32 - Thirty • Two

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When Marinette walked inside class the next morning, the first thing she noticed was that Adrien wasn't here. Maybe his punishments were far more than she thought they would be.

When she looked up, Lila seemed to send her a little glare, but her face looked more upset than angry. Marinette knew she really got her.

"Marinette," Chloe walked inside the room with Sabrina. Seeing Chloe's usual fake smile, Marinette knew that Sabrina hadn't told like she had promised. "Good morning."

Marinette muttered a good morning back to her, not really in the mood to deal with these girls. Today was Friday, and she wanted to have a good day for the last day of the week.

"You look tired," Alya muttered as Marinette sat next to her. "Maybe you should have stayed home from school."

"No way!" Marinette shook her head. She couldn't miss a single day of school. What if Chloe and Lila started a rumour about her of some kind and she wasn't here to stop the rumours?

"Anyway, I suddenly remembered," Alya spoke up again as the teacher walked inside. "Yesterday, you told me that you would tell me something important, but you kind of looked upset about something and went home, forgetting to tell me."

"Oh yeah. I was upset because Adrien had to leave early," Marinette remembered now. "Don't worry. I'll tell you after school!"

Marinette realized- it wasn't fair that Rose, Mylene, Ivan and Adrien knew about her situation, and were helping her, but Alya and Nino, her own two best friends, didn't know. Alya and Nino probably should have been the second ones, after her parents, that should have known.

Marinette took out a book to read. As soon as she turned to the first page, a paper was thrown at her. She looked around to see who had thrown the paper, but everyone had their faces glued to their books.

Marinette picked up the crumpled paper, and read what it said.

"You can't do this, Marinette. You can't torture me like this!"

Marinette rolled her eyes. Besides the fact that she could tell from the handwriting, she knew this was Lila by the words. She picked up her pen and replied back, before she folded it and threw it back to Lila when the teacher wasn't looking.

Lila picked up the paper and unfolded it, reading the words Marinette had replied back to her with.

"I didn't do anything wrong."

Lila gritted her teeth and grabbed her pen, scribbling down words before she threw the paper back at Marinette. Marinette picked it up and read.

"I don't think you're serious about being together with Adrien! You just want to torture me, so you decided to get together with him!"

Marinette sighed and grabbed her pen again. A few seconds later, the paper was thrown back at Lila, and the girl picked it up to read.

"It was my choice to get together with him, Lila. Don't cry over a boy that doesn't even like you back! Our relationship has nothing to do with you, and I hope you get the hint and back off, or else you'll really get the worst of it!"

Lila finished reading, but she chose not to give up. She turned to the other page, grabbing her pen and writing more words down. Before she finally threw the paper back at Marinette.

As she threw the paper though, Kim decided it was the time to look up, and he saw it. His eyes widened, and being the stupid kid that Lila hated him for, he yelled out, "Marinette and Lila are passing notes!!"

The teacher and half of the class looked up and faced Marinette. Marinette groaned, knowing that she and Lila were in trouble.

Thanks a lot, Lila!
Thanks a lot, Kim!

The teacher walked up to Marinette and grabbed the note. He was a very strict teacher, and once he saw what Kim had said was true, he asked for Marinette and Lila to stand up.

Way to put me on the spot! Thanks!

The teacher tossed the paper back at Marinette. "Why don't you read out the conversation you and Miss. Rossi were having. Since you think it's okay to pass notes during class, I'll ask that you have everyone know of it!"

Marinette wanted to roll her eyes, but she knew she would get in more trouble, so she decided to read the note anyway. But hey... Who said she had to read what the note exactly said?!

"So just to start off, Lila was the one to start all this mess. She's the reason why we're both in trouble. Anyway, I don't have to read the note," Marinette put the paper down on her desk. "If you want, I can tell you the exact situation we both are having."

When no one said a word, Marinette continued. "Lila just can't control her jealousy and anger. Don't blame her; I would be pretty jealous and angry too if my crush started dating another girl, but you know what?! I would move on!" Marinette slowly turned to Lila. "I would move on, knowing that my crush doesn't like me in that way!"

"Alright, I've heard enough!" The teacher grabbed the paper and put it in the recycling bin. He clearly did not want to hear the rest of the story, so Marinette smirked and took her seat. "Just don't let it happen again."

"I'm sorry it happened, but I promise it won't ever again," Marinette assured. "But you should worry about Lila. I'm afraid she's going to want to distract me in class again to get me in trouble. It's better that she doesn't sit behind me!"

The teacher was actually considering it. Finally he nodded. "That's true. You two would be very distracted if you keep on sitting so close to each other. I'll move one of you to a different seat."

"One of us?" Marinette frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? You're not really going to move me, are you?!"

"Marinette, you suggested it. Don't be complaining in the end," Lila smirked at her. "It would be better if Marinette moves seats. I know it was my fault, but I just get very distracted with Marinette being in front of me, you know. She... She disturbs me!"

"Enough!" The teacher boomed again. "I've decided! Marinette will be switching seats with Chloe Bourgeois."

Marinette couldn't believe her ears. "Why?!"

"Chloe was the one who introduced Lila to this school. I'm sure the two are great friends." The teacher explained. "Lila would be more pleased and comfortable with sitting right behind Chloe. But, I better not catch you two passing notes!"

Marinette wasn't sure how to feel about this, but she had to admit... She didn't really dislike the idea. If she switched seats with Chloe, she could be able to sit right next to Sabrina and perhaps have a little talk with her. Plus, she also got to sit in the front row, right next to Adrien as well.

Now she knew why Lila had an unsatisfied look on her face.


Word Count: 1188 (excluding this)

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