| Mevopey (19) |

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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: A chapter that really ties the Sully family together, including Y/n so I really hope you all enjoy it! We're moving further along! 🤍

As always, don't forget to comment and vote <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they truly make my day 🤍 Without further ado, I hope you guys like it!

Your heart could not stop racing on the way to the village. Even if you shouldn't have let your eyes stray from the path in front of you while riding the Ilu with Tuk, your eyes stayed on Kiri for most of the way back. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see her like that, seemingly lifeless. Then it hit you. What would Jake think? He would be crushed to see his oldest daughter in this state. You were truly dreading seeing his reaction, but you believed Kiri would wake up. She was a strong girl, and Eywa would allow her to live. Not to mention how worried the kids looked as they stayed close to Kiri on the way back, constantly checking her pulse to make sure she was alive and stable.

Ronal will know what to do. She was the Tsahik after all, and she has taught you everything you know, and Tsireya as well. With that, you'd do everything in your power to get Kiri to wake up. You didn't know what could have caused such a reaction when connecting to the Spirit Tree. It has never happened before. Your heart dropped at the realization that Kiri might never be able to visit her ancestors through the tree if those seizures become regular. That was just so unfair and cruel. The connection that the Na'vi had to the Spirit Tree was monumental and if Kiri lost her ability to connect to her loved ones through it, that would be unimaginably painful.

It seemed like ages until the reef of the village finally came into view, and upon entering through the barriers that separated the open sea from the reef, you and Neteyam began to call out desperately in hopes that someone took note of your urgency. Soon, Tsireya, Tuk, and Rotxo also began to join in to the calls, and that effectively got the attention of many, including Jake. He soon ran out of his hut and stood at the edge of the woven path, with many people rushing out as well to see what the commotion was about. When seeing his daughter laying down unconscious on Neteyam's ilu, his heart dropped to his stomach and he paled.

Jake soon took notice of you arriving right next to his son with Tuk on your ilu, sitting in front of you. Your distressed face said it all. There was something that had happened to his own daughter, and by the looks of it, it seeemed like something far more serious. As you and the kids arrived at the most shallow parts of the beach in order to get off of the ilu's and safely dismount, Neteyam carried his sister in his arms with a conflicted expression and Tsireya and Rotxo by his side. Meanwhile, you helped Tuk get off and carried her on your hip onto the shore, letting her down and and watched as she ran to her siblings, watching briefly as the Ilu's you'd arrived in swim further inside the reef. You, on the other hand, couldn't process what was happening in that moment.

You had stayed in place for a few seconds, breathing heavily and not finding it in you to move, but after a few seconds when coming back to your senses, you spotted the Sully family from afar, frantically checking over Kiri. They were all rushing her into the Sully's tent, making sure she was stable during it all. All of a sudden, Jake was running towards you with so much concern etched on his features. When he got to you, he grabbed ahold of your arms and held them, frantically asking questions. You were the one adult out there, not to mention right next to Kiri when she seized.

"Y/n, what happened to her? What happened out there?" Jake began to ask, but you were still trying to get ahold of your bearings. The same image of Kiri suddenly seizing like that was engraved in your head and nothing made it go away. It was gut-wrenching. Your breath hitched and you began to speak. This was nobody's fault, but your mind kept trying to convince you that it was. "I-I don't know. she suddenly connected to the Spirit Tree and she reacted to it by seizing. It was all so sudden. We have no idea why, and-" You rambled but cut yourself off out of shock only starting to settle in now more than ever before.

Jake sighed, looking from the hut and then back to you. "Hey, hey. Don't worry about it now. We have to join the others, come on" Jake said, trying to hide how scared he was for his daughter to reassure you that everything was okay now. Kiri would be treated and she would wake up. She had to. As for you, you were probably too shaken up to answer, so he nodded wordlessly and quietly at your previous explanation and then proceeded to intertwine his hand with yours. He began to lead you over to the path that led to his hut. If you didn't know how it happened, then this would be a lot harder to figure out than he thought. He didn't want you to think that he was mad at you, and he wasn't. You bringing his daughter here as fast as you could, along with getting the rest of kids here unscathed, was more than enough. Now, they had to focus on nursing Kiri back to health in no time. You didn't have any doubts.

When arriving back at the hut, you were quiet the whole way there. Jake noticed and could not help but notice that the guilt was eating you alive. Feeling the responsibile adult and then having this huge bomb dropped on you probably felt like true shame. All you wanted to do now was contribute as best as you could towards making sure Kiri woke up. You would not rest until she did. You had grown such a connection with her these last couple of weeks that your heart ached to see her in a state that made everyone believe she was no longer alive anymore. If it wasn't for her steady breathing and still beating heart, you'd think otherwise.

When entering the hut, you and Jake let go of each other's hands and quickly went around to stand on either side of Kiri who was laying down on a mat, still unconscious. You pressed your fingers to her neck and her wrists to check for a pulse, sighing in relief when you felt one. Neteyam moved to sit next to you, and helping you check over her. You had pushed your anxiety and guilt to the back of your head, not wanting that to be the main focus right now, but rather putting all of your attention on Kiri. Jake quickly moved to kneel on his daughter's other side, pressing a hand on her cheek with so much anguish and distress. You couldn't imagine what was running through his mind.

Jake probably wanted an explanation, and probably a better one that you gave, which was rushed and barely comprehensible because of how stress-induced it was. Thankfully, it wa good that Neteyam was much more capable of explaining what happened, since he was there too and was one of the only ones of sound mind right now. "We were at the Metkayina Spirit Tree and she had a seizure. We don't know how it happened, but we brought her as soon as we could" Neteyam explained, and you nodded almost numbly at the memory, the moment replaying in your head over and over.

Jake nodded as well, turning to see that everyone else had arrived too to see how Kiri was doing. Lo'ak and Ao'nung had quickly made it to the scene, joining Tsireya, Rotxo, and Tuk who wanted to be there for Kiri. Even while Neteyam stayed close, you and Jake quickly took over the reigns, after you've regained your conscience again, a lot more ready to handle the situation better.

Soon, when Ronal and Tonowari came into the scene, you turned to Neteyam in consolation and realization that they would take it from here. "Neteyam, stay your siblings. Stay close to another. We'll take of Kiri" You said, placing a loving hand against Neteyam's cheek. He turned to you and visibly deflated as he realized that were was so much he could do. He loved his sister so much, but seeing her like this set off his need to make sure she was okay. He leaned into your hand and nodded, closing his eyes, hesitantly standing up and heading to join Lo'ak and Tuk, along with the other kids. You'd made a promise to yourself that as soon as Ronal took charge of the situation as the Tsahik, you'd step out to be there for the kids.

As Jake and Tonowari looked over Kiri and the Olo'eyktan gave the ex-marine his input and what the best course of action would be. You watched with saddened eyes as Tuk sniffled and cried in Neteyam's arms, while the boy himself tried to comfort him as best as he could. He was a great big brother. You quickly turned around and saw that Ronal was speaking to Tsireya, so the girl and her mother quickly left the hut, to which you assumed was because they needed to gather theirmaterials. Tsireya was still a Tsakarem, a Tsahik in training, so this would be crucial part in her learning. Speaking from experience, Ronal was truly a great teacher, and you were sure she would find a way to bring Kiri back from this.

As Tonowari and Jake continued to speak, you stayed by Kiri's side, putting your hand on her forehead, brushing away her stray hairs away with a saddened expression. She had to be okay. There was no 'if' she woke up because she had to. Each and every one of these kids meant so much to you that imagining your life now without any of them, just wouldn't feel the same. They're so special and deserved to live long lives. They were so young, and already have been through so much that no kid should have to live through. You'd fight for their happiness, their peace, and their freedom.

As you watched Kiri, looking for any sign of movement, you suddenly felt something cling onto your arm. You turned your head and a smile came up to your lips when you saw that it was Tuk hugging your arm, looking at her sister with tears brimming her young eyes. "Oh, Tuk" You whispered, moving you and her so that she sat in your lap and you cradled the back of your head and she leaned her head and cheek against you. "She'll be okay, right, Y/n?" She whispered in a small voice. You didn't want to promise anything that wasn't true, because this situation could go on so many ways, but you decided to opt for an answer that would hopefully keep her at ease for now.

"She's strong, Tuk. Kiri is very strong. We need to believe in her, okay?" You hushed, quickly moving to place a small kiss on top of Tuk's head, prompting the little girl to snuggle closer to you and wrapping her arms around your midsection a lot tighter. You sighed, hoping your answer gave her hope but also didn't promise anything that you couldn't assure her.

Jake strayed his attention from what Tonowari was saying, to you and Tuk, keeping one another close in comfort. The sight alone could almost make him forget under how much distress he was just a few seconds ago. Tuk held onto you for dear life, for any chance to get comfort that her sister will be okay and you gladly accepted to be that beacon of hope for her. You held so much love for all of his children, maybe even more so as Neytiri did. You are that light that they desperately needed and the sign in front of him proved just that. Part of his mind kept thinking about how it would be if you became their mother?

Even though the kids already see you as one and don't need an official title. You put them before yourself, and never let them down. He's wanted you to be by his side for some time, and if the way that you didn't reject his advances and the way that you already treated his children with so much love and adoration, he was certain that you didn't want to leave his side either. You've stuck by his family all this time, even through such a dire situation like this, with Kiri in an uncertain position. Its you who he wants and who he'll want for the rest of his life. You're his person, and he can't imagine not spending the rest of his day without you.

Jake finally managed to tear his eyes away from you, as hard as it was, and turned his attention back to Tonowari. None of what they were proposing to do about this seemed like it would work. He started to think about how hard it would be to try to get Norm and Max out here. Their knowledge on medicine from back on Earth would be helpful. He wouldn't lose anything by trying, would he? Jake sighed and excused himself from Tonowari, standing up and walking past you and Tuk, still staying by Kiri's side and refusing to move.

He smiled to himself and began to walk out, and soon, Tonowari stood up and began to follow behind him. It was ironic that Jake's eyes didn't leave yours until he left the hut, and as soon as he left, your eyes trailed from Tuk over to where he left. Neither of you knew how one longed for the other. It was simply just a matter of time until the feelings were so strong that they would come out into the open before they knew it. Right now, the focus of both y/n and Jake were on Kiri, and only Kiri.

Meanwhile, Jake had managed to get in touch with Norm and Max back at the forest. After they heard what had happened to Kiri, they did not hesitate to agree to head out to Awa'atlu to treat her. Jake felt a bit more at ease now after that, knowing that he might get some accurate answers to what happened to Kiri. But then again, that was a might. This all happened because Kiri connected to the Spirit Tree, so this might be something that human medicine won't be able to fix. Either way, they didn't lose anything by trying, right? It was worth a shot.

Before making his way back, he also let Ronal and Tonowari know so that there weren't any unwanted surprises. Jake walked back inside the hut, and on the outside, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tsireya, Rotxo, and Ao'nung stayed put. Jake had asked them why they weren't inside, but the answer was simple. Lo'ak and Neteyam couldn't bare to see her sister like this. They wished they could be inside the hut with you and Tuk now that the multitude of people were gone, but it was simply too hard. Jake understood continued to make his way inside, kneeling in front of you and Tuk, on Kiri's other side, checking for a pulse and her temperature with his hand.

"Any updates?" You suddenly asked Jake. He looked up at you and nodded. It wasn't exactly an update about Kiri, but more about who was coming to help. Jake looked down and saw Tuk sleeping soundly in your arms with visible tear streaks down her cheeks. His heart shattered at the sight of his youngest daughter in that state, having to have cried herself to sleep. The last time Jake saw witnessed Tuk like that was the first few weeks after Neytiri died, and the first night after it happened in the refuge when she refused to fall asleep. This time, you were there to console her and Tuk calmed down, and in the end, she was able to at least get some rest, and all in your presence and your kind heart.

"Some friends from back in the forest are coming. They won't take long to be here. All we have to do is wait" Jake said as he didn't take his eyes off Tuk sleeping in your lap, drained and exhausted from crying. Which wasn't normal for an 8-year-old. Jake still felt guilty for subjecting his family to such things, especially his youngest daughter, like Tuk. Her childhood should be filled with laughter and joy, but instead it was just crying and sorrow, day after day. You have already managed to lessen that for all of his kids. Jake already felt like he owed you everything because of that.

You nodded at what Jake said, having a feeling that if Jake called his friends, they must be related to the Sky People. But, you weren't wary. If they were anything like him, you trusted anyone that Jake had his faith in. As much as Na'vi knew about medicine in their culture, you had to admit that the Sky People had a certain expertise on it, so you wouldn't judge them or question what they'd come here to do. All that was left to do was to wait it out.

After a few seconds, It looks like Neteyam and Lo'ak had gotten the courage to come inside because they walked in and kneeled next to their father, in front of where Kiri layed in a mat. While Lo'ak placed a hand on Kiri's head comfortingly, Neteyam proceeded to place his hand over Kiri's own hand. They wordlessly expressed their concern for their sister, and wished nothing more than for her to wake up.

"How did this happen?" Lo'ak muttered, you didn't want to be the one to explain it even if you were there first hand, but Neteyam was able to speak up and talk about it as he didn't take his eyes off his sister. "She connected to the Spirit Tree and suddenly started seizing. Y/n was right next to Kiri when it happened, and was the first to come to her aid" Neteyam explained, causing Lo'ak to look up at you and send you a look that spoke a thousand words. Jake gazed at you from this new revelation, because he knew you were there, but just didn't know that you did not hesitate to help Kiri and take charge to get to her safety with Neteyam. Lo'ak couldn't help but start to believe how such an amazing and wonderful person came into their lives. There's nothing you haven't done for everyone in the Sully family.

Lo'ak couldn't comprehend how this happened. He had never heard of a Na'vi reacting to something so important like the Spirit Tree like that. It was just unheard of. Connecting to Eywa is just so crucial to a Na'vi, especially to Kiri who was always so eager to speak to Grace, her mother, through the tree. Not only that, but the connection that Kiri held with Eywa was something no one understood, and it was a topic that hasn't been deciphered. Taking the girl away from that is jusy beyond cruel.

The Sully's, including you, were soon the only ones left in the hut. Tuk was still asleep, and it was only a matter of time until Neteyam and Lo'ak had made their way out again to stay right outside the hut, waiting for updates. After that, it was Jake, you and a sleeping Tuk alone once again. The mood was sullen, which should not be a surprise, but your attention was still on the girl you considered your daughter by now. Jake was sat down beside her as well, not daring to leave Kiri's side. He wouldn't want her to feel alone or without support when she woke up from this, but he would have to stand up to greet Norm and Max when they arrived.

Eventually, after a few hours passed (including an eclipse), Tuk had now woken up and refused to leave her sister's side, constantly checking if she was still alive. Rotxo and Ao'nung stayed outside with Neteyam and Lo'ak to distract them from the sorrow they felt for their sister, and Jake had headed outside because Norm ans Max would arrived any moment now. You stayed with Tuk and Kiri inside, just in case the girl woke up or anything out of the ordinary. Many things like that have happened lately you didn't hesitate in keeping your eyes peeled.

Soon enough, the whirring sound of a helicopter could be heard approaching from outside the hut. Your head snapped to look at where the sound was coming from, so you suddenly stood up and told Tuk to wait for you and to stay right where she is, but you knew that you didn't have to tell her twice. When you rushed outside, you could see a helicopter attempting to land on a patch of sand outside the village with Jake signaling them with his arms so that they knew where to land. The helicopter, a vehicle you've never seen before in your life until today, had turquoise and dark blue stripes, so you knew to distinguish it from other Sky People vehicles and that it was from the guys that Jake had called to come here.

You walked through the crowd of the people who had gathered around the helicopter about to land, and stood beside Tonowari, Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo, who had also come outside to see the arrival of Jake's friends who came to help. You all stood at the front of the crowd. As the helicopter got closer to the ground, it began to blow sand into the air, so you, Tonowari, the Metkayina kids and other villagers raised your arms to cover your eyes.

When the cloud of sand had cleared as soon as the helicopter powered off, you watched as a man who looked Na'vi but was wearing Sky People clothing stepped off the aircraft and walked over to Jake, greeting him. They joined hands and then brought each other into a brief hug and then proceeded to start to unload what they needed from the helicopter. "It's good to see you," Jake said, and Norm nodded, very well knowing that there was still a lot of noise because of the turbines powering down.

"Let's get the gear," Jake said as he started walking over to the helicopter where their gear was strapped in. Jake looked over to his son, who had come over to help as well (serving as a good distraction from the anxiety over his sister). Jake looked over to his son, "Neteyam, keep them back," Jake instructed and the boy did as told while Jake began helping Norm unload the equipment as his son helped the Metkayina understand that these people were not a threat to them at all. You, Tonowari, and the Metkayina kids already knew they were here to help, but it was other villagers who were wary of Sky People disguised as Avatars.

You waited as you watched Jake unload things from the aircraft, really hoping that these people would be able to help Kiri. If Jake had faith that they would, then you trusted them too. Tsireya, Ao'nung and Tonowari stayed as well, with other curious villagers crowding the area. They were more wary of the arrival of Jake's friends, but they wouldn't act on it.

"How is she?" Norm yelled through the controls as he powered them off, beginning to release the straps that held the equipment safe and secured on the trip to the village. "Still unconscious," Jake replied, no matter how much it pained him deep down to say it. It wasn't long until the gear was ready to be taken to the hut of the Sully's, and as people started to disperse, you stayed and waited for Jake so you could accompany him back. Maybe it'd give you a chance to meet those he brought to the village. Though, they did look trustworthy.

Once Jake and his friends, which now included the Avatar who first stepped off the aircraft and now a regular looking Sky Person, they started to quickly head back to the hut. When Jake took notice of you standing, awaiting, he was quick to steer Norm and Max  over to you. He wanted you to meet them, letting you know that they could be trusted and meant no harm. You gave the two a welcoming smile as Jake approached you with his friends in tow.

"Y/n, hey. How is she?" Jake asked quickly, knowing you'd just come back from the hut. You turned your gaze from his friends over to him and was quick to answer. "She's stable, but still has not woken up" You said, and Jake nodded, knowing that there was still something that they could do. Jake turned to Norm and Max and began to introduce them to you, quickly though, because you were all on a time crunch. Besides, there was a chance you'd meet them again in the future. "Norm, Max, this y/n. Y/n, these are my friends from the forest" Jake said, and you turned to them again, raising your fingers to your forehead and signed to them a warm and welcoming 'I see you' sign.

"Oel ngati kameie," You said, and the Avatar and Sky Person returned your gesture, signing back to you. "Y/n, it is nice to meet you. Jake has spoken about you to me and Norm for some time now" Norm said, noticing the proximity you and Jake held in that moment. You smiled bashfully at Norm's words and Jake turned to look at his friends, who had knowing  looks on their faces because of how Jake has spoke about you, and the ex-marine quickly coughed and brought everyone's attention back to the situation at hand once again.

Quickly, Jake began to lead Norm and Max through the village and while the two men walked in front of you, Jake walked by your side and was already embarrassed enough. You suddenly broke the silence when you put some pep in your step and smiled teasingly. "So, you've spoken about me?" You said, and Jake turned to look at you, looking away with an embarrassed yet happy expression.

Jake chuckled as you two followed Norm and Max to the hut. Neteyam was in front of them, leading them over. "Of course, I have. Why wouldn't I? You're part of my life now," Jake said with no hesitation, and your teasing face disappeared, to be replaced with a much more fond one than before. His response was able to sent butterflies and a tickling feeling in your stomach, wishing he knew you felt the same way. He was a big part of your life now, too.

Soon, everything was ready, Norm and Max were sitting next to Kiri and setting up all
and everything they needed to check her over. Tuk had given the scientists and her dad space to check over Kiri as they sat around her, you sat next to Tuk, and Jake stayed next to Norm and Max. Neteyam wand Lo'ak went back to staying outside to wait for the news and Ronal had left with Tsireya to gather the materials a Tsahik needed for a situation like this. Unique as it was. Soon, the scientists got to work while you kept Tuk company. She was the only one of her siblings inside the hut, but you'd head outside to be with Neteyam and Lo'ak for a bit.

Before you knew it, Norm had attached a couple of devices to Kiri's face to detect brain and mind activity. She looked completely at peace and had no sign of discomfort in her sleep, and from what Norm and Max were seeing, there was nothing wrong with Kiri. Norm had a tablet in his hands, watching her brain activity, but from what he saw, there was nothing out of the ordinary. "There's no bleed, there's no fracture. No effects of hypoxia. Brain looks good," Max concluded, turning to Jake who was right beside him and looking over his daughter. Norm was assisting Max as well, checking over other important vitals. Jake was confused now. This didn't make any sense at all. How could Kiri seize, and she was still unconscious, but there was nothing wrong?

"But we still have this interictal activity right her in the prefrontal" Norm pointed out, and Jake nodded, trying to get a sense of a of this. "Okay, so she definitely had a seizure," Max pointed out, ruling out toxins in her brain entirely. The group of men had no idea that Ronal was making her way to the hut, with Tsireya close behind with a basket of materials as part of her training. Ronal had prepared herbs and many medicines that she was certain would help Kiri wake up, but was surprised to see people she didn't recognize at the scene.

Once Ronal was reaching the entrance, from your spot next to Tuk, you saw Ronal having her daughter handed her the basket and head inside. You quickly told Tuk to stay where she is, to which the girl nodded, and you headed over to who has been a mother figure to you all of these years. You walked over and stood next to Ronal, looking back at Tsireya for a moment, brushing a hand against your younger sister's hair for a second as a silent greeting. Tsireya smiled at your loving gesture. You faced Ronal, watching as she inspected the scene in front of her, a room full of scientists crowding Kiri.

"Ronal. Good, you're here," You said, watching as the Tsahik continued to hear the beeping from the machines, realizing that there was no place for her here. You already knew what she was thinking, but there are things that the Tsahik could do that these scientists could not. You sighed, and really hoped she could stay. "I see that I'm not needed here," Ronal concluded as she started to leave, but you grabbed her hand and stopped her. Ronal turned to look at you, a subtle but noticeable disappointed and sullen written all over her face. She was already wary enough of Sky People, and now she felt like she was being replaced of her role.

"No. Ronal, you are Tsahik. There are things that their machines cannot measure, but I am sure you can," You said, and Ronal turned to look at you, then back at Tsireya who was giving her mother an encouraging smile. All of a sudden, Ronal was filled with confidence. She turned to you and then gestured to the many scientists. "Remove these things," Ronal said, sternly and assertively, deciding to help and you nodded, walking over to Jake and kneeling next to him. Soon, he noticed your presence and completely turned around to face you.

"Jake, Ronal knows how to help. Let her try" You said, and Jake realized and remembered that the woman was the Tsahik. If Max and Norm couldn't find anything, perhaps Ronal knew better if it was something to related to Eywa and the Spirit Tree. Jake could speak with Norm and Max outside about what they've concluded. So, he nodded and put his hands on Norm ane Max's shoulders. They both turned around to look at Jake expectantly. They both looked up and realized that Ronal was waiting.

Suddenly, they came to the realization that If they weren't getting answers, then the Tsahik probably could, especially if it was a seizure caused by the Spirit Tree. "Come on, let's just take a break," Jake said hurriedly, helping Norm and Max to disconnect Kiri from the machines and devices she was attached to. "Okay, hold on. I gotta take her IV out," Norm said quickly, working quickly to leave the hut. He did not want to mess with Ronal, especially at a time like this. They'd tried everything.

You stepped to the side and let Ronal and Tsireya come through while also letting Jake, Norm, and Max step out. You noticed Lo'ak and Neteyam still outside. You'd sit in with Ronal and her ritual for a bit and then go and talk to the boys. They were still shaken up, and you'd go out to ease their minds a bit. The two boys still refused to come inside, not being able to bare to see their sister like that. It hurt them deeply, allowing and letting their thoughts go to the worst. They stayed outside and you'd join them eventually and be there for them.

Soon after everyone moved out of the hut, it was just you, Tuk, and Ronal and Tsireya overlooking everything. Jake was outside speaking with Norm and Max about what they had concluded. Ronal began her ritual, she kneeled in front of Kiri and asked the youngest Sully for help. "Tuktirey," Ronal said, handing over to Tuk a small cup while the Tsahik proceeded. You guided Tuk and assured her over the small task that Ronal had given her, since this was a process you had learned. Ronal used the pin that was in the cup and started chanting, lightly pressing the pin onto Kiri's body and vital spots in her abdomen.

Meanwhile, as you, Tuk, Tsireya, and Ronal all stayed inside the hut, Norm was just outside talking to Jake about what his thoughts are after the examination. Max was staying close to the entrance, taking reports about any changes he saw from Ronal's ritual. Neteyam and Lo'ak were sitting together right outside silently with sullen eyes, waiting for good news, while also talking to each other about anything really, anything to get their minds off of this for a bit.

"She said she could feel Eywa, she could feel her heartbeat," Jake explained as he recalled his conversation with Kiri a few nights ago. Norm sighed as he heard the symptoms that Jake was describing. "That is classic frontal lobe epilepsy," Norm said, and Jake's eyes widened as he felt his heart drop. "Epilepsy?" He asked, not sure if he heard right. He sighed as he closed his eyes and his ears tipped back.

"Yeah, you see visions and you get...states of religious ecstasy like the kind she's describing," Norm explained, and Jake felt like his world was crashing down. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kiri, his precious daughter suffering through something like that was just disheartening, and he wished that it was all just a hypothesis and speculation from Norm. He didn't want it to be real. If anything, Kiri being able to connect to Eywa should truly be a marvelous thing, not something negative.

"Plugging into the Spirit Tree is some sort of a trigger. Y-You definitely can't let her do that anymore," Norm said, and Jake's eyebrows furrowed at his friends' words. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What? Ever?" Jake breathed out with disbelief. How could he deprive any of his children of the opportunity to bond and connect with Eywa? What kind of father would he be if he didn't let them create a lifelong bond with the deity that they were born to look up to or to even connect with their ancestors' voices and their memories?

Max, who had moved to sit in front of Norm and Jake, began to speak and give his opinion. "Jake, if she seizes underwater again...it could kill her," Max said with caution, and a chill ran down Jake's spine at even the thought of that happening. He was conflicted between saving the connection Kiri has with Eywa, and her life being on the line by simply trying to attempt to connect to the Spirit Tree. How was this fair?

Meanwhile, the ritual continued and you stayed kneeled next Tuk and in front of Kiri as Ronal did her work as Tsahik. Every moment was crucial and determined whether the girl would wake up or not. You watches as Tuk tried to stay strong and put up a front but it was easy to see that the youngest Sully was scared out of her mind. She trusted Ronal and did everything and any task during this ritual that was assigned to her, hoping to be of help. Your heart softened at her bravery. Tuk was a strong little girl, and admired how courageous she was for staying positive during the ordeal.

After some time, you were now sitting with your legs tucked up to your chest and your chin propped up on your forearms as you leaned against Tuk's side and the young Sully sister leaned against you. You rubbed Tuk's arms comfortingly while also placing your other hand on Tuk's shoulders to soothe her pain that she was feeling, knowing that by now, people were starting to slowly lose hope and practically asking for a miracle to happen.

You and Tuk watched as Ronal turned Kiri on her side and crossed her hands on top of one another as she began to blow short breaths onto Kiri's back and then eject a long breath into the air. She repeated this same process a few more times, and the waiting did not make it any easier. This was a process; but it did not make it any easier to sit through. Nighttime was beginning to fall and Kiri was showing no signs of waking up. But nobody lost hope yet.

Ronal put Kiri back on her back again and blew various breaths in different places, but in the same spots, she marked with the pin before. Tuk was running her fingers through her sister's hair and leaving her small hand to lay on Kiri's forehead. Ronal repeated this same pattern over and over, running the ritual so long that the sun was beginning to set. It had gotten a bit dark so a candle had to be lit. You stayed silent and looked up to see Neteyam and Lo'ak not having left their spots in hours.

You sighed and began to stand up. Before making your way out, you turned to Tuk and ran a hand through her hair. "I'll be back okay. Tuk, stay with your sister, okay?" You said, and Tuk nodded. You smile, knowing she wouldn't do anything different until her sister woke up. You sighed and began to walk out of the hut. You looked around and saw Jake still speaking with Norm and Max. You turned your gaze elsewhere and saw Lo'ak and Neteyam in the same spot they've been in all day. You smiled sullenly, beginning to walk towards them.

When they noticed your presence, they both looked up and sent you weak smiles. You didn't blame them. This family has already been through so much, that you were surprised they still had the heart to smile at anyone that came their way. They truly were angels and way too good for this world. You walked over to stand i! front of them and put your hands behind your back. "Mind if I sit?" You asked, and the two boys smiled gently, moving to the side and leaving you space to sit in between them.

You immediately responded by sitting in between them, and resting your head back a bir against the outside of the hut, just like they were doing before, looking up at the sky. You knew that they probably didn't want to speak, but you wanted to get their minds off of this and turn their frowns into something more positive that would help them believe that their sister would be okay. They had good hearts, and deserved to be heard, especially with something that they have been harboring all day long. With the scientists not being able to find the problem, and having no updates from Ronal and the ritual that was lasting hours, it was understandable that they felt likenthat.

Still, it surprised you when Neteyam was the first one to speak up, not tearing his eyes from the sky above him. "Any news?" He asked simply, not knowing what to expect. You shook your head, as they knew that you'd just come from over there and they wanted to know, but your answer didn't surprise the two boys at all.

"We figured," Lo'ak suddenly spoke up, and you turned to look at the young Sully brother momentarily, and your expression compared to his was almost unreadable. It was silent again for some time, but the three of you enjoyed that, knowing that silence could speak so much more than a thousand words. That was until Neteyam spoke up again. "Lo'ak, do you remember how much you and Kiri used to fight over toys," Neteyam recalled, making Lo'ak laugh, and in turn you chuckled a bit simply by imagining how they must've been with each when they were younger. "Yeah, she used to call me all kinds of names" Lo'ak laughed, and it felt good to do that, despite the situation.

"What did she say to you?" You asked, turning to look at Lo'ak, and see if you could learn what they were all like as younger kids. They're still kids now, but when they were much youthful. Lo'ak started to recall. There were a couple that Kiri learned from Jake, and some that she learned from hanging out with the lab guys. "She definitely had creative insults, but she alwats got in trouble for using them" Lo'ak laughed, and Neteyam did as well, recalling how their dad never liked how they used words like that at such a young age. Especially when fighting over something so trivial as toys.

"That's unique," You laughed softly, and Neteyam and Lo'ak chuckled along with you. Kiri using the insult that the two boys mentioned sounded so much like her. She doesn't seem to have changed a whole lot. "She loves to weave. She's made us so many things and gifts for our milestones that she loved to celebrate," Neteyam poined out, and you mentalled 'awed' at his words. She was truly a really sweet girl, going that extra mile for those she loves. "Yeah, this is from her," Lo'ak said as he lifted one of his braids and pointed at a few colored beads that Kiri made and gifted him.

"She always sticks up for us too. Has never thrown us under the bus," Neteyam pointed out, remembering that no matter how stupid either brother was acting or how idiotic their ideas were sometimes, she's never ratted them out. That was Tuk's job. "Always looking out for us..." Neteyam trailed off sadly, wishing he hadn't taken for granted how attentive Kiri is. Like the time he got hurt out on the battle field and she was the first one to take notice on how severe his injuries were. That's just who she is.

Lo'ak and Neteyam stayed silent for a bit, and you didn't dare to speak unless they were up for it. They clearly had many thoughts just running wild inside their minds, not sparing them any positivity. They began to recall their times with their sister, and soon they began to wish that they had told her how much they appreciated her. Sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone, except Kiri isn't gone, but their minds kept telling them the complete opposite. They fought against that.

"Hey, y/n...?" Lo'ak suddenly asked, and you immediately hummed, turning to look at him who was still looking up. Him and Neteyam were thinking about the same thing, but Lo'ak was the only one with the guts to ask. "Is she going to wake up?" He asked shakily, almost inaudibly, but your heart plummeted at what he asked. They were fighting against their hopes dropping, but they knew how optimistic you were. With so much loss that they've endured, situations like these took away so much of their belief in hope and optimism.

But that wasn't what they wanted to think now. They try to think that life isn't as cruel as it has presented itself so early in their lives. This was their sister. They'd already lost their mother; how much more could life take from them? You didn't want to give them false hope either. You sighed shakily and wrapped your arms around their shoulders, bringing their heads to rest on your neck as you cradled their heads lovingly.

The boys snuggled their heads in the crook of your neck, already feeling comfort and warmth just from being in your presence. It was what they needed. You sighed and moved to press one kiss on their heads. "I like to think she will. Her time isn't over. Her future is bright, and she has her life ahead of her. Besides, she has a lifetime left to tease you both," You added at the end with a small chuckle, prompting both of them to laugh a bit. Both Neteyam and Lo'ak wrapped soon began to wrap their arms around your midsection at the same time as you ran your hand through their braids, staying there for as long as they needed it. You could be here all night and you wouldn't mind at all.

As for Neteyam and Lo'ak, they had no problem in considering you the mother that they've been longing for. Whether you and their dad weren't together, yet, they saw you as one and refused to think any different. Tuk and Kiri definitely thought the same and it would only be a matter of time until you took the title officially. They couldn't wait for that day. There's nothing you haven't done for them, and it was clear that you weren't trying to replace their late mother, but more honoring the love that Neytiri used to give them. The kids would never forget that. Always keeping their mother in their hearts, but open to the new beginnings that came along with you in their lives.

"We love you...mom" Neteyam muttered as he hugged you tighter, and suddenly your breath hitched. Happy tears began to brim your eyes and you sighed shakily at his worda, pressing a kiss on top of Neteyam's head. You pressed your cheek on top of Neteyam's head as you smiled with tears about to slip. Lo'ak noticed and he turned his head to look at you, raising his hand to wipe away your tears. "Don't cry, mom" Lo'ak said softly, and by then, you just couldn't stop those rogue tears that decided to leave your eyes without your permission. They just kept saying it, despite how your reaction only grew bigger every time they said it.

"I love you, boys" You muttered with more tears streaming down your face and in turn, they both hugged you tighter and you pressed your head closer to theirs. At this point, you didn't even know if it was because of so many pent up emotions from what's happened to day, but Lo'ak and Neteyam's words has sent your heart into a frenzy of love that you couldn't describe. You'd been waiting to be referred to as what they called you for years, and they became just who you'd longed to raise as your children. Your sons. You'd protect them against anything and have wormed themselves into your heart. You weren't complaining. Now, you just hoped you could officially take that title if Jake felt the same way. If they wanted you to be their mother figure, with or without being with Jake, you would never deny them of that. Not ever.

The ritual itself continued inside the hut, with Ronal working arduously to bring the girl back. And it must have worked, because after waiting for hours, and either the ritual worked or Kiri was coming back to her own consciousness by herself, but the girl's eyes slowly fluttered open. Her nose and nostrils flared slightly at the fact that breathed in its air as she awoke. She was taking in her surroundings, but Ronal sighed and smiled softly at the return of the girl. Tuk gasped and happy tears brimmed the little girl's eyes. Her sister was really back.

"Kiri! You're awake" Tuk said softly, leaning over her sister with relief flooding her mind. Her big sister would be okay after all. Tuk let out a few rogue tears of happiness and relief that her sister was okay, awake and alert. After hearing Tuk and Ronal, Jake rushed into the hut to see his daughter had woken up and beamed with relief. He moved to sit next to Tuk and grabbed his oldest daughter's hands in his.

"Dad?" Kiri whispered softly, letting her eyes trail around, looking for someone. For you. She was glad to see everyone she loved here, but Kiri wanted you here too. Jake hummed and allowed his daughter to speak, as much as she could in moderation. She just woke up after all. "Y/n. Where's y/n?" Kiri whispered, in kind of a hurried sort of way. Jake immediately understood and stood up, rushing out of the hut, and sight before him made his heart race with so much emotion that he couldn't take it.

Since the ritual had taken so long, after you spoke with Neteyam and Lo'ak, you and the boys fell asleep in each other's arms. You were in the middle and the boys had their arms wrapped around you while on the other hand, you had your arms around their shoulders while also cradling their heads close to you. You three were out cold waiting, and now it was a shame he had to wake you and the boys up from your slumber, but Kiri was asking for you and Jake was sure that you wanted to see her too. He quickly bent down, and Jake began to shake your leg a bit. Soon enough, the movement made you and the boys wake up. The three of you yawned at the same time, and Jake almost laughed at how comical it looked.

When your eyes settled on Jake, you suddenly became more alert. He would have only woken you up if something had happened with Kiri. Was she awake? Were there news? The suspense was killing you and Jake hadn't even said anything yet. The look on Jake's face definitely made you feel a bit more positive that things were okay. "Jake. What happened? Is she awake?" You rambled, and Jake was quick to nod with a smile. You gasped softly, and even if the boys were a little groggy, they understood as well and quickly sat up as well.

"She's asking for you," Jake said, and your eyes widened. You didn't hesitate to stand up, at the same time as Lo'ak and Neteyam so you didn't end up bumping them, and immediately head inside the hut with the boys and Jake trailing behind you. When reaching Kiri, you kneeled by her, and when she noticed your presence, she smiled weakly. You quickly took Kiri's hand, pressing it against your cheek lovingly.

You didn't know what came over you but you began to sob softly with happiness and exhaled a shaky breath. "Oh, Kiri," You muttered softly through your cries, grateful that Kiri was really alright after all. She had scared you to death when seizing like that right next to you, and Kiri probably remembers you being the last person she saw before connecting to the tree, so she really wanted to see you as well. You didn't know how you would react if it all had gone any differently than it ended up being.

"Y/n..." Kiri said through sniffles as her breaths began to become more labored, wanting to cry. And it went exactly like that. It wasn't long before Kiri started to cry and say you leaned over cradling her head against yours. "I-I was so scared, y/n..." Kiri cried, and you hushed her, not even imagining what she must have felt through all of this. "I know, I know..." You whispered, trying to keep your sobs at bay, too.

Jake had a soft smile on his face, watching the exchange, thanking Eywa for bringing his daughter back. After this, there was nobody else more suited to be the mother of his kids other than you. They loved you, and the moment Kiri called for you, he knew that the bond had become unimaginably strong. You had the title of their mother now, and Jake wasn't objecting it whatsoever. His heart was filled with happiness and relief, of so many things ocurring at once that he could barely process it. His family was complete once more.

Lo'ak and Neteyam came into the hut as well right after you and but giving Kiri her space. Still, incredibly happy and grateful that she had woken up, just like you had assured them that she would. Now, you were coming through for Kiri and being there to comfort the girl. Lo'ak and Neteyam stood behind Tuk, placing a hand on their little sister's back as the little girl cries years of pure joy. She, too, was kneeling over Kiri and expressing how happy she was to see her awake. The Sully siblings didn't know what they would've done if the situation had gone any differently. Kiri was okay, and that was all that mattered. People who were watching gave the Sully's more privacy to be together and bask that Kiri had woken up. It was a scary day, but the girl pulled through and she was okay. Physically at least, because Kiri had emotions running wild inside of her. She wasn't quite sure what to feel. Everything had happened so fast, that she could barely hold it together.

Ronal felt like her job was done, so she began to walk out with Tsireya, giving the family some privacy. As preoccupied as you were with comforting Kiri like she had asked for, you didn't fail to grabbing your adoptive mother's hand. The woman turned to you and you sent her a wordless and grateful smile, which was more than enough for Ronal to interpret as a million thank you's. Like you've said, there has been nothing that Ronal hasn't done for you and now she's done the same for the Sully's. The woman nodded with softened eyes at you, who she considers her own child, and walked out with her daughter, calling over Ao'nung as well. They couldn't have done this without her immense help. They owed her everything.

You quickly turned back to Kiri and embraced her against you once more, and she leaned against you as she cried even more. "Kiri, my sweet child. My sweet girl. Don't worry, we're here. You're okay," You hushed and let Kiri cry as much as she needed to. Tuk also decided to join in and layed down on her side next to her sister, holding her arm close to her while Jake, Lo'ak, and Neteyam inched closer. The entire family was there and nothing was missing.

The Sully's were complete, and they didn't separate for anything in the world. You didn't sleep in your hut that night, courtesy of the insistence of Jake (and the kids) but you would not have done anything different. They wanted you there. Lo'ak and Neteyam slept on their mats right next to each other, you had slept in between the girls, with Tuk and Kiri on either side of you as each one layed their heads on your arms, and you cradled the backs of their heads with a protective and loving hold. Jake slept near all of his kids. Not being able to sleep just yet, but the sight of you and the kids was more than enough to send him into a very peaceful sleep for once in a very long time.

The next day, things went back to how they used to (for the most part). The science guys like Norm and Max went back to the base in the forest. They had decided to stay the night in a complementary hut that was vacant in the village because it just wasn't safe to travel during the night, so they left first thing in the morning. You had bid them goodbye personally and expressed your deep gratitude to them.

You really hoped that you could see them again some time after to get to know them, hopefully become friends with them like Jake has. And speaking of, before they left, they had been and were adamant on 'being patient with Jake', and you were left speechless for quite some time.


Hello! I gotta say, this chapter almost made me cry on various occasions. Y/n has almost officially become a part of the Sully family, and it's only a matter of time before her and Jake get together! The Tulkun arrival is coming very soon so stay tuned! It'll be super special 🤍

Also, I put this in my announcements but I have been thinking of a story set in the first avatar movie where the MC is born mute and she can't speak at all, Jake and her fall in love nonetheless. I have seen many stories with that lore from other shows I like so I thought i'd try my own spin on it. Would you guys like that? I already have so many ideas lmao It would be after this story is already completed and done.

As usual, I put these at the end of every chapter, but there's not much else that I have to say now, but as always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good start of your weekend everyone! :,)

Also, remember if you want a dt for the next chapter, let me know! I love doing these because I can really express my gratitude to all of you that way :,)

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