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● "Okay, Sully's fall in."

Neteyam grabbed Lo'ak and pulled him back inside the marui, "Remember? Family meeting."

Jake sat down and Liia was quick to lean her weight against his leg as she sat next to him. Tuk held her hand and sat next to her. Kiri sighed with annoyance before plopping down reluctantly. The rest crouched down and huddled into a circle.

"I need you kids to be on your best behavior."

Lo'ak felt his head drop as he knew this was mostly directed at him.

"I mean it. Learn fast and pull your weight. Don't cause trouble, got it?" He looked directly at his youngest son, waiting for his response.

"Yes sir."

Neteyam wanted to make him feel better and playfully grab the back of his neck. Lo'ak hissed at him in return and Neteyam quickly let his hand fall.

Tuk sniffled softly before speaking up, "I want to go home."

Neytiri felt her ears drop and felt a painful pang in her heart. Liia wrapped her arms around her sister in an attempt to make her feel better.

"Oh Tuk.."

Jake grabbed her hand and soothingly rubbed circles on the back of it.

"This is our home now."

Even though Nayliä was glad to be back she couldn't help but feel bad that the rest of her family didn't want to be here. Kiri could see the look on her face and gave her ma a tight hug. Nayliä immediately felt better and returned the hug and let their tails intertwine.

"We're gonna get through this, if we have each other's back, right?"

"What does your father always say?"

All the children besides Neteyam mumbled a reply quietly.

"That's right, Sully's stick together. Now this time with some feeling."

"Sully's stick together."

Liia was sitting down in between Neytiri's legs while her mother took down a few of her braids.

Her eyes couldn't stop looking at all the surrounding Na'vi that walked by their marui. They looked like her. They had thick tails and finned limbs just like her.

She was eager to learn more about their way of life but she and her little sister wanted a few of their braids out to create a beautiful curl effect like their mama's hair.

Tuk was sitting in Nayliä's lap while her mama worked on her too. Nayliä smiled excitedly as she quickly took down her baby's braids. Tuk was in complete awe that there were kids who looked like her. She was no longer the odd one out. She could fit in here and see where her mama grew up.

"Okay you two, you both are done." Neytiri looked down at both her daughters with pride. They looked so much like their mom and she could feel her eyes water slightly.

Nayliä took notice and hugged her from behind. "Ma Tiri, are you crying?"

The said woman scoffed and quickly wiped her eyes. "No." Her wife laughed and placed a kiss on the back of her neck.

"Are my girls ready to get in the water now?"

Nayliä wanted to be the one to guide her two daughters in the water. They had more of her traits and would learn quicker than their siblings. Neytiri wasn't that interested in learning but she wanted to keep an eye on her pregnant mate.

Jake and the older kids had already gone to their lessons with their respective teachers.

Liia and Tuk rapidly nodded at her question and grabbed her hands to tug her towards the edge of their marui.

Nayliä giggled and felt Neytiri grab onto her tail and they all walked together.

Liia could only stare and hold onto Tuk's hand tightly. They both felt a little nervous to go into such deep water. Nayliä could sense this so she quickly dived in, her muscle memory gave her a perfect dive. Her girls watched her in awe and waited for her to resurface.

Nayliä smiled brightly and swam in a circle, only to marvel at a sight she didn't know she missed so much. She felt at peace and her worries melted away. She expertly swam back up to the surface and removed her hair from her eyes.

"Come, my daughters. I will teach you the way of water."

At this, both children jumped in together.

Liia peeked one eye open and then opened them both in adoration. It was absolutely beautiful down here. There was so much life, it was clear Eywa blessed the ocean greatly.

Tuk could feel her instincts telling her to gently sway her body to swim deeper. She listened and looked down to see her mom swimming beneath them with a huge smile on her face.

Nayliä could feel herself wanting to tear up at the sight of her little ones swimming just like a metkayinan. Just like her.

She would be able to teach them just as her parents had once taught her.

A few minutes passed and both Tuk and Liia were doing good at holding their breath. It felt as if they were made for this, which they were.

Neytiri had her legs and feet submerged as she sat on the edge of the walkway. She was content with watching her girls have fun and enjoying the sea.

There was a splash before Nayliä popped up between her legs and placed both hands on each of her thighs.

Neytiri watched with lidded eyes as the water dripped down Nayliä's body in a way that made her feel the need to squeeze her thighs together.

Her wife was so beautiful but now that she was in her element, she seemed to glow.

Neytiri grabbed her chin softly and forced them to have an intense staring contest.

Nayliä felt a blush cover her face at the looks her wife was giving her. She took her hands off her mate's thighs and wrapped them around her hips instead.

"What's with that look of yours?"

Neytiri could only watch her mouth move in a mesmerizing way. She longed to feel those soft, plump lips against her own.

It wasn't long before she gave into her desires and quickly placed her parted lips on her wife's. Nayliä let her eyes flutter shut and opened her mouth to allow her mate's tongue to invade her senses. They moved in sync and both moaned into their heated kiss.

Nayliä loved kissing Neytiri. She made sure she poured her love into it and was slow and passionate. They were a lot different from Jake's kisses. Neytiri loved to push their bodies close together as equals while Jake mostly liked to dominate her.

She couldn't complain though, her mates got her equally excited.

Neytiri knew they needed to pull away before it got even more rated R. She forced herself to pull back but Nayliä was quick to start to place open mouth kisses along her neck. Neytiri could only let out small moans before she pushed her wife away gently. This caused Nayliä to form a cute pout.

"The children, Ma Liä. We can continue this another time." Even though she also wanted her wife she knew now wasn't the best time. Nayliä made her promise they would find time just for them and of course, Neytiri agreed.

"When will you get in the water, love?"

"I'm okay with staying here and watching over you."

Nayliä shook her head and squeezed her wife's hip.

"Almost sixteen years ago, you taught me the ways of your people. Now it is my turn to return the favor. "

Neytiri sighed before she slowly slid inside the water. She took a deep breath before going under. Her heart warmed at the sight that greeted her.

Tuk and Liia were doing amazing at holding their breath. They decided to play a game of tag and were taking turns chasing each other. They turned their heads when both their mothers were under with them.

Neytiri and Nayliä joined their game and they continued to play, occasionally coming up for air, until a warrior swam up to Nayliä.

"The chief needs you."

Nayliä was happy she had not forgotten their sign language and responded back.

"I will be there, thank you."

Neytiri tilted her head in curiosity. She did not understand this finger talk.

Nayliä turned to her family and pointed towards the surface. They all got the memo and swam up.

The girls gasped for air while Nayliä breathed in deeply.

"What was that?"

"That is our way of communicating underwater. I will teach you soon but he said Tonowari needs my presence. Can you watch the girls or bring them to the others?"

"Of course. Be safe." Nayliä nodded before she began to swim over where a crowd of warriors were.

Tonowari watched Jake mount the marine animal with apprehension. He didn't think Jake was ready to handle this but Toruk Makto was ready to prove himself.

"Can you please tell your husband he should start with an ilu?" Tonowari turned to the approaching woman with a grim expression.

Jake smirked at the sight of his wife. This was another chance to impress her.

"Nah, I got this one. Don't worry about me mama."

Nayliä laughed slightly at his confidence.

"Jake, this is unlike Bob and Toruk. You won't get it on the first try."

"Shhh, I can do this." The woman shrugged and backed up with a smirk on her face. She knew he was going to get thrown off.

Jake groaned in frustration and anger. Not only did he get thrown off, he also cut his hand. He really needed to listen to his wife more often.

He swam back over to the group of chuckling people. His mate was in the middle laughing loudly. She had the biggest smirk on her face. He just knew she would laugh about it with Neytiri later.

Tonowari thought that maybe she could teach him instead. He might listen to his wife more than him.

"You should try now. You were one of the best riders back then."

" 'wari that was back then. I'm a lot older now and haven't rode one in years."

Tonowari scoffed before grinning at her, "You can never forget where you came from."

Nayliä sighed and could feel herself give in. Jake wasn't having it though and grabbed onto her hips.

"Are you sure this is something you should be doing right now?"

"You worry too much Jake, like you said before failing miserably, " I got this."

"I don't think this is a good idea. We can both start with something easier. How about that?" The man was hoping his mate would take the bait and change her mind.

She looked deep in thought and Jake was confident he had her before she replied, "No."

Nayliä let out a few clicks and calls hoping she didn't forget how to do them. Turns out, Tonowari was right, she didn't forget where she came from. If she could remember correctly, there were only two skimwings that responded to her calls.

Something huge was cutting through the water towards her and it made the men panic. They didn't expect such a big skimwing to respond to her calls.

Nayliä wasn't scared though and held her hand up to them. She needed them to be quiet and stop splashing so much.

The creature did not slow down until it was face to face with her. It seemed to smell her up close for a while. Her scent reminded them of when they were young. It made a sound of happiness and recognition. She smiled and reached her hand to pet its head. It happily nuzzled into her palm before swimming around her in glee. She recognized this one because of a distinct scar it had on its eye. She felt a bit of sadness that it wasn't one of the ones she used to ride but then felt happy when she realized it was their child. When she was last here, he was only just a baby but now he had grown into a handsome size.

"Hello, my old friend, you have also grown very much." She hugged the creature while speaking to it in a babyish voice. "Look at all these scars. My poor baby, they haven't been taking care of you have they? No? I know, I know but don't worry I'm home now. "

She let him get comfortable in the water before she went to mount him.

Neytiri was speaking with Ronal about how the hunting worked in the clan when an excited yip distracted them both. They both turned their heads towards the sound in sync.

Nayliä burst out the water in perfect form, on top of a skimwing. She had one hand up, cheering loudly. She flawlessly allowed him to fly straight before she tucked herself flat against him when he turned to dive back in.

Out of nowhere, they came out of the water once more. It was clear as day that Nayliä was having the time of her life.

Neytiri could only smile brightly at her wife and let out a few cheers of her own. Ronal felt a small grin appear on her face. Her best friend was still amazing at riding and her happiness was contagious.

Neteyam was leaning heavily on Nayliä's side as she sat in front of their small fire. He was truly a mama's boy. She wrapped an arm around him tightly while she listened to her other children explain how their day went.

"Mama you should've seen it! Lo'ak fell off so many times."

Tuk was sitting in Neytiri's lap as she told her story.

Lo'ak only rolled his eyes before moving to lay his head on his mom's lap.

Nayliä smiled warmly at him before a giggle escaped her. "Well your father didn't have much luck either. He fell off the skimwing multiple times." This caused the family to laugh while Jake made a sound of offense.

"Hey! I tried my best, you know?"

Neytiri laughed and reached over to kiss his cheek. "Like father, like son."

Nayliä felt like her heart was going to burst as she looked at all the smiling faces around. She cleared her throat and her family turned to her.

"I know this is not the forest and it will take time to get used to. But please give it a chance. I will help teach you all so that you can learn to love it as I do. I am very proud of each of you for at least trying to learn. I see you all and love you very much."

There was a split second of silence before her children decided to trap her in a group hug. Her mates watched with equally large smiles.

Nayliä felt a wave of pure emotion, she was home.

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