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"Who missed me?"

"𝐼𝑣𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑎 𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑝𝑖𝑛 𝑢𝑝,
𝐺𝑜𝑡 𝑎 𝑓𝑖𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑑𝑜𝑙𝑙
𝐷𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝐼𝑚 𝑑𝑢𝑚𝑏,
𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙"

     It was finally summer and Juniper couldn't be more ecstatic to see her best friends again (and crush) after barely seeing them through the school year. Sure they made it a point to see each other at least once during the breaks like when Ej went over to her place during spring break and they spent their days rewatching all of the Harry potter movies and Juniper trying to teach him how to bake which ended horribly. Or when Maddox came for Christmas break and they watched Clueless at least five times and ate all the horrible junk food Juniper made before the girl came. Or when Juniper made sure she went to visit both of them for their birthdays but besides that it was full of them face timing whenever they could (or more like Juniper listening to all of Ej's rants about his confusing yet very active love life).

But, nonetheless Juniper was practically bouncing on her feet as she got out of her car to get her bags. She drove herself up to camp this year and last, really ever since she got her drivers license. She had a decent relationship with her parents and they wouldn't mind driving her up to camp at all, it just wasn't a very close one. They ask the normal "how are you doing" "have you finished your homework" "made any new friends". But, that's really as far as it went and it wasn't etheir parties fault but non of them were really good at emotions and being open with people. (Well thats probably why Juniper never confessed her crush). So, Juniper just would rather drive to camp alone while blasting her favorite music then sitting in a car with her parents which would be painfully silent.

Anyways, none of that matters now as she could push all that to the side and focus on the favt that she was finally back at camp and was about to see her nest friends. Just as she had gotten her bags out of her car and she started to walk into camp a voice that sounded like it was running to her yelled, "Piper!"

Juniper new that voice anywhere and turned to where the voice was coming from just as said person jumped into her arms. They both hugged each other like their life depended on it, Juniper even lifted the short girl off the ground for a second out of excitement. "Mae, it feels like a lifetime since I saw you, I missed you so much my heart was gonna explode!" Juniper told Maddox so fast that she almost didn't understand what the girl with bangs said.

Maddox gave a soft laugh at her best friends words, definitely missing her just as much. "Well you know what they say, time makes the heart grow fonder," Maddox told Juniper is a wistful voice that made her sound like some sort of grandma telling her grandkids a story.

"Maddox I swear you get weirder every time I see you," Juniper chuckled.

Maddox smiled at her, "Well you love me for it."

"I do Mae," Juniper replied and gave her best friend and soft grin back.

When Maddox heard Juniper say that, she felt some weird feeling in her stomach. She had felt this before with Juniper, like when she went over for christmas. But, Maddox was just confused why she felt this nervous and jittery feeling around her best friend since she was ten. She wasn't supposed too, right? Maddox's thinking was cut off as Juniper started tugging her to a group of people including their other best friend, Ej Casewell.

Juniper and Ej had a extremely close brother, sister relationship. Which also means they mess with each other any chance they get. So Juniper decided the best way to say hi to her brother would be to sneak up on him, obviously.

     Once Maddox realized what Juniper was doing she rolled her eyes and let go of the girl's hand getting back to what she was supposed to be doing. Which was collecting the camper's phones and electronics. So, she grabbed her phone bucket and wagon and went back over to Juniper and the soon to be scared Ej to collect their phones as well as Ej's friends'. She had made it over just in time to see Juniper freak their friend out.

     "Who missed me," Juniper screamed in Ej's ear after sneaking up on him.

     Ej let out a extremely high pitched scream (Juniper really thought he should have done choir or at least try to sing some Arianna Grande high notes with that high pitched scream he always does). Ej quickly turned around to see Juniper crouched down laughing her ass off at him.

     "Juni what the hell is wrong with you, you do know this isn't how you say 'hi' to people," Ej exclaimed sounding like a mom scolding her kid.

     Juniper was still holding her stomach as she looked up to him, finally calming down her laughter. Once she fully calmed down she jumped into his arms while still chuckling, "you know I had to, you scare so easy Johnny."

     Ej rolled his eyes at her while hugging her back. "I haven't seen you since spring break and you don't even say 'hi' first you idiot, and I barely even missed you," He joked.

     "Yeah right then why did you send all of those I miss you memes dumbass," Juniper replied as Ej just flicked her forehead after they pulled away from each other.

     Juniper rubbed the spot he flicked her while giving him a death glare that he just smirked at. "Are those wildcats I see," Maddox came up next to Juniper and Ej.

"What's up, Rocket Man," Ej turned to her with a wide smile hugging Maddox as Juniper just turned to stare at her, now that she could do it without anybody seeing her do it. "How you doing Gadget," Ej replied pretending not to notice Juniper staring, which he will definitely tease her about later.

While Maddox and Ej were in their own conversation Juniper turned to get a look at the new campers and Ej's friends as the just looked at the three best friends completely confused. See noticed the pretty girl with braids ask something about the three talking in a different language and Juniper tried to hide her laugh in her shirt as the old friends finished their little catch up.

     Ej turned to his friends to introduce the two veteran campers, "Okay guys these are my two best friends Juniper, who's practically my sister and my future sister in law, Maddox."

     Juniper's eyes bulged out of her skull once she heard the last part and immediately turned to smack Ej upside the head. Maddox just turned red and looked anywhere but at Juniper, or anyone for that matter. "So, forgetting about what Ej just said. I'm Juniper Yun the best card player at this camp and the person who can tell all of you, especially Ej's girlfriend Gina, about the time Ej was caught for trying to prank the girls cabin when we were thirteen and had to apologize to the whole camp for disturbing their sleep by singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, plus show you the video." Juniper told them while smiling innocently as if she didn't just offer up completely embarrassing her brother in-front of his friends.

    Carlos laughed at the girl in shock, "Oh you are totally telling me that story later and any other embarrassing stories of our dear Ej. I'm Carlos."

     Juniper smiled at all of them as the introduced themselves. She could tell they would all be easy to be friends with and she was always up for new friends. "Well new campers I have to go put my stuff down so, I'll so you all later tonight fort he bonfire. And the beautiful Maddox here will be taking anything of value that is in your bag, bye!" Juniper exclaimed as she slowly grabbed her bags and made her way down to the cabins. As she heard the four yell to her worried and confused about what she said but she only smirked and kept walking knowing that Maddox and Ej will handle the poor soon to be in withdrawal from their phones, campers.

this is Ri¡
okay bur how did i turn like a five maybe seven minute interaction to over a thousand words or even just this long??? But anyways I love my girl Juniper so is just a ball of sunshine and quite oblivious but we love her still. :)) also this is unedited so there's probably spelling mistakes

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