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Ivina Kuznetsova

"Bitch the meeting starts in 10, what are-" I barge into Sveta's room since she is nowhere to be seen. My gaze is immediately lowered to the ground whilst I scan the floor. Bra. Panties.
Belt. Formal trousers. Ripped dress. Shirt.
Oh no she did not-
I shot my eyes up towards the bed where Sveta was covering her body as she sat on some guys body. 1. Why is she covering her body? Bitch I seen it all. 2. His dick isn't even that big. 3. Could she have picked a worse timing?

"Three-some?" The guy suggests and I snigger at his self confidence. Does he really think I'd sleep with a man? That I would let a man have the privilege of touching my body in any way?
Keep dreaming love. "1, Don't come into my house and ask for a threesome. 2, Do not ever think I would stoop to such a low level. 3, Grow a bigger dick." I give him a sarcastic smile.
Sveta begins to laugh uncontrollably at the way he was flustered. "Who even are you? You're just some whore." He somehow gathered the confidence to talk back to me. Before I could ever open my mouth, Sveta swoops in.

"Bitch she will be the end of your stupid ass and if not, I will." Sveta gets off of him standing their naked which was a bit awkward but besides. I lean against the door frame smirking at his shocked expression. "Now, you will go and apologise then leave." Sveta commands him and he gets up walking over to me. It's so funny how men are so easy to control. You'd think they're tougher because of the stupid stereotypes but nah.

Thank god he put his trousers on so I didn't have to endure that sight anymore.
"I'm sorry ma'am." He begins to apologise as he stood in-front me. Awh how cute. Not.
"Right I think I missed the part where I tell you that I don't accept apologies." I knock him out by punching the side of his head. He collapses to the ground. Sveta chuckles as I do.

"Hurry your ass up." I demand as she rolls her eyes flicking me off. I stick my tongue out at her. "Get out you whore." She throws her bra at me. Her fucking bra at me. I hold it up in front of my face. Red laced bra. This is mines. This whore. Before I could murder her she ran into her bathroom. I'll get you bitch. I exit the room bumping into one of our many guards.

Aleksander. He's the only decent guard around this entire mansion. Basically the only respectful man I know and the only man I can tolerate. "Could you grab the body laying in Sveta's room? Leave it for Seo to take care off." I ask but it was more of an order. He nods and does as he is told. See? Obedient.

"Casino night did I hear?" Sveta swoops into the meeting room where Czar, Seo and I were discussing the plans on taking down Sir Nicholson or whatever his stupid name is.
"Yeah and you aren't going." Czar answers.
Sveta as a frown appears on her face.
"The only days I'm off work and I can't even go on a mission." Sveta groans as she sits down huffing. Sveta has only went on missions a few times, most time being she had work at the Kuznetsovly {strip club} or she was in charge of making up the plan and tactics. Occasionally I took that over though.

"So Ivina you will-" Czar began to speak once again trying to actually move on to the important stuff but I interrupted him.
"I'll take it from here." I stood up and sat him down in my seat. "What are you-" Czar seemed to be getting mad but I cut him off once again.
"Shutup, anyways." I smirk at him. I'm obviously his favourite sibling.

"So, unlike all of you. I done research about this man although he has very good ways of covering up his identity I must say, but I have my ways too." I state as I lay multiple pictures of this man that my assistant. Katerina.
Managed to gather for me.
"What's this?" Czar leans back on his chair.
"Pictures of our victim. He seems to always be found at casino's, always bringing girls home." I explain as I point to the black and white photos. I'm an assassin. Stuff like this was basic for me, you have to get to know your enemy without them realising. That way you can make the plan perfect.

"So what I will do. Attend the casino night and he will simply be the stupid male he is and take me home, I'll send you the route so you can stop us half way there." I explain the very simple yet very efficient plan. Czar seems to be quite impressed which I took pride in.
Sveta's too busy admiring the man in the pictures to even have payed the slightest attention. Seo was simply searching all the possible routes from the casino so we can have them shut off. Can I just say Seo is so quiet? But that's like his thing to be honest.

"Sooo, when exactly is this happening?" Sveta pretends to be zoned in. "Tomorrow." I simply say and sit down with a leg over another.
"I'm also gonna need a blonde wig." I add taking a sip of the wine glass in front of me.
And that my loves, is how I simply control.

"Sevy!" Alena, Sveta's 6 year old sister giggled as she ran over to her. I smile as I plop myself down on the oval hanging chair which was covered in pillows and throws. Sveta was a great, strong woman with compassion. Considering the messed up shit she went through as a child which is not my story to tell but considering all of that, she has dealt with it in ways that make her the person she is. She's a badass, powerful, shes what you would consider a "let's let loose!" girl.
Aside from all of that. She is a wonderful sister. She cares for Alena and has provided everything she needs, and wants for her.

I look at her. I no longer see that shy, fragile girl. I see a fierce woman with great compassion. A woman who's love continues to spread. A woman who has worked and dealt through her problems like no other. A woman who simply is the definition of a woman.

The definition of woman, is not beauty.
Rather it is power, control, cleverness.
A woman is the saviour to all your problems.
A woman is what brings you into this world and what can easily remove you from it.
A woman is what men consider to be fragile.
But nothing is more easily wounded than a mans ego.

"IVY! Can we play hide and seek with guns?" Alena jumps into my lap breaking me out of my thoughts. I look at her. Bitch where did hide and seek with guns come from. I gave her a confused look. "Czar said you played it as a kids." Sveta explains and I instantly fall back into my never ending thoughts.

It wasn't hide and seek. It wasn't a game.
No one knows the stuff Erik {her brother} put us through. The fear we lived in for years. The fear that made us who we are. The untold stories. The stories that I doubt will ever be known to someone other than my scattered family.

I was made to believe that family is your safe haven, your escape. The place you go to when the world is too dark to handle. Now? Oh, no. My family became my danger zone years ago.
Czar is the only one who ever stayed there.
The only one who ever showed me family.

My family made me this way. Cold. Insensitive, harsh. I have learnt the hard way that being that way, is the only way to survive the obstacles of life.

Sveta Lipovetsky

I could instantly tell Alena's request triggered Ivina into deep thoughts that remain kept away. There is things that she hasn't told me. There is things she simply cannot talk about. She doesn't not allow herself. She does not allow her emotions to take over her. She blocks off any type of feeling. She says to me, "If I feel, I will be weak as all my power strips away from me, I cannot afford losing my power and control." and I know, I really do.

Yet it is not quiet the easiet thing to see your best friend become this, dark, detached person.
A person who fuels off peoples fear. A person who simply stopped caring long ago.
A person who saved me in my difficult times.

That night, the night she took me. The night she treated me like a human which was not something people used to do. I was just the "dirty stripper". She gave me another shot at life. I remember that night so vividly.

She swept away my pain in a matter of seconds.
She swept away my thoughts but somehow they always manage their way back.

The thoughts of that day haunt me. The thoughts of loss, burns me inside. The thoughts of the sight darken the candle inside me that I try so hard to keep lit so that I won't lose myself. I hold on to the few happy memories. The memories I will continue to cherish. The memories I will continue to replay in my head, hoping that somehow, one day, I could relive them.

I am very good at forgiving. I am not the best at forgetting. I will forgive you for my own peace, but no. I will never forget. I will never forget the pain, the screams that made the noise silent. I won't forget how she could do such thing. The way she left, like our pain, did not matter. And maybe to her, it didn't.

Because of her, I am lost in places I didn't know existed, inside me.


Well my loves, apart from the fact we have revealed tiny hints of Sveta's past, some about Ivina as well. We will be meeting Isaiah Nicholson, very soon.

Vote while your at it darling!

Goodbye darlings, mwah xo

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