Chapter 4

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     Eclipse had helped GrayStream and Peregrine with whatever they needed, and even helped heal wounds with SpringShine (the healer Drolgon) over the course of a year since she'd discovered Sapphire was sick. But Storm had somehow yet again found a way to convince HailClaw to deny Eclipse her ceremony.

Now Eclipse was sharing the nursery-den with new Drolgonets. They were one year old, and very small compared to Eclipse. She was a quarter of the size of Storm now.

Every day, Eclipse would work her paws off, trying to earn her ceremony. She was starting to think she'd never get it. Rage, hatred, and helplessness welled up in her, and she kept pushing it down. She knew she couldn't keep it bottled up forever. But she tried, and tried again to convince HailClaw she'd earned her ceremony.

On this day, Eclipse had already delivered prey to half the Pacree. The rest of the Drolgons had been delivered prey to by the new Drolgonets; Maple, CedarShade, Pearl, and QuietFlower.

Eclipse sniffed the air; there was rain coming. She worried for Sapphire, who had been very ill on and off for the past year. Her winter would be harsher than others', since she was sick.

Eclipse shook her head to clear it, and padded to Sapphire's den. SpringShine was in Sapphire's den almost all the time.

"How is she?" Eclipse asked SpringShine.

SpringShine shot Eclipse a look that said 'not well', and kept pouring medicines out of little bottles (found occasionally in the forest presumably dropped by travelling dragons and around abandoned dragon villages), and into Sapphire's mouth.

"Can I bring her outside?" Eclipse asked quietly.

At the word 'outside', Sapphire pricked her ears up.

SpringShine sighed. "I suppose. She needs some fresh air"

Eclipse flicked her wings happily, and nudged Sapphire out of her den.

Sapphire leaned heavily on Eclipse's side, and breathed in the cold, crisp air. Eclipse led her to a sheltered spot in between a cluster of bushes.

"The border patrol's bound to get back soon," Eclipse murmured.

Sapphire gave a small noise of acknowledgement.

A raindrop landed on Eclipse's nose, and she sneezed. Then rain began to pour down, soaking Eclipse's pelt, and freezing her to the bone.

This rain probably isn't good for Sapphire when she's sick, Eclipse thought, and led the fluffy she-Drolgon into the shelter of a wide, short tree near the archway.

Eclipse looked around the camp, and saw that most of the other Drolgons were staring at the archway too, awaiting the patrol's return.

At last, there was a rustle at the archway. Then the patrol burst through and into the camp. Their fur was ruffled, and sticks and leaves were stuck in all of their pelts.

Something was wrong.

"Alpha!" Ragged (the Lead Warrior and HailClaw's mate, who was leading the patrol) called.

HailClaw hurried out of his den to meet the patrol.

"Pacree Earth is at the border," Ragged explained quickly. "They're calling for a battle."

"Then it is one they will receive," HailClaw growled, lashing his tail.

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