The World Closing In

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Mia walks downstairs, she walks into the kitchen to see Bryce and Ani talking. Mia stops and looks at the two. "Oh, hello, Mia," Ani says with a mug of coffee in her hand.

Mia scoffs and grabs water from the refrigerator. She turns back to Ani and Bryce. "Hi. are you?" She questions.

Ani smiles she opens her mouth to say something, but Mia interrupts. "I don't really care, actually. Can we talk...alone?" She questions, looking at Bryce with raised brows. Bryce stops drinking his smoothie and nods his head. "Right, yeah...okay..." Bryce walks away and Mia waits until he leaves.

As soon as Bryce leaves, Mia looks back at Ani with a dark look in her blue eyes. "I'm sorry...did I do something?" Ani questions.

Mia licks her lips, "Are you serious?" Mia questions. Ani tenses up, she knew what Mia was talking about. "You're actually going to ask me what you did wrong?" Mia leans against the island, as Ani leans against the counter.

"Mia, I-I'm sorry." She says.

"You're sorry...?" Mia questions. "You kissed my boyfriend and you never even said anything to me." Mia sets her water down.

Ani slightly scoffs, "What would I have said? 'Hey Mia, how are you?... Good. Well, I kissed your boyfriend'?" Ani raises her brows.

Mia scoffs, she slowly begins to chuckle and then she laughs. She covers her mouth and inhales deeply. "Just when I think we were friends you just..." Mia runs her tongue over her teeth. "You fuck it up..." Mia wipes her nose, she shakes her head and grabs her water.

Ani follows her out of the kitchen. "Mia, please--"

"Y'know what, Ani..." Mia turns to the girl, Ani stops walking and looks at her. "Just leave me alone. We live together, have the same friends, doesn't make us friends...not anymore." Mia looks at Ani with pain and betrayal in her eyes.

The door opens and Mia smiles at the boy. "Hey, Justin," Mia says. She wraps her arms around his neck and Justin hugs her back. Mia enters the room and she sees Clay on his laptop. "What's wrong with him?" Mia whispers to Justin.

"He's been on his laptop all morning," Justin whispers.

Mia purses her lips, "Do you think if I take my shirt off he'll notice me?" She questions. Just pulls his brows together, "Dude. That's gross." He whispers.

"You know I can hear you guys?" Clay questions.

Mia and Justin close their mouths and walk over to him. Mia kisses his cheek, "I'm sorry, I didn't stay here last night...I had to rehash something with my mom." Mia sets her bag down and sighs.

Clay and Justin look at each other then at the girl. "I-is everything all right?" Clay questions.

Mia thinks for a second and nods her head. "Yeah, everything's good...for now." She shrugs.

Mia looks at the picture and frowns, "Cute picture." She compliments.

Clay looks back at his computer and rolls his eyes. "You're lying." He retorts.

Mia smirks, "No, I'm not...I think it's..." Mia looks at the boys and sighs. "You guys really don't like that picture." She says as she grabs her bag. "I'd sleep with the guy in that photo." She shrugs with a smirk tugging on her lips.

Clay's face goes slack and Justin spits some of his coffee out. "Y-Y-You would...what?" Clay asks.

Mia turns to him and raises her brows, "Hm? Oh, don't worry about it..." She waves her hand. "I've got to go, though...I'll see you guys at school." She quickly waves her hand and leaves the room.

Clay opens his mouth, but the door was already closed. He looks at Justin, "What...what just happened?" He asks.

Justin shrugs and sips his coffee.


Mia inhales as she sees the message on her phone. Clay asks her if Olivia has talked to her. Mia bites her lip. She stuffs her phone back in her pocket and walks away. As she turns a corner, she bumps into someone. "Shit..." She whispers.

She sees the person she bumped into her and sighs, "Shit." She says with more anger, as she sees the curly-haired girl in front of her. "Mia." The girl says.

"Ani." Mia presses her lips in a tight line, before walking past her. Ani follows behind her. "I-I have to talk to you." She says.

"We just did. You said 'Mia' and I said 'Ani'." Mia explains.

Ani rolls her eyes, "Hilarious." She speaks. Ani quickly stands in front of the blonde, stopping her in her tracks. Mia sighs, "What do you want to talk about?" Mia asks.

Ani grabs the girl's wrist and drags her into an empty room. Mia rolls her eyes and sighs. "I have to ask you about...Homecoming..." Ani says hesitantly.

Mia folds her arms as she tenses up. "Why are you asking me about this?" She questions.

Ani rolls her lips into her mouth. "Honestly, we have suspected...everyone, but you." Ani adjusts her bag on her shoulders. Mia pulls her brows together. "I already confronted Clay about this. And--"

"Where were you that night?" Ani cuts off the girl.

Mia blinks, "Ani..." Mia pinches the bridge of her nose. "I was with Clay." She answers.

Ani raises her brows, "Were you now?" She questions.

Mia feels her heart beat quicker. "Yeah...I was." She lies.

Ani slightly slumps her shoulders, "Mia." Ani says.

Mia gnaws on her lip, "Ani, leave me alone." Mia pleads, exhausted about the conversation.

"Just tell me what I want to--"

"I went to go see John!" Mia shouts turning back to the girl. Mia closes her eyes. Ani pulls her brows together, "John? What--"

"No, no, no...I didn't even want to tell you! So, just forget what I...said..." Mia leaves the classroom, leaving the girl alone.

Mia sips her coffee and sighs. "So, how's New York?" Mia asks.

Olivia smiles softly. "'s good when my thoughts are too loud...just going out it--"

"Distracts you." Mia finishes her explanation.

Olivia nods her head. "I know that feeling," Mia says. She looks down at her mug. Olivia smirks, "Did you ever get closure?" Olivia asks.

Mia feels her stomach turn, "What do you mean?" She asks.

"Closure about...John." Olivia says.

Mia gnaws on her lip. "I...I don't really know..." Mia chuckles nervously. "How I'm going to get closure." She sips some of her coffee.

Olivia tilts her head. "Sweetie...closure is whatever you need it to be," Olivia says.

A lump forms in the girl's throat, "Did you...get closure? For Hannah?" Mia asks.

Olivia presses her lips together. Mia closes her eyes and presses her thumb between her brows. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that..." Mia says shaking her head.

Olivia reaches for Mia's hand. "No, sweetheart, It's okay." Olivia gives her a small smile. "I'm not ready for closure yet. I'm still...angry, I'll always be angry." Olivia admits.

Mia nods her head. "But, I've noticed're happy...happier," Olivia says with a smile.

Mia smiles as well. "Clay Jensen," Olivia says.

Mia's heart skips and she chuckles. " and Clay are great." Mia smiles.

Olivia nods her head, "I'm glad."

A/N: Thank you Guys for 2,000 reads! I love you all❤️❤️❤️

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