3️⃣: Stranger Danger.

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Omniscient POV

It was around 7:00 pm when Gemma got to the park. The sun of Jericho, New York had just started to set. 

Gemma ran for about 5 minutes and decided to take a break because she was 'Exhausted'. She found a bench near a little pond Eleanora loved so much, she smiled at the thought of her baby girl and wished things were different  to the point were she didn't have to hide her baby from the world. Gemma didn't even notice she had started to cry till a tear dropped onto her pants, she quickly wiped her face and stood up deciding she was done for the day as well as the fact she was now ready to head home.

As she was walking she stopped at the sound of someone calling her, 

"Gemma! Wait up!" 

She turned around and was met with the same boy she had been drooling over earlier on. 

"Hey!" He said scratching the back of his head, he looked shy. 


"Do you mind sitting back down?" He asked referring to the bench Gemma had just got up from.

"No, not at all." She told him sitting back down on the bench as he sat next to her, not like she wanted to go home anyway. 

"So."  They both said at the same time causing them to start laughing.

"Ehem." He cleared his throat. "Uhm, I was just going for my average evening stroll and I had seen such a gorgeous girl crying, I couldn't stand the sight I wanted to do something to help her feel better because pretty girls shouldn't cry, so here I am now."

He felt the awkward tension and quickly added. "Not wanting to be in your business and all, but I wasn't raised to just see a beautiful young girl crying and just walk away-" He started rambling on causing Gemma to put her palm over his mouth shushing him.

Gemma quickly pulled her hand back and put a strand of her hair behind her ear before speaking. "No, no it's fine." She then asked a question she was curious about from the moment he escorted her to class earlier and the moment he called her name. "Why  were you ignoring me earlier? And how do you know my name?"

"Uh, I normally don't speak to students because they tend to make up lies and accusations from me just saying a 'Hi' so I tend to keep to myself and mind my business." He said making her want to ask what this "Accusations" where and why they would ask such, but she decided to save that for another time. "And who doesn't know the famous Gemma Rossi, Model, Enterpreneur and let's not forget daughter to the one and only Leonardo Vincenzo Rossi, Founder of Rossi inc."

"Wow. I didn't know people thought of me like that." She giggled.

"So, you mind telling me what happened that made you cry?" Gee asked causing the air to become thicker for Gemma.

"Uhm, family argument nothing much, I'm just dramatic." She laughed playing it off.

"Are you sure?" He pressed on.

"Yes." She cleared her throat, "Look I gotta go, it's getting dark. Thanks for the talk, it really means a lot to me." She stood up hastily.

"Anytime, wait I could drive you home." He offered standing up too.

"No, It's fine." She quickly declined, running out of the park and down the street to her house.

Gemma ran so fast as if someone was chasing her. Why she ran? Even her didn't know why she was running.

She ran and ran until she got to the gate of her dad's mansion, where she collapsed and bursed into tears.

~Flashback from when Gemma was 9~

"Are you sure there is nothing going on at home Gemma? You could always talk to me." Gemma's Homeroom teacher at that time had said to Gemma as she was waiting for her mom who was supposed to come get her about 5 hours ago.

"No miss, everything is fine at home." Gemma said fake smiling. Even at 9 Gemma knew better than to talk to a complete stranger about what's going on at home because that would only lead to her being taken away and into foster care which could turn out worse for her.

"Are you sure?" Miss filter asked again.

Gemma thought about what's been happening at home and then decided it wouldn't change anything if she told or nothing so she just decided to talk. "Well, every night my mom-"

"Sorry I'm late, I had a meeting to attend to and traffic was crazy." Gemma's mom said interrupting.

Gemma was so scared, all that was going through her head was "What if she heard."

Miss filters looked at Gemma's mom skeptical but just went with it and nodded.

"Well have a nice day Gemma, See you tomorrow." Miss filters said.

But unfortunately for Gemma, she couldn't go to school the next day, the day after that or even the month after.

Edetta had beat her to a pulp because she had overheard the conversation of Gemma about to speak on what happens at home.

~Flashback over~

Gemma's grandmother was out to throw the trash out when she heard a sound of someone sniffing and walked closer to the sound to see none other than her Grand daughter on the floor shaking in sobs which broke her heart.

"Ah la mia povera ragazza ha passato così tanto." Gemma's Grandmother said as she bent down to carry Gemma up from the floor and back into the house.

{Translates to: Ah my poor girl has been through so much.}

Noona carried Gemma all the way up to her room and laid her on her bed, ridding her of her clothes and leaving her in just her undergarments.

"Dio vendicherà le persone chef ti fanno male al cuore." Noona prayed as she gave her grand daughter a kiss on the forehead, pulling the blanket up, she left the room shutting off the lights.

{Translates to: God will avenge the people who hurt your heart.}


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