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"I missed your voice"

"𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝐼'𝑚 𝑡𝑜𝑜 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑
𝐶𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡
𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 "

Sadly Juniper didn't get to be in the same cabin as Maddox this year. She actually had forgotten to sign up for camp until Maddox called her about it so, she was put in a cabin with Val. She wasn't as close to the girl since there was a bit of a age gap and she was always around Maddox and Ej over the years, but they still got along fine. Of course she would rather have a cabin full of other people rather than two since Juniper loves being around people rather than being alone but she'll mange.

Once she entered her cabin "The Bluebird" she noticed bags already on a bunk that she assumed were Val's. The older gurl was probably out doing other things for the camp since she was a counselor, which meant that Juniper would really have a lot of alone time. She kind of just realized that now. Sure alone time can be good, many people like it since they would have time to think or do their own thing without other people interrupting them. But, considering how distant her parents are Juniper gets a lot of alone time at home and she honestly hates it. She likes to be around others and doesn't like to be alone with her thoughts. Probably all the years wanting more of a relationship with her parents have made her hate being alone. But, she tried to brush it off as she picked a bunk and started unpacking.

Juniper had just about finished putting away all of her things for the summer when she heard a knock on the door. She was confused for a sec since she was pretty sure no one else was gonna be in the cabin. But, when she opened the door she was greeted with her favorite person, Maddox. "I knew you were probably extremely bored without my presence," Maddox sighed dramatically while dropping onto Juniper's bunk.

Juniper laughed at the girl while laying right next to her, "You are so right I was lost without you"

Maddox gave her an amused smile ad Juniper turned to look at her, "But seriously thanks for dropping by, I don't like the whole idea that I'll probably have this whole cabin to myself for the summer."

The girl in the orange shirt gave her friend a small frown at her words. Maddox knew that she didn't like being alone which just meant that she would be making many unannounced trips to The Bluebird cabin this summer just for her friend. (Yeah just friend, of course nothing more, right?) So, Maddox grabbed Juniper's hand and gave it a squeeze.

Juniper looked back to her when she felt Maddox take her hand. When she looked back to the other girl, she could feel those damn butterflies back in her stomach. Both girls just stared at one another for what felt like eternity, and nether could quite deny that butterflies were flying around in their stomachs.

Maddox cleared her throat a stood up, pretending that she definitely wasn't just staring at her best friend. "Well we have the camp fire soon so I better get ready," Maddox's voice was a little to high when she said that but Juniper didn't really notice. She just thought about how she like the feel of the shorter girl's hand in hers.

After Juniper attempted at composing herself she looked up to Maddox, "Oh right your singing the camp song right?"

Maddox just nodded not really trusting her voice at the moment. Juniper smiled at her, getting up to grab a jacket for the camp fire. "Well I cant wait to hear that beautiful voice of yours tonight Mae," Juniper turned back to the slightly flustered girl giving her a wide smile.

Maddox's whole face turned soft just at Juniper's words and she desperately tried to not give her a giddy smile. Maddox quickly thanked Juniper and said a quick good bye as she made her way out of the cabin while having a huge smile on her face the second she turned around.

Juniper stared after the girl with a bit of a dazed look. Well, that crush is definitely not gone in the slightest. She shook her head at the thought and turned back around to get ready for the bonfire. Pretending that her heart was melting for Maddox at the moment.


     Juniper walked down from her cabin to the campfire alone since she spaced out for to long and came late. But thankfully, she made it just in time to see Maddox take to stage about to sing. Seeing the girl's bright and wide smile made Juniper smile herself as there was never a day where Maddox didn't make Juniper's face light up.

     She made her way over to Ej once she saw him waving her over. She sat next to the teen as he bumped his shoulder with hers, "Hey so do you have a staring problem or something Juni?"

     Juniper turned to her best friend confused so he added on, "Earlier when the three of us were talking its like you couldn't take your eyes of our Maddox."

     It wasn't possible for Ej to look anymore smug then he did right in that moment as he saw Juniper turn bright red. "Shut the fuck up right now Johnny or I'll strangle you," Juniper snapped at him but he still had that stupid smirk on his face so she shoved him before looking back at Maddox as the song started.

    The girl tried he best to focus on the song but all she could think about was how pretty Maddox was. Her Mae was breathtaking (literally Juniper almost stopped breathing when Maddox looked over to her during the song.) She also kept thinking about the little moment back at the cabin but tried to shake it off as Maddox couldn't possibly ever be into her.

     Juniper didn't even realize the song ended as she was just staring off into space until everyone around her jumped up and started screaming. She looked to the stage and so that none other than Corbin Bleu was there. Her eyes went into saucers as she started clutching onto Ej's jacket while holding in a scream of her own. The moment soon came to an end Corbin announced their musical. Juniper was ecstatic as she found Maddox and hugged her from the back.

     When Maddox looked back and saw that it was Juniper hugging her a small blush started to form on her face. She fully turned around to hug Juniper tightly as she tried to hide her blush. Juniper pulled away and gave he a bright smile, "You were great up there Mae, I missed your voice."

     Maddox melted at what her best friend said and was desperately trying to hide her red face. Juniper her friend's redenig face but thought nothing of it thinking she was only cold. (How could this girl be so observant but yet so oblivious?) "Thank you Piper, it means everything coming from you." Maddox told the Chinese girl who also started to get a faint blush.

The two girls just kinda stood there staring at each other enjoying being together. They would have done that all night but it was close to lights out so they started their walk back to their cabins. They talked about random things like how Juniper started doing a rewatch of A.N.T Farm and Maddox had actually tried riding a skateboard for the first time.

When it was time for the two of them to go to their separate cabins, they were reluctant. Maddox pulled Juniper into one last hug for the night saying goodbye before turning quickly so Juniper couldn't see her still slightly red face. Juniper stared at Maddox for a second before she walked into her cabin changing into pajamas. Juniper went to bed thinking about her best friend and was clueless to the fact that the best friend was doing the same.

this is Ri¡
hiiii im seriously in love with Maddox and Saylor curda. Thats all have a day your happy with. well also Juniper will have her problems cause i never write a character without them but i am trying to make this book the happiest out of mine so yeah :)) (this is unedited so there will probably be spelling mistakes)

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