53 - Fifty • Three

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10 more minutes until lunchtime was over. Marinette pulled out her phone, wanting to make some reminders on her calendar.

After School - meet up with Chloe

I still don't know if that girl is lying about everything or not. I mean her story sounds true, but that's the thing! She could be wanting me to believe her so that I won't think about getting revenge on her.

Sabrina seems to believe her though.

The bell rang and Marinette quickly stood up. As she did, she felt someone bump into her and when she turned she saw Lila and her three minions.

"Oops," Lila help her hand up to her lips. "That was an accident, Marinette." She turned around, laughing and start walking away with her new friends.

"You're right when you said Lila would try to get revenge on you," Rose rolled her eyes. "After everything, I'm surprised she hasn't given up. She's only wanting to embarrass herself even more."

"Oh, don't worry Rose," Marinette chuckled. "She can get all the revenge she wants. In the end, she's still going to lose."

"Do we need to spy on her or something, to find out about her secrets?" Mylene suggested.

"After what happened, I bet she's being extra careful about her secrets," Marinette replied. "But don't worry, you all. A new plan is forming in my head."

"What is it?" Rose looked excited. "I'm sure whatever you have in your head will work."

Marinette smiled. "Actually, for this plan, I would need Adrien." She turned to Adrien, who instantly looked up once he heard his name.

"What do you need me for?"

Marinette started walking away, the others following. "If Lila wants revenge, then she's getting revenge!"


Adrien looked around after school, waiting for his limo. He looked behind him, seeing Marinette, Rose and Mylene. He sent them a little glare before he looked back to the front.

"Adrien, over here," Nathalie rolled the window, calling for his name. Adrien started running over to his limo.

"Uh Nathalie? Before we leave can I invite someone to come along?" He asked. "I kinda want to... Spend time with that someone."

Nathalie sighed. "Marinette? Ask your father, Adrien."

"Actually, it's not Marinette," Adrien spoke. "Oh we were done so long ago."

"Did you just say... What I think I heard you say?" Nathalie gasped. "What?! I thought you and Marinette were close!"

Adrien shook his head sadly. "Found out she was only using me to get back at Lila. She only wanted to make Lila jealous. She didn't really love me. Don't worry though. I found an even better girl!"

Adrien looked behind him. He looked over at Lila, who was looking at him; then he turned his attention towards Marinette, who just so happened to be standing right next to Lila. She glared at him as he started walking closer.

"Hey Lila," Adrien waved at Lila, making her look surprised. "I was wondering if you were free now. I thought we might..."

"A-Adrien?" Lila frowned. She looked over at Marinette, who was fuming so madly. "What... What happened between you and her?"

"Please, don't dare start a conversation about my ex," Adrien spat coldly, before he grabbed Lila's arm. "I want you to come with me. That is, if you're free."

"Oh, okay." Lila sent a smirk towards Marinette. Marinette scowled before she turned around and stormed off in such a mad way. Lila started following Adrien to his limo. "So why did you and Marinette break up? - oh oops, you said not to bring her up."

"I'll let it pass this time." Adrien opened the door, allowing Lila in. Then he stepped inside the limo after her. "Marinette and I broke up because I found out she was only using me. Can you believe that she only wanted to be together with me just to make you feel jealous?!"

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, Adrien."

"Ah, don't worry. At least I found an even better girl," Adrien smiled at her. "Gorilla, you may behind driving. Please take us to the Eiffel Tower!"

"But Adrien," Nathalie frowned.

"Nathalie, I thought you always hated Marinette. You always hated her presence," Adrien pointed out. "Look at Lila over here. She's perfect for me. She doesn't own a bakery, so there's no way I will be eating any pastries. You need to trust me."

"I know, but... I just... I just can't believe it," Nathalie folded her arms. "Why her?! I mean, there are thousands of other girls that don't own a bakery..."

"99% of those girls only want to be with me because of my riches and fame, and to show off," Adrien boldly spoke. "Lila is that other 1%. She wouldn't use me. I've seen the way she's tried so hard to get me, which means that she obviously cares."

"Adrien, I'm so glad you noticed my efforts," Lila blushed. "I tried to take you away from Marinette because I knew her tricks, but I just couldn't. I only did all those bad things to her in hopes that you would leave her, but those tricks obviously didn't work."

"Yes Lila, I understand you now," Adrien nodded. "Gorilla, don't head home. Head for the Eiffel Tower. Nathalie, call my father and tell him of my location. I just want to spend time with my future girlfriend. Thank you very much!"

Gorilla turned and started heading for the Eiffel Tower, leaving Lila and Adrien satisfied, but Nathalie still being confused.

"Don't worry Miss, you'll learn to like me very much," Lila exclaimed. "Adrien is my boyfriend now. You better get used to having me around, understand?!"

"Now that's the kind of girls I like," Adrien smirked. "Fierce, full of thunder. Marinette was... Too nice that it bored me to death!"

Nathalie glared at Lila. "Alright, listen up Miss. Rossi. You may be together with Adrien now, but nobody ever said you were going to last long," She spat. "We'll see how Gabriel looks into this once he finds out!"

Lila rolled her eyes. Soon they arrived at the Eiffel Tower and Adrien and Lila walked out of the limo, heading for the tower.

"So, do we wait for you or what?!" Nathalie yelled. Adrien turned back to her with a glare.

"Do whatever!"

"Good, cause I don't want to stay!" Nathalie gritted her teeth as she turned back to the front. "Gorilla, drive home!"

"Ugh, that Nathalie woman needs to chill, like geez," Lila sighed. Then she turned to Adrien, taking his hands. "So, are on a date or what?!"

"No," Adrien spoke. "I wanted to have a chat with you is all. Erm, so I heard that you were getting revenge on Marinette."

"Well," Lila turned the other way. "What's it to you?! You still care about her?!"

"Lila, no, you misunderstood. Remember, I told you that Marinette was only using me, and I feel very angry at that," Adrien reminded her. "Well, now I just want to get revenge on her."

"So you're saying...?" Lila gasped.

Adrien nodded. "I want to work with you, Lila!"


"Ooh, I can't believe... I can't believe he broke up with me! How did he even find out I was using him?!" Marinette yelled in her bedroom.

Mylene and Rose, who were also there, looked at each other, then burst into laughter. "Oh Marinette... Such a great actor."

"You really think so?" Marinette grinned. "Well, it definitely comes in handy with this plan."

"So, what's next?" Mylene asked, folding her arms.

"Chloe is next." Marinette replied, walking around her room. She then stopped by her desk and took out Chloe's Revenge Book, handing it over to the girls. "See, Chloe apologized and all that, the thing is... Some part of me believes her while the other part of me don't."

"I totally get what you're on to," Rose nodded as Mylene turned to the first page. "What's this book anyway?"

"Chloe's and Lila's Revenge Book," Marinette answered. "I took it when I had the chance. This book was made when Chloe and Lila were of course still friends. I don't know if Chloe wants this book back anyway."

"So what do you want us to do?" Mylene asked, looking up from the book.

"We three are going to be spying on Chloe for the entire rest of the day!" Marinette replied. "We need to see if there's anything suspicious with her, or if she's planning something out of the ordinary."

"Alright," Rose shrugged, standing up. "Let get started then!"


Word Count: 1425 (excluding this)

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