28| Տᗩᑎ ᗪIᗴᘜO ᑕOᗰIᑕ ᑕOᑎ: 2014

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July 25, 2014
Reign Panel, SDCC 2014

4 months. It had been over four months since Adelaide had more or less shut off from others. Of course, she did attend events and continue to work, but other than that, she wasn't the same bubbly self she used to be. She stopped leaving her house unless it was for some work purpose and most surprising of all, she even withheld from attending her friends' parties on their birthdays, as well. She barely responded to texts or answered the calls. Lizzie, Sebastian, Rachel, Phoebe, Paul and Joseph even turned back from her doorstep a few times when they'd stop by to check on her but she'd either be 'asleep' or 'outside', no matter the time. Adelaide even went ahead and took in a rescue cat and invested her time in looking over the new addition to her family.

Yet now, the moment was finally here. She could no longer avoid her friends that had been there for her at all times, through thick and thin, all highs and lows. As Adelaide prepares for the first day of San Diego Comic Con 2014, she thinks back to how different things were, this time last year and how her life had changed an entire 180 in such a short period of time.

To quickly recap, after her conversation with Torrance that night, Adelaide had called Toby to ask about his plans of returning to LA, as she wanted to do this face-to-face. But to her disappointment, he had to return to London due to some sudden family concerns he had to attend. Not being able to drag the matter that long, Adelaide broke the news to him over Facetime. Of course, it was heartbreaking on either side and Toby did request her for a second chance and whatnot, but Adelaide decided to make the tougher decision and say she wanted time to herself now, without the additional responsibilities of having a significant other to account for. In her words, "it was taking too big a toll on her and she couldn't afford something like that right now."

It definitely took some time but Toby said he understood her situation and it was his fault he let something this great slip away from his hands. The two then decided to try and stay friends, nevertheless, considering they play lovers on a show and bad blood would only make things worse for both parties. Adelaide was yet to see Toby in real since she had left NY with Rachel, back in January and today was the day they would reunite.

Today was the Reign panel at SDCC 2014 and Toby would be there. They had an exclusive interview scheduled for them by the team and Adelaide was anxious, to say the least. Today would decide whether things would be awkward between them, if they would be able to remain friends, whether they'd be able to see eye-to-eye ever again. And the cherry on top of this mess was that none of her friends were going to be there with her today. The TVD and TO panels were the next day and even Torrance was not attending the panel this year, so it was just them. Adelaide had made a mental note to herself to stick my Megan's side the entire day, but of course, they couldn't make it obvious to the media that the two exes were avoiding each other, or they'd make a mountain out of a molehill for their drama. 

With a sigh, Adelaide parks her car at the venue and sighs into the complex, immediately being greeted by the chatter of countless excited fans and celebs alike.

"Hey, there you are," she hears Megan's voice chime in from behind her as she turns around to great her with a smile, "I was waiting for you."

"Uh yeah, sorry it got late. Thanks for waiting for me," she apologizes as Megan smiles and wraps her into a loving hug.

"Anything for you, sweety."

It was another hour later when the panel was finally about to begin and Toby still wasn't here. Both Adelaide and Megan were worried. It would seem extremely unprofessional and would result in bad media if he missed his entrance on stage. Besides that, Adelaide couldn't help but think maybe it was her fault he was so late? Was he trying to avoid her until he absolutely had to deal with her again?

"Now, if you will please welcome our very own, Queen Mary of Scots- Adelaide Brown!" the announcement rings through the hall room as the crowd bursts into cheers and applause. With a nervous sigh, Adelaide puts on her smiley face before walking on stage, waving at the fans and slightly hogging the host before settling down where her placard lied.

"Up next, we have the one and only, Queen Catherine de' Medici- Megan Follows!" The crowd yet again erupts into cheers and Adelaide too joins in on the applause and Megan walks onto the stage, waving hello to everyone.

"Now now, last but definitely not the least, our beloved Prince Francis of France- Toby Regbo!"

Adelaide anxious eyes look at the entrance and although it takes a second, to her relief, Toby walks in through the backstage doorway and onto the stage with a big smile plastered to his face. He walks over to the ladies and places a small kiss of the side of Megan's head before following the action with Adelaide as well, and then taking a seat next to her.

"Sorry I'm late," he whispers to her as the host begins the introductions.

"Where were you?" she whisper-yells at him, ensuring their mics didn't pick it up.

"Got stuck in traffic," he mumbles and before Adelaide can reply, she gets asked the first question of the night, causing their attention to be diverted elsewhere.

What followed was around an hour of talking about the incidents that unfolded in Season 1 of the show and what the fans could expect in Season 2. From Lola's baby to the plague, the coronation and the situation where #Frary stood now, the panel finally came to an end with as many hints and clarifications as the cast was allowed to offer to fans.

After walking back offstage, Adelaide goes to walk away behind Megan when Toby holds onto her arm and stops her from leaving. Here it was, the moment Adelaide was dreading. The confrontation- something she hated with passion.

"What?" Adelaide quizzes, trying to seem unbothered although her heart was pounding in her chest out of nervousness.

"You're avoiding me," Toby simply says.

"What? No," Adelaide scoffs, "why would I avoid you? We just did an hour long panel together."

"Because it's a part of our job, yes. But you won't even look me in the eye now," Toby points out as Adelaide avoids his gaze again, "look Addy, I know I messed up. And I take the full blame for it. I should've been better to you and I regret not being so. But please, I've already lost you in one way, I can't lose you as my friend too. Please don't hate me."

"You're not losing me as a friend, Toby," Adelaide replies, "I'll always be your friend. Like I was in the beginning. I just...I just need some time longer to let this settle into my mind. I swear I don't mean to avoid you or make it seem like I hate you, cause I don't. but I'm also someone who needs time to make peace with changes, so," she trails off as Toby nods in understanding and lets go of her hand.

"Yeah no, I understand. I'm sorry I'm rushing this on you. I just... I was so scared you'd hate me and everyone else on the cast would hate me for hurting you since everyone loves you so much and that I'd end up losing the one family-like cast I've got for myself," he confesses.

"I won't ever turn anyone against you, you should know that. And we're all mature people here, they know whatever happened between us is our personal matter. They won't let this affect our work situation, we're all better than that," Adelaide reassures as Toby smiles at her words.

"You're right," he tells her.

"I always am," Adelaide jokes, "now come on, we've got another interview to sit for," she tells him before walking off, him following close behind.

Maybe this could actually work. Maybe they could be friends again. Nina and Ian did it, so many other celebs have too, so why couldn't they? They would have to make it work, for their work, their friend group and their own sanity- it had to work out.

[tagged: adelaidebrown, tobyregbo, meganfollows]

[reposted by tobyregbo, meganfollows]

[tagged: adelaidebrown, tobyregbo, meganfollows]

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torrancecoombs Yeah, love you too, Addy.

tobyregbo Missed you, man

adelaidebrown No, we didn't

usernamej Still one of the best trios out there

[tagged: adelaidebrown, tobyregbo]

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reign.nation Fr they're so adorable

frarylove Their friendship is my favorite thing ever!

tobelelaidexfrary Look at their smiles around each other aww

klaitlynrules I love them as friends, sure. But only JoMo and Addy deserve to be endgame plss

tvdxships AGREED!


July 26, 2014
TVD & TO Panels, SDCC 2014

It was the next day. Last night, Toby, Megan and Adelaide decided to get dinner together after the long day they had had. Thankfully enough, there was no awkwardness or resentment showing from either Adelaide or Toby's side, reassuring them both that they could work things out and go back to being friends after all.

Now, however, Adelaide had another long day of interviews and signings ahead of her. Not only was she attending the TVD panel as a representative of her main character in Season 5- Kaitlyn Hart, but she was also appearing as a surprise guest at The Originals' Panel, considering Kaitlyn was a recurring character on the show and fans had been trending #reuniteKlaitlyn for the past few days, as well. It was a last minute update and it added to the load of extra work and stress that Adelaide had to deal with now. Her only consolation was that she would finally be meeting her friends after so many months and they would be with her all day long too.

Of course, after she broke up with Toby, she texted them an entire paragraph, explaining everything. But right after that, she muted all her contacts and went into isolation for the months to come, always coming up with excuses to avoid attending any get-togethers or 'hanging out' either. It was very unlike her and that concerned her friends a lot, but after a few failed tries at reaching her phone or even getting her to answer her house's door, they decided to give her what she wanted- some time, all to herself.

Phoebe and Paul had offered to pick her up on the way, as they were headed the same way, anyway. Adelaide was currently stood in the lobby of the Hotel Indigo, where she was staying for the weekend, waiting for the couple to show up. Meanwhile, there were many fans stopping by, asking for pictures and autographs.

"Do you think you can tell us anything about what part Kaitlyn plays in The Originals' plot this season?" a fan asks Adelaide excitedly as she sighs a poster of Queen Mary for the girl.

"You'll have to watch the show, love. I can't and shouldn't spoil if for you," she replies politely. Before the fan can complain, Adelaide's name echoes throughout the lobby due to a scream and in the blink of an eye, she is engulfed into a bone-crushing hug.

"Addyyyy, we missed you so much!" Phoebe whines, still not letting go of her, "you fool, you shut us off! I'm hurt!"

"And now you're hurting me, Pheebs," Adelaide groans as she struggles to move out of Phoebe's iron grip.

"Oh sorry," Phoebe says, letting go of her before frowning and slapping her arm, "no wait, I'm not sorry. You deserve this for pushing me away."

"Okay girls, we're making a scene," Paul points out as they look around to see many fans slyly recording their interaction. Adelaide and Phoebe exchange a look before they both burst out laughing and hug each other again, before Addy moves to hug Paul next.

"Hey Addy, we missed you," he greets as they break off from the hug.

"Missed you too, Pauly," Adelaide greets back before grabbing her bag, "now come on, let's get out of here."

Of course, may fans stop to get pictures with all three of them but after about 10 minutes of fulfilling others' wishes, they are finally able to walk out of the hotel and drive off in Paul's car, headed to their common destination.

Upon reaching the venue, it was a series of hugs and catching up before the hour-long TVD panel commenced. There were many discussions of Kaitlyn's newfound magical abilities, recurring from the dead, potential Delena uprise, new Stefan ships and much more before the Panel finally came to an end.

While the rest of the cast decided to explore the other panels and attend signings, Adelaide rushed to reach the Originals Panel where she was about to be announced, halfway through the commencement.

As soon as the host's eyes landed on Adelaide rushing behind the entrance curtain, he motioned the others to prepare for the announcement.

Danielle had just finished answering a question when the host speaks up, "alright guys, sorry for the interruption but I know for a fact that you guys are going to love this. Courtesy to the CW headquarters and Julie Plec, please welcome our surprise guest and much loved- Adelaide Kane, who plays Kaitlyn Hart in the TVDU," he announces as the crowd erupts into cheers of shock and happiness. The rest of the cast join in, getting up from their seats and welcoming Adelaide to the panel.

Adelaide waves at the crowd before moving along and hugging all her friends and settling down in her seat, which was an extra chair and placard placed between Joseph and Phoebe's seats.

"Hi guys, sorry for barging in like this," Adelaide jokes as everyone laughs.

"Well, you're always a welcome addition to this family," Julie speaks up, looking over the table to catch Adelaide's sight.

"Well, you say that now," Daniel chimes in, "but when fans are trending about reuniting Addy to us, you seem to not hear our pleas, Julie," he jokes as the crowd cheers at his words.

"She's here now, Daniel," the host says, "and I think we should make the most of what we're being give. So now that Adelaide's here, let's open up the floor for fan questions."

After a few season-related questions, a fan steps up on the podium , shaking out of nervousness, "sorry, I'm just... I love all of you so much and to get to see you all here, together, it's a dream come true," she reveals as the crowd 'awws' in encouragement. The fan clears her throat, gaining some confidence before speaking up again, "so, my question is to Adelaide and Joseph. Regardless of what the executives and writers have prepared for the soulmates, if you could have free-reign, pun intended, to plot the story for Klaitlyn, what would you two want it to be? Have you ever discussed this before?"

"Well, that's a very interesting question," Adelaide begins before Daniel cuts her off.

"I think I, personally, have thought of this quite a few times. But before I say anything more, I'd rather let you two answer," he says as Phoebe playfully slaps his arm, urging him to stop before he slipped up.

"Ladies first," Joseph smiles as Adelaide smiles back and begins her answer again, "well, considering they are soulmates, I would obviously like to see a happy ending for them. Before TO began, I always wanted to have like...a domestic scene of Klaus and all of the Scooby Gang together, trying to get along for Kaitlyn's sake and actually ending up having a good time," she reveals, "but now that the stakes are different, I'd like to see a love-hate relationship between Hayley and Kaitlyn, but they eventually become best friends and all the 5 ladies can become like a 'girl squad' who keep the men in check," she jokes, "and of course, I'd love to see Kaitlyn have a good relationship with Klaus' child, like a godmother or aunt, you know," she says while looking at Joseph, who nods at her words.

"Oh yeah, I thought of that too. It would be nice to see Kaitlyn becoming a protective aunt-figure over Klaus and Hayley's child. I think eventually, I want to see Klaus and Kaitlyn become more of a family, settling in New Orleans while still travelling back and forth to Mystic Falls. I just want the soulmates to finally have a moment of peace to themselves for once, without something trying to tear them apart," he finishes his answer as the crowd claps before Daniel cuts in again.

"You know what I want? A wedding. Imagine all the Mikaelsons and Scooby Gang together, celebrating their love. That'd be so great," he smirks as the crowd erupts into the loudest cheers of the night.

"I can imagine Rebekah and Caroline fighting over who gets to plan the wedding," Phoebe jokes along.

"There might be a wedding," Julie says, "but but, no it won't be Kaitlyn. But there might be a wedding still, is all I'm going to say."

"Okay, moving on before the fans go crazy," the host says, motioning for another fan to begin with their question. Another few fans later, yet another question was aimed at Joseph and Adelaide, "hi guys, I love you all so much, specially Joseph, but all of you too," she says as everyone laughs, "I'm attending a drama school this year and I was wondering if you had any advice to offer for us aspiring actors? Like, you know how Joseph and Adelaide, you two had to film so many intimidating and intimate scenes with each other and I'm hoping there's more coming for Haylijah too, so...being such great friends off screen, does it ever get awkward or weird? And how do you not fall in love with each other when you're constantly filming such lovey scenes," she laughs nervously as Daniel begins to cough at the 'fall in love' part of her question, gaining another slap on the arm from Phoebe.

"I think that's what the drama school is for. You're going to learn how to separate reel life and real life while still experiencing both simultaneously and it just gets easier with more practice," Phoebe answers as the others nod.

"The 'being friends off-screen' part actually helps, in my opinion," Adelaide joins in, "like then, you know that person personally and it just makes it easier for you to tell them apart from the character they are portraying."

"You know, it's not like costars have ever fallen in love, "Danielle chimes in, "but even then, you need to be able to separate the reel and reality, like Phoebe said. You can't expect two characters and their actors' relationships to be the same just because they play these characters over such a long span of time."

"Oh yeah, definitely," Adelaide nods, "for example, I always like to joke with JoMo saying it's like we're 'part-time lovers', considering whenever we'd film, we'd be in full character and communicate how you'd expect Kaitlyn and Klaus too. But as soon as Julie calls 'cut', it's like a switch flips in us and we're best buds, all over again. We're Joseph and Adelaide then, not Klaus and Kaitlyn anymore," she explains as Joseph hums lightly while Daniel, Phoebe and Charles exchange knowing looks.

"Hope that helps," the host speaks up, moving on to more fan questions as the panel drags on to another half an hour before finally coming to an end, much to Adelaide's relief.

"Hey, you guys wanna grab coffee?" Adelaide offers as soon as they all walk off stage.

"You've all got signings in 15 minutes," Julie reminds them as Adelaide groans.

"We can get coffee in 15 minutes, Del," Joseph points out, "just, let's rush a little."

"You guys mind bringing us the coffee?" Phoebe requests, "these heels are killing me and I need to use the washroom," she says, dragging Leah and Danielle along with her and away from the group.

"Me and Charles will meet you two at the singing then," Daniel says before the two rush away with Julie before Adelaide or Joseph could protest.

"Come one, let's go," Joseph holds out his hand for Adelaide to take.

"Yeah wait, lemme just take off these heels for a second," Adelaide says as she struggles to take off her shoes.

Joseph sighs before getting down on his knees and helping with the shoes as Adelaide holds onto his shoulders for support. He then takes the heels in his hand before holding out the other one for Adelaide to take.

"I can carry them," she urges but Joseph moves his arm away from her reach, "it's okay, Del. I got it."

With a sigh, Adelaide stops her protests as the two walk to the VIP cafeteria upstairs.

The two settle down on a table after getting their coffee, deciding that they'd order the others' ones right before heading back.

"Del?" Joseph breaks the silence as he notices Adelaide absentmindedly tracing the lid of her coffee mug.


"How've you been?" he questions directly, "and don't give me the typical 'I'm fine', tell me really."

"I have been fine though," Adelaide sighs, "this break has been good for me. I'm refreshed and ready to get back to my old self again."

"And how were things with him yesterday?"

"Things are fine. Thankfully, it wasn't awkward or you know, resentful. So, I think we'll be alright. Or at least I hope so, cause we've got years of working together ahead of us," Adelaide clarifies as Joseph nods.

"Then why're you being sulky if everything's fine?" he then quizzes her as she looks up to meet his eyes in a flustered gaze.

"I'm being sulky? When? What're you talking about?"

"Oh please," Joseph scoffs, "everyone can tell when you're putting on a fake smile. Like you have been, all day. Yeah, you might be cheery around us but you're not exactly happy."

"I'm probably just tired. Good thing I don't have any plans this weekend," she says with a sarcastic tone.

"What plans do you have this weekend?" Joseph inquires with a raised brow.

"I don't. I did. But not anymore."

"Why not?"

"You know the trip I told you guys about? Me and Toby planned to go to Disneyland for the weekend after SDCC ended but now that it's not happening, I have no plans. So I'll just chill at home. Alone. With Ranma. Calm. Quiet," she continues to ramble.

"You really wanted to go, didn't you?"

"Doesn't matter now," Adelaide shrugs.

"Expect it does," he tells her, "you know what? What of we went?" he suggests, "all of us. Make it a friends trip to Disneyland. You'd get your wish and we'd all get to enjoy together again."

Adelaide's eyes widen at his suggestion, causing her to sit up straighter in her seat before looking at Joseph with a hopeful expression, "wait, for real? You think everyone would be up for that?"

"I think they're in need of a gateway too. We all are," Joseph reassures as a smile breaks out on Adelaide's face.

"Omg that would be so great, I'm gonna text the GC now. Back me up, okay?"

"Of course," Joseph chuckles as Adelaide excitedly types away on her phone.

"Should've guessed everyone'd have plans by now," Adelaide mumbles as she puts down her phone and faces Joseph again.

"I'm sorry," he replies in sympathy, knowing how happy she had gotten when thinking about a trip with all her friends.

"Fine, I'll confess but I'm having a self-pity thing right now," Adelaide says, "I really, really wanted to go to Disneyland this time. I haven't been since 2008 and I was looking forward to it. But it's not in my luck, right?"

"Hey, don't say that," Joseph says as he playfully nudges her, causing her to look up at him, "you can still go. Ask Will to join you," he suggests.

"Ask him to fly from Australia to here so he can accompany me to Disneyland? Wow, you make me sound so alone," she half-jokes.

"But you're not alone," Joseph urges, "you know what? Let's go. You and me, if no one else wants to come along. Their loss, right?"

"Wait what? Are you serious?" she questions in an astonished tone, "you'd go to Disneyland with me? Don't you have weekend plans too?"

"Nothing interesting, anyway. I'll go with you...that is, if you want me to," he hesitates.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I want you too!" she says as she gets up and hugs him tightly, "oh my god, you're the best, Jo! What would I do without you? Thank you, thank you, thank you," she mumbles into the hug as Joseph chuckles, hugging her back.

"Don't let the others hear that," he jokes.

"No, they should. They should know you're the better friend out of 'em all," she replies as they finally break away from the hug, "I'll send you the itinerary after I get home, okay? And oh, pack light, so we can bring back loads of gifts," she rambles on in excitement as Joseph smiles at her in adoration.

"You want to bring back gifts from Disneyland?" he questions skeptically as Adelaide gives him an 'are you serious?' look.

"You should know I have a shopping problem by now. And I can't go anywhere without bringing back gifts for everyone, it's a habit," she informs him.

"Alright, got it," he mock-salutes as she smiles at him before wrapping her arm around his, resting her head on his shoulder as she texted the groupchat again, to inform them about the new plans, excitedly.

Joseph just then receives a text from Daniel saying, "you better tell her this time or you're dead to me, I swear."

"Don't worry, I will," he replies before looking back at Adelaide as she continues to ramble about their plans.

"I'm so excited, Jo," she whispers after a while.

"Yeah, me too, Del."

"Thank you for doing this for me."

"Anything for you," he replies as the two continue to bask in their embrace, grateful to have each other.

[tagged: adelaidebrown, therealjosephmorgan]

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tvdxships Could it finally be happening?

delenashippers YES. My irl fav ship is finally rising!

usernamep They literally have a 9 year age difference, I don't know why people so easily just overlook that

joselaide.endgame Maybe because they're both adults and they can make these decisions for themselves?

klaitlynmyloves FR! It's not like one of them is a teenager and the other's so much older. Addy's 24, JoMo is 33, both OVER 20, which means they're adults that can make these decisions without them having to be questioned for any of it.

Author's Note
Look alive, people! We're closer to the good days than you think we are ;)

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