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It was a beautiful day within April. Sophisticated cherry blossoms all they could see, Hyogo Prefecture was no exception.

It was the season for new beginnings and meetings. The season for accepting brand new First years and inviting strangers into specific clubs. Of course, not before the opening ceremonies, welcoming the younger generation to their specific schools. Some of the new generations looking forward to meeting their idols or whatnot.

Speaking of idols and famous people, within the Hyogo prefecture, there is a Highschool named Inarizaki High. In the Volleyball world, this school is well known all over Japan. The Miya twins belonging to this specific team was one of the reasons most females wanted in the school.

Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu, Identical twins starting their Second year had just finished with the Opening ceremony. And though the elder twin liked the attention he got, neither him nor his brother liked the thought of being swarmed by First year girls the first day of school.

That's the reason why both of them sneaked into the building instead of helping their team recruit people into their club. Of course, with the permission of their current captain that is. The captain which they're scared of because of his old but straight forward logic.

Either ways, bickering among themselves, they headed to their classes, Osamu in class 2-1 while Atsumu was placed in 2-2. Nevertheless, Atsumu followed his brother into his class only to be met with a confusing sight.


"Why would someone enter the club cuz of yer serve Tsumu?" Osamu commented blandly, stopping before the class labeled as 2-1.

Atsumu smirked cockily, stopping right beside him as he puffed his chest. "Cuz of my serves! Ain' that obvious Samu?"

Osamu looked at his elder twin brother, giving him a level stare. "'re ya stupid?"

"Heh? Says the one in class 1." Atsumu shot right back.

"Who needs studies when I have food?" With a roll of his eyes, Osamu slid open his classroom's door, entering right in to escape his other half. However, much to his despair, the fake blond followed right in. "'n why 're ya enterin' my class?" He asked, walking in front of the bored where the seating arrangement was displayed on a sheet of paper.

He didn't receive an answer from his brother though, which was strange considering the loud mouth of his. With a raised brow, he turned his head to his brother standing next to him, only to see the blond eyeing a corner of the room. "Samu, looks like ya got a delinquent girl in yer class." He commented, a smirk lighting up his face.

Osamu turned around, only to see a girl seated in the last row window seat of the room. She had her head buried in her arms, most likely sleeping. Her extremely long pale lilac hair pooling on the table surface and as rivers, the locks flowing beyond the edge. He turned back to Atsumu who was now staring at the same paper he was looking at moments ago. "'n she's a delinquent cuz?"

Atsumu turned to his brother as if he'd grown two heads. "Can't ya see? She clearly skipped the Openin' ceremony, instead sleepin' in this classroom."

Osamu deadpanned. "That doesn' make 'er a delinquent." He stated bluntly.

Atsumu let out a sigh. "Course ya'd think that. Yer so dumb Samu, no wonder ya placed in the lowest class along with a delinquent." That immediately set Osamu off, a vein popping on his forehead. "Not to mention, yer sittin' right next to .er." Atsumu added, immediately gaining his brothers attention.

Osamu checked for himself, and true to his brother's words, his seat was just next to her right. "Ya right, hope she's not one of those fans."

Atsumu immediately felt his energy get drained when that sentence left his brothers lips. "Why'd ya have to remind me of that? Why'd ya have to remind me that she ended up in the same class as me again?" He complained, following after Osamu as he walked to his seat at the very back.

The fake grey-haired male simply ignored his twin, taking his seat at the table. He doesn't pity his brother one bit. Instead, he thinks he deserves it for every mistreatment he'd done to him and his stuffs last year. "S'that why ya followed me in here?" Osamu asked, even if he already knew the answer to his own question.

'er name was the second one I searched up in that list after mine!!! She's dangerous!!

Atsumu let out a whine, slamming his hands on his brothers table. "Don'cha get how troublesome she'd been last year Samu?! I literally begged the gods to not let me end up in the same class as 'er when we visited the shine at the beginnin' of this new year! So why did the opposite happen?!" He all but exclaimed only to receive a grunt from the sleeping girl's direction.

The noise instantly made the both of them freeze, only for them to simultaneously snap their heads to the girl's direction. They held their breath as the girl shifted a bit, readjusting her hands around her head to bury her face further into them. They only exhaled when the girl went still as her soft breaths was heard in the silence.

"Great goin' Tsumu, ya almost woke 'er up." Osamu shot at his twin, keeping his voice lower than before.

"S'cuse me, she's not supposed to be sleepin' in the first place." Atsumu huffed out, albeit keeping his voice low as well.

Suddenly the backdoor of the classroom opened, making the two turn their head to the direction, and from their position at the very back of the class, they were clearly able to see who it was. Upon identifying the person though, Atsumu's face immediately lost all of its color. Stumbling back as if he'd seen a ghost. "Y-ya- geh!"

Osamu could only sigh and watch as the other two made eye contact. The girl's dark brown orbs immediately lighting up as a huge grin made its way on her face. "Tsun-chan!!" She exclaimed, running right his way, her scarlet ponytail bouncing as she came.

"Geh! She-devil, what the hell 're ya doin' 'ere!" Atsumu exclaimed right back, pointing an accusing finger at her.

The beautiful evil known throughout the school; Alice stopped right before him. Eyes widening as if she had realized something. "Oh right, I'm here for someone else today. Too bad~" She sang, turning away to walk towards the sleeping girl.

Atsumu was left to gape at her retreating figure. Osamu too, watching her with wide eyes. Why won't they? After all, never had Alice retreated on her own.

Alice Rairakku, the Vice-Captain of the Kendo club. A girl born with a pretty face and body. Long straight scarlet locks reaching her hips, she was said to be a devil in disguise within a pretty shell. She's especially feared for her infamous glare, and she certainly won't hesitate to get personal to stop fights. 

However, beware when she meals. Destroy her desert and you better say your prayers, because you've got hell coming for you. And all of these facts are true, because multiple students have already experienced the hell last year.

Atsumu don't know whether he got lucky or if it was the opposite of that word. Because for some reason, Alice became his number one fan after their first eye contact. No one was sure what she saw in him, but she's completely obsessed with him. 

Latching on to him without even introducing herself. No one knows whether it was because of the obsession, but she had never used her devil side on him, no matter how much he mistreated her.

Back when the fake blond was unaware of her real persona, he interacted with her like every other fan whom pisses him off too much. Only for him and the volleyball team to be surprised because his 'intimidatingly angry' part never bothered her the slightest. If she were any other girl, he was sure they would be avoiding him at all coast. Yet here he was, still stuck with her.

It was until a few months later did he figure out exactly why the 'intimidatingly angry' part of his personality never bothered the red head. Because she had something superior with her...

_______FLASH BACK_______

It was another day as first year students for the Miya twins. The Volleyball team decided to have lunch in the cafeteria that day.

Usually they are seen on the roof during lunch, but today, Atsumu forgot to bring the lunch his mom kindly prepared for him. Gaining offhand insults from Osamu which lead to multiple arguments often stopped by their captain or with Aran's efforts.

They comfortably sat in a table with their lunch, peaceful until Suna spotted someone from a corner of his eye. "Ah, isn't that Alice-san?"

The name instantly brought goosebumps upon Atsumu's whole body. He slowly turned his head to the direction only to see Alice seated a few tables away, peacefully enjoying a strawberry cake with sparkles flying around her. She looked to be in a bliss, cheeks that of a chipmunk as she continued to consume the cake.

Her expression only gave Atsumu the shivers, slightly shifting in his seat to hide himself behind Aran as much as he can.

"When she's like that, the nickname she recently gained for herself seems unbelievable." Suna commented, casually observing the red-haired girl with his chin placed on his palm. As if the girl was the most curious thing for him.

"What nickname?" Osamu asked, his and the others present in the table turned to the first year with the same curious gaze.

Suna let out a breath, pausing for effect. "The She-devil."

Atsumu didn't know why but he immediately felt goosebumps traveling from the tips of his toes to the ends of his every single hair. The single name somehow giving him a life time of fear. "W-why that name?"

He didn't get his answer because another loud voice interrupted Suna.

"SORRY!" Everyone in the cafeteria diverted their eyes to the commotion, only to see the captain of the bodybuilder club bowing to Alice. On the ground near them, were the remains of the cake she was very much enjoying moments ago.

Her eyes were hidden behind her bangs as she stood up from her seat, sanding right in front of the offender of her cake. "You dare ask for forgiveness..." She trailed off lifting her head, only to be greeted by a dark glare. The glare scaring any and every person who saw it. Atsumu and Osamu was no exception. She somehow took out a wooden practice katana as she continued her sentence. "... after mercilessly murdering my cake!!" She exclaimed darkly.

That's when chaos started happening...

There were screaming all around them. People running for their lives from the angered women.

That day, mistakes were made. New sides were seen. And some were scarred for life. Both psychologically and physically. 

The captain of the bodybuilder club managed to escape with a broken arm and three fractured ribs. But that was said to be the minimum damage he could've got, because that day, someone stopped the devil before she could conflict more harm.

All while Suna stayed in his seat, recording every single event that went down. His Volleyball friends taking cover under the table with fear while he enjoyed himself with potential blackmail.

Atsumu was one of the person's scarred for life. Mentally that is. Never would that glare be erased from his mind. Haunting his dreams and every time he sees the very face of hers.

However, the volleyball club had a single question. Why didn't she show her true colors when Atsumu treated her like a nuisance and had insulted her multiple times, that too with the worst profanities.

After that faithful day though, he always tried avoiding her at all coasts, and tried his very best to act in a way that won't piss her off.

All while his brother, enjoyed the struggles his twin goes though.

_______FLASH BACK END_______

That girl if he's within her sight, would bother him nonstop. Even though she oddly doesn't bother their practices and games, she only listens to Kita. The only one on the team she actually listens to. 

Because both of them knew each other as members of the Student Council. Which wasn't surprising for Kita, but for Alice to be involved in the Council as well? Atsumu was shocked beyond words.

That's why it surprised the two brothers when Alice completely ignored them to give her undivided attention to the sleeping girl.

Atsumu stared with loose jaws as the red haired-girl stropped in front of the pale lilac haired girl's desk, staring down at her with her hands on her hips. "A-are ya sick or somethin'?" He couldn't help but blurt out.

She 'ere to haunt that poor girl? She's 'ere to beat 'er up isn' she?!

Alice turned to Atsumu, curiously giving him a stare, silently asking what he meant.

Osamu was the who talked, just as shocked as the fake blond but easier to act calm about it. "Normally, ya would've already started pesterin' Tsumu with uncountable questions, or ya would've hugged his arm or somethin'." He pointed out bluntly.

Alice's mouth turned into an O, gently grinning afterwards. "You don't have to worry about that when my best friend's around." She pointed to the sleeping girl, making the two brothers stare at the lavnender head with disbelief. The same thought ran through their heads.

For 'er to control the She-devil like this, what kinda beast 's this?

"Hey Fuyuko, Fuyuko." Alice called out, poking the top of the girl's head. Only for the sleepy head to grunt, burrowing her head further into her arms. "Fuyuko~ Come on, I want you to meet the Miya brothers I keep telling you about." The read head whined, shaking the girl slightly.

This so called Fuyuko grunted. Calmly shifting to reveal a single half lidded lilac eye to the three. "Leave me alone Alie-chin, I didn't get much sleep last night. Was up watching the crew go against this weak gang called... uh, I forgot."

The image of the lilac haired girl in yakuza cloths, holding a bet with multiple nails poking out of it crossed both the brother's minds. Dark at night, going around, beating up gangs.

She's a delinquent after all!

"Fuyuko..." Alice trailed off with a pout, letting out a defeated sigh as the tired girl burrow her head right back into the comfort of her arms. Alice waited for a moment, Osamu and Atsumu waiting for what's to come.

By then, people had started entering the classroom, lightly chatting and whispering among themselves. Yet, none bothered to bother them about what's happening in the left back corner of the classroom. Maybe because the She-devil was there, or maybe it was cause of something else they decided to keep their voices low. Only they knew.

Alice moved to untie a huge white bow like tie tied to the sleeping girl's wrist. "Fuyuko, at least let me clean that messy hair of yours." She called out once again, only to be ignored. A vein immediately popped on her forehead and Atsumu winced, waiting her to hit the pale lilac haired girl or something along those lines.

But he was proven wrong when Alice, with determined eyes, reached for a guitar case laying on the other side of the light lilac head's table. Only to be stopped when the sleeping girl kicked out her leg, delivering an effective blow to Alice's shin. It's as if she sensed the incoming danger to her instrument, protecting it from the devil.

With a slight cry, Alice crouched in front of the table, one hand still holding the ribbon and gripping the table as the other hand held her throbbing shin. Every single student present in the class held their breath while Atsumu slowly went behind his brother. Willing to use him as a shield if the She-devil was to strike.

However, he and the others were mesmerized by the sight of the girl who lifted her head completely to partially straighten her back.

The girl named Fuyuko had very pale lavender hair which almost seemed gray. Her hair overflowed over her shoulders and down her back like waterfalls. The long locks reaching past the chair she sat, some of the tips even touching the floor. If her hair wasn't majestic, then her half lidded light lilac orbs certainly were.

The color of her eyes was a bit more prominent compared to her hair. The hues disappeared behind her dark lashes as she let out a yawn. A hand carelessly covering her mouth as she did so, revealing the long sleeves of the thin white shirt she wore, covering half of her palm. Mostly her fingers to be seen. She wore the standard Inarizaki girl's black skirt, reaching her mid-thigh. Yet most her leg was hidden by the long black socks she wore, leaving only little thigh skin visible.

Her skin was pale, matching the cool temperature in the room, the cold that is sure to affect her soon if she continued to wear that thin shirt. But that wasn't the main concern at the moment. Fuyuko had fearlessly kicked the one and only She-devil after all, and Atsumu was this close to dashing out of there any moment, regretting ever entering after his younger brother in the first place.

They watched Alice recover from the kick, standing up with a pout instead if a glare much to their surprise. There was a single tear seen in a corner of her right eye, but she brushed it off before it fell. "Mou Fuyuko, go easier on me will you?! That was the only way to wake you up since I don't have candy with me right now!" She huffed, lightly limping to walk behind Fuyuko.

The girl in question let out a small sneeze in response. "Ah... I... forgot my blazer." Her sentence only made the rest of the class sweat drop. Wondering why she was acting so casual.

Alice was left to sigh, calmly gathering Fuyuko's soft locks to tie it up to her usual high ponytail.

Atsumu and Osamu exchanged glances. "'s that seriously a delinquent? I can't believe that." Osamu commented in a whisper.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Sumu." His brother whispered right back. "Especially girls, 'n especially especial to that, the pretty ones." His eyes trailed over to Alice.

Osamu turned his head right to the long-haired girl who looked like she couldn't harm a fly. He watched as her half-lidded eyes struggled to keep open, as if she was about to fall asleep right then. Yet before she could completely go off into her slumber, a few girls called out to her from the front of the class. "Good mornin' Fuyuko-san."

The Miya twins turned back to see a casual lazy smile form on her lips, eyes still half lidded as she held up a hand just as lazily. "Morning to you too, and all others while I'm at it." She murmured out softly. Her tone light and calm, like a lullaby one could listen to as they fall asleep.

The girl got several responses in return. "It's nice to see ya healthy and well Fuyuko-swan~" A blond called out to her with hearts floating over his head.

"Thank you." Fuyuko responded, just as carefreely as before.

Unknown to her, from behind, Alice glared right into the boy's soul, immediately making him nervously sweat before hurriedly turning away to talk to his friend near him.

Fuyuko blinked slowly, wondering what's wrong with the guy. "Hey Alie-chin, why do I have a feeling some people are scared of me?" She wondered out loud.


Alice, having done with Fuyuko's hair, stepped near the window, coming to Fuyuko's view. "You should stop staying late to watch Anime Fuyuko, you'll get sick again." She warned with narrow eyes, only to have her concerns brushed asides with a lazy wave of Fuyuko's hand.

"I can't help my urges, Alie-chin." Fuyuko murmured, directing her lidded eyes to Alice.

The Miya twins observed the girl now with her high ponytail, seeing her featured clearly compared to before, with uneven bangs covering most her forehead with the locks being longer on sides rather than the middle. The both of them also noted the small beauty mark right below her right eye. The trait only adding to her charms.

"Wait!" Atsumu couldn't help but exclaim. "When ya said fightin' gangs, ya meant Anime!"

Fuyuko and Alice exchanged a glance, both of them turning back to Atsumu to ask a question simultaneously, the question leaving the male frozen, trying to come up with an excuse. "What else would we mean?"

Meanwhile Osamu couldn't help but observe the pale girls features a bit longer. His level eyes being met by the girl's half lidded ones for a moment before he tore his away towards his twin who seemed to be sweating nervously. Having dug his own grave.

Even if ya say not to judge a book by its cover, what's there to judge of 'er? She looks fragile, 'n I've a feeling' 'er arms might break if she were to receive an average serve. So how could she be a delinquent? There's just no way...

Their meeting was certainly a strange one. Placed in the same class, seated near each other.

The both of them first met eyes like they would meet of any strangers. However, this start was by no means normal. Because for the first time, Osamu was curious of a person, of her who managed to control the infamous She-devil of their school despite looking like an ordinary girl.

'm hungry...

Though the female protagonists' opinions remain hidden, little did he knew, his famous life was about to change, all because of an ordinary encounter after their Opening ceremony in Spring.

First impressions are of importance in meet,

though they usually never hold on for last...

Music and laughter of the first ceremony,

echoes through temporary silent hallway...



This story is based on the anime, Your Lie in April mixed with a crossover of Haikyuu!! and KNB. Other anime's will be mentioned as well.

Higuchi Kaede as Rairakku Fuyuko and Erza Scarlet as Rairakku Alice would be portrayed. Haikyuu!! belongs to Haruichi Furudate while the story plot belongs to me. 

I am not a Japan native so I'm not aware of how their system works. English is not my first language either so beware of grammar and punctuation errors. Honestly, feel free to correct me if you find any please.

This is a Miya Osamu x Oc fanfic, votes are much appreciated and I accept any positive and negative criticism—as long as you aren't being rude about it. Once again, feel free to correct me if I wrote anything wrong. Hope you enjoy reading this book dear readers!

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