4️⃣: I'm not okay but that's ok .

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Omniscient POV .

Gemma woke up and sighed "should've just died in my sleep." She mumbled to herself as she got up to start her day .

Everyday was like the same to Gemma, she felt as though her pain was never ending and her cry out for help was never heard .

She suffered from a bipolar disorder, an anxiety disorder and clinical depression all from childhood trauma.

Gemma always wondered why a Man up in the sky would watch her suffer so much and not help her .

She wasn't religious or anything but she did believe that there was something bigger and superior somewhere, somehow .

"Noona!" Gemma cried out for her grandmother, as her legs gave out and she fell to the ground in tears for what felt like the thousandth time this week .

Gemma's grandma already having an idea of what that cry was for quickly stopped why she was doing and rushed to the aid of her only Grand daughter .

"Shhh." Gemma's grandma cooed as she sat on the floor with her rocking her back and fourth .

"I can't take this anymore, it's too much. What have I done , whom have I offended? Please take it away, I'm tired." Gemma cried out .

"Shhhh it's going to be ok. God gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. You got this." Noona said .

"Fuck him ! He doesn't care about me !" Gemma screamed as she broke down again .

"Non offendere Dio. He does care about you believe me." Her Grandma quickly disagreed .

(Translation: Don't offend God.)

Gemma and her grandma cried together then went to go lay on the bed together were they spent the rest of the day .

Ian was in his car on his way home from work but couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Gemma.

"Was that really it?" He asked himself.  "Is this really the end of Ian and Gemma?"

So deep in thoughts Ian didn't see the large Truck that was coming his way until it was too late.

"AHHHHHH!" He screamed as everything went black.

Lana walked up to the porch of her half sisters home and rang the bell .

Her half sister, Becca opened the door and sighed "what happened now?"

"We got into an argument over Gemma again and h- he kicked me out, I think he is done with me this time." Lana spoke like she was not sure those words will ever come out of her mouth .

"Oh Lana, I didn't know-" Becca felt so bad about how she first addressed her when she opened the door.

"It's ok, can I crash here for a while?" Lana cut her off, not out of disrespect but because she knows that that's how Becca was.

"Of course, come in." Becca stepped aside and let her in . "Want to talk about it?"

"Sure." Lana answered as they both Got comfortable on the couch . "He has been really busy lately, so today he planned for us to go get lunch together. It was really fun he took me out to Olive Garden, then not even 30 minutes later he receives a call that he has to come pick up his daughter because "she had gotten into a fight. We went our separate ways after that. Then it was time for dinner and I just picked a fight with her because ever since she moved in he barely has time for me, he told me to get out. Then...." she trailed off.

"Then what Lana?"

"On my way out my purse fell, so did the pack of oxytocin I had in there. He saw it and he was more than pissed and- and- told me he never wanted to see me again. I swear I wasn't even planning on takling them." She finished now in tears .

"I thought you said you'd stop using?!" Becca exclaimed .

"I tried I tried but after, I lost the baby..... " She trailed off.

"I'm so sorry. Please tell me you have atleast told him about the baby- it's been 3 months lana." Becca questions, emphasizing on the three months.

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