Prom (3)

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"You all three should get married. As a poly thing?" Jessica points at the three boys in suits.

"We call dibs on Mia." Ani points at the brunette.

Mia chuckles, "I mean shit, I'm game." she shrugs.

"And I don't mean that in any sort of insensitive assuming way." Jessica looks at the boys. "I just think you all three look adorable, and I never say that about Clay." she points at him.

Mia laughs, Clay pulls his brows together. "That is true. You don't." Clay nods.

"You guys look great. You should be prom queens." Mia says to the girls.

"Not a chance. They always vote for whoever the football team wants, and that is definitely not me." Jessica explains.

"Well, the monarchy is an outdated establishment anyway." Mia looks to her side and sees Tony and Caleb. "And besides, I think we have some competition for the hottest couple right here."

"I only came because he made me." Tony points at his boyfriend.

"I'm trying to get him to act his age because you only get one high school prom." Caleb states.

"Well, you get two, apparently," Tony replies.

"Well, let's fucking enjoy it. Shall we?" Jessica and Ani walk away.

Clay interlocks his fingers with Mia's. She bites her lip and smiles. Mia and Clay walk with Charlie and Alex to where the drinks were. They spot Zach walking over to them with a woman. "Hey, guys! What's up?" Zach says.

"Hey!" Charlie says with enthusiasm.

"'We're all at the same table down that-a-way." Zach states. "I ate all the dinner rolls cause I gotta get some food in." Zach looks at the woman on his arm. "This is Presmella."

"Presmilla." she corrects.

"Presmilla." Zach nods.

"Hi!" she waves at them. A smile forms on Mia's lips.

"Going to the bathroom to do coke." Zach smiles. "That is a true story." He pats Clay on the shoulder before leaving.

"Looking Good, Mia!" Zach shouts.

Mia chuckles, "Thanks, Zach!" Mia shouts back.

They all turn to see Presmilla pulling Zach to the bathroom. Clay opens his mouth, "Is she...?"

"Did he bring...?"

"Is that a...?"

"That is definitely a hooker," Charlie answers all of their questions.

Mia nods her head, "Huh." she looks at the three boys. "Our table?"

They all walk over to their table. Clay and Charlie pull their chairs out for their dates. Mia and Alex smile. "You don't need to get my chair for me." Alex states.

"I'm getting your chair. It's what people do." Charlie replies.

Mia looks over at Clay, "It's kind of cheesy." she nods her head. "I like it."

Clay nods his head, "I know you do." he smiles.

Mia sits in the chair and Clay sits next to her.

"Looking, sharp everyone." Deputy Standall walks over to their table. "Food is great, by the way. Chaperones ate early."

"Deputy Standall, it's good to see you, sir." Charlie nods. "We, uh, promise to behave."

"Wait, we do?" Alex asks.

"Well, you won't even dance," Clay says.

"You won't either." Mia looks at Clay.

Clay looks at Mia and she gives him a small smile. Clay slumps his shoulders, "One dance." he says. "Anytime you want to dance...I will gladly dance with you," he says to the brunette.

Her smile grows, "Deal." she holds her hand out towards him. Clay accepts it and shakes her hand.

"Clay, Mia, it's good to see you here." Deputy Standall looks at the couple.

"Yes, sir." Clay nods his head. "Hey, thanks for your help with...uh...all that after, you know, everything at school."

"Hey, no help from me," Standall says. "Sheriff Diaz is really look out for you kids." he pats Clay on the shoulder before leaving.

Mia frowns. "When he says shit like that, it almost always goes wrong." Alex states.

"Foundry's right over there." Clay states. They all look over at Foundry talking to a man.

"Does anyone feel like we're still under surveillance?"


Clay watches as everyone dancing. They were just in the moment, and he wanted to be in this relaxing moment even if it wasn't very long. Mia was sitting beside him, but she was eating her cake. She wanted to be at this moment just to eat her cake.

"You look lonely," Caleb says, sitting next to the couple.

"Hey!" Mia says. "I'm right here!"

"And there's all this extra dessert here, and today is definitely a cheat day, so, hello, cheesecake," Tony says, eating.

"Oh, My God!" Mia looks at her friend. "This cake is fucking amazing!"

Clay laughs at Tony and Mia bonding over their cake. "So, Clay, how's the night going?" Caleb asks.

Clay smiles and nods his head, "I'm having a good time. Yeah." he says. "I mean, everything's burning so brightly tonight, and I just...I'm...look, I'm trying to take it all in. I'm trying to burn it all into my memory." Clay holds his hands out. "I'm...I'm high school senior, you know? Like I...there have been moments these past few years when I forgot about high school altogether, and I just...I mean, it's been a crazy ride...and...and horrible, but also...kind of amazing. I have lived and felt alive in a way that I never thought I would. I've had friendships I never thought I'd have. And I have a great love." Clay finishes.

Mia smiles. Simultaneously, Tony and Mia kiss both of Clay's cheeks. "I love you, man!" Tony exclaims.

"What he said!" Mia adds.

Clay laughs. "You two love dessert." Caleb states.

"Shut up." Tony and Mia say.

"I'm...I'm just trying to be here now...before it's gone." Clay nods his head.

Mia smiles, she looks at Clay. "Have I told you, you have a way with words?" she questions.

Clay looks at the brunette, "You have." he nods.

Mia slightly frowns, "Well, I'm gonna say it have a way with words." she gives him a peck on the neck.

"You two are so cute," Caleb says.

Mia looks over at Caleb and smiles. "Mia, I think you're glowing." Tony states.

Mia looks at Tony, "Am I glowing?" she asks. She slowly nods her head, "I think...I think I am."


"All right, Liberty High. The votes are in. It's time to announce the prom king and queen."

Everyone starts to clap and applaud. "Votes tabulated by the chaperones, and you know it's secure 'cause it was overseen by Dean Foundry." Jessica points to the Dean. There was less applause for that one.

Jessica gets the envelope from a woman. She opens it, Jessica skims over the names and her eyes widen. "Holy shit!" she laughs. "Um...the prom king and queen are, or king and king, or I guess queen and queen. You know, it's whatever they prefer." She announces. "Your prom royalty, Alex Standall, and Charlie St. George!"

Mia laughs and claps. "YES!" she screams.

"You seem more excited than anyone," Clay says.

Mia looks at him, "Of course, they are fucking cute!" she exclaims.

Alex and Charlie walk over to the stage and stand in front of Jessica. She places the tiara on Charlie's head and the crown on Alex's. Charlie and Alex stand in front of each other. Everyone starts to chant for them to Kiss.

Charlie and Alex close the space between their lips. Everyone cheers and claps.

"WHOO! YEAH!" Mia cheers.

"All right, King Charlie, King Alex, it's time for your first dance as Liberty High School royalty."

Charlie walks down the steps and holds his hand out for Alex. "Your majesty." he says.

Alex accepts his hand and walks down the steps. They walk onto the dancefloor.

Everyone at the table stands up as they walk into the middle of the dancefloor. Charlie spins Alex, they hold each other close and sway together. "Are you sad?" Charlie asks. "Right now?"

"Some part of me will always be sad." Alex states. "And another part of me is happier than I've been before." He lifts his head off of Charlie's shoulder and stares at him. "I think...I think I'm in love with you." Alex adds, a smile on his face.

"I'm confident you are...because I know I'm in love with you," Charlie replies.

They kiss again and Mia smiles. Alex lays his head back on Charlie's shoulder.

All right, Liberty, it's time to join your kings, and make this a night to remember!"

All the students flood back onto the dancefloor. "Fuck it. We're dancing." Tony declares.

Caleb looks at his boyfriend. "What?" he questions.

"I am so proud of those two boys, and now I realize I'm a little bit jealous, which means I'm still in fucking high school," Tony explains.

"Yeah, I hear that." Ani nods her head.

"We're fucking dancing," Tony says.

Ani and Jessica walk onto the dancefloor as well. Mia tilts her head, "You." she looks at him. "You seem happy, too," she states. "And I love that."

Clay smiles, Mia presses her lips onto his. Clay kisses her back. They separate from each other. Clay's jaw goes slack. Mia pulls her brows together and turns around to see Justin standing there, staring at Jessica. The students step aside as Jessica and Justin stare at each other.

"Go," Ani says quietly. Jessica looks at her friend. Ani nods her head, encouraging her friend. Jessica looks back at Justin. "Go. Dance with him." Ani says.

Jessica smiles softly. Ani lightly pushes Jessica forward. "Go on."

Jessica quietly laughs, she walks over to Justin and Justin walks over to Jessica. Justin shakes his head in disbelief, that someone like Jessica could ever love someone like him. Jessica walks up to Justin, he cups her cheeks, holding his whole world in his hands. "I love you more than life," he says.

She lightly touches his wrists and burns her eyes into his. "Don't love anything more than life," she replies.

Justin slowly nods his head, "Okay."

Jessica wraps her arms around Justin's neck. Justin touches her back.

"You better hold me, and don't ever let me go," she whispers.

"Yeah, okay."

Clay turns to the brunette, he holds his hand out. Mia turns to him, "Really?" she questions.

"Really," he admits.

Mia smiles, she holds his hand and they walk onto the dancefloor. Mia wraps her arms around his neck, Clay touches her waist. She looks over at Jessica and Justin. "You know...when I was younger. I always thought that I would have love, one amazing love," she admits. "But I was lucky enough to have two."

A lump forms in the brunette's throat. "I lucky that I found you." she smiles.

Clay smiles, "I love you, Ocean Eyes." he says.

Mia leans forward and kisses him. She separates from him and smiles softly. "I love you," she says.

The music starts to change. Clay looks behind Mia, "I have to do something." he says. "Can you...wait here?" he asks.

Mia nods her head, "Of course." she says.

Clay walks over to his mom. "Hey, mom," he says, his hands in his pockets.

Lainie looks up at her son and smiles. "Hi, Clay." she greets him.

"Would you like to dance?" he asks.

Lainie exhales, her smile growing. "I would love to dance." she nods her head.

Clay holds his hand out and she accepts it. Mia smiles as she sees Clay and Lainie walking over to her. "Hi, Mrs. Jensen." Mia hugs her.

"It's good to see you, Mia," Lainie says, hugging her back.

They all walk over to the middle of the dancefloor and start to dance without a care in the world.

"As the night got later, we just kept dancing and dancing like there was nothing else. Like it was the end of the world."

Jessica turns around and starts to dance. Justin's smile falls, his chest tightens, like he couldn't breathe. He tugs at his bowtie, loosening it.

"Like it was the end of the world."

Jessica turns back to Justin, he walks closer to her and she pulls her brows together as she sees the sweat forming on his forehead. "Justin?" she questions.

Justin falls to the ground and Jessica's heart drops. "JUSTIN!" she screams.

She falls to her knees and touches his cheek. "SOMEBODY HELP!" Jessica wails. "SOMEBODY HELP, PLEASE!"

"And it was."

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