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{The timeline might be a little different than in the movie but shouldn't impact the plot too much.}

●Nayliä was showing her mates around her childhood home. She had one hand on her stomach and the other gestured to everything she was talking about.

Neytiri and Jake felt so much love watching their wife talk about things with so much passion. She lit up each time she remembered something.

A random blur of blue flashed by and attached itself to Nayliä. She stumbled greatly before she caught herself. Neytiri couldn't help the hiss that escaped her at whoever tackled her pregnant mate with such force. Jake had more self control and only stepped forward to help support his wife.

"Nayliä? Oh my, it is you! It's been too long. You look so good." The unknown Na'vi quickly pulled away from her unexpected hug to glance at Nayliä up close.

"Rey'na! You look incredible! You're still short I see."

Rey'na laughed sarcastically before hissing playfully.

"You're still as annoying as ever."

"I learned from the best."

Rey'na went to pull Nayliä into another hug when Jake cleared his throat. Who was this woman that was being so affectionate to his mate?

She paused and faced the two mates and her whole demeanor changed. She was on guard with the newcomers and silently stood in front of her friend.

Although they just reunited, she would protect her friend from any danger like she used to.

Neytiri could see the woman change her expression to one of hostility. If she wanted a fight, Neytiri was more than willing to give her one.

Jake felt possessiveness flow through his veins and he tilted his head and waited for whatever was next.

Both of them felt highly protective of their mate more so than usual because she was currently carrying their last child. They couldn't risk anything happening to her.

They both took a long look at who they now knew as "Rey'na". She had arm and face tattoos that created a beautiful pattern on her skin. Her face had small scars from previous battles. There was a long one going down the side of her waist which made her look even more intimidating. Her top consisted of beautiful, pink shiny shells and her hair was loose in healthy curls flowing down her back. Their wife was short but this woman was even shorter. Her eyes were gorgeous with long lashes but they were currently in slits as they observed the pair in front of her.

"Who are they?" Even her voice had dropped an octave.

Nayliä could sense the energy surrounding them had changed and rushed to introduce everyone.

"Rey'na, these are my mates, Jake and Neytiri." This was one of the few times she didn't add their proper titles but they wished she did as it gave them confidence that their mate took pride in them.

Rey'na looked at the two of them and glanced back at Nayliä in confusion.

"You mated with them?" Her voice was filled with disbelief that her dear friend had mated with outsiders. Were they the reason she never came back home?

Nayliä quickly nodded and stepped closer to her wife and husband.

"We have created a wonderful family together. I love them very much."

Jake and Neytiri felt themselves softening up at her words.

Rey'na did not answer right away, as she did not know what to make of these people yet. She finally looked away from them and walked up to Nayliä.

"It was great to see you but I must go now. My mate and children are waiting for me. I will bring them to meet you soon." She gave Nayliä one last hug and only waved at her two mates before walking off. Jake could feel himself relax at the fact she had a mate of her own.

"So, she seems nice." He broke the awkward silence.

"I'm sorry, she has never been good with strangers but once she warms up to you there will be no one more loyal than she."

Neytiri hummed in response and Nayliä took that as her que to continue talking.

"We grew up together. Me, Ronal and Rey'na were very close before I left. When my parents died, they would spend nights with me until I was okay enough to be on my own. We became close sisters but I was so blinded by my grief that when the opportunity to leave came, I never wanted to come back to that empty home. You two only solidified my decision to stay away, I am happy I did."

Before they could respond, Ronal made her way to the trio.

"The women are going diving for shells and other resources, would you like to join us?" Although she looked as if she was offering to both Nayliä and Neytiri, her voice made it obvious she really wanted Nayliä to come.

"I'll go check on the Ikrans, you go on ahead."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind going with you." Neytiri nodded then grabbed Jake's hand to lead him away.

Kiri was sitting on the seafloor and using her hands to guide the golden fishes that surrounded her. She had never felt more at peace with herself than she did here. A jelly-like creature was attached to her back and allowed her to stay under the water even longer.

She noticed her mom picking up shells and she waved her over.

Nayliä swam and sat next to her daughter who began to show her how the fish listened to her. Nayliä was in complete awe but wasn't surprised because she had already known Kiri had a special connection to nature.

Kiri grabbed her mom's hand and guided it with her own so they both could dance with the fishes. They both had large grins on their faces as they bonded.

Ronal peeked over a wall of coral and watched the two closely. She had never seen something like that before and curiosity filled her. She felt even more confused when the freckles on both Nayliä and Kiri seemed to glow and pulse in waves from where they were connected. Neither of them seemed to notice.

Liia was looking at the shells she had found and wanted to make a necklace for both her mothers and sisters. She just didn't know where to start.

"Teyam? Can you help me please?"

Neteyam stopped sharpening his arrows and walked over to her.

"What's up sis?"

"I want to make these necklaces for mama, mother, Tuk and Kiri. But I don't know where to start."

Neteyam glanced at all her materials and started to get to work while giving his sister advice as they worked.

The next day, Kiri was laying in the shallow water while watching the little creatures in the sand. She thought she heard someone talking to them and stood up.

"Huh? What did you say?"

Ao'nung stared her down and got closer, "Are you some kind of freak?"

Kiri frowned and her ears and tail drooped at the question. Just when she started to feel like she belonged here, they ruined it.

"He asked if you were a freak."


Ao'nung laughed and circled her. "Are you sure? You're not even a real Na'vi." He went to grab her hand but she yanked it away. "Look at these hands, I mean look at them."

This time he was able to grab them and showed them to his friends who laughed mockingly.

An angry Lo'ak and Liia approached the scene, hand in hand.

"Hey! Back off fish lips!" Lo'ak pushed Ao'nung back and Liia hissed at him.

"Oh look! Another five fingered freak!"

One of the bullies grabbed Lo'ak's tail and he turned to push them away but Liia beat him to it.

"Leave my brother alone!" Her small voice was strong as she bared her teeth.

The Rotxo look alike only laughed before hissing back at her.

It was now definitely a family affair as Neteyam stomped his way to them with his braids swinging side to side. Liia felt herself light up at the sight of her big brother. She knew everything would be okay now.

Neteyam was quick to gently push Liia behind him and snarl in the boy's face. He then turned to Ao'nung with a glare.

He spoke to him with clenched teeth, "You heard what she said, back off. Now."

Ao'nung let a smirk fill his face before raising his hands in surrender.

"Smart choice."

The siblings started to make their way back home when they heard, "They're all freaks, the whole family of them."

Lo'ak couldn't take it anymore and turned right back around.

"Lo'ak." The last thing Neteyam wanted was to get in trouble with his parents over this.

"I got this bro."

He walked back over to Ao'nung and motioned him closer.

"I know this hand is funny," he opened his hand and showed off his extra finger, "I'm a freak, alien."

The group around him agreed.

"But I can do something really cool. Watch."

Ao'nung was invested and leaned in even closer.

"First I ball it up real tight like this. And then I-" He swung his fist into Ao'nung face, three times until he fell.

"It's called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sisters again."

Ao'nung got up with a low hiss and tackled him into the ground.

As the boys were fighting, Neteyam sighed and scratched his head before joining in. Liia was jumping around and cheering for brothers and then wincing when they got hit.

Kiri rolled her eyes, "This is so stupid."

"Ow! My tail!"

"My ear! Let go! He's got my ear!"

Kiri and Liia slowly turned and made eye contact before they both burst out laughing.

"Hey! What is going on here?" A stern voice made them all pause.

Rey'na was minding her business and was on her way to fish when she noticed the boys fighting.

Ao'nung and his group recognized her immediately and got up.

"Ao'nung, your parents will be so disappointed. I will let them deal with you. The rest of you go home immediately! I will inform your parents of this later." When she noticed how slow the group was walking she hissed at them and they sped off in fear.

She turned to the Sully siblings and noticed they were the mated trio's kids.

"I know your mother very well and she will hate to know her children were involved in this. What was the cause?"

The siblings were looking at the ground before Neteyam stepped up, as always.

"I'm sorry ma'am, they were picking on my sister. It got out of hand quickly."

Rey'na glanced in the way Ao'nung went with a scowl on her face. She was happy to tell his parents exactly what he had done.

"Okay I understand. You two did well protecting your sister. I will take you back home to explain to your parents that you aren't to blame for what happened. Follow."

Lo'ak let out a sigh of relief that he or his brother wouldn't get in trouble. They all followed the short woman feeling exhausted.●

{Thank you for the oc, Rey'na, Baddiesavy}

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