🌏 British Columbia, Canada 🌏

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Oh, Canada!

Hi, this is Ginger_Apple101 of Strong Girls Club and today I'm here to tell you a couple of hilarious, heartwarming and silly stories 😊

Welcome to British Columbia, a beautiful Canadian Province.

My family and I go there almost every winter to ski down the powdery slopes for a few weeks with our friends. It is my all time favourite sport!

We always go to watch a local ice-hockey game. They have the food stands inside the stadium where you buy boxes of cinnamon doughnuts, hot dogs, snow cones and merch and watch the game with your friends and family. It's very fun.

It is one of my most loved and cherished memories.

Another is going into the city and village to the nearest bakeries after an hour or so of skiing, chucking your skiis on a nearby railing and walking into a warm snug cafe and getting a huge hot chocolate with whipped cream and a Danish pastry.


I miss it already.

Canada, is by far, the most beautiful, majestic and absolutely remarkable place on Earth, well, to me at least.

Squirrels, bears and deers are hiding away in the bushes, enjoying the frosty cold moutain air in their homes underneath the snow covered pine trees. People call them ghost trees, becuase the whole tree is white with snow and frozen like a huge upside down snowcone.

So, without further ado, I'm going to share with you some of my fondest Canadian memories 😄

#1: I love the smell of burning building in the morning!

So, we begin our story in Silverstar, Canada.

I'd just gotten back from my morning ski, and I walked back to my family's apartment.

I sat around for a while, had a bowl of soup and a small nap.

I went out into the kitchen to see my mum and dad with concerned expressions, and mum was dialling a number on the phone.

"What's up guys?" I asked.

"Jess hasn't come back yet and he isn't answering his phone," Mum had replied.
(Jess is my brother)

"Oh, really? Who are you calling?" I asked, starting to feel concerned as well.

"We are reporting him skier ID to the patrol so they can go and look for him. Max is with him as well.
(Max is my brother's friend)

A foul smell catches my attention.

"Ugh, what is that smell? It smells like smoke but even worse," I grimaced.

"I don't know. It's been there for a while now".

I openes the door to the balcony and stick my head out to see a HUGE BLACK CLOUD OF SMOKE.


smoke was pouring out of the balcony next door, and I ran back to Mum and Dad.

"Hey, there's a fire in the room next door," I said, and at that moment, an alarm started beeping. Extremely loudly.

"Mum, we should go. That fire is next door,"

I have no idea why but I literally had to convice my parents to exit the building that was on fire.

"It's okay, we don't need to rush," Dad shrugged. I thought they were being absolutely stupid.

"Dad. The building is on fire,"


I took ages to convince them, and by the time we got out of the room, the whole corridor was full of smoke. We went to the lobby and told them what happened and called the fire brigade.

I went over to a small hill of snow and tried to get a look at the room from below.

The couch was on fire... Like...


Later I met Jess and he told me that Max (Jesse's friend) had gone on a box rail at the terrain park and had snapped his wrist. He'd gone missing becuase he was helping Max down the mountain to go to the hospital.

What a day.


#2: Perfection

This was the day when I landed my first 360.

It was a great day. My ski instructor told me to do private lessons with him becuase I was more ahead of the other kids. He showed me how to do 180's, 270's, Rails (which are terrifying), and eventually 360.

I had to go off of a big jump to get enough air to do it.

I took a deep breath before pushing myself with my poles, my pace building as my skiis started creeping down the cliff.

The jump got nearer. Nearer.

Closer, closer.

Suddenly I'd built up a fast speed. Going off of the jump, I swung my body sideways, completing the 360.

Now I had to land it.

Quickly I recovered my balance and landed on the snow smoothly, stopping at the bottom of the jump, throwing my poles in the air and celebrating with my teacher.

That was one of my best achievements.

Scary, but worth it.

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