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🦸🏽‍♀️🔮⚔🦸🏼‍♀️| 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐥
' for the rest of your life'
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Josephine paid for her lunch and walked over to their usual table and found her brother, Lainie and Cameron laughing at something before she sat down.

"So...you guys wanna go to the drive-in tonight?" Josie asked her friends.

"I would but I need to start off my project for history," Joey informed his sister who nodded in response.

"Cameron you?" Lainie asked the raven-haired boy.

"My grandparents want me home early."

"So I guess it's just Josie, Roberto, Lyta and I," Lainie stated before eating more of her chicken salad.

"Why do you call him Roberto anyway?" Cameron asked the curly-haired girl.

"Robby is too boring and it annoys my sister so it's a win-win," Lainie answered before their attention was drawn to Henry taunting Yolanda.

Melaina was about to go give him a piece of her mind when Cameron gripped her hand signalling for her to sit down.

"You're just gonna make things worse." Josie comforted the girl before looking back at the table and seeing the blonde girl sticking up for Yolanda making the brunette smile slightly.

"How were you friends with him anyway?" Joey asked the brown-skinned girl.

"There was a time when he was really nice, then high school happened and he became an ass." She responded before the sounds of gasps and squeaky sneakers filled the cafeteria as Henry got pushed into the Lunch Lady who dropped a lot of food onto the ground.

"Nice!" Henry shouted before returning to his table.

Principal Bowin came and took the blonde girl away.

"I guess Aunt Lisa was right, something interesting did happen today," Lainie stated with a smile making her friends stifle a laugh.


Melaina was currently in the library, doing her chemistry and bio notes for the day when she got a text from Lyta saying that she was done and that she should meet her outside at the car.

She packed up her things and changed to a song from Nicki Minaj's Queen Album, put her air pods on and left the library.

She walked outside and waved goodbye to the Zarick twins who had just got onto the bus before it drives off.

Lyta had just pulled the car up when the blonde girl from earlier had run down the stairs in efforts to get to the bus and huffed when she saw that it had left. Lainie and Lyta locked eyes for a moment knowing what she was going to ask and Lyta reluctantly nodded her head in agreement.

"Hey, blondie?!" Lainie called to her.

"Hi." She responded as she gripped onto the straps of her backpack.

"I noticed your ride left you."

"Yep, just my luck."

"I'm sorry about that but if you want, my sister and I could give you a ride." Melaina offered the blonde girl.

"If it's not to much trouble?"

"Of course not." Melaina paused and turned around after starting to walk to the blue jeep. "I never got your name blondie." She spoke as the blonde girl caught up to her.

"Oh, its Courtney, Courtney Whitmore." She chirped with a smile as she stuck out her hand.

"Well Courtney Whitmore, I am Melaina Prince-Dumont and that is Hippolyta Prince-Trevor," Melaina informed as she shook Courtney's hand.

The two girls walked to the blue jeep and got in. They talked for a couple of minutes until the car reached Blue Valley Middle school and a girl in two Dutch braids and gym clothes ran over to the car.

"Ooo I get shotgun. Today is interesting." Hestia beamed after putting her bags in the boot.

"Who's the new girl?" Tia continued.

"This is Courtney. Courtney this is my little sister Hestia." Lyta introduced.

The girls conversed for a few minutes until Lyta dropped off Courtney and the sisters went home.


The two oldest Dumont sisters along with Josephine, Robby, Jayden, Allegra and Vivian were currently at the Drive-in Theatre eating butter popcorn and sipping Fanta Pineapple.

"You guys need to throw anything away?" Josephine asked the group of people.

There were choruses of yes and No's as some of them handed her empty soda cans and chip packets. She made her way to the dustbin at the back of some of the cars.

"Hey, Josie." Henry greeted the brunette as soon as he saw her.

"Hi...um what do you want?" She asked with a peering expression.

"Can't I just say hi?"

"No, you can't. Not after what you did." Josie barked back.

"I'm sorry." Henry pleaded

"I'm not the one you need to apologize. You destroyed Yolanda's life and you really hurt Melaina." Josie continued.

"I know and I really want to apologize."

"There's a very big difference between wanting to do something and actually doing it." She paused when she started to walk away but decided to turn back around. "The worst part is that Yolanda loved and trusted you with every cell in her body and that you chose Cindy Goddamn Burman over your best friend." Josie continued as she turned around.

"I miss her." Was all Henry could say after Josie's words, referring to Lainie.

"She misses you too, more than you'll ever know." She spoke with her head low as she made her way back to the group of cars where the group was.

"Jose, you good. It took long just to throw some trash away." Lainie asked the brunette as she climbed into the back of the Hall twins truck.

"Yeah just ran into someone." She assured while taking a sip of her Fanta Pineapple.

It had been a couple of minutes since Josie had her brief talk with Henry when there was a commotion coming from Henry and his jock friends.

From what they could see they were fighting this masked person with a long glowing stick. Whoever this person was they had managed to take down all 3 of those boys before a ray...well something shot out of the top of the stick and made Henry's car burst into flames.

"That's your karma." Josie snickered under her breath making Melaina stifle a laugh.

That wasn't the only weird thing that was about to happen in this small town.

Here's chapter 2 for yall :)
Now you guys know a little about Henry and Melania's past
That's a wrap on episode 1 so yaaaa.
1 more episode before 😭😭 and then we'll get some more of our side characters:))

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