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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: To start off, thank you to spiderssocorro for helping me find a name for the mc's spirit sister :,) It is such a special part of the book and I really appreciate it so thank you! 🤍

Also, very special to dts to -HANGESSLUTT- spiderssocorro -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp Baddiesavy  Thank you all for everything :,)

As always, don't forget to comment and vote <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they truly make my day 🤍 Without further ado, I hope you guys like it!

After Norm and Max left the village, you and the Sully's eventually returned to how things used to be. Well, for the most part. Lo'ak stayed within the village, although you were sure he continued to visit Payakn unnoticed. Neteyam continued to hang out with Ao'nung and Rotxo normally. Tuk had now made tons of Metkayina friends her age in the village and spent her days hanging out with Tsireya, even if the young Sully continued to be adamant on you joining her and her new friends very soon.

You had been spending a lot more time in the Sully's tent than your own. The kids always insist on you staying over, and even if Tuk always believed it was a regular sleepover, Kiri, Neteyam, and Lo'ak always hoped it'd push you and their dad together. Not spending time in your tent was lessening the pain more and more with each passing day, and part of you wished you could stay with the Sully's forever. It was always so much fun and you never spent a bad time with them. It felt like home now.

As for Jake, you continued to be by his side. He didn't want to be alone after everything that's happened, and somehow, you always knew exactly what to say whenever an inconvenience came up or his mind was sent into a negative spiral of turmoil, continuously thinking that he could do much more to keep problems from rising. But you kept reminding him that the kids are teenagers, and they are bound to have bumps along their way. Granted, even if Kiri's problem wasn't much of a teenager problem, you were always sure to remind Jake that she was okay. She was alive. Awake. And albeit a bit more quiet recently, she was alright and it would not happen again. You always managed to bring back Jake back down to Earth, in the more ironic sense of the way. You'd tried many countless things to help Jake get his mind off what was getting him so worked up lately.

You'd taken him on ilu and Skimwing rides, watched the sunset and eclipses together, walked through the forest behind the village and talking about anything that came to mind, and at times, you two just sat together by the beach in comfortable silence. Sometimes that was exactly what he needed, and it was like you could tell exactly what he was thinking and feeling without even him saying anything.

You never missed the mark on what made his nerves and anxiety ease. Behind all of this with his children, Quaritch finding them was always in the back of his head. He hadn't exactly told you, or anyone, why his family had to flee the forest, and he didn't know how you'd react. In reality, Jake had already made the same mistake when he first met Neytiri and it ended in a massacre that destroyed her home, her people, and everything she knew. He had to tell you this time around, but he didn't know how.

Once again, he was dragging his problems until they found him again and people would get hurt in the process. He had to do things differently. When he first told Neytiri the truth, he had held it from her because he wasn't allowed to by Quaritch's orders, but now, he had full control and Jake would not hesitate to do things differently now. He has grown and knows that it's still not too late to speak up.

He was really trying to find the right time, but things came up and there are topics that came in the way. He still hasn't told you how he felt. About how his heart felt like it would beat out of his chest whenever you were around or you simply smiled at him, and even said a single word to him. As much as he didn't want to, he wanted to peaceful moments like these with you before everything turned to hell again.

Call him selfish, but even if things went south, he would want to have you by his side rather than going into an abyss of danger without telling you how he feels. If he betrayed you like he did with Neytiri the first time around, he wouldn't know what to do. He was not an inexperienced Avatar anymore. And even if he didn't refer to himself with the title anymore, he was Toruk Makto. He'd do things right. If he lost you, Jake truly wouldn't know how to go on. How he never wants to be without you by his side. It's all he wants. He would do things differently this time, and he wouldn't mess it up. It is you who completes him wholly, you are everything to him. You are all he can feel, all he can see, and all he can think about.

Those are just some of the things that clouded his head. His family being hunted down by Quaritch with every passing day, his painful (and hopefully not unrequited) feelings for you, telling you the truth about what truly lead his family to the village and to you in the first place, and now, the problems that continued to pop up everywhere he went. He's scared out of his mind. But, there are events approaching that would hopefully make these next few days a bit more enjoyable. That included the arrival of the Tulkun, then comes the party Tonowari was organizing for returning warriors, and many more things that he was sure would give him a chance to forget about his problems even for one day. It was truly all he wanted now.

In regards to the kids again, you already knew most of Tuk's friends already, anyway. You were acquainted with most of the kids in the village since you have been an occasional teacher for them, to learn about the ways of their people, learning to ride ilu's, native sign language, and what they should know for their bright futures as the next generation of people of the Awa'atlu village and Metkayina people.

In that tableau, you agreed to join Tuk and her friends one of these days. She was such a social butterfly that it was impossible for the young Sully not to make friends. With that said, all was okay and it was as if Kiri's accident never occurred. At least, that's what everyone was trying to make it look like. It was too traumatic for anyone to want to bring it up. There have been enough problem's already and what the kids needed now was to try and move past it. But for Kiri, it was really easier said than done.

She has been silent, distant, and closed off. And who could blame her? You'd be even more worried if she was up and about as if nothing happened. She must have seen something when she was plugged into the Spirit Tree, right before she seized. You hoped she would trust you enough one day to tell you, but would not rush her to talk about it if she didn't want to. You were sure that you wouldn't want someone to force you talk about what has undoubtedly scarred you. So you'd do that for her and wait, and it's okay if she didn't chose you as the person to talk about it with, because as long as she talked about it and managed to feel better in the end, that's all that mattered.

Now, while Jake was out with Tonowari discussing matters of the village, Neteyam and Lo'ak were out with Ao'nung and Rotxo, and Tuk was with her new friends, you had talked Kiri into doing some weaving with you. You had asked if she knew how, and she said that her late mother, Neytiri, had already taught her so that made things a lot easier. You also had remembered how Neteyam and Lo'ak said Kiri has made plenty of gifts for them, and mostly weaved or beaded clothing, so that answered your question. Soon, you two were sitting down in front of one another, weaving and using small beads to create anything we wanted.

You two were sitting in the Sully's hut, which was completely empty since everyone was out. It was around midday, so the sun was out and trickled into the hut through tiny slits in the roof. Comforting warmth spread through the home as you two weaved, along with the movement of water resonating from below you two, since Marui's in Awa'atlu were settled just above the water. Waves crashed and soft chatter from villagers could be heard from outside. It was truly a peaceful afternoon.

As you and Kiri continued to craft and weave in comfortable silence, there was something that was nagging at Kiri's mind ever since she woke up after her seizure. She had been trying to find the right person to speak to about it but then she realized the right person was right under her nose. You. Kiri realized that there was no better person to confide in than you at the moment. She knew you would be nothing but understanding, and Kiri knew you would not freak out, but rather give her a chance to explain further before jumping to conclusions. Don't get her wrong, she knew she could trust her brothers, her sister, and most of all, her dad. But this was different. This problem was something that Kiri didn't want them knowing just yet. Well, at least not for some time until things managed to cool down a little.

After a few more seconds of silence while Kiri mulled over in her head what she wanted to say, Kiri stopped what she was doing and looked up, only to see you were completely immersed already in your crafts. Before she could regret it, Kiri spoke up. "Hey, y/n?" She said, and without even a second to spare, you hummed and looked up, putting aside what you were doing to give Kiri your full attention.

Your smile slowly dropped and vanished when you saw Kiri's face, which was nothing but full of concern and conflict. You put to the side what you were crafting and scooted closer to her, holding her hands in yours. Kiri lightly tightened her hold of her hands in your own, inhaling and exhaling deeply before making eye contact. It was taking her a bit of time to get the words out, but Kiri realized she had nothing to be afraid to say when she's around you, so that gave her the courage to speak.

"You know you are one of the only people around here that I can trust. So, please, don't tell anyone what I'm going to talk to you about. Especially, my dad" Kiri said, and you tilted your head to the side with confusion. You understood if she didn't want to tell him, but you began to worry about how serious this was. You figured if she had something on her mind, she'd tell someone she's known a lot longer like her dad. As much as you would like to be a mother for her and her siblings, that title wasn't exactly official yet. Despite that, you were honored she chose you to entrust you with this. It warmed your heart.

"Why? Is everything okay?" You asked with concern. Kiri was quick to nod with assurance that it wasn't anything bad, but it was more or less something she had to get off her mind. We all need moments like that at times. When you lost Hahona, you really wished you had some kind of confidant to entrust with what you were feeling. You were beyond elated and happy you could be that person for Kiri. It filled you with joy and comfort that you couldn't describe.

"I can tell he's already as worried about me as it is, so this would just add more to that. That's the last thing anyone needs right now" Kiri added with an tired sigh and you nodded, so when she mentioned that, it did make sense. Maybe this was just something that Kiri had been thinking about, but it wasn't something earth-shattering that Jake would only end up worrying more over. Still, you were worried that this was something so concerning that she couldn't find the right words and was messing with her head. You'd help her as best as you possibly could. Kiri is a special girl, and in many ways, she reminds you of yourself. You see so much of her in you and it's comforting. All of the Sully kids genuinely deserve the best. How much cruelty could life throw at them?

Kiri settled in better on her spot on the floor with her legs crossed. She gripped your hands once and then sighed with a soft smile. "You know when we talked a few weeks ago? Up in the forest in that spot you showed me? I told you a missed my mom, but...she's not the only one I was referring to," Kiri said, and you nodded, telling her that you were following along. Who else could she have been referring to? Despite your inner questions, you didn't stop her train of thought. This was clearly very important to her so you'd let her finish and then carry the conversation from there.

Then another thought occurred to you. Maybe this is another reason as to why Kiri didn't want to speak with Jake about this. Because it all briefly mentioned their late mother and maybe the mention of her in the past tense again would bring back hidden emotions Jake has spent so much time trying to heal those many wounds. It could be because of another reason, but you wouldn't ask Kiri for them, and she would tell you if she wanted. But for now, you'd focus on what was bothering her so much right now. Everything would come together eventually when she finishes explaining.

"Your mother? You mean, Neytiri? Who else you were referring to?" You said, but Kiri shook her head, telling you that when she mentioned missing her mom back then, she didn't just refer to Neytiri. The girl didn't split her focus from the weaving she was doing, but sighed with a melancholic smile on her face.

"No, my birth mother. Neytiri and my dad adopted me when I was born. My mother was a scientist back at the forest and she was an Avatar driver. When her human body died, she was actually pregnant with me in her Avatar body. Nobody knows why," Kiri explained and you nodded, really trying your best to hide your surprise. It doesn't shock you that Kiri was a miracle, and you expected nothing less. It suits the girl to have such a beautiful story of how she came into the world and Eywa gave her a chance to live and come into the world.

Kiri finished explained, then looked at you again for confirmation that she could continue. You nodded and Kiri took in a small breath to prepare herself to continue. "My dad told me that I was born out of her comatose Avatar body, but I never got to meet her. Back home when we were in the forest, I used to visit her every day in person, in the lab. But now, I miss that. It's the closest aspect of her that I used to have. After plugging into the Spirit Tree, I saw her again, and it was amazing, but I seized before I could even get another moment her," Kiri sullenly said, not looking up from the string of beads she had already constructed as you and her talked. The crafts that she was weaving just layed in her lap as you two held hands comfortingly. She was really doing great progress. You frowned and tucked a few strays hair behind her ear. She looked up and smiled at your gesture, giving her the courage to go on.

"I'm scared that I might not even be able to see her again physically like I did back home in the forest, but now I might not even get to see her through Eywa ever again," Kiri said as her gentle voice got smaller and more fragile, like she wanted to cry. You could not imagine what it was like to not being able to connect through Eywa to those we love like every Na'vi should be able to so. You've taken that for granted, especially after hearing Kiri's situation. You still refused to visit Hahona or your parents because the pain was too great and you could not bare it. But, Kiri, she was so brave and never missed an opportunity to visit her birth mother, and instead, it brought the girl joy. Way too many things have ripped happiness away from her and her family. It was unfair.

Suddenly, you began to feel yourself more connected to Kiri than ever before. You really understand her pain and maybe sharing a bit of your own past could help her feel less alone, and maybe even give her the strength to try and find other ways to connect with her birth mother, and give her hope that one day she'll return to the forest and see her like she used to. You had only ever told anyone about this to Jake, and by default, Ronal and Tonowari. Sharing your pain could lessen somebody else's helping them feel like they're not alone and by that, there is a solution to how they're feeling, no matter how long it takes to heal wounds.

"Listen, Kiri..." You started, and chuckled softly as you noticed that Kiri had now her total and full attention on you just as you had on her before. It would be a bit easier to speak about your parents since it was when you were just a kid and you've had time to grow, but Hahona was so recent that you hoped you didn't break like you did when you spoke with Jake about it. "I was very young when my parents died. They were both warriors, so they left on a mission that usually lasts a couple months. Since my parents were so close with Tonowari and Ronal, I stayed with them until they returned. That was until one day, when the war party came back, they didn't return," You said, and Kiri's eyes softened, realizing that you knew of the pain that comes with losing a parent, let alone two. She sympathized with you a lot. Kiri felt closer to you now than she ever has.

"From then on, I was raised by Tonowari and Ronal. They treated me as their own, and I've grown up with them ever since. This here," You said, pointing to your dagger attached to your hip. Kiri let her eyes follow to what you pointed at and let you continue. "Is from my father. He gave it to me with the intentions I became a warrior like him and my mom one day, to fight for my people. I never go anywhere without it, and it's served as my good luck charm" You smiled, remembering faintly when your father gave it to you, with such high hopes as well. "That's why I became a warrior. To honor their legacy," You said, and then looked back at Kiri.

"To protect those I love," You finished your sentence and raised your hand to squish one of Kiri's cheeks lovingly, prompting her to laugh a little, making your heart swell contentedly. Now, came the most painful part. "Now, it hasn't been long that I lost someone important to me. It's been only a year, and It still hurts me deeply. But...I lost my mate" You said, and Kiri's eyes widened. You had a mate? And lost the love your life around the same time that her dad lost his mate? Boy, did the world work in mysterious ways. You were more destined and fated to be with his dad than Kiri thought.

"How?" Was all that Kiri managed to get out, and it made you laugh. Kiri could've sworn you had been looking for a mate even before a year ago. She had no idea you already had someone you loved and were married to. Despite her shock, Kiri watched as a sad and shaky smile came upon your lips. "Much like my parents. Although it wasn't for months that he was gone, he left one morning and later that day, I recieved the news that he was killed in battle and nobody knew how" You confessed, not mentioning anything about Payakan. That was a whole other thing that was private to Lo'ak and if he decided to tell Kiri, that was up to him, but it wasn't your place to share it.

Kiri didn't know what to say. She couldn't belief how much grief and loss you'd been through. She couldn't explain how grateful she is you entrusted this to her, knowing how much grief it must have taken to bring it up again. It explains how strong and compassionate you are. You understand grief and suffering, and now Kiri knows that she came to the right person. Though the wound might be a long way from healing, she was happy you and her dad found one another. Fate worked in mysterious ways, and Kiri was so happy that you were the one that crossed paths with her dad, and vice versa. But, Kiri wouldn't dare question it.

Though from completely different clans, the two of you found each other when one of them needed either one to share and shoulder their biggest fears and pains with. Those that either of you couldn't handle by yourselves, despite how much you and his dad hid it. You were helping each other heal one another's wounds and scars that ran deeper than most, being there for one another and knowing that you had one another to go to if things got difficult.

"The point of what I'm trying to say is that, ever since the deaths of the most important people in my life, I have been scared to visit the Spirit Tree because of how scared I am to see them again, but here you are, so willing to revisit those people you want to get to know and that you love so dearly. You are so brave, Kiri, and I admire you because of that. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for. If anyone can find a solution to see your mother once again, I'm sure it'll be you," You said, lifting your hand and cupping Kiri's cheek with so much affection. You loved her like your own daughter and were willing to shoulder her pain as much as she needed it. This family holds a big spot in your heart, and you would not let anything or anyone hurt them. They were so pure, so full of life and dreams that deserved to be fulfilled all the way to the end.

Kiri honesty doesn't blame you for not wanting to go to the Spirit Tree. She can imagine how painful it must be to face those you've loved and felt like part of you could have possibly done something to not have them be a distant memory when you connect to a tree but rather have them right next to you in the flesh. Kiri can surely bet that you still beat yourself up for allowing those you loved like your own mate and your parents to go off into battle, when you could have possibly and maybe convinced them to do otherwise and maybe they would be still be alive. Though, Kiri was right about that, you personally didn't like to mull over that because you'd drive yourself completely crazy over it.

"You should go see them, Y/n. Trust me, don't take it for granted. You'll regret it eventually if you don't. Take it from me," Kiri advised, not wanting you to miss your chance while you still could. Life was unpredictable, and Kiri never would have believed she'd lose her ability to connect to something so vital to the Na'vi like the Spirit Tree. Where The People connect to the Great Mother. If Kiri did that again, she would either die like Max said, or she'd seize. It didn't quite register as well, still. It was unfair. There was no way around it. Still, it didn't stop Kiri from wishing you gained some courage and visit those you lost despite the pain. She really wanted you to know that the sadness is only temporary and as soon as you see them, all of that vanishes and your emotions turn into something much more elated and joyful.

Her words worked as a wakeup call for you. She was completely right. You didn't know what came over you, or Kiri, but the two of you suddenly embraced each other at the same time. This conversation has helped her even more than Kiri ever thought possible, and she thought that she wouldn't get anything out of it but recieved the exact opposite. Kiri got love, support, compassion, comprehension, and all from one single person. She could sum you up as if you had been reincarnated as Neytiri and Grace combined into one. Smart and clever like her birth mother, yet fearless and strong like Neytiri. You were everything Kiri and her siblings could ask for. His dad really had to step or he's miss out on a woman like you.

You wrapped your arms around her midsection and she wrapped them around your neck tightly. The connection you've built with the girl is one you've always wanted to have with your future daughter, and all you wanted is for Kiri to think of you as someone who could be a mother for her. And it shocked you to hear her say; "I love you...mom" She said as she sniffled, and happy tears began to gather in your eyes. It's the first time she's called you that. You cradled the back of her head and swayed you and her back and forth. "I love you, too. My sweet girl..." You mumbled, and it made Kiri let out a laugh mixed with a joyful and happy sob.

It was everything you've been waiting to hear, and you will treasure this moment forever. When you and Kiri parted from your hug, you leaned in and pressed a kiss on her forehead. You took a look at her young face and noticed that she had a couple of rogue tears streaming down. You smiled fondly and wiped them away with your thumb. You looked down and saw all of your materials discarded on the floor. You had completely forgotten about the fact that the two of you were here to weave and craft.

"Do you want to continue?" You smiled as you scooted back and began to gather the materials you had put aside. You looked up at Kiri and saw that she was nodding with a smile. "Okay, good because I really want to show you this stitch that Metkayina artisans have used for years" You said, grabbing onto your weaved piece of fabric and showed it to Kiri. The girl herself smiled and scooted to sit right next to you instead of in front of you. And that is how you two continued to spend the rest of the afternoon. Crafting, weaving, laughing and forgetting about everything else going on.


Quaritch and his group of soldiers were flying above the mountains and forests with crystal clear ponds and lakes below them. They were all heading over to a marine RDA base nearby that they needed to get to for an important part of the mission to get to Jake. Each Avatar was on a separate Ikran, but Spider was sitting in front of Quaritch, giving him some pointers on how to speak Na'vi with simple gestures that would help him blend in with the others.

"Okay, this one. 'I see you'" Spider said, doing the designated gesture for those words. Quaritch attempted to do the same, and tried to say 'Oel ngati kameie', but it still came out as a bit broken and mispronounced. Spider side and turned his head around to face the Avatar Colonel. "It's 'ngati'. 'ngati'" Spider repeated, watching Quaritch get confused.

"That's what I just said, isn't it? Oel ngati kameie" Quaritch asked, repeating the words but it still wasn't coming off right. "It's not Naati. It's Ngati," Spider corrected, starting to laugh in amusement at how much trouble the Colonel was having pronouncing it. Quaritch tried to say it again a few more times but quickly gave up. "Alright, it's like comin' out your nose or something," Quaritch pointed out, making Spider chuckle and turn back around.

Lyle suddenly flew up closer to Quaritch's Ikran and pressed on his coms to deliver a message. "Boss, long-range patrol picked up a radar hit. A rogue gunship," Lyle suddenly said, interrupting Spider and Quaritch's lesson. But the Colonel's attention was quickly brought to what his second in command said. That rogue ship is exactly what they're looking for. "Where?" Quaritch asked, pressing on his coms to communicate with Lyle. "Eastern seaboard, 400 klicks north," Lyle responded while Spider listened to the entire conversation worriedly. They were getting closer to finding Jake.

Quaritch nodded with a sudden smug look on his face. "Uh-huh. Hang on," Quaritch said to Spider, maneuvering his Ikran to a new direction as the other soldiers turned and followed the Colonel. Turns out, that when Kiri had her seizure and Jake called Norm and Max to come to the village for help, the helicopter that they got to the village on unintentionally revealed the location that the Sully family was in. That was where Quaritch was heading to now, but he'd need some help to get an exact location. And he knew just where to find it.

That was what Lyle was told when it was revealed to him that a 'rogue gunship' was spotted on the Eastern seaboard. Now, Quaritch knew that Jake was somewhere in the Pandoran Archipelago where most reefs and coastal waters were found. Quaritch had finally  narrowed down a location, and that was a big step toward getting to Jake once and for all.

Quaritch wasted no time in heading back to Bridgehead City and to the RDA's base there. When meeting up again with General Ardmore, the Colonel explained what he had discovered and was now showing through a hologram their next possible course of action. Quaritch proceeded to show the direction in which Norm's helicopter had passed through.

"The signal was intermittent and they lost it over open water. But, if you project the track, it hits this island group," Quaritch gestured, showing a clump of islands that were close together, but there was no way to know in which one Jake was located in with his family. Ardmore crossed her arms and looked at Quaritch with a deadpanned expression.

"That's hundreds of islands. That's a big search box with lot of villages," Ardmore countered, wanting to make Quaritch realize that this search was going to take a lot more than he expected or than he wanted it to. "This is our guy. You give me ships and aircraft, I'll bring you back his scalp" Quaricth menaced and threatened Ardmore, determined to find Jake.

After that, Quaritch was given to go-ahead to intercept the next ship that would leave open waters and coincidentally, close enough to the islands. This one in particular was the ship called the SeaDragon. It is designed for hunting Tulkun. It can operate as a surface ship at low speeds, but when it raises up on its hydrofoils the ship can fully lift out of the water and soar over the waves. the SeaDragon can navigate even the roughest of seas and keep up with helicopter escorts, which was perfect for Quaritch and his comrades for this mission.

The moment that the SeaDragon was starting and beginning to leave the dock and head for open waters, some helicopters were flying above it for the mission the crew inside were prepared to head out for. Inside the main cockpit, one of the pilots noticed that there was some sort of bogeys or figures coming closer. "Bogeys inbound," The woman said, making Captain Mick Scoresby come around the corner to look out the window and see that the said figures were flying on Ikrans, directly towards the ship. His suspicions began to rise slowly.

As soon as Quaritch and his group began to circle the ship on their screeching ikrans to land on one of the platforms on top of it, Captain Scoresby ordered the ship to stop. Doing as told, one of the men commanding the controls lowered down the levers in front, making the giant ship lower itself onto the water as the engines stopped. The water below crashed harshly against the impact of the ship landing on the surface, but it got the job done nonetheless. Scoresby rushed to head out.

Quaritch landed his Ikran, followed by his Avatar comrades starting to do the same, and proceeded to hop off. Spider dismounted the banshee as well, watching as Captain Scoresby and another unfamiliar man come out the door to the platform to see who these Avatars were.

Lyle and Quaritch moved to stand right in front of the two human men, towering over them, all the while Spider moved to stand on the railing. "Hey," Spider greeted nonchalantly, but as for Quaritch, he wasted no time, getting right to the point. "You Scoresby?" The Colonel asked, looking down at the men he towered over.

Scoresby was really annoyed. "Uh-huh. Are you the asshole who's commandeering my ship?" Scoresby asked but Quaritch was unphased by the insult. "That would be me," Quaritch was quick to answer simply, while his Ikran had begun to screech in the back, behind them.

Eventually, they were all taken inside and into the main cockpit of the ship. Quaritch was looking over this table that had a hologram projected on it. Spider was gazing at it with curiosity as well. The Colonel was explaining the entire situation as he knew it to the rest of the crew, including Scoresby and the man who was with him, known as Ian Garvin.

"The target is pretty much this whole island group," Quaritch pointed out, but Scoresby only looked at him skeptically. "Never been up there. You know those waters, Doc. What kind of indigenous we got?" Scoresby asked Ian Garvin across the table since he was a marine biologist, and Scoresby was just a hunter.

"Metkayina, mostly. Some Ta'unui, maybe 50 villages or so," Ian explained, but Quaritch still didn't quite know who he was. "And you are...who?" The Colonel asked the biologist, making Ian feel a bit uncomfortable. "Uh, Ian Garvin. Marine Biologist," He said, holding out his hand for Quaritch to shake, but the Colonel left the man hanging as he continued to talk.

"50 villages, 100 villages, I don't care. We'll search em' all," Quaritch said, making Scoresby look at the Colonel with a baffled expression. That wasn't what this ship was for. "I hunt Tulkuns. That's what I'm rigged for. That's all my guys do. I have quotas to meet," Scoresby said, basically, in other words, he refused to let his crew be a part of Quaritch's strange plan.

Obviously, that didn't sit right with him. "I'll be nice, once. Then I won't," Quaritch said with a passive-aggresive smile. Apparently, that was more than enough for Scoresby to agree as they stared each other down. "Well, If you can't get out of it...get into it!" He said, agreeing mostly because of Quaritch's intimidation techniques.

The Captain soon walked away and ordered all of his crew to get to their stations, which made an employee kick Spider out of the section he was supposed to be in because the boy was in the way. "Hey, don't touch," The man said, and Spider back away, turning to look back at the hologram in the middle of the control room.

"Helm, bring her up, flight speed," One of the pilots relayed to the man on the main controls. "Flight speed," The man copied as he began to bring the levers for the ship, and consequently, began to make it soar into the air and away from the surface of the water. Soon enough, they were flying and on their way to search all of the Metkayina villages they could in that area, and Quaritch would go to any lengths necessary to get what he wants. No matter who or what he has to step on to do it.


It was around the afternoon in in Awa'atlu, the Sully's were all folding and rolling up their rugs and basically tidying up their home. You were there to help them out, and just being there for company. Kiri was sitting in a hammock, not really doing anything and doing her own thing while the rest of them tidied up. Even after tour talk with her, she was still a bit quiey but you wouldn't expect her to jump right back up. You had been trying to get her to feel more used to and accustomed to her surroundings again.

She shouldn't feel estranged from her own home, so as her big brother, he was there for her the entire time. She needed time and it was understandable, so everyone gave her that. Lo'ak was rolling up a rug on his own, minding his own business. He had been making small talk with Neteyam as they both stood in front of one another, rolling up mats and rugs.

You and Jake were standing close by, but each of you was folding and rolling up mats on your own. Well, for you, not exactly. As you rolled up one of the rugs, Tuk rushed and came in to help you get it tight and secure. Even if you didn't need help at all, you let Tuk help you as she assisted you with the next one. It was really adorable to see how eager she was. She loved to help, and she loved being around you so it was a win-win for the youngest Sully daughter.

You and the Sully's all had your minds and thoughts elsewhere and were thinking about different things. Jake couldn't help but watch and mentally awe at you and Tuk rolling up mats together. It was so simple, yet, it sent his heart into a spiral of contentment that he couldn't explain. To anyone else, others would think you were their mother, but you just got along really well with all of them. There was nothing missing from their lives now that you were a part of them. Moments like these made him even more excited to make it all official.

Suddenly, all of your trains of thoughts were disrupted when the familiar sound of a horn was heard from the outside of the hut. To the Sully's, it sounded as if it was an alarm of an attack or something, but you knew exactly what it was. You gasped and covered your mouth, holding onto Tuk's hand and quickly rushing outside to have your suspicions be proven. The Sully's looked around confused as to what was happening, but you were feeling something else beyond happiness that you couldn't explain.

As the Sully family looked around and saw that villagers were leaping and jumping into the water to grab their ilu's, you felt as Tuk began to tug on your hand that you joined with her. "Y/n? What was that?" Tuk asked, and you beamed down at the Sully, tucking a couple braids behind her ear. "Something amazing" You said vaguely, but they'd see soon enough.

Your response reassured Tuk, as well as the others that this wasn't an attack, but the exact opposite. This was what you'd been waiting for all year. You truly couldn't be happier. All of the Awa'atlu Metkayina villages continued to jump into the water and heading toward the reef. You walked over to Jake and put a hand on his arm, turning his attention from the big commotion over to you. As he saw your elated expression, he realized that this really must be something good. Then in the distance, he could start to see and make out what was happening.

"Jake, it's time! They're here" You said happily and excitedly, turning your attention from him over to where everyone in the village was now headed. The Tulkun's were back. Your spirit sister was back. "What's going on?" Lo'ak asked, coming closer to the edge of the hut's path to see if he could peek at what he could spot in the distance. Jake noticed that you were still here while every other Metkayina was rushing out, so he realized you were waiting to go with him. The way you looked up at him made his heart race. Suddenly he couldn't wait.

As if on cue, Tsireya came around under the weaved paths of the huts on her ilu and waved her hands in the air while giving the official announcement. "The Tulkuns have returned! Everybody, our brothers and sisters have returned!" Tsireya announced gleefully, and those who didn't know the news before jumped into the water with excitement and happiness.

You looked over to Jake and started to drag him over to the edge of the weaved paths. "Jake, come on! My spirit sister is here!" You said with a beaming smile. Jake laughed and followed your lead as you called over your Skimwing. Your excitement was contagious. You yipped and Pua came around the corner, you smiled eagerly and took Jake's hand. But he had different plans. You squealed as Jake suddenly picked you up bridal style with one arm under your back and another under your legs. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his neck as he laughed and whooped, jumping into the water with you.

You both came up for air laughing, then you quickly started to lead him over to Pua. When you both mounted your Skimwing, you were in  front and him behind you as he held onto your waist. His soft touch sent butterflies in your stomach, and the warmth that came whenever he touched you suddenly reappeared. You smiled and looked back at him. "Ready?" You challenged, and he gave you one nod. You turned to look forward again and commanded your Skimwing to ride forward. You'd finally see your spirit sister after so long, and you couldn't wait for her to meet Jake, too.

While you and Jake rode off, all of the Sully kids, except Kiri, didn't hesitate to jump in the water and call their ilu's so they could catch up and see the arrival of the majestic creatures. Lo'ak shared an Ilu with Tsireya, since the girl offered for him to mount hers after he jumped into the water, that way they could go and see the Tulkun together. She wanted to introduce her spirit sister to him as well. Neteyam called an ilu on his own and quickly took off, leaving Tuk and Kiri in the hut, but it wouldn't be long until the Sully girl would pull her older sister to come to see something she was sure she'll love.

You and Jake arrived by the reef at the perfect moment, just in time for a big herd of Tulkuns to enter the entrance of the Awa'atlu reefs. Somewhere in that pod was your spirit sister just as excited to see you as you were. In the excitement and joy to see their spirit brothers and sisters, the Tulkuns splashed their fins onto the water by swimming sideways, and it worked as a greeting to all of the Metkayina. They were amazing and beautiful creatures.

As the Tulkuns swarmed the reefs in search of their spirit sisters or brothers, Tonowari flew closer to the water on his Skimwing and soon enough, the chief found his spirit brother. Tonowari had his Skimwing ride on a slightly tilted angle as the Olo'eykyan raised his spear high up in the air, yipping and communicating with his Tulkun spiritually and emotionally. They were happy to see one another after such a long time. These were special times for the Metkayina. It only happened once a year, the sea clans truly treasures these moments.

In their endless cycle of migration, the Tulkun had come home.

Tonowari and his Tulkun communicated to express their happiness to see each other. Tonowari flew higher on his Skimwing; and watched from above as his spirit brother leaped from the water and landed on its back with a big splash. The clan leader cheered for his Tulkun's feat, making the sentient creature reply with a long roar until it landed back on the water. Tonowari smiled gleefully as he rode high up in the air, seeing all of his people spending time with their Tulkuns. Nothing could ever top sharing moments like these.

Tuk had not jumped in yet to greet the Tulkun with her family, so noticing that that Kiri was still inside the hut, rushed excitedly back to their home, knowing that Kiri was still there. When entering the Marui and seeing Kiri sitting down on the hammock like she was even before the Tulkun, Tuk rushed in and grabbed her sister's hand. "Kiri! Kiri, come on! Come on!" Tuk urged, pulling her sister up to her feet. Tuk wouldn't give up until she had her up on her feet and then down to the water.

Kiri groaned, not in the mood for games, but the girl really had no idea what was happening outside. "Tuk, leave me alone," Kiri said gently, but the youngest Sully did not give up and continued to bring her over. "Come on!" Tuk insisted happily as she lead her older sister over outside. "What do you want?" Kiri asked, but as Tuk brought her outside, the little one pointed at the scene in front of them.

"Look!" Tuk said, bouncing excitedly in place while watching as Kiri watched the view in front of her with wide eyes, not believing what she was seeing. Words could not begin to describe how beautiful the sighy before her was. Now she really wished she came outside sooner. A soft smile came upon Kiri's face, not helping but letting her mood rise. Her ears went from being tipped back to go upwards and matching the smile on her face.

The reunion of Metkayina and Tulkun was truly beautiful. There were Skimwings and ilu's being driven by villagers who were sharing new memories with the long awaited return of their spirit siblings. There was nothing but content and joyful laughter, and nothing could ever ruin this moment. "Come on. Let's go meet them," Tuk smiled, pulling Kiri along the path of the huts and closer to the water, and this time, Kiri didn't stop her younger sister from doing so. The girl couldn't wait to get in the water now. This was exactly what she needed.

There were Metkayina everywhere swimming with the Tulkuns and leaping over the water with such merriment that it was hard to believe this was the same place they arrived in a couple minutes ago. Villagers were all yipping and hooting as a way to communicate above water with their respective spirit brothers or sisters, and it was a celebration and a great reunion altogether. It was just simply indescribable.

Meanwhile, Tsireya was riding an Ilu with Lo'ak sitting right behind her on the same one. A bright smile came upon her face as she beamed and a gasp escaped her, she pointed into the distance and Lo'ak immediately tried to see where she was gesturing to. "Look! It's my spirit sister!" Tsireya exclaimed joyfully and with so much joy, watching as a Tulkun lifted its head out of the water and howled happily as it splashed its fins happily onto the water when it spotted Tsireya. The female Tulkun was really excited to see Tsireya again.

Nearby, Neteyam was on an Ilu as well, cruising through the water, smiling from ear to ear as he laughed with glee. He noticed the actions of Tsireya's spirit sister and couldn't help but beam with absolute glee. Everything around him was pure happiness in one place, and he loved seeing the Tulkuns leap out of the water when they saw their spirit siblings. The Metkayina clan sees the Tulkun as siblings. Each Metkayina member engages in a lifelong bond with a Tulkun early in their life. The whistles, howls, and clicks reached his ear, immediately indicating to him that these creatures are the happiest they'd ever been the moment they arrived inside of the village.

As Tsireya and Lo'ak rode together on the same ilu, the princess maneuvered the ilu so it submerged underneath. Tsireya was really excited to guide Lo'ak through the entire thing, and most importantly, introduce him to her spirit sister as well. When they dove and began to swim below the water, it felt like an entirely different world. Tulkuns and Metkayina were swimming amongst each other, talking and communicating, telling stories, enjoying their time together, and most importantly, enjoying the fact that they were back where they belong.

The depths of the ocean were filled with Tulkuns swimming upside down, swimming in circles around one another, and the Na'vi accompanied them in doing so. Clicks, whistles, and calls were resonating throughout the water, and it was beautiful. The new Tulkun calfs were also swimming in this newfound space, and hopefully, soon enough, they'll find a Na'vi to bond with. Not only were the Metkayina and the Tulkuns swimming here, but also all types of creatures that reside within the reef and want to be part of such a special, magical, and unique reunion.

Neteyam submerged in his ilu as well, swerving through the water to eventually find himself swimming just below one of the Tulkuns, and looking up to see the intricate tattoos that adorned its belly. The ilu squeaked with delight in the water, feeling Neteyam's joy through the bond. This was nothing like the boy had ever seen before, and he didn't want it to end.

Now, as for you and Jake, the search for your spirit sister was finally over. After coming up the surface on Pua as Jake sat behind you, there she was. Your spirit sister as happy as you've ever seen her. She was flapping her fins and doing twirls and circles in the water. You reached behind you and tapped Jake's thigh, he was a bit caught off guard by your gesture but warmth spread to his body after you did that.

You were completely oblivious as you pointed over to your Tulkun spirit sister. "Look, there she is!" You said, commanding Pua through the bond to go faster. Jake was quick to hold onto your waist again, watching as you and him approached the awaiting Tulkun. "Her name is Eylti! I can't wait for you to meet her" You said with such a beautiful smile that Jake couldn't believe it was real. You were unreal.

You and Jake watched as your Tulkun submerged itself underwater, you guided Pua to do the same. Jake took a deep breath before going underwater again, but he smiled when he saw your spirit sister continued to swim eagerly with twirls, spins in circles, and just letting out howls of happiness that radiated pure joy. He could tell your spirit sister was as happy to see you as you were with her. He hadn't even met her yet and the connection was already palpable. Eylti loved you deeply.

When almost arriving by your spirit sister, you took Jake by surprise when you disconnected your queue from Pua, grabbed his hand and began leading him over to Eylti. The Tulkun herself had stopped doing her tricks out of pure excitement and made clicking sounds when you swam up to her just in front of her eye. "Eylti! I'm so happy to see you," You signed with a big smile on your face, and the Tulkun opened and closed its eyes, as if it was smiling too. "You're just as beautiful as always, Y/n" Eylti howled, and you were quick to respond.

"I see you've already gone through your coming-of-age ceremony. Your tattoos are beautiful," You signed, being quick to return the compliment. Eylti now had tattoos all over her underbelly and just around the area on her eyes. You watched as Eylti's eyes trailed over to Jake who had been watching the interaction. "Who is this?" Eylti asked, and you turned over to look at Jake to tell him what your spirit sister had asked. "She's asking who you are," You signed as you mouthed along the words so he could understand easier. You'd only shown him the basics of Na'vi sign language, so you'd help him out so he could communicate.

Apparently, Jake had been practicing a lot besides of the classes you gave him because he suddenly signed almost perfectly. "My name is Jake," He signed, and you looked at him with so much pride and astonishment that he almost wanted to laugh at how you were looking at him in that moment. "Nice to meet you, Jake. Are you y/n's friend?" Eylti asked as she clicked and made echoing sounds through the water. Some were drowned out by other Tulkun's speaking to their loved ones.

Jake grimaced a bit at the Tulkun's question, but he tried not to make it too visible. He simply nodded and signed; "Yes, I am" He said, and Eylti closed and opened her eyes as if it was nodding. Being called your friend didn't sound good even when a Tulkun said. Jake wanted more. He'd do just that. "Take care of her, Jake" Eylti wailed and clicked.

Eylti seemed to turn her attention back to you, and wailed happily as she asked; "Y/n, how are you and Hahona doing?" Eylti asked, and you suddenly remembered that he was still alive the last time she visited. You didn't want to bw sad in front of Jake righy now, or Eylti, or anyone. Speaking of, Jake could tell you were asked something that affected you as he watched your face drop from the gleeful one you had before. This was supposed to be a happy occasion, so you began to sign; "He is with Eywa now," You signed, and Eylti's eyes visibly drooped in sadness at your words.

"I am really sorry, y/n," Eylti said and you smiled sullenly, beginning to quickly sign back. "It is okay, I've found people and i'm not alone anymore." You signed with a sullen smile, but then it got a bit brighter when you decided to admit something risky when Jake was right there. "And...he makes me happy" You signed, reaching over to gently hold Jake's hand.

He had picked up a bit of a conversation and knew you were speaking about your late husband, so Jake was quick to intertwine his own hands with yours as you looked at each other with soft gazes, which didn't really go unnoticed by the female Tulkun. You hoped Jake wasn't that advanced yet to know what you had said, you didn't want him to know yet.

"I am sure that there's no words of how proud he is of you. Anyone could see how much he loved you. I can see you're the person that he hoped you'd become. And, I hope Jake takes care of you. You deserve it" Eylti said, and you smiled sadly, swimming over and hugging her, right over the space around her eye. Eylti closed her eyes and wailed softly. It was a shame she could only see you once a year.

With how close you are with her, Eylti would have wished that Tulkun didn't have to leave so soon. The Tulkun could sense something between you and Jake, well, anyone with eyes could so it wasn't a surprise. You let go of the hug and swam back to Jake, put a hand on his shoulder, and he placed his hand over yours.

"I have news for you, y/n" The Tulkun said as she tried to change the subject. This wasna time for sadness, but for the cherishing of a reunion that doesn't happen every day. You smiled brightly and was quick to sign back; "What is it?" You asked eagerly, and the Tulkun suddenly did a twirl underwater before settling in front of you once again like before.

"I have found a mate," The Tulkun wailed with joy and if you could gasp underwater, you could. You covered your mouth with your hands, and grabbed onto Jake's arm to let him know. You looked at him for a moment to see if he understood what Eylti said, and when you knew he didn't pick up what was said, you took the liberty to explain it to him excitedly. You would teach him more advanced vocabulary later on, so now at least that was on the list.

"Eylti has a mate! She probably mates after her rite of passage," You signed to Jake and a big smile came upon his face as he looked from you to Eylti. Jake was quick to respond now that he has the Tulkun's attention. "That is really amazing. Congratulations, Eylti," Jake smiled, and the female Tulkun opened and closed her eyes as if she was smiling.

Soon, Eylti offered you and Jake if you wanted to swim around for a bit on her fin, like you'd done with Payakan. You and Jake quickly agreed and layed on your stomach's on Eylti's fin, holding onto the edge of it, with you and Jake laying side by side so your arms were touching and your hands were inches away.

As Eylti began to swim around the busy reef with so many Tulkun's with their respective spirit siblings, Skimwings, and ilu's. As you and Jake held on tight to your spirit sister's fin, you and Jake could practically see everything that was happening. You'd forgotten how beautiful this time of year was. Sometimes you couldn't believe that this was your home.

You and Jake cruised through the water on Eylti, right next to each other as the two of you let the other know on what you see and spot. Jake loved seeing the smile on your face while your eyes lit up at everything that was ocurring  underwater. Jake noticed something all of a sudden, so he tapped your arm slightly, leaving it there a little more than normal. You tucked yourself closer to him to check out what he wanted to show you, oblivious to his reaction.

To help you find it, Jake then pointed at what he had seen in the distance earlier, and what he wanted you to see was a Tulkun calf swimming with its mother. Your heart swelled with love and couldn't help but beam at what you saw, pressing your cheek against Jake's shoulder as you leaned into him, while continuing to admire the newly found Tulkun family. Once again, not aware of the reaction you'd caused Jake. You knew that Eylti would soon have a family of her own now that she has a mate. You already could not wait to meet her calf. It'll be as adorable as Eylti was when she was a calf, which was when you first bonded with her.

As for the kids, they were having the times of their lives. Rotxo had introduced Kiri and Tuk to his own spirit brother, and now, the two sisters were grabbing onto the top of the creature's fins while it swam through the blue and clear waters. Rotxo was there too, hanging onto the the same fin, but on the bottom of it. Rotxo's spirit brother turned his eye to look at Kiri and Tuk, smiling with its eyes and letting out a loud and vocal sound, expressing how happy he is to meet new friends of Rotxo's. Kiri smiled as she felt herself cruise through the water on the Tulkun, loving every minute of it.

Not only was this a time for older Metkayina to connect with their bonded Tulkuns, but it was also time for newborns of the village to interact as well, and to learn how to swim both by themselves and on ilu's. Maybe even possibly find their spirit siblings this early on in their lives. As this group of Metkayina babies swam together, there was infant that was riding a baby ilu expertly even if it was just a newborn.

Knowing that there was a group of babies above it, to play with them, the Tulkun that was beneath them, sent a soft push of bubbles up its blowhole, making the babies laugh and smile underwater and swim through the bubbles happily. The Tulkuns loved interacting with the newborns, and giving them a warm welcome into the world they were born into.

For Ronal, she had been waiting for this day for a long time. As of now, the pregnant woman was swimming up to her spirit sister, who regarded the Tsahik with a high-pitched and vocal call, indicating how happy she was to see the woman. When Ronal reached the female Tulkun, she immediately swam up to meet the eyes of the creature and sign. "Sister, I see you," Ronal signed with a soft smile.

The Tulkun let out a low rumble mingled with a few clicks, blinking slowly. "I see you, sister. I am happy," The Tulkun replied. Ronal swam closer to rest the palms of her hands on the fins of the great creature. The Tsahik looked over and saw a small calf come from under one of her spirit sister's back fins, and the baby Tulkun let out a happy and joyous sound, content to meet her mother's spirit sister.

Ronal turned back to look her spirit sister in the eye and continued their conversation. "Your son is so beautiful and precious," Ronal signed, smiling the entire time as the Tulkun replied with whistles and clicks. "Thank you. How is your baby?" The female Tulkun asked, letting her eyes drift down to the woman's belly, and then back up. "My baby is strong," Ronal signed, continuing to smile as she did so.

For Tsireya, she had spent the rest of her time reminiscing with her spirit sister. The princess was so happy to reconnect with the Tulkun she had made such a lifelong bond with. She updated the Tulkun about everything new going on in her life, especially one person in particular. "I met a boy," Tsireya said, signing to her spirit sister, who whistled happily at Tsireya's news. She could see the boy and Tsireya going very far already.

It was a time for stories of their season apart. Of deaths and births. Of old friends and new loves.

One of the Metkayina mothers who just had her newborn was teaching its baby to swim, right in the presence of her spirit sibling. The eyes of the Tulkun followed the baby until it reached the surface, using its finned tail to do it, and took a small gasp for air, trying to stay afloat. The baby and the Tulkun made eye contact, and the creature looked at the infant with softened eyes. These were big and important achievements and moments that were supposed to be shared in times like these.

You and Jake had just passed the mother watching its newborn swim up to the surface and you suddenly got very melancholic. You didn't remember this moment but you know your parents told you all about it. About you swimming as a baby and taking your very first breath in front of your mother's spirit sister. As your and Jake had Eylti pass by moments like that, you began to reminisce and smile to yourself at how simple life used to be.

"Y/n! You can do it!" Your mother cheered for you, as well as her spirit sister wailing and making happy clicking sounds. Your small body as a baby couldn't do much, but you moved your body from side to side and used your finned tail to help you come up to the surface. You didn't know this but while your mother stayed below the surface, your father was above water waiting for you to come up.

And when you finally took your first breath and poked your head above the water (even if it was only half of your face) as a baby, you gasped softly and was met with your father suddenly picking you up from under your arms and spinning you around. You giggled and laughed as your father cheered for your achievement. "You did it! My little flower," Your father praised as he raised you up and down, prompting for more giggles and happy laughter escape from your infany self.

Your mother soon came up to the surface and began joining in on the cheering. Your mother's spirit sister began flapping it's fins with happiness. It was moments like these that made the arrival of the Tulkun special. Your mother had her spirit sister witness this for the first time, not even having seen you swim by yourself before without help, and now you had done it. It was an achievement and your mother couldn't have imagined it any better.

At the memory, you smiled and moved to hold onto Jake's arms as the two of you laughed while Eylti spun around and then swam in between any open spaces left. Your spirit sister had always had an excitable personality, so this wasn't any news for you that she did stunts like these. You love even more Jake's face when Eylti catches him off guard with her tricks. You'd hate for this to end because it meant you'd have to wait another yeat to see Eylti, but you know thay it will only make the reunion even more special when she comes back.

After Tsireya finished updating her spirit sister on everything that has been happening in her life, as well as the Tulkun itself reciprocating its own stories, Tsireya began to use her arms to flip herself backward and do an entire turn in the water. The Tulkun wanted to try as well, so as Tsireya did that, The female Tulkun flipped onto her back and began to mimic a turn just like Tsireya was doing, letting out content howls of excitement with whistles.

From above, Lo'ak had his head ducked into the water, and was watching all of this happen as a gentle smile graced his lips. He had two things on his mind as he gazed at Tsireya with her spirit sister. The first was the indiscreet way he was watching Tsireya and admiring her from afar. He had become so close to her these last few days, and he considers her someone very special to him. She's one of the only few people in his life he feels that he can trust, aside from you. Tsirya is very important to Lo'ak, and he really wants her to stay close.

The other thing he was thinking about was the fact that he knew Payakan was an outcast, but after today, he wishes his Tulkun brother to be here as well and spend this celebration with him. He really wished that maybe in the next migration cycle, that it was a possibility that Payakan could be here in the future. Maybe Payakan could be here with you too, given how much of a history you have with the Tulkun. Either way, Lo'ak can already picture you, him, and Payakan enjoying a reunion like this like you did back at Three Brothers Rocks, being able to rejoice that they're together once again.


I tried to make this chapter as special as possible because this is one of the most beautiful moments in the movie and for this book too :,) I hope you guys liked it!

I swear, even after finishing writing the scene, I replayed the Tulkun arrival scene so many times. I can never get tired of it, and it's just so beautiful :,) And now, the time of the party is about to happen everyone! So you all know what that means! I'm so excited <3

Also, the moment with Kiri is something that I have had in my notes for so long. And I love that ALL of the Sully kids officially consider y/n their mother :,) Now, we can move onto the confession so look forward to that everyone! <3

As usual, I put these at the end of every chapter, but there's not much else that I have to say now, but as always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good start of your weekend everyone! :,)

Also, remember if you want a dt for the next chapter, let me know! I love doing these because I can really express my gratitude to all of you that way :,)

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