Chapter 3

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     Eclipse was carrying a particularly fat thrush over to GrayStream – one of the most elderly Drolgons in the Pacree – and the air was brisk and windy. It was almost winter now, as it was a year and two and a half months after Eclipse's sisters' ceremonies.

The elderly Drolgons were huddling near HailClaw's ledge, fluffing up their fur against the chilly breeze, and chatting.

Eclipse dropped the thrush at GrayStream's paws, nodding to her.

Then she padded back to the prey hollow, picked up a fat mouse, and brought it over to Peregrine, who was sitting with GrayStream.

Eclipse dropped the mouse in front of Peregrine, and looked up at her. Peregrine was frowning at the prey.

"It's much smaller than I would've liked," she grumbled.

Eclipse stifled a sigh. "Do you want me to fetch another?"

"No, no," Peregrine said, biting into the mouse. "I don't want to waste prey."

Eclipse nodded, and went to sit with her friends.

Wind, Reed, DarkFlight, and SkyChaser were sitting together beneath the big oak tree.

"Where's Sapphire?" Eclipse asked, settling down next to Reed

"She's resting," SkyChaser answered. "She doesn't feel too good."

"Oh," Eclipse murmured. "I hope she's not sick."

An icy wind picked up, and it chilled Eclipse to the bone. Reed pressed against her. Eclipse felt her ears get hot, as Reed rested his wing over her and their fur brushed. She decided that was better than a chilly breeze, though, and she snuggled into Reed's pelt.

Reed looked down at Eclipse, and she stared back into his eyes. He pushed the long fur that covered Eclipse's left eye behind her ear. Eclipse giggled, and shook her head to get the fur out from behind her ear. Reed laughed.

Eclipse got to her paws a few moments later, and padded off to the den that Sapphire had moved into after her ceremony which had been a week after Solar and FeatherCloud's.

When Eclipse stepped inside, she noticed the faint scent of sickness.

Oh no.

"Sapphire?" Eclipse whispered.

From farther inside the den, eyes blinked open, and gleamed in the small amount of light coming into the den.

Eclipse padded over to Sapphire's nest, and laid next to her friend.

"How are you?" Eclipse asked.

"Fine," Sapphire croaked. But it took so much effort to speak, that she had a coughing fit.

Eclipse felt bad. She wished Sapphire wasn't sick. Eclipse laid her head on her paws, and rested her wing over Sapphire.

Sapphire's fast and ragged breathing slowed, and Eclipse laid with her friend until she fell asleep.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Eclipse whispered. "I promise."

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