31 - Thirty • One

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"No, wait! You can't take Adrien!" Marinette quickly stood up and grabbed Adrien's arm, trying to pull him away from Nathalie. "It wasn't his fault. It was mine. I told him to eat those pastries!"

"I knew it!" Nathalie didn't look too satisfied with the answer. Instead she looked even more mad. "I knew if Adrien was around you, you would get him to eat these nasty pastries!"

"They're not nasty!" Sabine stood up. "You know, I don't think it's fair on how you treat this boy. Why isn't he allowed to eat any food as he wishes?! Life is short you know. There's no time to be safe, and not try new things. In the end, you'll regret it!"

"Please Mrs. Cheng. Mr. Agreste stated very clearly that Adrien was not allowed to eat these," Nathalie replied. "It's not a rule I made up for Adrien. It was simply all Gabriel! And I have to do everything I can to make sure Adrien doesn't disobey these rules. It was a mistake to leave him with you three!"

Marinette glared at Nathalie. "Seriously?! Just for a few pastries?!" She bent down and grabbed a pastry. "Have you ever tried one? What makes you think you can just call them nasty?!"

"Well..." Nathalie didn't answer.

Marinette took the chance, stepping closer to Nathalie, and stuffed the pastry in her mouth. "Just try one!"

Nathalie was quick to spit it out. "We're done here! Don't even think about seeing Adrien again, Miss. Cheng!" She angrily started dragging Adrien away as Adrien waved her a sad goodbye.

Marinette groaned. "That was my fault, wasn't it?"

"Well, you were most definitely brave to force that pastry inside of her mouth," Tom lightly laughed. "Funny as well." Marinette sighed and sat back down on the blanket.

But me and Adrien just got together! I was looking forward to spending the rest of my time here with him...


"Did you get the blanket?" Tom asked again and Marinette nodded, showing him the folded blanket she was carrying. Marinette put the blanket inside the box neatly, before she grabbed the box and headed to the car.

Yup! Fun Fair was over. Marinette did have fun; definitely better fun than she had at her last life. Chloe, Sabrina and Lila didn't attack her at all. Sabrina was busy thinking about what Marinette said, Lila was busy crying over Adrien and Marinette being together, and Chloe was busy trying to calm Lila down. This wasted the girls time, and they didn't get enough time to get in with their plan.

Ivan had promised Marinette that about a few days, he would be able to come up with a plan on how to get the girls to fight with each other. Rose, Mylene, Alya and Nino had agreed to help Marinette find out who the girls' spy was. Overall, this was how Marinette wanted her Fun Fair to go... But Adrien.

Adrien had to leave an hour early, due to the fact that he ate what he wasn't supposed to eat, which Marinette thought was absolutely unfair, but she was glad that he was able to stay for more than 2 hours anyway. So, basically to wrap things up; her Fun Fair hadn't went that badly.

Most of the people were gone already; some were still packing up, including Chloe and Lila, who exclaimed to be only waiting for Marinette.

Once Marinette was done packing up, she started heading in the car, but Chloe stopped her with a frown. "Marinette, aren't you going to ride with us?"

"No," Marinette gave her an innocent smile. "I want to go home with my parents, so don't even bother." She closed the car door, and rolled up window so she wouldn't hear what Chloe had to say next. Chloe just walked away.

Tom sat in the drivers seat, and Sabine sat next to him. "It doesn't really look like you're in good terms with those girls." Tom spoke, getting ready to drive off. "How can you and that girl, Lila, still be friends after you two finding out you like the same boy?!"

Marinette gasped. "How do you... How do you even know about all that?"

"Oh please," Sabine sighed. "We've been seeing how you two act around each other. You get into a fight one minute and the next, you're making up. I mean, your father and I thought that was a little suspicious-"

"-and then we saw Lila pull you over after Adrien said he was your boyfriend," Tom continued. "She looked so upset, and you looked so happy to see her so upset... Care to tell us what has been going on with you and these two girls, Marinette?"

Marinette took a deep breath. "Alright, you're right about everything. We're not friends. See, what I am about to tell you may sound stupid and unbelievable, but you have to promise to believe me."

Sabine and Tom nodded. "We'll believe you, don't worry."

So Marinette started. She first started telling them about how she had went back into time to fix her mistakes. She told them about how Lila and Chloe were only pretending to be her friends just to get revenge on her. Then she told them about how she was pretending to be their friends to get revenge on them. Sabine and Tom looked surprised by the whole story, but didn't say anything until Marinette finished.

"I know... Shocking, right?" Marinette chuckled. "But this is all the truth. I wouldn't lie... Especially to my own parents. I made a mistake in my old life... Now I'm back to fix those mistakes!" Marinette stopped for a while, noticing her parents silence. "Do you... Do you believe me?"

"I... Well, it definitely does sound unbelievable, but we promised that we would believe you," Sabine smiled. "So we do. You have us on your side, Marinette."

"Thank you," Marinette nodded. Her phone then dinged and she took it out, looking at the new message that Adrien had sent her.

A - hey, it's okay. It wasn't your fault. I chose to eat those pastries, and because they were so good, I ate more. It wasn't your fault that Nathalie caught me.

A - I'm not allowed to be using my phone right now, but I kinda stole it back, so I have only a few minutes. Just wanted to tell you that I may not be coming to school for, like, the next two days, and if I don't come, don't worry about it; it would probably be because my father has grounded me.

M - sorry to hear that you got into trouble. I was actually hoping that Nathalie wouldn't tell. Guess she did after all. She seemed really angry.

A - it was kinda still funny when you shoved that pastry in her mouth. It took every strength not to laugh at that.

M - yeah. Glad you're doing okay.

A - so, I heard from Rose that Lila and Chloe have a new spy. Have you figured out who it is yet?

M - not yet, but I have got four people trying to figure it out.

A - Marinette, if you find a way to get everyone against them, it would be over for them.

A - I know you got some few people to get the girls on video. If you share the videos with everyone at school, don't you think that would be enough to get everyone against them, and make them stop what they're doing?

M - *smirks* I know. And I've thought about it, but I don't want to do it yet. If I do it, the fun will all be over. I want to torture those girls more. What they did to me in my last life was far more hurting than what I've done to them.

A - alright, I guess that makes sense. Good luck then.

M - thanks.

Marinette put her phone back in her purse and looked up, seeing that they were already home. Yup! A lot of things happened today, but she had a huge smile for that.


Word Count: 1348 (excluding this)

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