52 - Fifty • Two

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Marinette always looking over at Adrien, checking him out?


Marinette always looking back at Chloe and Sabrina, as if they're going to pull another stunt on her?


Marinette always getting distracted, thinking about what could have happened to Lila?


Marinette always looking over at the clock to see when class is going to end?


"Hey, wake up! How can you sleep now? Miss Bustier is standing right in front of you!" Adrien tried again, shaking Marinette while at it. Marinette finally groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking up.

"Oh... Where am I?" Marinette spoke, then her eyes widened as she looked around. "Oh, I'm so sorry Miss Bustier. I didn't mean to sleep in class. I promise it won't happen again!"

All around her, her classmates was laughing at her. Her face was burning red as she bit her lip and looked down, trying not to make eye contact with Miss Bustier, or anyone for that matter.

"Well then, you promised, so it better not happen again," Miss Bustier sighed. "Alright, class dismissed." She watched as her class stood up and hurried out for lunch.

"Omg, I feel so embarrassed," Marinette exclaimed when she walked out of the class. "And that's not the first time that happened. I didn't find her class boring. I just really haven't had any sleep all throughout this week."

Adrien looked at Nino and Alya, them looking back at him. He walked up to Marinette and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know you care about this revenge thing, but you know, you could just not think about it for a day or two. It's ruining your brain."

"No, you don't understand. My brain has to be on about revenge," Marinette said. "I never know when Chloe and Lila are going to attack, so I need to keep a watch out for them. You understand, don't you?"

"How about this?" Nino suggested. "We'll take care of the revenge for you while you take a break. So if Chloe or Lila attacks, we're going to be the ones to think of a revenge plan and pull it on them. While we do that, you'll be at home, sleeping. Okay?!"

"Yeah but, what if-"

"Just say yes," Alya groaned.

Marinette sighed. "Fine. Yes, sure, so whatever!"

They entered the cafeteria and sat down on a table; just the four of them. Marinette could see Chloe and Sabrina sitting with a bunch of other students from other classes. Beside them was Mylene and her friends who were happily chatting away.

Then the cafeteria door opened and Marinette looked back at it. She gulped when she saw who came in. Lila and some few other girls.

"Alright Macy, Cory and Elizabeth, we'll sit here." Lila walked up to a table that was too tables away from Chloe's table. "Lets eat, girls!"

Those must be the new friends she made once she moved class. Why so I feel like her friends are going to do something bad? Lila looks like she's forgotten about me and Chloe. It's like she has moved on. But I still have a sick feeling that one day she's going to come back and attack!

"It's nice to see Lila making friends that suit her," Nino chuckled. "Honestly, I think it was a good move to leave our class and move to another."

"I totally agree," Adrien nodded. "She looks way more happier than ever."

"Please, I hope she stays and never moves back," Alya rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to her precious food. Just thinking about food was way better than talking about Lila.

Marinette noticed Chloe staring at Lila and her new friends. She could see Chloe clutching unto the fork she was holding. She was gritting her teeth, as if she couldn't believe that Lila had moved on. Marinette could tell that she had the urge to stand up and walk up to Lila.

No please don't do it, Chloe. Do not go over to Lila to talk to her. You're only going to be embarrass yourself!

Chloe stood up, folding her arms as Lila laughed at something one of her friends said. Sabrina asked Chloe where she was going, but Chloe didn't answer as she started walking over to Lila.

"Seriously?!" Chloe slammed her fists on Lila's table, gaining some attention from the other tables.

"Well, hello to you too," Lila muttered, making the other three girls laugh. "What do you want, Chloe?"

"When I said we were done, I thought you would try," Right at this point, Chloe obviously didn't care about who was watching or listening to her. All she cared about was facing Lila and her new best friends.

"What do you mean?" Lila frowned.

"Wait, isn't this the blonde brat you told us about?" Cory spoke. "Chloe Bourgeois, the most annoying brat in the entire school. I can't believe you used to be friends with her, Lila. You need better taste when it comes to friends."

"Well, I have you three now, don't I?" Lila smirked as she turned her head to face the three girls.

"I... I'm not a brat! You four are!" Chloe pointed a finger at each of them. "You disappoint me, Lila. I really thought you would try to clear your name, or something. I thought you would try to get me to be your friend again."

"Then your head has obviously not being in the real world," Lila chuckled. "Why would I want to be your friend again when you blamed me for something I didn't even do?! No, go ahead and believe Marinette and her friends, because they speak the truth and I don't!"

Chloe stood there with her mouth wide opened, before she scoffed and started walking away.

"Please hun, you should have done that a very long time ago," Elizabeth laughed.

Oh Chloe. You know better than to just walk up to Lila like that.

Marinette sighed at what had just happened. She couldn't believe Chloe had wanted Lila to try to save their friendship. Well it was obvious that was never going to happen now. Chloe had totally humiliated herself in front of Lila and her friends and everyone who was listening to what they were saying.

"I can't believe she would say that!" Chloe was exclaiming as she sat back down on her desk. "She's so stupid. Once I get back at her, she's going to be wishing she never did what she did!"

Marinette smiled at what she just heard Chloe say. Would Chloe agree or even consider to join me bring Lila down? Well, she hates Lila now. We both hate Lila. It only makes sense.

I might have just found a new helper!


Word Count: 1128 (excluding this)

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