Chapter 7- Hot criminals..

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Jimin got into the seat next to the driving seat. Even he was in the front , that guy was looking at me from the mirror like a hawk. I flinched when suddenly a phone started vibrating. It belonged to a guy next to me. He answered the phone with his deep low voice. His voice wasn't rasp as the previous man.

"You finished? Ok let's meet at home, We have some rat business to clear" I couldn't see his face properly but I clearly saw his threatening look as geered at me. I gulped as he ends his phone call. He just called the rest of his gang. Who knows how many of them there are. I'm so so dead.

" Jin hyung,It's done. Let's go!" He talked to the man in the driving seat. Jin!?I swear to god I have heard that name before.

"Let's go!" Jimin said before turning towards us and handing a blindfold to a guy near me. That guy raucously turned my head to cover my eyes with the blindfold. Great , now I can't see where they are gonna take me even.

I should have just stayed at home. My curiosity got my butt whopped. I groaned frustratingly when I was harshly pushed to my seat.

" Shut up!" I recognised Jimin's spiky voice. What's wrong with this guy? Always wanting me to shut up, asshole.

I didn't talk back cause I didn't wanted to get beaten up by these bunch of criminals. They didn't speak a word till we stopped either. It wasn't a long journey. Only fifteen minutes and we were already where they wanted to be.

" Ok get out!"

One guy took off my blindfold letting me see the surrounding again. As I was compelled to get down , I slid from my seat. I blinked a couple of times to adjust my eyes to the outside. I gaped at the kidnappers. They were all covering their faces with masks. I could only recognise Jimin since I earlier saw him very well. I laid my eyes on the house infront of us.

Is this where they live? Wow, they are rich!

" Move!" One of them pushed me , making me walk forward. I scowled at him but still obeyed him and did what he said.

The house was like a mansion. Inside it, there were lot of space. I couldn't even imagine how many zeros were there in the number if I collect the total value of the house. They took me to the living room like place.

I blinked as Jimin too off his mask.I hate to say this but, God he's handsome. I didn't expect to see a face like that under the mask. First thing I noticed was his ears that were convoyed with bars of rings. His brown colour hair had some orange stripes, giving more brightness to his slim and long face. Thin eyes and a small nose sharpened his well proportioned looks. His plumpy lips added a erotic art to his already elegant face. I wasn't so surprised as I saw him having tattoos as well.

I glanced at each of them to analyze their looks.

The man who was about one inch taller than Jimin was holding his mask in his hand. His blonde hair made him look decent while his dragon eyes gave him a more ravishing look. One piercing jewellery was attached in the corner of the lip giving him a sexy but dangerous look at the same time. He was scanning my figure from his sharp gaze.

I drew my attention to the person with awesome blue hair. The longer bangs were tied up to a man bun while letting the shorter ones freely fall on his face. His long eyes looked dreamy and seductive. I couldn't believe that he's an actual human being. The handsomeness in his face was unbelievable. As he was flickering his tongue to lick his bottom lip , his tongue piercing glimmered. Man,he's hot as fuck!

I couldn't stare at him for that long because I was flabbergasted as I saw the other guy who was standing right next to him.

He was the tall handsome face from the supermarket. I knew it! I knew there was some kind of familiarity with that voice back then. He's Jin! how could I forget that.

My first question was,

Why do criminals look so hot? I mean they were the most handsome men I have ever seen. And I'm sure that Yoongi and Hoseok were part of them. If my memory is correct, they both deserve something like Mr International. God, they must be interviewing the hottest people in the world.

" You! Aren't you the one who bumped into Hoseok last time?" Jin pointed at me, knitting his eyebrows together. As he does that I could see that he got two piercings on his right eyebrow. These people are surely a part of a underworld gang.

" Jin hyung ,You know this guy?'" The deep and raspy voice belonged to the blue banged guy. That deepness of his voice was scary yet beautiful at the same time.

Y/n why did you have to pretend as a guy? or else you could have just dated one of these guys. I mentally slapped my stupid thoughts and tried to observe what they were talking.

"Not like we know each other, he just dumped into us," Jin suddenly flickered at me "Wait, were you spying on us that day?" I warped as he snapped at me.

Great, they have at least thousands of reasons to kill me.

" Why the heck would I spy on you? I don't even know you!"

I strived hard to correct misunderstandings and prove my innocence, but of course, they didn't want believe me nor listen to me.

" I don't think he's working alone, where is the rest of your gang? Who sent you here? How many of you are there?" The blonde entreated a series of questions. Gang? How many? What in the world,

" I don't know what you guys are talking about" I irkly snapped at them with a displeased look. They are not even trying to listen to me.

"We should take him to the torture chamber and lock him up" I stared at the orange striped man.

Jimin cracked his knuckles, getting ready to beat me up.

What in the freaking hell! Why is he like this? What have I even done to him to get treated like this?

I decided to speak before he could drag me to some horrible place. Who knows how that torture chamber looks like. I bet the walls are covered with knives and axes, while chains and handcuffs are hanging on the ceiling.

After the incident I faced years ago , I was lot sensitive towards violence and bloodshed. It's better if I speak up.

"Ok, I'll speak!" I acquiesced and heaved a sigh.

The blonde guy lured me to a table that was surrounded by seven chairs. I was shoved to one of the chairs. His grip on my shoulder will leave a mark on there for sure. It was that tight.

I bet they'll be a little gentle with me if they know that I'm a girl. But still, who knows. they are criminals after all.

Others followed the blonde and got seated as well. I cringed as Jimin sat right next to me. He kept monitoring my every move making me so much uncomfortable. The blonde was sitting face to face with me.

" Ok speak now! You better spill out the truth or " my eyes widened as I saw him pulling out a weapon from his pocket.

A gun!Holly cow it's a reall gun!.

I felt my knees shaking. I held into my thighs tightly to stop shaking. My mind was screaming from inside.

" See this little baby? I won't hesitate to shoot a bullet right in to your peanut size head!" He growled.

Boy! I could have misunderstood him as a nice gentleman if I saw him somewhere else, but right now at this moment he's ready to blow my head off.

"Now this is going to be interesting" The blue-haired guy settled himself on the table, pulling out a blade from his back pocket. He took it out from its leather cover. Making sure that I can clearly see him , he stroked the blade from his long fingers before tracing his tongue along the length of the blade. I jittered from his fearful actions. But still ,

I gotta admit he looked so hot when he does that.

" Be a good boy now!"

Jin's hand stroked my hair with a smirk stretched on his lips. He isn't showing me affection at all, he is fucking threatening me. I gulped hard with anxiety. I prayed that that couldn't hear my heartbeat. It was about to burst.

" I-I just heard this name, Ki Sung. I wanted to find him, so I followed them " I spoke quietly. The words were almost a whisper, I was stammering. My forehead and palms were sweating so much.

"What about him? Do you know him?" sharp eyes of him was staring at my soul like he wanted to read my mind. I can't tell them the truth , not until I figure out what's behind my family's death.

"I needed a job. When I was in the bar that guy Yoongi sounded like he's a good deal. other than that I don't know anything, I just wanted to meet him and maybe get a job"

" You wanted a job?" He shot me an ambiguous glance. I nodded skittishly, biting my lower lip. He's gonna kill me anytime soon now.

" He's so dumb"

The man on the table leaned towards me, streaching his sharp dagger at me.

I'll update another chapter today...

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