(Chapter 7)

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Location: Unknown

Sonic's (Boom) PoV

Ugh, my head feels like I've been crushed by an elephant...

Sonic woke up to a blinding light shining in his eye. He squinted, trying to take a look at where he was. When his eyes adjusted, he found himself in a cage, his legs and arms tied up.

"What's the big idea?!" He shouted to no one in particular. The hedgehog then realized that the yellow kit was nowhere to be seen. He looked around frantically, trying to find him.

"Tails? Tails, where are you?!" He called.

"Don't waste your breath, your fox friend isn't here." A voice said from behind. The azure hedgehogs twisted his neck in an attempt to see his captor. 

He came face to face with a large mustached face, a large grin plastered on it. He wrinkled his nose as the smell of rotten eggs hit it.

"Yuck! Your breath is MUCH worse than Eggy. Don't you brush your teeth?" He retorted. The human furrowed his brows.

He grumbled something under his breath, then stated:

"I am Dr. Eggman, the greatest-"

"Genius in the universe, yeah, I know that shtick." The royal blue hedgehog interrupted.

"I guess you're the alternate version of my Eggman?"

"Yes. Yes I am. Now to business."  He turned around and typed something onto what appears to be a large computer. Sonic noticed pictures of several gems, then realized that these were the Chaos Emeralds.

"What are you going to do?" He asked. Sonic looked around, hoping that he'd find a clue on where he was. The room seemed quite plain, with white walls. The only thing that was interesting was the computer, but the fat human was blocking it.

How did I get here in the first place?


Sonic and Tails were playing video games.

"Wow, this is pretty fun! I wish our fans made video games of us!" Tails exclaimed. The kit cheered when he won.

"Ha! I win again!"

Sonic grumbles in frustration.

"Why is your character so overpowered compared to mine!?"

The kit shrugged.

"Want to go again?" Sonic nodded, then restarted the game.

"I'll have you know, I won't be so easy on you this time!" The hedgehog patted his brother's back, grinning.

The two mobians played on and on, not realizing that they were being watched by a set of glowing, red eyes.

The glass shattered.

Sonic and Tails instinctively recoiled back, startled. 

Their heartbeats sped up, as they stared in shock and confusion at the robot in front of them.

"...Metal?!" Sonic instantly recognized the robot.

He was an exact copy of the one from his world, only shorter.

Or, that's what he thought.

The blue robot acted first, shooting forward and grabbing Sonic by his scruff, and slammed him into the wall. 

Tails lunged forward, in an attempt to save his brother from his metal doppelgänger. Metal grabbed the fox with his free hand, and tossed him to the other side of the room with ease. Sonic kicked the robot's head as hard as he could, freeing himself. He spin-dashed into the robot, pushing him to the other side of the room.

It didn't even make a dent. 

Metal lunged forward, claws extended. Sonic dodged this, resulting in the robot leaving claw marks on the wall instead.

Tails eventually recovered, seeing the two fight. The fox quickly ran his eyes all over the robot, trying to find a weakness. The fox's eyes widened as Metal was about to lunge at the royal blue hedgehog, who was recovering from a blow to the head. The fox reacted, ramming himself to the side of the robot, causing the metal being to lose balance and swipe the air instead of Sonic.

Metal clearly wasn't happy, and hit the fox, hard. The kit fell backwards, unresponsive.

"TAILS!" Sonic exclaimed, anger shown in his eyes. He lunged for the badnik, blind with rage.

This was exactly what the robot wanted. Metal simply moved to the side, tripping Sonic. 

Metal placed his foot on the azure hedgehog's back, pressing down, so the hedgehog couldn't move. He ended it with a punch to the back of his head.

The robot dragged the two mobians back to the base.

Amy's (Modern) POV:

"And I'll set that to ten minutes, then we'll have a batch of chocolate chip cookies!" The pink hedgehog exclaimed to the two mobians next to her.

"I don't trust it. It will start baking evil mind control cookies when the robo-apocalypse comes." Both Amys rolled their eyes as the orange badger said this. 

"Sticks, there's no such thing as the robo-apocalypse." Amy's taller counterpart muttered.

Sticks thought otherwise. The badger grumbled in annoyance, probably plotting to destroy the oven or something.

Amy was going to say something, as the doorbell rang.

"AAGHH!" Sticks exclaimed, jumping in surprise and digging her claws into the cupboard next to her.

Amy sighed in frustration.

"That, was just the doorbell." The pink hedgehog made her way towards her front door, the unmistakable scent of smoke hitting her nose. She opened the door to see Tails, and a dirtied Sonic.

The hedgehog was covered in soot and ash.

"Sonic, what in the name of Chaos happened?!" She exclaimed, grabbing the azure hedgehog's arm and examining him for any injuries. Worry and concern could be seen on her expression as she saw cuts, bruises and burns. Amy dragged Sonic inside, followed by Tails.

"Our... house burned down..." Sonic said, his ears folded back. Amy's counterpart, hearing this, gasped.

"Burned?! Where's Sonic? Well, my Sonic? That came out wrong, the Sonic from my dimension? Uhh, and Tails?" The hedgehog peered over the three's shoulders, trying to see if the other mobians were there.

"The problem is... we have no idea. You see, we were at Central City, fighting badniks when it all happened. When we came, we found the house on fire." Sonic explained.

"And this idiot decided to go headfirst into the fire." Tails muttered, his tails twitching in annoyance.

"Yeah, that's expected from Sonic," Amy said, as Sonic muttered something under his breath. "I'll get the first aid kit, you two go sit on the couch."

"Wait, you're not worried about getting the couch dirty?" Sonic said, confused.

"Your well-being is more important." Amy said, as she went to get the first aid kit.

As she walked down the corridor, she was joined by her doppelgänger. Concern and worry could be read from the hedgehog's face easily.

"I hope they're ok..." she muttered, as they reached the closet holding the supplies.

"Well, as far as I know, they can take care of themselves just fine! After all, they're Sonic and Tails! The ultimate duo! Nothing can take them down!" Amy reassured her, reaching for the first aid kit. 

"Let's deal with our current problem, then we'll focus on the next, ok?" Amy headed back, walking into the living room. 

Sonic and Tails were discussing something as she came in, then stopped when they saw the pink hedgehog.

"Alright, let's get you two patched up, then we can try to figure out what happened to your copies." She grabbed Sonic's arm, and cleaned the ash off. Sonic winced a little as she touched the burns on it.

As the pink hog tended to Sonic's wounds, she wondered what could've happened to the missing mobians.

I hope they will be alright.

"What do you think happened to them?" Sonic flicked his ear as Amy said this, then stared at the wall in thought.

"I don't know, but I hope they are alright." The hedgehog stood up, pumping his fist in the air.

"But, we'll find 'em!" Amy grabbed his scruff and set him back on the couch, not quite finished. She narrowed her eyes when she heard Sticks yelling at something.


"I forgot the cookies! I'll be right back!" Amy stood up and rushed towards the kitchen, and groaned as she saw the smoke coming out of her oven.

"What went wrong? I'm sure they shouldn't have been burnt." She checked the oven settings, only to see that the temperature was set way higher than it was supposed to be. 

She was certain that she didn't do that. Amy cast a side glance at the orange badger in suspicion.

"So much for enjoying some cookies..." Amy turned off the oven, then decided that her future self could deal with the mess. She headed back to the living room.

"Something wrong, Ames?" Sonic looked at her with concern.

"Nothing too important." She noticed that the blue hedgehog had patched up the rest of his wounds, as well as Tails'.

"Ok, then." Sonic clasped his hands, clearing his throat.

"There's... a favor Tails and I wanted to ask." Amy tilted her head in curiosity.

"Sure, what is it?" Amy sat down next to him, as her counterpart walked into the room.

"Well, we don't want to be much of a burden, but we need a place to stay since our house burned down." It then clicked.

Amy smiled. 

"You'd never be a burden, Sonikku. You two are more than welcome to stay!" Amy stated, giving the hedgehog a light hug. Sonic gave a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Ames. You're the best." 

"Now, to find our doppelgängers!" Tails exclaimed.



It's been nearly 2 months since I updated, sorry guys.

I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as possible!

Stay safe!

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