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July 27, 2014
Sunday. The day.

The two-day trip to Disneyland was in full motion. Adelaide might not be naturally blonde, but she always joked that she was one by heart and she proved it when she began calling Joseph every two seconds since getting back home, to remind him about something they 'absolutely needed to go see', when they got there.

The plan was they'd skip the Season Ending Party at SDCC and leave for their destination at 7AM in the morning, get breakfast on the way, check-in early, explore the entire day, stay for the fireworks and return back home the next afternoon.

"Del, you up yet or do I need to get there and drag you out of bed?" Joseph jokes over the call as Adelaide groans.

"Huh, no," Adelaide lies as she sits up from her sleepy state, "I've been up for hours now."

"Yeah right," Joseph scoffs, "your voice is still raspy from your sleep."

"Whatever Jo, not everyone can be an early bird," she retorts, "I'm up now. I just need 10 minutes to get ready."

"Sure, I believe you," Joseph teases as Adelaide rolls her eyes at the same time as he says, "I can practically feel you rolling your eyes at me through the call. I'll be there in 5, get up!" he says before hanging up the call as Adelaide sighs and walks to shower and freshen up before the trip begins.

Adelaide had just gotten out of her shower when her doorbell rings, causing her to walk to the front door in her bathrobe.

"Hi," Joseph greets as he walks into the house and scans around, "what? You're still not ready yet? What happened to 'I just need 10 minutes'?"

"I still have 5 minutes for that," Adelaide glares at him.

"Alright, I'll get your bags in the car by the time you get ready," he says before noticing a duffel bag and a big suitcase by the doorway, "you're taking the entire house along with you?"

"No," Adelaide rolls her eyes, "all my stuff is in the duffel bag, the suitcase is for the gifts. It's empty now," she replies in a 'duh' tone as Joseph just stares at her before shaking his head vigorously.

"Forget I asked, it slipped my mind that you're insane sometimes," he says before picking up the bags and walking back to his car as Adelaide went to get ready.

It was another 15 minutes later when Adelaide finally stepped out of her house and got into the passenger seat of the car, where Joseph was setting up the GPS for their 2 hour-long drive.

"Five minutes, you said," Joseph mumbles as he turns the car out of the driveway and Adelaide smacks his arm playfully.

"Why're you being so whiny today? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Adelaide jokes.

"Just nervous," Joseph whispers under his breath.


"Just excited, I said," he repeats in a louder voice as Adelaide grins, "yeah me too, we'll have so much fun. So, I looked through the route around the park and I think I figured out the fastest route around there so we don't end up missing anything," Adelaide begins as Joseph smiles, listens to her adorable rambling while driving onto the highway, headed to Disneyland.

"Del, Del," Joseph shakes Adelaide awake after having stopped outside a roadside diner to get breakfast, "Del, wake up."

"Huh? What do you want?" Adelaide mumbles in her sleep.

"Breakfast, I want breakfast and you should eat something too. Being empty-stomached for so long on a drive isn't idea, now come on," he says as he holds onto her arm and tries to drags her out of the car.

"No, I'm not hungry. I was so excited, I didn't sleep the entire night. Lemme sleep," she complains.

Joseph sighs in defeat, knowing there was no way he'd be able to wake her up now and to be honest, he didn't even want to. She just looked so adorable with her hair a mess, head resting on an air-pillow and a blanket sprawled over her. It was as though he wanted to take a picture of her now, so this sight of hers could forever last in his memories, like every other moment with her did. It was just her. Rent-free. All there was on his mind and in his heart. Her. Only her.

Joseph then closes the passenger seat door and locks the car before walking into the diner and ordering takeaway for both of them, along with coffee to stay awake and energized for the long day they had ahead of them.


Adelaide jolts awake as the car comes to a stop and she can feel someone shaking her awake again.

"Hey sleepyhead, you slept the entire way here. Come on," Joseph nudges her as she looks around to see they were parked at Disneyland's Resort parking lot. Joseph smiles at her before getting out of the car and taking all of their bags out of the car's trunk as Adelaide too steps out, stretching and relaxing her muscles from being in such a confined space for so long.

"What time is it?" Adelaide croaks as Joseph offers her a water bottle.

"15 minutes to 9," Joseph answers, "good thing we'll get to put the entire day to use this way. Are you all 'recharged' or do you need more time to nap?" Joseph asks teasingly as Adelaide glares at him and hits him in the head with the plastic bottle lightly.

"I'm fine," Adelaide jokes back as they walk to the Resort lobby and decide to check in first.

"What name do we have the reservation under?" the receptionist inquires with a professional smile.

"Adelaide Brown."

"Oh, you were recorded for a Premium Downtown Couple's Disney View Room," the receptionist repeats the data, "you'll have to fill in these forms while we prepare the room for you."

"Oh yes, about that," Adelaide says as the same time as Joseph says, "I was wondering if we could update the accommodations a little."

"Sorry, ma'am and sir, but it's a busy weekend here and you were recorded under an entire all-inclusive prepaid package, so we cannot make any changes in the accommodation settings. I hope you understand," the receptionist politely explains.

"Oh well, it's alright. Thanks, anyway," Adelaide says as Joseph frowns at her.

"You sure?" he asks.

"It's alright, Jo. We'll be out all day, anyway," she reassures as they both fill out the required forms before the usher helps them to their room.

"This isn't so bad," Adelaide comments as she looks around the room, walking over to the attached balcony and opening the door to be greeted by the most surreal view of the park they were headed to next.

"You wanna freshen up before we set out?" Joseph suggests as Adelaide nods.


It was 9:30 AM when the two finally stepped into the main Disneyland Park and Attractions area, which was about a 5 minutes' walk from their hotel.

"Okay, so like I already told you, I figured out the quickest and most convenient route around here," Adelaide grins in excitement as Joseph smiles back at her, looking at her with all his adoration of show.

Like he had told Daniel, Joseph was about to confess his feelings to Adelaide today. And he had the perfect plan for it. Most important of all, this time he wasn't nervous, unlike last time. He was confident and it took him the fear of losing her forever for him to realize how much he needed to get this confession off his chest, whether she said 'yes' or 'no', he had to do it.

"Are you listening?" Adelaide nudges his lightly, bringing his attention back to her.

"Um yeah, of course I was," he replies as Adelaide narrows her eyes at him.

"Oh yeah? Then what did I say?"

"You were talking about the fastest route," he replies.

"Which is?"

"Um...from the right?" he smiles sheepishly as Adelaide sighs dramatically.

"You know what, nevermind. Just follow me," she says before walking off towards the Adventureland section of the park as Joseph follows closely behind, catching up to her in no time.

What followed was a series of crazy rides that Adelaide dragged Joseph to. In her words, she wasn't okay with 'missing even one ride from the list' she had made. Thunder Mountain, River Run, Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, King Arthur Carousel, Monsters Inc, Peter Pan's Flight, Pirates of the Caribbean, Guardians of the Galaxy, Toy Story, Pinocchio, Dumbo, Sleeping Beauty Castle, Nemo Submarine, Star Wars Launch Bay, Galactic Grill and so many more names were present on the list and Adelaide was, literally, checking out each ride they had completed, one after the other.

Of course, there was an inevitable shopping spree that made its way into the schedule sometime between lunch and the street show. Adelaide was hellbent on getting some meaningful gift for all her friends. She had annoyed the store staff to the point where they stopped walking to the corners where she stood shopping. From getting gift baskets from her friends' kids to getting vampire, werewolf, Ironman, Captain America, Falcon, Hulk plushies and even vintage comic books, as well as Disneyland snow globes etc.; Adelaide had pretty much bought the entire store by the end of her shopping spree.

They had gotten a takeaway cart to get all her shopped goods to be transferred to their room while they continued on their adventures. The one place Joseph was excited to visit was the 'New Orleans Square' in the Tomorrowland section of the park. The two decided to pose on the streets of this mock-up New Orleans and post it on social media later, to tease the fans a little. Many a times, the two were stopped by fans to take pictures with or sign something for them. But regardless of all, Joselaide really had the time of their lives the entire day. It was 12 hours of pure fun and chaos for them both.

It was finally 8PM when they walked back to the main Disneyland Castle area where the fireworks were held. Right before this, Adelaide had spent half an hour whining about how Joseph said he didn't want to try anymore junk food with her, considering they had tried almost eveything available on the menus, little by little. From cotton candy to Mickie Mouse shaped waffles, pancakes, flurries, slushies and eventually even the new Minnie Mouse shaped ice creams that Adelaide had convinced Joseph to try, he bet they would both fall terribly sick to the stomach when they got back home, but Adelaide was all about 'taking risks and having fun,' for the day. And everyone knew there was no way Joseph could say no to Adelaide. She always got her wish with him.

"Welcome to Disneyland California," a voice booms through the speakers all around the castle, "thank you for choosing to spend your weekend with us. As a 'thank you', we've prepared a show for you all. Behold spectacular fireworks, timeless music and surprise appearances by some classic Disney characters."

The entire crowd erupts in cheers as the lights go off and the show begins, shining a spotlight of a carriage strutting out of the castle doors. Adelaide and Joseph were seated on the waterfall ledge right beside the safety line, inarguably being the best possible view of the show. The two were cuddled against each other with Adelaide's head resting on Joseph's shoulder. His head rested against hers and he had his arms wrapped lovingly around her as the two enjoyed the mesmerizing show ahead of them.

The 15 minute show came to an end with all the Disney characters stepping out of the Castle and taking a bow before the crowd as everyone cheered them on.

"Thank you, once again, for staying with us. We hope you enjoyed watching the fireworks as much as we enjoyed putting on the show for you all. Have a great night and 'Remember... Dreams Come True'," the announcement chimes in through the chatter of the now thinning crowd as everyone retreats to their accommodations or out of the premises, considering all the attractions were coming to a close for non-residents now.

"That was so amazing," Adelaide grins as she finally lifts her head from Joseph's shoulder and gets to her feet, "today as so much fun! And we got everything on the list! Thanks to my route, of course," she says before holding onto Joseph's hands and pulling him to his feet to, "and thank you so so so much, Jo, for doing this with me. I can't thank you enough," she says, jumping up and down in an energetic manner as Joseph's heartbeat began to quicken, knowing now was the time. He had to tell her. 'Now or never,' he thought to himself.

"Anything for you, Del," he whispers as she smiles at his adoringly before hugging him tightly.

"You're such a sweetheart," she says as they break away from the hug, "but I'm so tired now. We should really get back now. And then we can wake up early tomorrow, explore a little more and leave after lunch, what say?" she rambles on, beginning to walk away towards their hotel when Joseph holds onto her arm, causing her to turn around, "what?"

"Del," Joseph sighs loudly in nervousness, "there's something I need to tell you. I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time now but it was just never the right time...until now."

"What is it?" she asks in concern, now fulling turning around to face him.

"I love you," he blurts out, not being able to keep the secret to himself any longer. There it was, he said it. He had finally told the girl he had been in love with for over half a decade now. The secret was out and into the world. And now there was only one thing standing in their way, her response. Everything depended on it. Her next words would decide where they stood for the rest of their lives, whether they'd remains friends or be more, or be nothing at all. It was all on her now.

[their day aesthetic]

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