The World Closing In (2)

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Mia looks at the fruit snacks in her hands with no interest. Clay notices and sets his pencil down on, "Are you okay?" He asks. Mia looks up at him with pouted lips. "Tony's not talking to me." She lays her head on his shoulder.

Clay furrows his brows, "And...why would Tony not be talking to you?" He asks.

Mia shrugs, "I don't know...I mean, I thought me and him were cool...friends..." Mia says as she sets down the fruit snacks and Clay frowns. "Have you asked him about it?" Clay questions.

Mia shakes her head and scoffs, "No...What if I'm misreading the situation? Then I'll be embarrassed and it would be awkward between us. But if I'm not misreading it...then it would be awkward because he was trying to avoid me." Mia rambles on.

She tilts her head at her boyfriend. "Do you get it?" She questions him.

Clay pulls his brows together and nods his head. "Oddly enough...yes, I do." Clay chuckles and so does the blonde. "How do I get that?" He questions.

Mia smirks, "Because you get me..." She leans forward and kisses him.

Ani sits in the car with Clay as he finishes playing the message that he got from Mrs. Baker. "And it goes on like that for a little while longer," Clay says.

" didn't tell the police?" Ani questions.

"I don't think she did anything." Clay answers. Ani looks at Clay with an incredulous expression.

"I think she was drunk and sad." Clay defends Mrs. Baker.

"She wanted to kill him!" Ani exclaims.

"So did I!" Clay retorts. "But then they found my fingerprints on his car and not hers, so..." Clay shrugs and looks away from her.

"You never told me why you came to the house that night." Ani states.

Clay looks at the girl. "The night you threatened Bryce," Ani emphasizes.

"I was there to see Mia."

"Betty, will you go to Homecoming with me?" Charlie asks the girl.

"Yes!" Betty exclaims. They hug as everyone cheers for them. Ani smiles at the couple. Clay looks at her with his brows furrowed. "I hate this time of year." Clay states.

Ani turns to him, "What, you don't believe in romance?" She asks.

"I don't believe in over-the-top theatrics designed specifically to maximize likes on social media," Clay explains.

Ani squints her eyes, "Okay, yeah...The public display of it is all a bit crass, but...some of us see the appeal of a public gesture." Ani states.

Clay looks at her, "What do you mean 'Some of us'? Who else are you talking about?" Clay questions.

Ani presses her lips together, "Mia?" Ani raises her brows.

Clay chuckles, "No." He shakes his head. He sees Ani's arched brow and scoffs. "No, she...Mia doesn't like that kind of thing." Clay says.

"And how do you know that?" She questions.

"Because she told me." Clay retorts.

"Did she? How exactly did you figure that out?" Ani asks again.

"I saw something on Instagram and mentioned how corny and ridiculous it was--"

"Then you asked her how she felt about it...after her boyfriend totally insulted it?" Ani clarifies for him.

Clay sits there for a second, Mia's never said anything about liking this kind of thing. Then again, she isn't the kind of girl to her feelings. Wow! What if she really wanted something like this? Clay closes his eyes and exhales through his nose.

Ani notices him stressing out and she chuckles, "Don't worry, Clay. I'm sure she'd enjoy something...not as big as this." Ani says, trying to make Clay feel better.

Clay sighs, he opens his mouth, but nothing comes out as he sees Mia walking into the Cafeteria. Mia pulls her brows together at the commotion. She sits next to Clay, "What did I miss?" She asks with a sigh.

Clay clears his throat and tries to act like everything's normal. "Oh, uh...Charlie just asked Becky to Homecoming." Clay explains.

Mia purses her lips and turns to them cheering for them. 'Remain calm, woman.' Mia exhales through her nose, "That'" She shrugs as she bites on her sandwich.

Ani nods her head and tries to contain her smile. Mia notices this and she raises her brows, "What?" She questions.

Ani shakes her head, "I think...I'm going to give you two a moment." Ani grabs her lunch and leaves. Mia pulls her brows together, "Okay..." Mia chuckles.

She looks down at her lunch, Clay stares at her as she starts to eat. Mia turns to him and smiles with her food in her mouth. "Do I have something on my face?" She questions as she wipes the corners of her mouth.

Clay shifts his body towards her, so he was completely looking at the girl. "Do you want to go to Homecoming?" He questions.

Mia furrows her brows. " I want to...are you...asking now?" She asks.

Clay furrows his brows, ", no...I mean, not like..." Clay trails off his sentence and clears his throat. Mia smiles and continues to eat. "You're adorable." She states.

Clay looks back at her and smiles.

Clay walks out of his car with a bouquet of roses in his hand. He stares at the house and inhales, he walks towards the house. Lights shine towards him. He stops as he sees the car pull to a stop and it's Bryce.

"Hey, Jensen." Bryce greets the boy. "I see you made it all the way up the hill this time."

"Shut up." Clay snaps.

"Buddy. You're not just gonna go knock on the door with those, are you? My mom would freak." Bryce states.

"Your mom is on a phone conference. So back off." Clay demands.

"You don't think she's gonna hear about Clay Jensen showing up on her doorstep, talking to her daughter?" Bryce questions.

"Who would she hear that from?" Clay asks.

"Wait, this isn't a Homecoming ask, is it?" Bryce smirks at the boy.

"No..." Clay lies.

"Aw...that's so romantic." Bryce teases. "But you know Mia's not really a romance girl?" Bryce questions.

"How would you know?" Clay asks.

"Dude. You do know she's not some, like, sweet, innocent girl, right?" Bryce questions. "She's lived a life. She's not the Evergreen good girl like what you go for." Bryce chuckles. "I'm surprised you guys made it this far..." He groans.

"You don't know anything about her." Clay states.

"She's my sister. Of course, I know." Bryce retorts, he opens the car door. Clay steps forward and slams the car door shut. "You don't fucking know anything!" Clay shouts.

"Can I get out of my car, please?" Bryce asks calmly. Clay takes his hand off of the car and Bryce gets out.

"You better stay away from her...and Ani." Clay snaps.

"How am I supposed to stay away from them? I live here." Bryce scoffs.

"If you touch Ani--"

"What? I wouldn't do anything to Ani, she's my friend." Bryce states.

"If you touch her...if you even look at her...I will kill you." Clay threatens.

"I'm off my probation. But I still don't think it's a good idea to beat the shit out of you...Mia would be pissed." Bryce laughs. "However, that doesn't mean I can't fuck Ani," Bryce says trying to get a rise out of Clay.


"Don't worry about me. Go ask your girlfriend to the dance." Bryce pats Clay's arm and walks away.

Clay tightens his grip around the flowers. "GODAMMIT!"


Mia sits at the table as Clay looks at through the refrigerator. Mia bites her lip, "Clay, I have to...tell you something." Mia says as she looks at her hands.

Clay turns to her and sees the distress written on her face. "Mia...what's going on?" He asks. Mia twiddles her thumbs.

Clay sits next to her, worry etched across his face. Mia gnaws on her lip and looks up at him. "The night of the homecoming game...I...wasn't at home..." Mia says quietly.

Clay's face goes slack. "Then...where were you?" He asks.

Mia clears her throat and touches the back of her neck. "To get closure..." Mia answers.

Clay furrows his brows. "What does that mean?--"

"I went to go see John." Mia cuts him off.

Clay doesn't say anything he just sits there. Mia wanted him to say something...anything. Like 'Why didn't you tell me?' Or 'It's okay I understand.' But he didn't he just stares at her and she ran a hand through her hair. "Clay--"

The door opens and Justin walks in. He stops as he notices that there was obvious tension in the room. "Why do I always get stuck in the middle like this..." Justin questions.

Mia keeps looking at Clay as he averts eye contact from her. Mia scoffs quietly, obviously disappointed. "Nothing important happened anyway..." Mia mumbles as she stands up.

Clay opens his mouth and stands up. "Mia, wait--"

"It's fine, Clay." Mia sighs. "I should get home..." Mia presses her lips together and makes her way to the door.

Clay looks at her then Justin. Justin mouths the words, 'Go get her'. Clay stands up and follows her. Mia opens the door and stops as she sees the Sheriff with deputies behind him. Mia feels her stomach turn.

The Sheriff looks at Clay. "Clay Jensen, we have a warrant to search your property." The Sheriff reveals the paper to Clay.

"Wh-What? How is that possible?" Clay questions.

"Step aside or you'll be charged with obstruction." The Sheriff enters the house. Mia steps aside.

Justin walks over to them and inhales, "Fuck. Don't say anything!" Justin advises. An officer walks over to the blonde and gently grabs her arm. She locks her fingers and spreads her legs like she was advised to. The officer's search the house.

Mia turns her head to Clay and she sees the fear in his eyes.

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