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🦸🏽‍♀️🔮⚔🦸🏼‍♀️| 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐥
' for the rest of your life'
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Josephine went to school with one thing on her mind. The conversation she had overheard early that morning between her father and the man that had supposedly broken into their house. She hadn't gone into her parents' room, only because her brother woke her and told her about what was going on but by the time she was leaving her room, her father had left his and she decided to watch.

He had walked over to the painting that has her bad vibes and pulled it open revealing a safe behind it. He punched in the numbers and pulled out a stick, she could swear that she heard some sort of zapping sound coming from it.

As he went downstairs she shuffled slowly so that she could hear what they were saying.

" What the hell are you doing, I could've killed you." He paused as the man wearing green turned around slowly turned around. "Why are you wearing that?" He as if he knew him

"We have a problem William." The man spoke.

"Couldn't wait until morning?"

"This girl has Starman's staff." The man spoke making the brunette furrow her eyebrows.

"Where did she get it?" Her father asked as he looked at the picture.

"I don't know. We need to alert the others. Tell them to be prepared." The man spoke, his voice was familiar.

" Not until we know exactly what's going on." Her father objected.

"I called Jordan."

"He left me in charge, why wouldn't you come to me first." William Zarick spoke before it went silent for a moment.

"I'll warn you once, stay out of my head...!" William warned the man, as he raised his stick.

Josie couldn't hear the last part as she felt another one of her migraines come again briefly. These headaches had been coming rather frequently.

"I understand your concern, William. I do." He paused as he stood up. "But the work we are doing here in Blue Valley is the perfect place for Jordan's grand plan, it's far too important to our families and to their futures to abandon. Project New America is our purpose, our legacy. It's what we're doing here, isn't it?" The man continued.

She could swear that she could hear her father gulp and his heart beat faster as well as her mother and twin brothers, but the man's heartbeat was as normal as can be.

"Of course." Her father responded sceptically.

"I'm going to locate this girl. I'm going to find out what she knows and then I am going to kill her." The man finished before the door of her parents opened and Josie scurried to her room before her mom could see her.

The second she got in there she took a deep breath and drank some water then she felt the sudden surge of power go around the house.

She didn't understand what was happening but she had a feeling and it wasn't a good one.


Josie paid for her lunch and made her way to the table only to see Cameron leaving.

"What's up with him?" Josie asked as she sat down.

"He needs to go do something and Joey is sorting his cards so until then I need to ask you something," Lainie spoke to her friend who kind of had a distant expression.

"Wha...what?" She responded blankly.

"Okay, Josephine," Lainie said as she took the can of Fanta out her hand. "What is going on with you?" Lainie asked her friend who just looked at her.

"Na...nothing why?" The brunette stuttered.

"You look like you didn't get your morning dose of coffee. Is something wrong or?" The curly-haired girl asked.

"Nope...yes...I don't know." She paused before taking a deep breath. "I'll tell you later," Josie assured the brown-skinned girl.


Everyone was currently at the Open House at the school well except Hestia, who was having a movie night with her aunt while the others were there.

Cameron was supposed to come but due to his dad being out of town he couldn't. So it was just the Zarick twins and Leinie in their group that was there.

They had been listening to principle Bowin speak for quite some time and to say that the two friends were bored would be an understatement, they had been fiddling with their fingers to keep themselves entertained until she finished.

Everyone had dispersed across the gym in a chat. The two friends had gotten off the bleachers and were now looking for the refreshments.

They managed to find them and we're currently getting some cookies when Henry came up to the table looking for the same thing they were.

"Hey, Lainie." Henry greeted as he got a cup for some punch.

"Hello, Henry," Melaina responded in a bitter tone.

"Can we talk?" Henry asked with a stutter.

"Yeah sure." She said with a nod before Josie went back to the bleachers while Henry and Melaina stayed at the table.

"I wanted to say sorry for..." He started.


"Choosing Cindy over you."

"It's okay, she's your girlfriend. What bothers me is that you let her be a bitch to me. Not that I can't handle head bitch in charge Cindy Burman but that's what pissed me off. After I realized you weren't going to do anything, I left." Lainie spoke remembering that day.

"I know that and I'm sorry for being an ass."

"Finally you said it!" Lainie beamed making the two laugh. "But in order for us to be really good, you need to lay off or even better fix things with Yolanda. I don't mean romantically, I just mean in general. You need to understand that when you sent those pictures around you destroyed her life. Her parents are never here anymore, she doesn't have her phone, this one time I was at her house and they took down every single picture that had her in it." Lainie informed the ginger making him frown.

"Just leave her alone and get Miss Stick up her ass too as well. She doesn't need that in her life, ok?" Lainie finished making the ginger nod his head.

"You know I'm still here for you right? Anytime, anyplace just give me a call." She assured him.

"I would give you a hug but I'm pretty sure Cindy's eyes are burning into our skulls." He chuckled as he held out his fist for a fist pump, to which she did.

The two separated as Henry went back to his dad and Melaina go to the bleachers where Josie was.

"I'll ask about Henry later but now I need to tell you about what I heard this morning." Josie started before she explained what she heard, the brown-skinned girl had choked on her punch a few times.

"So you're telling me a guy wearing green and only green broke into your house and your dad was about to fight him off with a stick," Lainie spoke trying to summarise the story.


"And those two spoke about this project called 'New America?'


"And the guy in green said he was going to find the girl who has this guy named Stairman.." she started before she got cut off.


"Right Starmans staff and kill her?" Laine finished.


"Who knows maybe your dad is secretly a cosplayer," Laine suggested and received an annoyed look from her best friend.

"Mel, I'm being serious something doesn't feel right. Tomorrow we need to look up this Starman."

"But if you're right, then we might get into something that we can't get out of," Lainie responded.

"Then let's hope we don't get into anything," Josie concluded before the two changed the topic


Pat and Courtney had just returned from facing Brainwave and having their talk about their plans when Pat remembered something that made him pull out his phone fast.

"Pat, what are you doing?" Courtney asked her Step-father.

"I'm calling in an old friend of the JSA." He informed before scrolling down to the contact 'Diana' and tapping on it.

"Hey Diana, Its Pat speaking. I think they might be back and I could use the backup. How soon can you be in Blue Valley?" Pat spoke into the phone before the raven-haired woman responded.

"I'm closer than you think, I'll be there in a few days." Diana Prince spoke into the phone before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Courtney asked the older man.

"That was an old friend of mine."

" I thought you said it's not safe to bring anyone else into this?"

"I know what I said but this woman has taken down worse people in her time so it's best if we call her to help," Pat assured the curly-haired blonde.

Patrick Dugan was right. This woman was best for the job, who knew that her homecoming would cause so many problems.

Chapter 3  :)))
Yall the next chapter is gonna be emotional ngl
Anywho hope yall enjoyed

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