(Chapter 8)

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Art above drawn by moi. Yes, I have improved a lot since chapter 6.

Tails' (Boom) POV:

"He's coming to." Tails blinked his eyes, slowly. He sat up, noticing that he was locked up. He squinted, trying to see where exactly he was, through his blurred vision.

"Who's there?" He blinked a few times, allowing his vision to clear. His ears twitched when a very loud, very annoying voice was heard.

"And, he woke up, too!" A yellow, cube shaped robot sat- err- floated in front of him.

Orbot and... Cubot...? I don't remember his voice being so loud and annoying...

"Where am I?" Tails asked. He rubbed his head, and scratched the fur where his goggles were supposed to be.

"Welcome to Dr. Eggman's base! Well, our Eggman's base." Orbot said. The red bot bowed slightly. "And... this is Cubot." The yellow bot waved at him enthusiastically. Well, as enthusiastic as a robot could be.

"Why am I here?" Orbot 'scratched' the back of his head. 

"Well, the doctor didn't exactly tell us his plans, since we're... 'Bumbling imbeciles'." He sighed. "But, there's a high probability that he may use you two for ransom."

Tails tilted his head. "Two...? Wait, is Sonic ok?!" 

"Of course he is! He's just in the room next-" Cubot was interrupted when Orbot smacked the side of his metal face.

"Well, we'll get out of here, you'll see!" Tails stated proudly.

"And how is that?" Orbot asks. The yellow fox fiddled with the tip of his tail.

"Plot convenience."

"What?" Orbot asked, backing up a little.

"What?!" Tails replied almost immediately.


Sonic's (Boom) POV:

The azure hedgehog was led down the corridor, his hands cuffed by some glowy energy. He was nudged along by two red robots behind him, towards a large door. Eggman typed some sort of password on the keypad next to the door. It opened, with a loud hiss. The robots pushed Sonic inside. His eyes adjusted to the sudden light inside, and when he did, he was in a state of awe.

Sonic stared up, at the monstrosity before him. It was a giant robot, which was currently being painted. It had a long, slender body, and was a quadruped. It seemed like it was staring straight into his soul, even though its eyes were a dull grey.

"This, rodent, is my most brilliant-! Sorry, second most brilliant invention." He rolled his eyes.

Sonic zoned out, as the egg-shaped man started ranting about his machine. He took note that this Eggman was actually egg-shaped. His mind drifted away from that thought, as slight worry for Tails begun to rise.

He won't hurt my little buddy... right? Nah, he won't. He's probably just a goofball like my Eggman. Only, with more advanced tech.

Sonic shook his head, as he was addressed.

"The most important thing, is how it's powered." The doctor leaned over him.

"Lemme guess. It's those gems you call the Chaos Emeralds...?" The doctor let out a laugh.

"I see you've learned about Mobius' prized gems. It's a good guess, but you're wrong. This badnik, is a bit more like my usual Buzz-Bomber or Moto-Bug. It's powered by the life force of a living, breathing being."

Sonic suddenly felt a little nauseous at the thought. He was definitely not a goofball. This guy, was serious. He used flipping animals to power his bots?!

"What's that, not happy? I thought your Eggman would do something of the sorts." He said, casually.

"You... you monster!" Sonic leaped forward, but the man simply stepped to the side, leaving Sonic with a sore face.

"But, mere flickies wouldn't be enough to power this. I need something much...bigger. With more power. Something like..." He leaned down to Sonic's level.

"A mobian, perhaps?" Sonic's eyes widen in realization, as Eggman snapped his fingers. Sonic heard the sound of metal hitting the ground, as he saw two shadows looming over him. He rolled away, evading two pairs of metal hands. 

He hit the wall, and twisted his head to see the two badniks from earlier. The robots approach him. He hissed at them instinctively, but they didn't falter. One of them grabbed his cuffed hands, while the other grabbed his leg. He was lifted up, and Sonic squirmed in their grasp, trying to escape.

"Unhand me! Let me go!" He yelled, and he was thrown to Eggman's feet. He landed with a thud.

"Set me free, or.. or-!" Eggman reached his hand towards the back of the hedgehog's neck.

"Or else what?" He grabbed Sonic's scruff, and held him in front of his face. The royal blue hedgehog wrinkled his nose at the stench of rotten eggs. Sonic started to feel more and more anxious by the passing second. 

Of course he's anxious, he's about to be used as a living battery, for Chaos' sake!

His anxiety increases, as the doctor walks up to the side of the metal beast, and unlocks a hatch on the side of it. The inside seemed dark and cramped. 

Sonic twisted and turned, trying to free himself from the man's grasp. His anxiety levels increase even more, when Eggman shoved him into the hatch. Sonic scrambled out a little, before the door was slammed onto his face.

He was isolated in the dark, in a tight space. Sonic's eyes darted about, trying to find a way to get out. He tried spindashing, but it wouldn't work. He noticed that the cuffs on his hands had disappeared, and he tried to punch the door, as hard as the little space would allow him to. It failed, though. 

I want to get out. I need to get out. I need out. Out. I want out. Let. Me. Out!

Only one word was formed in Sonic's head.


He tried to spindash once more, but he found his wrists and ankles now tethered. Sonic hyperventilated, as he tried to get his way out of this situation. 

He usually got himself out of dangerous situations, right?

But... this wasn't what he was used to. The Eggman from his dimension never attempted something like this!

This definitely wasn't his cup of tea.

Sonic struggled against the binds, to no avail. 

Sonic's eyes darted across the darkness of his prison, as he went completely silent, listening for any sounds. It seemed like there was no one outside the machine, as the only thing he could hear was the faint whirring of machinery.

Of all people... why me?

He knew very well that he was in a small space. He did not like it. He begun to hyperventilate even more, his anxiety nearly reaching their peak. He couldn't even curl up into the fetal position to comfort himself.

"Lemme out... please... I don't wanna be here..." he whimpered. He was terrified of what will happen to him, and his heart rate increases by the passing second.


Sonic's (Modern) POV:

Sonic munched happily on the chilli-dogs Amy had given him. He knew that he had to go out, to look for his doppelgänger and Tails', but for now, he wanted to savor the flavor of the food. He took a large bite out of the chilli-dog, and rolled it around his mouth, enjoying the fatty juices.

"Sonic, chew with your mouth closed. It's disgusting." Sonic's gaze was directed to the pink hedgehog before him. He blinked a few times, then swallowed.

"Right, sorry." He looked at the window, noticing the orange hue of the sky. It was getting late. After a few moments, he looked back at the plate of chilli-dogs in the middle of the table. There was still plenty to go around. He reached for one of them, when another hand landed on the same one. He followed the arm attached to it, to meet Tails' bright blue eyes.

"You can have that one." Sonic grabbed the one next to it, as Tails grabbed the previous one. 

Sonic's nose twitched at the delicious aroma, and he took a bite out of the chilli-dog.

His skin still ached from the previous burns, but he ignored it. 

As he was eating, he noticed the orange badger, Sticks, sniffing her food suspiciously. He tilted his head in curiosity. Amy seemed to have noticed, as well.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you eating?" She asks.

"I'm checking for mind-control serum." She was casted looks of confusion.


"It's just... a chilli-dog. I made them myself." Amy sounded slightly offended.

"...Ok." She reluctantly took a bite out of it. "It's better than Meh Burger."

"Meh Burger sounds like a horrible place to eat." Amy states.

"It is." Both Sticks, and the other Amy said in unison.

"You... didn't have anyplace else to eat?" Tails had leaned forward, curious.

"No. Well, there was this one time I tried to open a restaurant, but that may have backfired." Amy (B) said.




The five had gone silent, as time passed. Sonic looked around, as he finished the last of the chilli dogs.

"So... what now? It seems a little late to go out searching for the other two..."

Amy was about to answer, when her phone rang. She grabbed it from the table, and brought it to her ear. The pink hedgehog stood up, and walked out of the kitchen.

Curious, Sonic stood up, and went after her. She had already finished the call.

"What's up?" Sonic asked.

"It's from Restoration HQ. There's a meeting next week, they wanted to let me know. They were going to call you, as well, but I told them that I'd pass the message on to you."

"What's Restoration HQ?" Amy's doppelgänger peeked from the doorway.

"It's... kind of a long story." Sonic replied, waving his hands in the air, as if trying to get the point across.

"Well... we have time." She looks outside, at the darkening sky.

"Alright, then... have a seat." Amy gestured to the couch, as Tails and Sticks come along, as well.

Sonic cleared his throat.

"So... Restoration HQ was established, to rebuild Mobius after the war against Infinite. It was formerly called Freedom HQ."

"You went through a war?" Amy (B) asks.

"Do you want the short version, or the long version...?"


Tails' (Boom) POV:

Tails ran down the corridor. He had found a way to escape, due to the wondrous plot convenience.

He ran into the first room he could find, hoping to find his best friend.

"No luck."

He exited quickly, and kept running, checking every room he could find. He had no luck so far. 

He jumped when a laser nearly singed his fur off. The fox turned to see a badnik, pointing its arm towards him. It fired another laser at him, but he managed to dodge it. He circled around it quickly, and leaped onto it, wedging his fingers under its head. The yellow kit pulled it off, and tore away at the cables inside of it, shutting the robot down. 

He let out a sigh of relief. Tails looked around, to check for any other signs of danger, and when he decided that the coast was clear, he jumped off, and looked towards the end of the corridor.

There was one more door he didn't check out yet.

I just hope Sonic's in there.

He ran towards it, and suddenly, his sensitive ears picked up the sound of machines whirring. He stopped at the door, realizing that there was a keypad there. He quickly tried as many combinations as possible before getting caught. After about thirty seconds, he got in. He stumbled into a room full of darkness.

He could definitely smell Sonic's scent here.

But... where was he?

Tails' eyes darted to the right, as a bright green light shone from behind him. He turned around to meet face to face with a metallic face, with glowing, green eyes looking back at him.



Welp, I'm finally done this chapter, after a boost of motivation!

I hope you guys enjoyed Boom Sonic's suffering lol. 


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