Chapter 8- Dangerous game

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I flinched as he brought his blade near my face. My body rammed against the chair as I moved as much as far from his reach. It was no use at all. There was nowhere to run away. He slowly placed the blade under my chin with a smug smile on his face. I widened my eyes with horror as I felt the cold metal against my skin. He impelled me to face him as he lifted the blade. I hold my breath as I  peer at him.

"You know what, you have a pretty face" The man grinned mischievously and traced his blade on my face. I didn't dare to move a muscle with fear that it might cut my face.

" How about I decorate it a little"

His blade brushed against my skin , giving me willies from inside. He dangerously yet meticulously drew circles on my right side cheek , not making a single cut. His tongue flickered as do so , displaying another piercing attached to his tongue.

" One right here. And how about another one here?"

He asked in a sneer as his blade shifted to my left cheek. Sweat drops started forming on my forehead as the blade pressed even more against my skin. He's trying to kill me without actually killing me.

"Do you know that you saw something  you aren't allow to see?" Jin queried, heeding my attention towards him. It was a threat more than a question.

Interrupting the whole torture session, the door opened reveiling three more men. As I guessed before , one was Yoongi and Other one was Hoseok. I glanced at the third person who was walking behind them. I suddenly stood up with astound. I was again pushed into my seat but my eyes were still staring at him. It was none other than,

Jeon Jungkook?

What is he doing with these men? He's part of this gang as well? Is this the reason he was absent today?

I felt so dumbfounded. He is working with these dangerous men. Meaning he's a dangerous person as well. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing.

Jungkook stopped as he saw me surrounded by his fellow members. His face was as surprised as mine. His already big eyes widened even more. Why does he appear in every situation that I get myself in trouble? First Hyuk the jerk and now some thugs. And worse, he's part of it.

His rolled-up sleeves were revealing his bare skin , flashing the tattoos on his muscular arms. The ink marks that were tattooed on his arms were exquisite and captivating. In school, his long sleeves covered the tattoos without showing them outside. At that moment only I noticed the ring bars attached to both of his ears, just like Jimin's.

The white-haired man ,Yoongi who stepped near us broke the silence that erected because of their appearance.

" What's happening here?" He glanced at me. His eyebrows raised as he recognised me.

"That kid from the bar, what are you doing here?" With his question the other guy glanced at me as well. Hoseok's lips parted as he saw me.

" Yah! Aren't you-" Hoseok's loud voice was cut off by Jin.

" Yeah he's the one" Jin cleared his doubt and nodded at that Hoseok guy who was scrutinizing my figure.

"Looks like he's popular here. Everyone seems to know you"

The blue haired guy snickered as he saw that half of his gang mates already knew me. Oh god, this is coming for no good.

Three of them joined us at the table. I noticed that Hoseok was having piercing as well. His eyebrow rings were slightly visible through his fallen bangs on his face.

Their tattoos and piercings seem to have a connection with eachother. I descried that they had that same butterfly tattoo on them. That tattoo wasn't black as other tattoos on their body. It was a reddish brown colour, which made it highlighted from others. I saw the same wing design in Jungkook's arm , which I saw in Yoongi's chest the other day.

Seven people were standing near me. They looked like angels who just landed from heaven. I could spend the whole day admiring the seven handsome men I just came across. But the thing is, it's not a good time to admire some people who are ready to send me to my grave.

"What is he doing here?" Jungkook's  interrogated the man who was still on the table with his blade in his hand, still not taking his eyes off me. The blue-haired lifted his body.

" We are just having fun with him. You wanna join?" He talked like it was a child's play. I gwaked as he invite the others with a smirk on his face.

" Tell me what happened Taehyung!" Yoongi huffed impatiently, wanting to know what was going on here. The blue haired is Taehyung! Ok, one more name to go... Taehyung sluggishly moved away from me somewhat leasing my fears.

"This one was following you guys. I caught him red-handed" Jimin who was quiet since the question session started , seemed to be awakened by Yoongi's question. Maybe he's the destined one to kill me, yup, no doubt about that.

"So he's what, a spy?" Hoseok took a seat near the blonde depositing his shoulder bag on the table.

" He says he wants to meet Mr You know who to get a job!" The blonde guy answered Hoseok. His explanation made both Yoongi and Hoseok burst into laughter. What's so funny about that. Is this some kind of joke that only they know?

Somehow Jungkook was silent. He didn't talk but he didn't stop staring at me either. Yoongi clinged in to the chair and wiped his non existing tears , acting as he heard the biggest joke in his life. Of course he's mocking my stupid and lame excuse.

"Kid are you serious. Do you know what and who you are talking about?"

Yoongi stopped laughing and inquired in his usual icy cold tone. I tried to rather focus on his death tone than his chest I could see through his half unbuttoned shirt.  I wobbled my inner cheeks nervously without answering him.

"What are we going to do about him?" Jungkook asked them drifting his gaze away from me.

" What else, we have to make him silence to never to speak again"

That suggestion was from Jimin the devil who's gonna send me to death soon. What did I even do to him? He always wants me to get lost.

Everyone else wanted me to get lost. Those people who tried to kill me, they didn't want me to live either. Am I just a needless wretch to this world? A person that is unwanted by anyone? Am I? I mentally bemoaned while stating the facts from my mind. 

" You are gonna kill me? So you don't believe me right?"

I stood up from my seat, throwing the chair backwards. The guys stared at me with bewildered expressions drawn on their faces. Without thinking twice, I grabbed Taehyung's hand which he was handling the knife. I pointed the edge of the blade right infront of my chest. I squinted each of them.

" Go ahead! KILL ME! Send me to my parents and sister! There is no one wanting me here. Not anyone in this world!"

I harshly bit my lip to hold my tears. No one wants me...

All of them were staring at me without uttering a word. I chuckled as I couldn't detect any motion from any of them.

"What are you waiting for! Kill me!" I insisted them with tinting my words with both sneer and frustration.

I pulled Taehyung's blade with my other hand bringing the blade closer to my chest. Sharp pain felt in my palm as a thick liquid leaked from it. I closed my eyes not wanting to witness the blade sinking inside my flesh.

I was ready to go back to my family. At least they will welcome me opened hands right? What's the point of living anyways.

No one ever wanted me nor no one missed me. All these years I have been alone. And,

All ways I'll be alone.

This chapter is shorter than others , because it want flow if I add more here.....
Sorry for that 😞
Is it boring?😅

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