| Vol (8) |

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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: Im sorry it's taken me so long to get this chapter out but things have come in the way recently that haven't allowed me to write a whole lot. Not only that but I have also been planning something that I wanted to implement starting this chapter and I can finally do it so yay! I'm so excited 🤍

My friend -daisyridleys  and me have decided to collaborate! Her OC, Zara, from her story 'Teach Her Love' will start to make appearances in this story as a Metkayina woman and y/n's best friend, so it's really exciting. Sort of like an alternate universe <3 We're both collaborating in editing and putting together the chapters she has appearances in so we hope you guys enjoy it! 🤍

Before we move onto the stort, I know Ive been saying this a lot recently but just a small reminder; don't forget to comment <3 Don't be ghost readers, I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they make my day. You guys give me so much motivation to continue 🤍 I hope you guys like this chapter!

The sun was setting behind the horizon line and everyone had scattered to their homes for the evening. Training was over, for both Jake and the kids, so all villagers were going back to their families and start on dinner, then heading to bed for the night. Jake told you before training was over that he had to go back and get his kids from their own practices so that they could have dinner together. You understood and told Jake that if he needed anything, your tent was right next to his.

Now, you were walking back by yourself to your home. It'd been a long day and you were tired. Since the village paths were so deserted because everyone was inside their tents, while you walked on the pathway to your hut, there was nobody else there but you. It was also eerily silent except for the sound of water crashing against the shores of the beaches and sloshing around the mangroves.

Right as you approached closer to your tent, you saw two familiar figures approach from the hut next to yours, so you knew it was the Sully's. Judging by the height difference, it was clear as day that it was Jake and Tuk. The girl was holding onto his dad's hand and skipping along with a big smile on her face as they both approached. She looked very happy.

When Jake's eyes met yours, a soft smile came upon his lips and without no fault of your own, you ended up smiling at him too, keeping your gaze locked on his. Tuk still looked as happy as ever, unaware at the glances you and Jake were sending each other. When the two were close enough, Tuk let go of his dad's hand and started running towards you. Bracing yourself, you took your eyes off of Jake and smile at Tuk, kneeling on the ground as she ran to you.

"Y/n!" Tuk beamed as she reached you and threw her arms around your shoulders. You wrapped your arms around her small frame as she started to go on and on about everything she did today, and you pulled away from the hug to listen intently. Jake watched this interaction and he felt his heart swell and his eyes softened as he crossed his arms over his chest with a soft smile. It was a sweet moment.

"Tuk, wasn't there something you wanted to ask Y/n?" Jake said, getting on one knee in front of both of you. Tuk stopped rambling and her father's words suddenly brought her back to reality and reminded her why she was looking for you in the first place. "Oh! Right. Do you want to have dinner with us tonight, Y/n? Your tent is next to ours" Tuk said excitedly.

You smiled at her request and briefly looked up at Jake to see he was already looking at you. You looked back at Tuk and made your decision. You weren't very busy and it wouldn't hurt to get to know Jake's other kids. "I'd love to, Tuk" You smiled and patted her head. At your words, Tuk smiled from ear to ear and hugged you once again, laughing gleefully.

"She's been wanting to ask you since yesterday" Jake piped in, and you looked up at him. You nodded as Tuk released from the hug, but still stood before you. "Really?" You inquired, and Tuk nodded eagerly. You chuckled at her mannerisms and her excitement. "Well, I'd be thrilled to go, Tuk" You smiled warmly.

"My brothers and my sister really want you to come, too" Tuk revealed, and you were suddenly filled with happiness and and relief. Happiness because you'd finally get to know them, and relieved because you were nervous that you wouldn't hit it off as well with them like you have with Tuk. They really did seem like nice and good kids, and you were looking forward to get to know them. "I'll be there, Tuk. You can count on me" You said.

"Good, because dad can't stop talking about you" Tuk said innocently, but as for you, your eyes widened at what she had said. Jake heard his daughter's words and his eyes almost bugged out of his head, feeling heat rush to his face. It wasn't like it was a lie, because he had been talking about you but he should've known better than expecting Tuk to keep quiet about it. "Is that so?" You asked, and Tuk nodded eagerly. "Mhm!" Tuk hummed.

Even if he has only met you a few days ago, it was hard for Jake to deny how drawn he is to you. He wants to learn from you, be more than just acquaintances, and get to know you in a personal level. It was a weird feeling, and he didn't have an explanation for it, its just there.

As you smiled bashfully and looked away from Jake, the said man cleared his throat awkwardly and walked closer, putting his hand on Tuk's shoulder. This wasn't how he expected this conversation to go. Jake certainly wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea. He sure wasn't ready for that, and for having only met a few days ago, he assumed you weren't either. But what he didn't know is that your ressons for keeping a distance was much too similar to his and he had no idea.

"Okay, we should get going. Let's go" Jake said, avoiding eye contact with you at all costs. If he did, he would just confirm to you that what Tuk was true and he was already embarrassed enough. Jake grabbed Tuk's hand and they both began to head back to their tent. You stood up and got up on your feet, watching them walk away. Before they were out of sight, Tuk, completely unaware of what she did, turned her head around and smiled brightly. "See you, Y/n!" The girl waved at you, and you didn't hesitate to reciprocate her actions.

As you watched them walk away and disappear into their tent, you sighed deeply and smiled to yourself. The fact that Jake had been talking about you made rogue butterflies erupt inside you. It was a foreign feeling to you, and one that you hadn't felt in a while.

You stood in place, and before you could start walking forward again, you heard a familiar voice resonate from behind you. "Y/n!" The voice called out, and you turned around with a soft smile to see your best friend, Zara, approaching from a corner. You two met in warrior training when you were young and have known each other since then. You confided in her with everything, and she was very perceptive as well. Zara was truly a kind and sweet soul, and an amazing friend to you.

"Hi, Zara" You said, starting to walk over, meeting her halfway, and then engulfing each other in a hug. You two have not been able to be around each other much these past few days, so it was nice to have each other's presence. "How are you? I saw you've been with Toruk Makto's family these past few days. How is that going?" Zara asked as she pulled away and patted the top of your head lovingly.

"It's been good. Tonowari said I had to show Jake our ways and teach him everything he needs to know. Ao'nung and Tsireya are in charge of his kids" You explained nonchalantly, but you turned to look at Zara and she had that all too recognizable teasing look on her face. "So, it is just you and. All alone. Together?" Zara inquired with an implication you caught onto pretty quickly. You rolled your eyes and dragged your gaze to the ground awkwardly.

"Before you get any ideas, no, it's not just me and him alone. Tonowari is there. Vokan is there-" You started, but Zara stopped you before you could have a chance of finishing your sentence. "Wait, Vokan? That warrior's son? Isnt he the one who's been trying to get close to you for like a year now?" Zara inquired, and you nodded with a sigh.

"Yes. Ever since it was announced by Tonowari that I was to be mated with someone new, he has been trying to get on Tonowari and Ronal's good graces. And mine" You grimaced inwardly at how many times he's awkwardly tried to approach you. You didn't see Vokan that way, you never have. "That can't be fun. Well, if you don't want to be mated with him, what other options do you have?" Zara asked, slowly piecing together an idea like the witty girl she is. Little did you know that Zara wanted to ask you if you would consider Jake. After all, he was an honorable and decent man, but did you think of him like that? Were you interested?

"I don't know, but right now, I don't think it will be Vokan. I can't take too long to decide, because if I do, it will be him" You said, and Zara stayed pondering if she should bring up the idea of you considering Jake. Before the girl knew it, Zara's conscience betrayed her. "What about Jake Sully?" Zara blurted out nonchalantly and naively. Your head snapped back to look at her with shock and disbelief. Had she really suggested that out of the blue.

"Zara, I just met him. He arrived to the village not even two days ago. How could he be my mate?" You said, but Zara shrugged and she nudged your shoulder. "Then get to know him. Spend time with him. After he arrived yesterday, the first thing you said to me was asking me what I thought about him" Zara said, and your cheeks flushed and heated up remembering what you did. You were just asking out of curiosity, nothing more.

"I don't know him, Zara. We are merely acquaintances. I am just supposed to be his guide to get him and his family accustomed to
our village, that is it" You said, hearing Zara sigh and place a hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at her, seeing that she already had her usual soft expression on her face.

"Then, just be his friend. He probably needs one, and Ive noticed how at ease he seems with by your side even if he just met you. If you change your mind somewhere down the line, maybe you'll feel differently." Zara suggests, and you nod simply. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to establish an actual friendship, and not just wordlessly assume you're friends. Zara was right. Moving here from what he knew was probably a lot for him and his family, so what he needs right now is to have a friend he can turn to, and you'd be glad to be just that.

Besides, you weren't ready for a mate yet. Not with Vokan, with Jake, or any other man in the village. You were looking for a mate only to satisfy what Ronal and Tonowari wanted for you. They had done so much for you since you could remember and you'll be damned if you didn't repay their kindness by fulfilling their wishes that had nothing but good intentions behind them. Tonowari and Ronal wanted you to reconstruct a better future for you, and they wanted you to lead the people when they couldn't and you'll do it. No questions asked.

"I..." You started, sighing deeply before making eye contact with Zara briefly. "I have dinner with Jake's family later tonight. It was his youngest daughter's idea. I'll get to know him and be his friend" You said with a smile, prompting Zara to do the same. You didn't hold it against her for suggesting to try and have Jake be your mate. She's only ever had good intentions, and she knew boundaries. It was merely a suggestion and you knew that. You were much more okay with being his friend than try to build something with him.

"That's good. And his daughter invited you, right?" Zara asked, and you nodded in affirmation. "Then you know you're making progress. They'll love you. Who wouldn't?" Zara asked, making you huff out a laugh through your nose and smile. Without another word, you brought your friend into a hug (which she immidiately reciprocated) and you two stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away. "You have to tell me how it goes. You're 34, Y/n. You've waited enough. You deserve to be happy, whether you think so or not" Zara said, putting her hands on your cheeks and then squishing them. The gesture made you smile and laugh a bit without fail.

"I hate you" You said bashfully, moving her hands away from your cheeks and diverting your gaze somewhere else. It was embarrassing when she did things like that, but Zara found ir endearing. "I love you, too" Zara laughed, throwing her arms around you in a hug, making you both stumble back a bit. Both of you eventually bidded goodbye to one another and went your separate ways.

As you made your way to your hut, you heard the laughs and the happy conversation that was happening right next door, and a smile appeared on your lips at the mere sound of it. It was sweet. Their family was nothing like you have ever seen before and the love in a family is something that is hard to come by. You hoped that nothing ever separated them.


Nighttime fell in Awa'atlu and the cold breeze washing up onto the village seeped through the curtains of your tent. You were getting ready for dinner with the Sully's and you were really nervous, even if you didn't know why exactly. The feeling was just there and it was hard to pinpoint, but you just pushed it to the back of your head and ignore your negative thoughts.

You had kept your same clothes from before, but just letting your hair down completely this time around. You wanted to make a good impression, so for that, you want to look nice. You were sitting in your tent, checking that everything was in order before heading out.

Before you could regret any of this and back out, you stood up and began making your way out, blowing up the torches that were still lit up on your tent's on your way out. You stepped out, and immediately turned to walk to your left, heading to the hut next to yours. There was light emanating from the tent as you stood outside, taking a deep breath and taking steps forward towards the entrance of the hut.

You stepped around the corner and peeked into the tent, and what you saw warmed your heart. Tuk and her older sister were sat side by side, preparing ingredients, cutting and slicing fruits and such. Jake was in front of the fire with who looked like his oldest son, spurring on the flames to get it ready to cook the food. There was also another boy, who was working on sorting out good pieces of branches that could
be useful for fire in the center of the hut.

None of them had noticed your presence yet, so you knocked against the outside of the hut, grabbing the attention of the family. As soon as Tuk saw you, her eyes sparkled with happiness and stood up, running towards you. When you stepped inside the tent, Tuk reached you and hugged your leg. "Y/n! You came!" She beamed, and you patted the top of her head with a soft smile as you scanned the room.

Their reactions were all very different. The older girl, Kiri, who was with Tuk before you arrived was looking at you with a plain expression, but you could tell she felt calm. The oldest boy who was with Jake smiled at your arrival, Neteyam, continued what he was doing after you came in. And the other boy, Lo'ak waved simply before getting back to work as well. Jake, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off of you since the moment you came in. The way you smiled gently to all of his children warmed his heart and it was truly endearing.

Not to mention that you look slightly different from earlier that afternoon. Your hair was different, and not many people would have noticed, but you were wearing some accessories that Jake noticed the moment you came in. He noticed those small details that you thought nobody would take notice of.

"Hey, Y/n. Come, sit" Jake said, scooting over slightly and leaving you a space between him and where Tuk was previously in. Speaking of, as soon as Tuk heard her father's words, she didn't hesitate in grabbing your hand and pulling you along excitedly over to sit where Jake left space. You chuckled at her eagerness and sat down, crossing your legs accordingly.

As soon as Jake sat down, he leg out an accidental smile come through and when you turned to look at him, seeing he was already looking your way, you returned it and smiled at him too. Seeing you this up close, Jake couldn't help but notice how unique your features are. Your turquoise doe eyes, a stripe pattern he has never seen on a Na'vi before, and freckles along the bridge of your nose. He'd be lying if he said you were beautiful. Neteyam and Lo'ak noticed this and sent each other knowing looks, laughing under their breath as they watched the exchange between you and their father.

"Y/n," Tuk piped in and you removed your gaze from Jake and over to the little girl beside you. "These are my siblings. That's Kiri," Tuk started, pointing over to sister, who had a barely noticeable smile on her face before going to back to what she was doing. You could tell she was a bit more introverted, and that was totally okay. If anything, that was something you and her had in common now.

"That's Neteyam. He's our oldest brother" Tuk continued, pointing over to the boy beside Jake who was much brighter than Kiri and waved at you, to which you reciprocated. "And that's Lo'ak" Tuk concluded, pointing over to the boy on the other side of the fire. To greet you, he did a small head gesture, with a small 'hey' and he quickly went back to what he was doing.

"And you know my dad" Tuk finished, pointing over to Jake who was smiling at his daughter fondly. You turned to look at Jake, and said, "Yes, I do" You said simply, turning your gaze away from Jake much earlier than he would've liked. "Nice you to meet you, kids. What are you making?" You asked, letting your eyes drag over to their ingredients in front of them.

"We were gifted some fish from the fishermen of the village so that's what we decided to eat tonight" Neteyam said, earning nods from the other kids. "If you have any recipes you can give us, we'll try to learn them" Jake said, and you nodded, already thinking of teaching them all food from the reef people. You imagined that since it was a different region, the food was drastically different so it would be fun.

"Well, i'd love to help if there's anything left" You said, and the person you expected least to answer suddenly piped in. Kiri looked up from what she was cutting and answered. "We still have long way to go with getting the fish ready. You could help Tuk and me" Kiri offered, and you nodded instantly, moving closer to the two girls as Kiri handed one of you the uncut fish.

You'd done this process hundreds of times before so it wouldn't be hard. Fish was one of the main dishes around here in the Metkayina clans, so you would do your best to make this best dish they could have on their first night. During the process of cutting, you instructed Tuk and Kiri in how to do it in the the most optimal way so nothing is wasted. Since Tuk was too young, she had a smaller knife than Kiri and you, but it still got the job done.

"You're doing a great job, girls" You said, watching how well they've been listening to your teachings and implementing it into the food they're preparing. Kiri look over to you and her smile was much more noticeable this time around. "Thanks, Y/n" She said, and you nodded with a toothless smile. As for Tuk, she had been working very hard on her own fish this entire time. When she was done, she tapped your shoulder to get your attention.

"Y/n, look! Did I do it right?" Tuk asked, gesturing with her hand to her finished cut up pieces of fish. You beamed at the girl and patted the top of her head. "That's very good, Tuk! Good job" You praised, and the girl cheered to herself, muttering a small 'yay' before continuing onto the next piece.

Jake watched as you taught his daughters and interacted with them. He could tell comfortable both of his girls already were around you, and he hoped you'd get even closer to them to the point that they could confide in you, just like you could confide in them. That was what strong bonds were all about, weren't they?

It soon fell into comfortable silence once again, and this time, it was Neteyam and Lo'ak's turn to make conversation. They, too, wanted to get to know you. The oldest Sully brother was the first one to speak up. "Thank you for your kindness, Mrs. Y/n. You're one of the only people who's been understanding since our arrival here, and it means a lot" Neteyam said as he smiled softly, and you could tell there was an underlying sense of pain and hurt in his voice. They've only been here a day and they haven't been accepted by most of the village.

"Please, call me Y/n. And people fear what they can't understand, and even we are all Na'vi, some people struggle with the truth. They will all come around, I promise. Give it time" You said truthfully, and your response made all of the Sully kids visibly tense but their mood softened as your words settled into their minds. The kids all nodded and looked at each other as if communicating telepathically. You didn't know it, but they all had the same thougut insidd their heads. We can trust her.

"Now, would you like to tell me about your training today? I heard Tsireya and Ao'nung were your teachers, just like I was for your father today" You said, gesturing to Jake, who tensed at the mention of him but he dismissed the weird feelings he had and continued to listen to the conversation, even if the lessons with you stayed in the back of his head.

"Lo'ak fell off his ilu" Tuk piped in as she giggled at the memory, but the said boy only deadpanned at his little sister. He had only just managed to forget that embarrassing incident. Neteyam and Kiri started chuckling as well, laughing along to the memory that they had earlier that day. Kiri wasn't there when it happened, but just the image she had in her head of Lo'ak hilariously falling off made her chuckle. She could imagine how embarrassed he was, especially if Tsireya was watching too.

"Yeah, well, I'm not the one who was whining because she couldn't keep up" Lo'ak retaliated, making Tuk gasp and pout. Now, it was her turn to feel embarrassed. "Hey!" Tuk whined, but this was just innocent banter between the two. You've seen Tsireya and Ao'nung tease each other exactly like this and it's amusing as it is funny. Neteyam, Kiri, and Jake seemed to think so too because they all had smiles on their faces that would burst into laughter at any moment. Seems like it's reoccurring.

The night continued on like that for a while up until the moment that the food was done and it was time to eat, and all the way until dinner was over. As the dinner progressed, the kids interacted with one another and with you with a lot more confidence and more comfortably too. When the time for you to leave for the night, Jake offered to escort you out to your huu so you wouldn't arrive by yourself. As sad as Tuk was that you were leaving, Kiri got her to accept it and reassure the little girl that she would see you the next day anyway.

Before you and Jake stepped out of the hut, you turned back and waved to the kids, bidding them goodbye. They were all setting up their mats on the ground, as per Jake's request, since it was time for bed. He asked them all to be in bed and asleep by the time he came back. Once you and Jake were out on the path outside the tents and began walking over to yours, which wasn't a very long walk, Jake still had something in the back of his head that he wanted to bring up, and he was really unsure.

Before he could regret it, Jake slowed down in his step as you continued to walk forward. Hs reached out and grabbed onto your wrist gently. Fire spread throughout his skin, and yours upon contact. Your head snapped back to look at Hake with wide eyes, only to see his expression was identical to yours. Where did that come from? It was hard to pinpoint. Before the mood could be tarnished, Jake began to speak. Was he too forward?

"There is actually something I wanted to ask you. Would you mind taking a walk with me for a bit?" Jake asked with a bit less confidence than he had intended, but you were now fully facing him and you nodded. He had not taken his eyes off yours. He hadn't stopped looking at you since he grabbed your wrist. He was still stunned by it. You couldn't deny him a simple conversation, would you?

"Yeah, sure. Lead the way" You spoke, and Jake nodded shakily, beginning to walk past you and leading you over to a secluded where he knew that nobody would disturb either of you or anyone would wake up with the sound of your voices. He had discovered this place earlier that day, and he figured it was a good spot. Most families were asleep by now, so you had to be careful throughout the night.

Turns out that the place Jake had found was a beach on the east side of the village, and the shores had bioluminescent water crashing up to the sand gently. Above you and Jake, there were mangrove trunks that loomed over the both of you and served as some sort of tunnel, but you two could still see the night sky.

You and Jake walked in comfortable silence. Neither of you had established a verbal friendship so he hoped that this would be a good chance to do that, and he had no idea that you wanted the same thing. It's only been one day and never has Jake felt the need for a friend more than he did today. He just wanted to make sure he had somebody to rely on, and someone to go to, and you seemed like a good person for that. You've helped his family without hesitation from the moment they arrived in the village, you've respected the fact that he didn't want to be known aa Toruk Makto; just Jake, and you've helped the kids feel comfortable and at home in such little time that he was grateful to no end.

"What did you want to talk about?" You asked, knocking Jake out of his train of thought, and he turned to look down at you. You were already looking up at him expectantly. "I just wanted to talk to you, get to know you" Jake said, trying to muster up as much confidence as he could. He didn't know why he was so nervous, but the way you innocently looked up at him let him know that you hadn't caught on to the turmoil that he was feeling inside.

"Oh, okay. What do you want to know?" You asked, and Jake sighed, racking his brain for all the questions he had already in his head and that he'd be wondering about. As you waited for his first question, you watched as the bioluminescent currents came up to your ankles and your toes sank in the soft sand.

Jake was worried, he didn't want to accidentally ask something that will reopen old wounds or anything that makes you uncomfortable. The man figured he'd just ask about something that he'd been wondering about since the last couple of days. Hopefully it didn't cross any lines or boundaries. This was supposed to be a nice experience to get to know one another, and he didn't want to ruin that.

"Okay, I have one" Jake started, and you looked up from the sand with a small hum as you two continued to walk side by side. A big step was about to be taken and Jake hoped he didn't end up messing it up horribly.


Hello! I am so sorry I haven't updated recently like I promised I would. Life has gotten in the way recently but my time has been opening up recently and I have more time to write. Im trying to figure out a schedule as best as I can.

This chapter we got the introduction of Zara! Y/n's best friend. She will have a big role in the story and I hope you guys take time to check out 'Teach Her Love' by -daisyridleys ! You wont regret it!

We are getting a deep convo scene next chapter and I'm so excited. I'm preparing the questions they'll ask each other and the dialogue. Y/n and Jake will take the step to officially become friends and I cannot wait!

Ive said this before but I hope that this story isn't going too fast. Im trying my best to make it a slowburn while also trying to show the development between jake and y/n's relationship gradually. I want to show the development well, so I promise itll be worth it in the end! Let me know what you guys think so far!

There's not much I have to say now, but as always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good rest of your week everyone!


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