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"𝑅𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑, 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟"

"𝑆𝑜 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒,
𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟"

     One thing people need to know about Juniper Yun is that she loves pizza. She would eat it everyday for the rest of her life if she could. So when she met Ricky's best friend Big Red at summer camp, who she was already  befriending, and heard that his family owned her favorite pizza place in town he jumped her friends list all the way to the top. She now makes it a point to go at least once a week to 'Salt Lake Slices' since she gets the friends and family discount and Juniper fully believes she is in heaven from the amount of pizza she has been able to consume since the summer. So it is no surprise that she is spending her Thursday night at the restaurant.

     Juniper was now alone at her table at 'Salt Lake Slices' since Big Red's break was done and they had to put a pause on their argument about who has the better base in Clash a Clans. She had just finished the past slice of her pizza when she got a text from Gina telling her to come to her house quick. Juniper, thinking something bad had happened, immediately jumped up from her seat slapping a twenty dollar bill and grabbing her backpack before waving bye to Big Red and rushing out the door.

     Juniper put her car in drive and made it to Gina's house in record time. She knocked on the door and Gina was quick to open it and pull the girl inside. The Yun girl tried asking Gina if she was okay but Gina just started pulling the girl upstairs.

     Juniper plopped down on her friend's bed as they made it up to Gina's room, "Okay so I'm just gonna skip the 'are you okay' questions, assuming this isn't a life or death situation since you have the biggest smile on your face I have ever seen. So what is going on Gina?"

Gina let out a chuckle before she took a deep breath, "So you know how at my school the whole big High School Musical 4 movie is happening?"

"Yeah," Juniper answered looking to Gina with a face that told her to go on.

"And you know how we were picked to be the back up stars and that the two leads are gonna be Mack and Dani are gonna star in it," Gina went on.

Juniper nodded her head, "Yeah your childhood crush and the wannabe Tik Tok star."

Gina took a calming breath before telling her the rest, "So something happened today and apparently they are firing Dani and I just got a call from the director who asked me to replace her as the star of the movie."

Gina looked over to Juniper once she finished and she watched as Juniper's eyes grew twice the size before stepping back as Juniper launched herself into a hug with Gina, "Oh my god- Holy shit! This is so fucking amazing Gina!"

"I know it's crazy and so exciting and also completely terrifying at the same time," Gina let out a nervous laugh as Juniper went to squeeze her hand for comfort.

Juniper as jumped up as she remembered something in her bag, "Wait hold up I have the perfect thing for this moment!"

Gina gave her friend a weird look as Juniper turned around to dig through her bag only to turn back around and shower Gina with confetti, "Uh June why do you have confetti in your bag?"

"Life is always better with confetti! And glitter just makes such a mess," Juniper explained as if that was a completely sane reason.

Gina just laughed at her friend's response as she pulled Juniper back to her bed and they layed down.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be in an actual movie," Gina said as she stared at her ceiling.

Juniper turned to look at her, "Uh I can, you are the most talented person I have met or seen in my entire life! And you are also the most deserving person to get this amazing opportunity."

"You really think so," Gina asked her best friend, unsure.

Juniper gave her a smile, "One hundred percent."

Gina returned her smile with a giddy one as she sat up, "So you want to binge watch all the High School Musicals to celebrate?"

Juniper looked to her phone for the time before sighing, "I wish but I already promised Ricky to tutor him tonight. But I promise you that tomorrow night we will be nowhere but this house doing a marathon."

"It's a deal Yun," Gina shook Juniper's hand as they got up from her bed and made their way downstairs.

Juniper opened the door and turned back to Gina, "I'll see you tomorrow miss future Hollywood star!"

Gina laughed giving Juniper a hug, "See ya June."


Juniper walked into Ricky's room after Mike let her in, "Oh you look like your thinking, that's never a good sign."

Ricky looked ofended before answering, "Uh rude and this time it's a good idea, I think."

"As good as the idea you had when you decided to ignore the empty gas sign in your car and instead of going to the concert, we had to walk two miles just to get service to call for help and that was just two weeks ago," Juniper sat down at his desk giving him a look.

Ricky rolled his eyes, "Okay some day you're going to have to get over that, I bought you pizza to say I'm sorry just to remind you. And no this is way different."

Juniper sighed at Ricky not believing the idea won't be ridiculous, "Alright, tell me as I check your math answers."

Ricky handed over his homework as he turned completely to her and started talking with his hands, "Okay so you know how Carlos did his big cast announcement thing tonight, it was great and we all got the parts we wanted but we still don't have a Chad and our usual Stage Manager, Natalie, moved during the summer."

"Go on Bowen," Juniper said as she continued to grade his work.

"Well don't we happen to know a boy who would be an amazing Chad and a girl who's terrifying and bossy because she's the best stage manager we know," Ricky gave Juniper a smirk waiting for her to catch on.

Juniper took a second to realize what her friend said as she was busy grading his work but when she did her head sprung up to meet his eyes in surprise, "WAIT, you're saying we should convince Maddox and Jet to come join your musical?!"

"Actually our musical I was hoping go include you on the persuading part," Ricky gave her a small grin.

"Oh I don't need much convincing North high is full of snotty kids who aren't worth my time or patience. Ricky Bowen I never thought I'd ever say these words but you're a genius," Juniper shouted, standing up to fling her arms around the boy.

Ricky squinted his eyes at her, "You know what, I'm just gonna take it as a compliment."

Juniper nodded as she was already moving away to grab her phone and set this plan in motion.


Surprisingly for once, Ricky's plan was going well. When Juniper called the siblings although apprehensive at first their excitement out limited their unsureness. Then of course with their mom thinking of Juniper as family and Jet not doing all that good at his new school, Juniper's favorite siblings were now on a plane heading to her.

     Ricky was driving Gina to set so that left only Juniper to go meet Jet and Maddox at the airport, but she wasn't exactly complaining since it meant she had them all to herself. But it also meant that since Juniper already wakes up early just to get out of the house Juniper was really bored being all alone. She had already finished the book she brought, The Buccaneers a period piece that was getting a show in the next few months which she was so excited about, and her earphones weren't working for some reason so the Yuh girl was left with looking out the window or people watching.

     Juniper started to space out while looking out the window but was immediately snapped back into reality when someone bumped into her shoulder as they sat down next to her.

     "Uh your kinda close- OMG MAE!" Juniper started before noticing that her girlfriend was the one that sat next to her.

     Juniper jumped up from her seat the same time as Maddox did and the minute she did, Maddox jumped into her girlfriend's arms. Jett chuckled off to the side at his sister's and best friend's excitement.

     "God Piper, you don't know how much I missed you," Maddox leaned in to press a kiss to Juniper's lips while Juniper's hands slipped to Maddox's cheeks.

Juniper let out a relieved sigh when she pulled away, "I think a have a bit of an idea baby."

Maddox gave her a soft laugh as she put an arm around Juniper's waist to hug her again. But the two broke apart when they heard someone clearing their throat next to them.

"Hey uh do you think there is anyone else here you might want to give a hug to?" Jett butted in, thinking he gave the two enough reunion time.

     Juniper pretended to think before replying, "Hm no I think I'm good."

     Jett rolled his eyes at his best friend who started to laugh at her own joke before pulling her into a hug. After everyone was done hugging everyone Juniper helped the two grab their bags before the went out to her car.

     Juniper ended up blasting "High School Musical 3" songs as preparation for today and since she just really like the soundtrack. All three of them started to sing at the top of their lungs all the way the way to their new school.

     They were laughing as they made their way to the theatre room after picking up Maddox's and Juniper's crew badges from the "High School Musical 4" set but quickly shushed each other as they remembered that this was supposed to be a surprise. The three stopped as they reached the door and Juniper's eyebrows drew together as she heard a piano playing. Then when she heard Ricky and Gina's voices singing "Can I Have This Dance" she turned to Maddox and Jett jumping up and down and tried walking in to see before Maddox pulled her back.

     "Piper it's supposed to be a surprise we can't walk in before Ms. Jenn says our cue," Maddox reminded her girlfriend in a whisper as Jett pointed to his sister in agreement.

     Juniper let out a quiet groan, "But I want to see them sing the song."

     Juniper kept arguing with her girlfriend and best friend insisting that she will just pop her head in and no one will notice her and the siblings telling her no. While they were arguing they didn't hear Ms. Jenn give them their cue or that their friends stopped singing till Ricky yelled to them.

     "Now dude," The three whipped their heads to the door as they heard the yell.

     Juniper and Maddox's mouths went into a 'oh' shape realizing they missed their cue, "Oh shit, Jett go!"

     Maddox laughed as she watched Juniper shove Jett into the room of their waiting friends. Juniper and Maddox quickly followed in as they heard their friends let out excited squeals and got up to greet their friends. Juniper gave Gina a smile as she saw the girl run up to hug her.

     Maddox smiled at everyone before explaining a bit, "Um guys, we heard from Ricky that you guys were short one very important chad."

     "Not just any Chad, a low energy, snarky little fella by the name of Jett," Ricky added on as he went in to hug Jett.

     The group laughed as Emmy stood up like the rest of them and decided to speak before thinking, "My boyfriend!" Emmy's smile dropped as she looked around at the group that gave her confused looks, "I- in the show."

     Juniper shook out of her confusion, deciding she would follow up with Emmy on that sentence. Before turning to Ricky with a angry expression, "Richard! I can't believe you made me stand outside during your musical number!"

     Ricky's eyes went wide as he saw her angry expression and immediately pushed Jett in-front of him so he wouldn't be in Juniper's war path.

this is Ri¡
its Christmas break and I didn't fail any of my classes and also I might get the maid part in my dance studio's Sleeping Beauty dance !! whoop whoop!

yep it has been a while since i updated, im sorry i promise im gonna try to write more on the weekends and during the rest of this break so yall aint waiting weeks for an update anyways I have a bunch of drafts that a ready to be published that I plan on publishing after i finish Pretty Girl or when I get close to it, so i might make a oficial announcement but if you want help me pick which one i should post first,

"Nothings New"
Gen V, Jordan li x fem oc

"Out of Nowhere"
My Life with the Walter Boys, Alex Walter x fem oc, Issac Garcia x fem oc

Heartstopper, Imogen Heaney x fem oc

"Cursed Secrets"
Ms. Marvel, Bruna Carelli x fem oc

And merry late christmas

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