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Ivina Kuznetsova

"Remind me to never wear a wig again, this shit is uncomfortable." I complain to Sveta while fixing my Sandy blonde wig. We are on our way to the casino night as one of our most qualified drivers was escorting us. I wore a strap less elegant dress which was like a glove on my body. It reached down to the floor but it was the perfect length so that I wouldn't trip. You know these type of missions might involve running or whatever. It had a slit at the left side revealing my leg just for a bit of seduction.
I wore black elegant gloves that went just past my elbows.

My makeup was quiet simple but yet had a hint of seduction to spice things up. My deep red glossy lipstick covering my plump lips. I had neat eyeliner dragged along my eyelids. I had a small amount of dark eyeshadow to bring attraction to my eyes. My hair or shall I say, wig, was slicked back into a high only tail revealing the mesmerising features of my face. The jewellery was light yet it was the most shiny thing I have ever layed my eyes on. The silver necklace stopped right at my cleavage opening as my matching earrings dangled from a side to another.
With that I paired matching rings over my hands.

The breath-taking woman beside me was dressed in a deep purple backless silk dress.
It dropped down to the floor, the length was an 1 inch longer than my dress. It was quite simple but she added some eye catching silver jewellery to top it off. Her eye makeup was the same shade of violet her dress was. She had a sparkling silver cut crease. Her lipstick was a beige nude which matched her skin tone amazingly. She wore some black sparkly heels to add to her exquisite height.

"And remind me to never listen to your bad ideas ever again." She groans seeming a bit nervous. See she isn't supposed to be on this mission with me for some strange reason that Czar leaves untold but me being; me.
I brought her along, she's amazing at missions and she hasn't been to one in like, forever!

"Bitch what are you so worried about?" I turn to her as I was busy admiring my self in the Limousine's mirror. She turns to me eyeing me as if she is about to rip me apart. "Let's see why I'm worried, oh I know! Czar is gonna murder me" She says sarcastically and for somewhat reason she seemed to care so much about what Czar does, says, orders.

"Tell me why you care about what he said again?" I question I'm curiosity as I was genuinely confused. She went quite for a bit, probably thinking about whatever. A smirk then formed on her face and with that, she spoke. "You're right, I don't." She chuckled. Evilly. Really Evilly. I just supported it with no clue what she has in mind.

"Show time." I smirk as the bright red lights of the casino hit me and Sveta who were standing at the entrance. She returned the smirk.
With that, we begun the fun.
The two well dressed guards throw the grand doors wide open for us as it was a private casino and we had special access.
Behind the massive doors were multiple tables surrounded by men doing their thing. Poker, vodka, blunts. The lights were a scarlet shade of red. The bar looked like heaven to me.
All of the amazing liquids surrounding it.

I'll make a stop there.

"If you don't mind me." Sveta grins and slips away into a group of melanin men. She had a thing for melanin men. She never really had boyfriends though. I shake my head but it was more in a supportive way. I scan the room quickly. No sign of suspect. Guess I'll just have my fun then.

"Nastoiki." I order my all time favourite drink. It was a type of vodka but with exquisite flavouring. The bartender before me stared for a tiny bit which made me feel the urge to gush his eyes out but then he finally started to move. He began preparing my drink for me as they are often made. "Don't you think that's a rather, unusual drink for a woman?" He spoke but it was like dirt escaped his mouth.

Right I haven't made it clear who I am.
"Don't you think it's a bit rude to speak like that to a Kuznetsov woman?" I sass back at him eyeing him up and down in hope to just snap his neck off right here, right now.
He seemed shocked by the news he just received. I chuckle in embarrassment for him.
It's pathetic how men thing they have a right to speak. It's also disgusting how people yet believe in the stupid Russian stereotypes for woman.

"Ma'am I'm so-" His pitiful self began to speak once again. I snatch my drink out his hands.
"Save the bullshit." I growl at him while he simply stays quiet. I turn around to observe my surroundings. The place was loud. Full of men happy that they've won something for once. The music was loud but could barely notice it was even on considering the noise in this room.

I could hear many accents. British, need to listen out for that one. Russian, old news. Italian, only a few since the Russians and Italian's aren't a smart mix. Germans, peasants of people. French, way too classy.
"Penny for thoughts?" A British voice spoke in the silence I created in my head. That is literally the worst way to start a conversation with a girl. A girl who doesn't give a fuck may I add.

I scoff giving him no reply. I don't really do well with men. If you haven't picked that up yet. "Silent treatment, way of attraction. I get it." He smirks as he moves a stool over to me.
It was one stool that separated us now and I could smell a strong cologne which have of the male race used. I'm so sick of men thinking they know stuff.

"Or maybe, I'm not interested? If your male self has not considered that yet." I snap at him but continue looking elsewhere. When you don't look at a man while you speak to them, they feel less in charge, more insecure. That's the plan hoes. He stayed quiet in search of something to say most likely.

"Here's this, give it one game and if you win, which you won't. But if so, I'll step away." He suggests. 1, I will win, always do. 2, I will make you step away one way or another. 3, I'll prove I can win. I instantly turn to him stupid self and chuckle a bit. Chuckling in a mans face also makes them insecure. Geez a lot makes them insecure.

"Game on." I get up from my black bar stool beginning to walk over to a crowded table of poker. I left the man that still remained unknown to just follow behind.

"So what were you saying? I can't win?" I lean back in my seat crossing my arms. The people surrounding us were laughing and drinking. Some congratulating my victory, others being dickheads per usual. "Whatever." He scoffs while I smirk in how easy it is to get a man angry. These fuckers need to learn self control.

I pick up my glass of Soviet champagne and take a sip. The room that I was in turned into a bunch of whispers. I began to hear lots of "he's here" which really confused but it had to be Nicholson. "Who's here?" I turn to a woman I got along with earlier. She's sweet and shy.
"Ian Nelson." She answers with a smile and I simply nod. He thinks he's so smart.

Typical move. Same initials for the second name. He may have most people here fooled, not quite me. He walks through the grand doors as he instantly got greeted by his male friends. I simply sat there inspecting but not too much. My poker table soon cleared. Good I didn't like half of them anyway.

Isaiah or shall I say, Ian. He was dressed differently from every man in the room. He was dressed in a white shirt with a few buttons undone, old move. Yet it revealed his tattoos travelling from his chest to his neck then down through his arms and hands.
He wore formal black trousers along with them.

He had a neat beard along with a nicely groomed moustache. His eyes were sharp and his stare could cut you. His eyes were a umber brown. His hair was a deep brown almost the same colour as his eyes. A little hair stuck out the front. He had a smirk plastered on his face as girls came rushing over to him.

"That's my seat darling." His voice whispered in my ears and I could hear the thick British accent. I chuckle was I knew took him by surprise. He stood looking over me as all eyes were on us and it was silent.
"You think, I'm gonna get out of this seat, for you?" I scoff at him. He must already be drunk.
"See it's cute when a woman is feisty, just don't be a bitch." He holds my chin but I instantly smacked his inked hand away.

"Don't lay your dirty hands on me." I grit through my teeth as a smirk forms on his face.
"Who are you?" He inspects my face then goes down my body with his eyes. I stood there in shock that he doesn't know who I am.
Blond wig does wonders. He really should do some improving. I learnt that you have to know your victims features, that way. No wig, no makeup; will do the job.

"Who are you? Ian Nelson." I retaliate on his "name". He seemed took a back a bit.
By how close he was I got a whiff of his aroma.
To my surprise, he didn't smell like any other male. He had a different scent, not too strong to kill, but strong enough to attract.
Before he could speak anymore.
Sveta swoops in.

Time to play, bitches.

Sveta struts over to him. She throws himself on him with compliments on-top of compliments. I smirk as he begins to fall right in her trap. "I like brunettes better, but this'll do." He spoke as if Sveta was some sort of toy for him. He wouldn't have enough time to try anything.

Sveta winks at me but he couldn't notice as his hands began to explore her perfect body.
They soon swept out the back doors.
Now it's my time, to wait.

"I'll take it from here Stella." I use the fake name we made for Sveta so that Czar wouldn't know she's involved but I knew, one way or another. He'll find out. She nods as she slipped away but Isaiah was inside getting drinks.
Soon he returned and the drinks in his hands became a gun pointed at me as I had one pointed at him.

"Not a great first impression, is it?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. Really?
"Good thing I don't wanna make a good one." I shoot but not at him. Just a few inches apart to tense him up but it didn't work. He's tougher than I thought. "Let's not play disguise doll, who are you?" He asks the same question once again.

"Oh yeah, this wig sucks anyway." I keep the gun pointed at him with my finger on the trigger. I snatch off the wig revealing my long brown hair that dropped down to my ass.
His face grew more with rage. I smirk.
"Awh, thought you liked brunettes. Nicholson." I give him a sarcastic voice tone including his real last name.

"Ivina Kusnetsova." He said my name as if I don't know it. "One and only." I give him an evil grin. "I must say, you've got skills." He compliments but I knew his ways. Compliments, softens me up, attacks. Nah baby, I made those tricks. "I must say you're pretty shit at studying your enemy." I don't return the compliment.

He suddenly dropped his gun on the ground and kicked it over to me. He stood there still.
"Shoot me." His voice roared. Oh I will.
"Careful what you wish for, doll." I mock him and shoot him in both shoulders but I made sure it won't do any vital damage.

He dropped to the floor groaning.
"Didn't think I would, did you?" I walk over to him grunting. "Why are you coming after my family?" I ask stepping on his stomach with my heel. He chuckles somehow. How does he even have the strength. "Darling, I'm not so easy like that." He smirks as he grabs my foot and brings me to the floor. He was now on-top of me.

I was a bit surprised by how he managed to gain the strength like that but I guess he's got one or two brain cells. "Don't underestimate me." He cups my face but I spat in his.
He wiped it away and got off of me.
I stood up fixing myself, the plan had changed now. I had Seo search his fake name which led to his address. He's smart, I'm smarter.

He went to speak again but I punched him.
"Don't do something I'll make you regret." He pinned me against a wall and his scent was now on my body. I shake my head at his stupid comment. I'm not scared of him. I'm not scared of anyone. "Too bad I do what I want, and I never regret." I take that as my queue to slip the tiny microphone in his pocket.
That way I can track what he's planning.

I push him off of me.

"Be careful while you play with fire, never know where it can burn you." He spoke as I began to walk away. I stopped as the wind blew lightly. I didn't turn around but I spoke back.
"See, some woman fear fire, some woman become fire. I created fire." And with that.
I slipped away into the darkness of the night.


What will happen next?
Will they meet again?
Will Isaiah reveal his reasons?
How will Czar react?

Who knows? Keep reading and find out!

Make sure to vote babes!

Goodbye darlings, mwah xo

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