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Days fly by and a week came to pass. And throughout that week, the Miya brothers fell into a daily everyday routine.


Osamu and Atsumu wakes up very early in the morning, only to have another chaotic breakfast as all ways. They arrive to school earlier than most students, because of their club's early morning practice.


They first arrive in class to keep their bags away, getting the opportunity to see a sleeping Fuyuko on her desk every single day. Atsumu always have something to say about that. Each claim more obnoxious and bolder than the last. Yet he never dared to personally approach her, all because of her connection to a certain She-Devil.


After morning practice, they would return back to the classes again, Atsumu following after Osamu and Suna to the latter two's class with the intention on avoiding someone's affections. The students would be steadily arriving at the time, so class 2-1 would be usually empty.

Osamu was actually glad that Suna was in his class as well. The dark brown-haired guy was late on his first day, so he missed most of the drama that went down, much to Suna's disappointment. So, starting from the very next that day, he would join the twins.

Alice would arrive a bit after them, yet to Atsumu's relief, her attention would be on Fuyuko who she claims to be her best friend. The red head would be usually scolding the other girls' bad habits, which is of course casually brushed aside by the long-haired girl.

It's only when the bell is heard that Alice and Atsumu would walk out the room back to their own class.

Osamu had his own thoughts about the long-headed girl himself. Let's just say, he was glad she ended up being his seat mate. The long-haired teen is usually silent, if not, she would be sleeping without a care for her studies.

No matter how weird the girl was, it's much better than having a fan of Atsumu sitting next to him. Trust him, it wasn't pleasant having the girl always talk about his brother and begging him to introduce her to him.

At least, Alice had the confidence to approach the fake blond herself. The girl never bothered Osamu. Even if she did, she is quite normal around him. Her questions about Atsumu's whereabouts are done calmly like he was just another person. She doesn't try to impress him and never asks much from him. She never brings him between her and Atsumu's chaos.

All in all, Osamu and Alice had a healthy relationship. They aren't what you would qualify as friends, but they were close acquaintances. They aren't friends, but they are getting there. Hence, he doesn't hesitate to reveal personal information about his brother to her.

The same can be said to the light-haired girl as well. She is calm and frankly doesn't give a damn about him and his brothers fame. She looks like she'd rather sleep than actually interact with anyone.

Another thing he noticed ever since the beginning of that year is the change of his fan's attitudes. It was obvious to him how his fans just seem to keep low when he's in his class. There's no more loud squealing nor approaching him in huge groups.

Just when he thought his fans got used to his presence, he was proven wrong of that fact, the moment he got out of Fuyuko's radar. Osamu found it quite strange and was confused of the whole thing. However, unlike him, Suna seemed to know what's going on based on his conversation with him three days ago.

_______›»FLASH BACK«‹_______

The Volleyball team sat at a table in the cafeteria. Yet something seemed to be bothering a specific grey head, which could be clearly seem with his barely touched lunch.

"Oi Samu, what's wrong with ya?" Atsumu questioned his brother, eyeing him weirdly. "What's botherin' ya must be big if ya forgot bout yer food." The rest of their group too stared with concerned eyes, wondering what's wrong.

Osamu shook his head, getting rid of his thoughts before he stuffed an Onigiri into his mouth, somehow swallowing the whole thing within a few couple seconds. "S'nothin' much, but things been weird lately..." He muttered, his mind going back to his fan's strange behavior.

I wonder if it's cuz of that girl. Maybe cuz she's close with Alice?

Aran and a few of his other friends exchanged worried glances as Osamu slipped into his thoughts yet again.

Somethin's seriously wrong here.

There was only one person in their circle who seem to know exactly what's wrong with Osamu. That person belonging to the same class as Osamu, who was also the said male's best friend.

"This is about how our class has been acting isn't it?" Suna asked, once again bringing Osamu back to earth.

"What? Ya know somethin' bout that?" Osamu asked, once again starting to eat his meal. For real this time.

Suna neatly placed down his chopsticks. "I think you already have an idea. But it's probably because of that girl sitting next to you." He mentioned, staring right into his best friends' eyes.

"The delinquent girl?" Atsumu asked, gaining unbelieving stares of his team mates, Suna was also included.

"The what girl now?" Akagi asked, thinking he'd heard Atsumu wrong.

Suna snorted, holding back a laugh behind his hand. "Yeah, don't let the She-Devil hear you. Better yet, just keep that to yourself Atsumu." He informed, as if warning him of dangers he'll face otherwise.

Atsumu gulped, exchanging glances with Osamu.

"Who's this girl exactly?" Aran asked, now knowing this specific girl is on good terms with Alice.

"If ya wanna know that much, why don't ya ask 'er yerself?" It was Kita who talked, making the twins go tense. "Why're ya so scared of Alice? She's just another student 'ere."

_______›»FLASH BACK END«‹_______

In the end, he found out the main reason person responsible for the strangeness going around him. Yet he was missing the important details of this case.

Maybe she's a delinquent after all...

However, he was forced take back that thought. Why? Because he found out the reason for the strangeness wasn't because of a negative outcome.

Though Fuyuko looks like human interaction is the last thing she'd resort to, her involvement with the class was quite decent. She usually greets the students which is responded mutually. And although it wasn't usual, he'd seen her chatting with a few of his classmates as well.

Heck, he once caught Suna, his darn best friend conserving with her too. When he later asked the male about it, he shrugged the topic off much to Osamu's frustration.

If that isn't much proof, then her exchanging Hello's with students from other classes finalizes it. Fuyuko was well known that'd for sure. And unlike Alice, the reason for her fame was quite positive. So, he wondered exactly the both of them got along so well.

He knew the term opposites attract, but he never believed in it because it's usually the similarities that pulls people together. Yet this case was the exact opposite and obviously genuine that Osamu was forced to believe his whole life was a lie at this point.

He still remembers the conversation he had with his brother this morning. Atsumu mentioning that the long-haired girl's name came up during one of his conversations with his male classmates. A guy having a crush on her or something along those lines.

Osamu wasn't blind. He agrees that she has a certain air to her, a sophisticated one which seems ethereal. Sure, she didn't have what would refer to as a perfect body, yet no one can deny that fact she's pretty. But that was her outer appearance.

The grey head wasn't naïve enough to determine a person's worth just because of their appearance. He has a perfect example of that living under his roof. Take Atsumu for example. No one can deny he's hot, yet only a few including himself knows Atsumu's true colors.

Despite his opinion though, he had a basic idea of what her personality was considering all of the positive interactions she had with others. He himself was starting to believe that too, especially after what happened just yesterday.

_______›»FLASH BACK«‹_______

It was English class, and Osamu found his textbook missing from his bag when he was sure he placed it in there this morning. But of course, familiar of who he lived with his whole life since his birth, he knew who exactly the culprit was.

Seriously, having a twin brother is a royal pain, especially when your twin happens to be Atsumu. Not that complaining and cursing could get rid of him no matter how much he tried.

That fuckin' piss headed idiot! He definitely stole it when he didn' find his own this mornin'! I'll kill him!!!

His mind cursing went on for a while, before it came to an abrupt halt when he heard the sound of table scrapping against the floor.

His head snapped to the sound along with the rest of the class only to see Fuyuko's desk move right next to his.

With slightly wide confused eyes, his gaze trailed up to the girl, to see her casually bring her chair next to his own before taking her seat. Only then did she look at him. Lavender hues meeting his dark grey ones.

Suddenly, Fuyuko raised her English text book in between their faces, making Osamu flinch back, finally stopping his continuous stare.

"You were calm, but it was obvious you were troubled." Fuyuko's soft voice reached his ears. Watching as she tilted her head, glancing at him from around the book. "You don't have your textbook with you, right?" She asked quite calmly.

Osamu in response, nodded dumbly, wondering how exactly she knew. He stared as a soft smile overtook her lips, the girl bringing her book down as her gaze trailed to the stares they were getting. She simply waved at the stares with her free hand, nodding towards the teacher as if telling him to continue.

And since he didn't give a damn, the teacher simply went back to teaching the class. "As long as you two study, I don't mind." Were the lazy teachers' words to them. The students soon followed, leave for Suna who kept giving them amused glances, maybe sneaking a picture or two as well.

The book was placed in between them as the lesson went on. "If you're wondering how I found out, you kept your bag down without taking out the book. Frustration was visible on your face and your brows and fingers were twitching as if you were gonna choke the life out of someone." The girl casually explained in a soft whisper without sparring him a single glance.

He definitely wasn't expecting that. He figured she was the kind to not bother anyone, not that she was actually bothering him or anything. Her observation was precise though, so he unconsciously furrowed his brows, giving the girl a side glance.

I'm wonderin' if she's that observant or if she's a closet fan.

"I know who you are but I'm definitely not a fan." Fuyuko mentioned as if she read his mind. Yet she never spared him a glance, so how she figured out his thoughts? He had no idea.

How did she...?

A mysterious smile slipped on to her lips. "I just had a feeling you were thinking something along those lines. Miya-san." She answered to his thoughts once again, this time, sparing a single side glance.

He was stunned to silence, turning back to the book laid in front of him with his mind in deep thoughts. He knew she was telling the truth. After all, he'd see how fans are. Not once did he see the girl sitting next to him blush in his presence, and not one did she start any unnecessary conversations.

Not that he'll let down his guard though. Cause somehow, her sharp observation, her conclusion and the fact that she can somehow read his thoughts...

Osamu would deny his whole life that he considered the possibility of her being an Esper.

So, she's the one who managed to tame Alice... Even if Alice's only crazy when she's around Tsumu... 'n if someone kills 'er cakes...

More into the class, Osamu slowly starts to get comfortable next to her. He was quick to realize she was a veteran when it comes to the particular subject. Going as far to make small simplified notes on the borders of her textbook when Osamu gets stuck or doesn't understand something.

All in all, that English class was by far, the only class he'd ever enjoyed in his life. Considering the fact that he failed English last year, that's a huge accomplishment. But that left him with one question.

How'd she end up in this class again?

The class seemed to pass much faster for Osamu, and soon enough, it came to an end with the lunchtime bell ringing thoroughly throughout the school.

Without another word, Fuyuko dragged her desk and chair back to its rightful place. Not even attempting to lift them to move them silently. She then took out what seems to be a wrapped lunch and silently headed for the back door, her actions fluid and without any breaks showing that they were planned, despite the dazed look in her eyes.

Halfway to the door though, Osamu decided to stand up as well. "Oi." He called out, gaining the lavender eyed girls' attention. She stopped to partially turn her body back, head fully turning before tilting up to make eye contact with the guy.

Now that they were standing, their difference in height was painful for the short girl. Standing at 157cm, her head reaches a few centimeters above Osamu's shoulder who stood at 183.

This world is so unfair, why did I stop growing at this height when my younger brother is above two meters and is still growing?

"Osamu." He uttered out, making the girl tilt her head.

"What?" She asked confusingly with furrowed brows.

With a straight calm face, he stared right into her eyes. "Just call me Osamu. I don' want ya confusin' me with my ass of a brother." He stated blandly, frowning at the end, not exactly liking that thought.

As if waiting for him to be mentioned, Atsumu tugged opened the back door, about to loudly announce his presence when his mouth got stuffed by an Onigiri, making him gag. He shot Suna, the culprit a glare only for the dark-haired male to point his finger at Osamu and Fuyuko.

To say Atsumu was confused was an understatement. He silently chewed on the rice as he and Suna watched the girl fully turn to Osamu. "I'm Rairakku Fuyuko, just call me Fuyuko."

Hearing her last name, Atsumu choked on the rice, hitting his chest as he tried to swallow everything in his mouth before he hacked it all out. Suna casually patted his back, handing him a water bottle when he felt Atsumu calm down a little. It took a minute or two, but Atsumu finally recovered, only for him to shove a finger at the girl's direction with bloodshot eyes thanks to his earlier episode.

The said girl who was watching the scene with Osamu behind her deadpanning at the sight, tensed up when Atsumu pointed at her. She took an uncomfortable step back, cautiously staring at the guy with narrowed eyes and a small frown.

"Y-YER RELATED TO THAT DEVIL!" Atsumu shouted at the top of his lungs resulting with the girl taking another two steps beck, disliking how loud the fake blond was being.

Annoying. What did Alie-chin see in him?

But seriously, this was the biggest shock Atsumu had ever since the cake accident last year. Because there was literally nothing alike between Alice and Fuyuko. Starting from their appearances to their personalities, there's just nothing! None! Zero!

"I can't accept this!" Atsumu exclaimed.

Osamu, though confused by what's going on, was annoyed by his brother's loudness as well. "Quite down Tsumu."

Right then, another voice joined their party. "Can't accept what?" Alice wondered out from behind Atsumu, freezing the said male on his spot with his face going as pale as a paper. He sharply stepped away from the doorway revealing the red head in all her glory. " Fuyuko, I came to get you since you were late." Alice called out with a frown.

"Oh, sorry..." The lavender eyed girl trailed off walking past the pale fake blond and the dark haired Suna to get to Alice. 

"No wonder they were close, they're sisters!" Atsumu whisper shouted to himself with a horrified face as if he'd discovered a ghost in his bedroom.

Hearing that, Alice glanced at the fake blond, raising an eye brow. "Oh! Tsun-chan! Hello!" She waved at the male, which was returned by a shaky raised hand. "And no, me and Fuyuko here aren't related at all. We only met a little more than a year ago." She explained with a smile.

"I already have a half-blood younger brother. He's a handful as he is, so I don't want another one." Fuyuko responded, glancing back at Atsumu before turning around to walk off.

Alice smiled at the girls back, watching her walk away from earshot before turning back to the group of males to say a few words. "She may seem lazy and uncaring, but trust me, she's a kind girl." Her gaze trailed from Suna to Osamu. "You both are in the same class, look out for her will you." She asked, ending with a beautiful close eyed smile before following after her friend.

The kind part, Osamu had no doubt. After all, it hasn't even been an hour since she smoothly and casually shared her book with him. Her intentions weren't clear, but Osamu had a feeling he had nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, Atsumu was speechless. "T-that w-was THE S-She-Devil... Right?" He managed to stutter out.

_______›»FLASH BACK END«‹_______

Atsumu went into a daze the whole day yesterday. Even during their practice. Just because he'd never thought Alice was capable of smiling like that.

But that was yesterday. The next day, started as usual. The bell ringing with Fuyuko barely awake for the start of the homeroom.

"All right class, today we have something important on our agenda." The last teacher informed, pausing for a dramatic moment which didn't match his homeless look. Yet somehow, it didn't fail to make the students tense or perk in anticipation. "I'll have you... Decide on your call reps." He ended, making the class go silent for a moment before most of them deflated with disappointment.

The few who didn't deflate, immediately shot up their hands, somehow excited to become the class leaders. Osamu, Suna and Fuyuko were definitely not among them.

"Now give me some names suitable for this role." The teacher asked, turning his back to the students to raise a hand to the board.

Osamu simply stared outside from the window, sometimes glancing at the girl next to him who was half seep with her head nodding back and forth. It surely was an amusing sight for the grey-haired male. That could be seen with the tilting corner of his lips.

"Okay, so we have Sanji, Hanitarou, Jiraiya, Dazai, Gojo, Bakugo, Osamu-"

When his name was mentioned he snapped up to look at the board in disbelief. Sure enough, he found his name on the flat surface, right above a familiar name.

"-and lastly, Fuyuko."

The said girl hearing her name, forced herself to open her eyes. "Huh? What's going on?" She mumbled out, staring at the board which looks hazy since she just woke up. She tried blinking to rid of the sleep in her eyes, narrowing them to the board.

"All right, now all of you place your votes. One vote per person. The two who ends up with the highest number of votes will become the student representatives of this class 2-1."

This can't be happenin'....

What's going on? I heard my name... why is my name on the board? Did I do something wrong...? Except sleeping in class that it. You'll have to excuse me for that...

A few minutes later, both Fuyuko and Osamu found themselves at the front of the class, facing the students as the newly elected representatives.

One was dissatisfied. "I didn' sign up for this." Osamu mumbled under his breath to himself.

While Fuyuko was still lost. "I don't know what's going on, but there's clearly a mistake." She voiced out loud before turning to the teacher and pointing a finger to herself with furrowed brows. "How exactly am I appropriate for this?" She asked only to get an eye roll from him.

"You got elected so deal with it. Not everything goes your way. Now the both of you will have to stick with this position till the end of this year."

You're kidding me, right?

What the hell's up with ya, yer damn teacher. Hope they lowers yer darn pay.

Suna snickered to himself, sneaking another picture of the two.

The year only started and there's already much going on. I totally ship these two.

Unexpected encounters in April of spring,

shall lead life through rollercoaster emoting...

Disagreements as agreements after another,

just deepens their comrade bonds as dear...


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