Just the way it goes

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Mia looks down at the kids partying outside her window as she drinks her fifth beer. She feels everything around her drown out as she looks down at the ring Jeff gave her. Mia feels her eyes burn from the tears beginning to come down her face. She inhales and throws her beer at the wall of her room. She covers her eyes and bends down as she cries.

"Fuck..." She whispers. She inhales as she wipes her tears and stands up to pick the glass shards up and clean the mess. She starts to hear rumbling outside her room door it opens and Mia turns and makes eye contact with a wet Jessica and a wet Justin. "Oh Shit...sorry, Mia. Wrong room." Justin laughs.

Mia inhales and smiles at them, "I was actually just, heading out..." Mia says as she walks past them. "Use it don't use it, I don't fucking care." Mia laughs as she walks down the stairs.

"Thanks Mia!" Jessica yells.

Mia walks out of her house and sees Bryce walking out of the hot tub. She stops walking and sees him breathing heavily. She squints her eyes, "Why are you breathing so hard?" Mia asks him. Bryce shakes his head, "Just swimming." He states.

Mia rolls her eyes, "Swimming? In the hot tub?" Mia questions. Bryce nods his head. Mia shakes her head, "If you were jacking off in the hot tub just say so." Mia says as she starts to clean up everything that the kids left outside their house.


Mia felt herself drifting off, and she was ready to breathe her final breath.

Mia hears loud thumping noises from outside of her slumber as she slowly opens her eyes. She closes them as she feels how much work it is to open her eyes. She looks around and closes her eyes as the light in her room is too bright. "Fuck..." She slurs quietly.

She hears the thumps get louder and she hears grunts. She slowly gets up and stumbles out of her bed. She weakly grabs the doorknob and opens it. She follows the noise downstairs and ignores her sweaty palms and heartbeat in her ears. She touches the railing with her shaky hand and steps down the last stop to see Bryce punching Clay in the face.

"Bryce, what the...hell?" Mia asks like she was out of breath. Bryce punches Clay again and he stays on the ground. Mia slowly walks over to Clay and kneels down towards him. She looks at his beaten and bloody face, she looks up at Bryce and he knits his brows together. "Are you okay? You don't look too good." Bryce states. Mia scoffs and uses her sleeve to her sweatshirt to wipe Clay's face.

She stands up and shoves Bryce with all her might, but he barely moves. Bryce grabs her arms as she stumbles into him and he feels her shaking body. "Sis, what's going on?" Bryce asks more urgently.

Mia feels her heart beat in her ears go beat slower. She squeezes Bryce's arms as she looks down at the floor. "I-I-It's...happening..." Mia says tiredly in pain. Clay looks up from the ground and knits his brows together. "Wh-What did you do?" Clay asks.

"What did you do...to her?" Clay gets up slowly and looks at Bryce.

Bryce looks at Clay and scoffs, "Fuck you, Jensen! What did you do?!" He yells back angry. Clay stops walking and stares at Mia's skin that's now a bluish skin tone. He feels guilt overwhelm him and he shakes his head. "Mia...what's happening, what can I--"

In the blink of an eye Mia falls onto her back and her eyes roll to the back of her head. "Shit! Mia!" Bryce yells.

Clay kneels down and looks at her even though he didn't know what he was doing. "M-Mia...hey, please talk to me..." He says quietly. He feels a lump form in his throat as he thinks this is his fault.

Bryce grabs his phone and calls 911 and gives them their address. As Clay comforts her Bryce grabs his drugs and runs upstairs. Clay ignores Bryce's panicking and focuses on Mia.

"Mia, please...don't do this, please don--"

Clay stops talking as he hears a gurgling sound come from Mia's throat. His eyes widen and he moves her onto her side. Vomit falls out of her mouth and Clay sighs with relief. "It's okay...Bryce called 911. They'll be here soon. Mia, I'm so fucking sorry. I was angry, I know it wasn't your fault. It was Mine. It was all me, I fucking let all this shit happen. I left Hannah, Jeff died. Then Hannah...now I blame you, and look it." Clay feels a lump form in his throat.

"I can't lose you, not you too. You need to fight, okay? You hear me?" Clay says strongly ignoring his need to cry.

He looks down at Mia struggling to breath. He soon hears the ambulance arriving at the scene and he sighs. "You are going to be fine. Okay, don't give up. Fucking fight."

"So, Miss Walker, how do you think, you're doing with everything?" Mr. Porter asks. Mia nods her head and smiles softly, "I'm...getting through it, getting better." Mia twists her ring around her finger. Mr. Porter nods his head and smiles, "See, you never used to even crack a smile." Mr. Porter states.

Mia nods her head and opens her mouth to say something that was also on her shoulders. "Mr. Porter, there's actually something else that I wanted to talk to you about...something else, that's...happening to me. And...I don't...I don't know what to do..." Mia's voice wavers and she inhales.

He looks at her with confusion and worry. "Mia...what's going on?" He asks her.

"My dad...he let his friend stay with us for a few months until he gets back on his feet. But...he...has been do--"

"Hannah." Mr. Porter says. Mia turns around and looks at her best friend. "Oh, I'm sorry...I can come at another time--"

"Oh, no. Please we were just finishing up." Mr. Porter says quickly. Mia snaps her head over to him with uncertainty. "I'll see you, later...Mia." Mr. Porter says.

Mia clears her throat and stands up, "Uh...yeah, okay." Mia says with a fake smile. She turns and looks at Hannah. Mia nods her head and Hannah opens her mouth, "Mia, I'm sorry." She says.

Mia shrugs her shoulders, "Why would you be sorry, Hannah?" She says quietly. Mia walks out of the office and sits down as she bounce her leg. She waits there until she hears the door open again. She sees Hannah walk out and Mia follows her as she waits for a second.

"Hannah." Mia calls out. Hannah turns to her and smiles softly. "Hey, what's up?" She asks.

Mia tilts her head, "Are you okay? I mean-being there in the office, means something. I mean I've been going there for a while." Mia chuckles and so does Hannah.

"I mean, yeah. I went there for help, but...I didn't find it." Hannah states as she grips the strap of her bag tighter. Mia inhales and exhales, "Okay, so..." Mia shrugs her shoulders.

"Fuck him, Fuck Porter." Mia says with a small smile. Hannah smirks and looks down at her finger nails. "How about...I come over to your house later tonight and you and I can talk, like we used to. Remember?" Mia asks while shrugging her shoulders.

Hannah looks up into Mia's blue eyes and almost cried looking at them. 'I don't want her to be in pain again.' Hannah thinks.

Hannah shakes off her thoughts and smiles softly, "Yeah, of course." Hannah says. Mia smiles and nods her head, "Cool...fucking great!" Mia says excited.

"I'll see you then, okay?" Mia says with a smile that she thought would never show on her face again. Hannah nods her head, "Of course, can't wait."

Mia starts to walk away, but Hannah grabs her arm and turns her around. "Hannah, what's--"

Hannah hugs Mia tightly and Mia hugs her back. "I love you, you know that? And no matter what, just know that...I love you." Hannah says with confidence. Mia smiles and suddenly feels a lump form in her throat. "I love you too, Hannah." Mia says with a chuckle. Hannah separates from her and starts to walk down the hall. Mia smiles and tilts her head.

She inhales as she hasn't felt this good in a long time. Sadly, her happiness was going to be destroyed once again.


Mia smiles as she walks downstairs of her house and towards the door. "Precious, wait!"

Mia feels her blood run cold and she grips the doorknob and stops. She closes her eyes as she tries to control her breathing. "What?" She says with an icy tone. "I just...I wanted to see how you were doing after, your 'boyfr--"

"Boyfriend. Jeff is. My boyfriend." Mia turns to look at him. The man tilts his head, "Well...he WAS your boyfriend."

Mia scoffs, "You know what, FUCK you, john." She hisses. John's jaw tightens, "I would appreciate it if you watch your mouth--"

"Or what? You're going to beat me? Mentally abuse me? Oh wait...maybe you might RAPE--"

John covers her mouth and Mia raises her brows as she knows she got to him. He lets go of her mouth and Mia smirks. "You're fucking done, John." Mia spits and opens the door and slams it closed. She inhales and exhales with satisfaction.

Mia walks to her car and she drives to her best friends house. As Mia heads up Hannah's street she sees red and blue lights flashing. Mia raises her brows and parks down the street and walks over to their house. "Mrs. Baker? Hey, what's happening?" Mia asks as she ran up to the crying couple.

"I-It's...I-It's Hannah...Mia...I-I-I'm..." Olivia starts to sob even louder and Mia feels that familiar feeling come back to her. Her hands become clammy and her breathing becomes shallow.

"W-What?" Mia croaks as her stomach turns. Olivia cries as she hears wheels come from her house. Mia looks up and sees a familiar body bag being rolled out of Mrs. Baker's house. Mia blinks slowly as she feels everything move in slow motion. She covers her mouth as tears brim her eyes.

Mia inhales as she feels the tears roll down her cheek, she wipes them quickly and tries to control her breathing. "What do you need me to do?" Mia asks softly.

Mia wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, pull her hair out of her head, down a bottle of vodka. But...she looks at Hannah's parents and she knew she had to be strong. She just lost her best friend, but they lost their daughter.

Mia now knew why Hannah was talking to her like that was last time they were going to see each other. Because that was the last time they would see each other and Mia couldn't help but feel lost, about everything that has happened to her over these school years.

She feels her ears start to ring as she looks at Mrs. Baker. "Mia?" Her voice echoes.

"Why didn't you tell us, Hannah felt this way?" She asks. Mia shakes her head and closes her eyes. "What?--"

"It's your fault." Olivia hisses as she sees her vision go black and white. She hears beeping go throughout her ears and chatter around. She looks up at the sky and shakes her head as Mrs. Baker walks towards her.

"You did this!" Mrs. Baker wraps her hands around her neck and chokes Mia. Mia gasps for air, but she feels herself relieve every horrible thing and she just lets go.

"Mia wake up, please." She hears a familiar soft voice call out to her.

'Clay?' She opens her eyes and doesn't feel hands wrapped around her neck. She didn't see anyone. She was just standing on the sidewalk looking outside Hannah's house. Mia looks around as she feels her emotions overwhelm her, "Clay?" She says while breathing heavily.

"Clay?! CLAY?!" She screams and feels tears roll down her cheeks. She falls to the ground and breathes heavily as she feels all alone. She has to deal with this all alone, because she was all alone.

"Look it, the tears in her eyes, holy shit!" A muffled voice yells in happiness.

"Shh, quiet, dumbass! You're not supposed to yell in a hospital..." Another voice says.

"Her eyes are twitching." Another voice states.

"Hey, you're almost, there Mia. Okay? Just keep listening to our voices." The first voice says patiently.

Mia feels comfort in the voice and she gets off of the ground and walks towards the voice. As the voice talked more Mia kept running. Even faster than the second before.

As she heard the voice get louder she screamed loudly as she fell in a black hole that lead to the outside world.

Mia's eyes flutter open and she quietly gasps as she hears machines beeping and small chatter. The smell of...hospital fills her nose. Mia looks around and makes eye contact with familiar blue eyes. She feels comfort surround her and she exhales. "Clay." She whispers. Clay chuckles and smiles at her, "It's about time."

A/N: Sooooo...that's the end of Book One! In all honesty out of all the stories I've been working on, I think I like this one the most. I hope you all enjoyed Book one, because book soon might be out soon. Thank you for everyone who read, and voted on my chapters. It really means a lot, I'm still new at this writing thing and I don't know if I'm any good at it or not, but...I'm trying. Really though, thank you everyone. I love you all!

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