at eye level with Kiri. The girl's eyes began to water and she was able to muster half a smile. "Hi, Ma..." Kiri said quietly, much like she had said to her mother's Avatar form in the tank back at the base weeks before. Grace exhaled as her eyes began to brim with happy tears. "I'm so happy to see you, But you looked troubled," Grace said, opening her arms as an invitation for Kiri to a hug.

The girl did not hesitate and went straight into her mother's arms, putting her head on her shoulder as she closed her eyes tight and took in every single part of this moment. Grace lay her head against her daughter's, cooing sweet things to her precious daughter. "Shhh, my sweet girl," Grace said, wrapping her arm around Kiri's back with affection.

Kiri didn't even notice that she was crying and had tears running down her face, not daring to let go of her mother. What she also didn't realize is that her mother wasn't in her human form anymore, so when Kiri pulled away from the hug and saw her mother's Avatar form, it brought even more tears to Kiri's eyes.

She also noticed how the setting around them was the main room of Hometree in the forest, which no longer existed. "What is it, baby?" Grace asked gently, running a hand through her daughter's hair gingerly.

Teary-eyed, Kiri looked up at her mom and sighed shakily before speaking. "Why am I different, Mom? What does the Great Mother want from me?" Kiri asked, feeling her voice breaking with pain. She couldn't bring herself to ask the next question, it was excruciating, but she had to or she would never be able to live with herself. "Who was my father?" Kiri asked, and Grace's eyes softened.

Even if Grace wanted to answer, this was a hallucination or a dream of some kind, so it wasn't up to her to decide. Grace tried to speak, but her words only came out as choked attempts to answer what her daughter wanted to know so badly. "Oh, my darling..." Grace choked out, feeling less and less capable of speaking with every moment that passed.

With every try that Grace tried to make, it came to a point where Kiri's mind decided now was the time to cruelly separate her and her mother away. While being ripped apart, Kiri and Grace reached out for one another, but the efforts were meaningless because their screams were muffled and the dream was beginning to quickly come to an end. "No!" Kiri yelled out, reaching for Grace.

Your heart dropped to your stomach when Kiri began to seize violently and begin to drown. You immediately took the girl into your arms and disconnected her queue from the tree as fast as possible. Unfortunately, Kiri's real body connected to the tree responded badly to this and she began to seize right on the spot. Kiri had lost consciousness by now and her eyes rolled to the back of her head painfully.

Her body was stiffened and jerking out of control along with her arms and legs. Everyone began to gather around her as you held onto the girl and began to bring her up to the surface as fast as you possibly could. Even if she had lost most consciousness, her mouth opened out of instinct and she felt like she was drowning, and the reality is that she really was.

Not only that but because she was still connected to the Spirit Tree, the entire lights of the tree began to frantically dim on and off. As soon as you disconnected her braid, the tree went dark and the only thing left to give light was everyone's glowing freckles that all Na'vi had. Tsireya and Neteyam were on either side you, helping bring Kiri up to the surface, and you all noticed how the white freckles that all Na'vi had on their body were dimming in a frenzied manner, dimming on and off.

Even after she was detached from the tree, Kiri was still seizing uncontrollably and it worried everyone deeply. Especially her siblings, Neteyam and Tuk. Your heart was racing for Kiri's well-being and you all needed to get her up to the surface as fast as possible.

Just before coming up to the surface, Kiri eventually stopped seizing and was now limp in your arms as you brought her over to her older brother. "Y/n! Come on!" Neteyam urged you to help as he held onto Kiri. You nodded and noticed Tuk was trying her best to swim over and get to her sister. While the boy mounted his sister on the ilu, you saw Tuk straying behind, so you swam over and the little girl immediately clinged to you. Then, you started to head back to the group in panic.

Tsireya's eyes were filled with worry and Rotxo was helping Neteyam on getting Kiri onto the ilu to get her back home. But first, Neteyam needed to know if his sister was alive. He needed to know before anything. "Kiri! Kiri! What is wrong? What is it? Y/n, is she okay? What happened to Kiri?" Tuk exclaimed tiredly as she started to get closer to the group.

Your heart clenched for Tuk, as everything happened so fast that the youngest Sully had no idea what happened and why her sister was so unresponsive. You held onto Tuk's head and reassured her, even if your worry and concern was continuing to consume you, too. "She's okay, Tuk. Don't worry," You said, and Tuk nodded at your words and leaning her head against yours, as you hushed her gently.

You watched as anxiety consumes everything inside you. Watching her seize like that was terrifying and you hope she never had to go through that again. Neteyam lifted Kiri on her back onto the ilu as he sat beside her, checking her over, making sure she was alive so they could take her back to the village.

"It was a seizure," Neteyam responded and then he proceeded to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on Kiri. You watched with hope, with Tuk practically trembling in your hold as she heard her brother's response on what happened to Kiri. Rotxo swam up to Neteyam's side and looked over at Kiri with concern. "Is she breathing?" Rotxo asked, but received no response from Neteyam who was still doing mouth-to-mouth. "Is she breathing?" Rotxo asked again with concern. Neteyam had to do mouth to mouth a couple more times before Kiri gasped for air, but her eyes were still closed. That was more than enough for now.

"Get her to the village! Hurry!" Tsireya advised with urgency, advising you and Tuk quickly to get onto the same ilu as before. She didn't have to tell you twice. You mounted the ilu and positioned Tuk to stay in front of you so she wouldn't risk falling off. Neteyam nodded at the princess' words and positioned Kiri better on the creature before quickly taking off. There was no time to waste. "Let's go! Let's move! We have to go now" He urged the others, who were quick to follow the older Sully boy's lead.

Kiri continued to be unresponsive the entire way back to the village, and that worried everyone to no end. Rotxo, Tsireya, with you and Tuk tried their best to ride side by side to Neteyam, trying to keep up with how fast he was, all trying to keep an eye on Kiri, making sure she was okay until they arrived. It didn't help, that the situation was becoming direr and direr with each passing second. It was gut-wrenching and Kiri was in a bad state.

Please tell me this chapter isn't as messy as it felt when I was riding it- I'm trying to build up the anticipation to when Jake and y/n finally get together, and I'm really hoping it's not confusing at all because that's definitely what it felt like lmao- Anyway, I promise everything will eventually come together and things will be easier and much less messy shsj

Anyway, the tulkun arrival is coming soon and it will be a super special moment! After that comes the party and things will start to come together by then and I'm really excited! I have so much inspiration for what I want to write for this scenes.

Also, for those of you wondering, yes there will be mature content eventually *ahem* smut *ahem* LMAO- but yeah there will be a bit of that so yeah! I promise that it may be frustrating now, but it will be worth it when the time comes. That's what slow burns are all about, aren't they? :,)

As usual, I put these at the end of every chapter, but there's not much else that I have to say now, but as always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good start of your week everyone! :,)

Also, remember if you want a dt for the next chapter, let me know! I love doing these because I can really express my gratitude to all of you that way :,)

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