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The very next day, Osamu and Atsumu met Alice and Fuyuko on the bus they take to school. Atsumu almost instantly recognized those familiar scarlet locks which made him want to turn back and walk right out of the vehicle. To make it worse, both of them made direct eye contact, making one them let out a bright smile of delight while the other instantly frowned in distaste.

"Tsun-chan! Here!" Alice called from the very back of the bus, attracting unwanted attention from fellow passengers. Atsumu reluctantly to a step back, thinking of taking the next bus, only for betrayal to strike him like a truck when his twin brother walked right passed him. Towards the red-haired She-devil.

"Oi, Samu!" Atsumu whisper shouted, walking right after him, albeit taking nervous glances to the back-right row of the bus.

There was just a single reason Osamu walked up to the red head. Because he had a feeling if Alice was there, Fuyuko had to be there as well. They walk home together so the possibility of them arriving together was high. He was proven right when he caught sight of the girl said soundly sleeping in the window seat, head resting above Alice's shoulder.

Sleepin'... I'm not even surprised at this point.

He silently slipped to the window seat of the row in front of the girls, leaving Atsumu no choice but to sit next to him. "Samu, I'll make ya pay for this next time." The blond whispered to his brother, keeping his sight forward to reduce the chance of him accidently making eye contact with the She-devil.

Atsumu was however distracted when Osamu casually turned his head to glance back at Alice over his seat. "Do ya always go to school this early?" He asked with the ever-present uninterested look on his face.

Alice let out a chuckle in response. Making it apparent that she was in a pleasant mood at the moment. "Why yes, our clubs start at 6 in the morning... I meant the club Fuyuko used to go to." She explained, shocking the twins.

Due to his surprise, Atsumu thoughtlessly turned his head to look back at Alice as well, his body shifting a bit more than Osamu's. "That's early! Even ours start at 7." He let out, only realizing his mistake when Alice sent him a bright smile.

"Yes! But our after-school practice finishes earlier than yours so there's not much of a difference." Alice explained, somehow taking the twins off guard when she actually chose to have a proper conversation instead of fawning over Atsumu.

Realizations dawned on Osamu. "Wait, so now that we're takin' this bus from now on, we'll be..." The boy trailed off, bringing Atsumu to the light of reality while Alice simply shot him a close eyed smile.

The blond instantly turned to his brother, with a look of pure horror, the color completely drained from his face. "This is yer fault for becomin' a class rep ya idiot!" Atsumu shouted, gaining unapproved looks from the fellow passengers.

Alice on the other hand, chose to ignore her crush to continue Osamu's sentence. "... We'll be going to school together every~ single~ day~"


Osamu knew what Atsumu was going through, but it's not like he gave a damn. Instead, he completely ignored him to tilt his head further, to take a glance at the still sleeping girl. The boy silently took note of her messy bangs, looking more messier than normal. Her crinkled uniform collar, clearly not a single effort put to straighten. Heck her ribbon bow tie was not even in sight.

Why does it look like she'd been in a fight?

His silent question was answered by Alice who clearly took notice of the boy's stare. "Oh, don't worry about Fuyuko, I just had to drag her out of bed this morning." She revealed casually, as if it was completely normal. Well it actually was, not that Osamu knew of course.

However, even without being told, the grey head had an idea of how mornings go for the them. After all, his mornings aren't peaceful either. No, they're the exact opposite of peaceful, they're disastrous.

Atsumu discreetly glanced back to the sleeping girl, thoughts parallel with his twin. "Ya go over to 'er house every day?" He wondered out loud.

"Her mother actually encouraged me since even she has a hard time waking her up." Alice confirmed still talking casually with the guy she usually simps over.

The three of them continued to converse just like that, as if they were old friends. Atsumu finally getting a taste, of knowing how it felt to have a normal conversation with the She-devil. He didn't believe it, and after trying to come up with different possibilities of why Alice was being nice, he decided, that she had something bad for breakfast.

Before long, they reached their stop. The Miya twins slowly got up with their bags, only to notice Alice shaking Fuyuko's shoulder to wake her up. "Fuyuko. Hey Fuyuko, wake up sleepy head!" She called out, getting a positive response... well as positive as it could get when the smaller girl's sleep is involved.

The long-haired girl slowly opened her eyes, her orbs still hazy and heavily lidded with sleep as she lifted her head from Alice's shoulder. She blinked, lifting her left hand to rub her eyes while shamelessly yawning at the same time. Atsumu stared at the girl with disbelief, watching as she tried to rub the sleep away while Osamu's expression remained the same, as he was slowly getting used to it.

Alice merely smiled at the sight, internally cooing at the cuteness. She however knew there was a time and place for that. The girl was quick to grab ahold of Fuyuko's right wrist, taking both of their bags from her other hand before she started to drag her off the bus.

The twins followed after the two, walking the rest of the way to school in comfortable silence. All while a certain sleepy head tried to stay awake. Key word, tried. She wasn't sure, but she knew she had dozed off a couple times while still being dragged.

It didn't take long for them to enter the school gates, fifteen minutes to 6 o'clock. Alice having reached the shoe lockers, immediately let go of Fuyuko's hand to turn to the two boys. "Well, I'm gonna head to my club room, I'll see you guys later." Alice mentioned, her gaze zeroing straight into Atsumu's eyes at the end. 

The red head blindly shoved Fuyuko's bag into its owner's chest, before stalking towards the blond with a smirk. Fuyuko, being caught off guard with the sudden weight pushed into her, barely managed to open her eyes before the bag fell. 

She only let out a tired sigh, lazily crouching down to pick it up when another hand took the handle of it, easily lifting the bag away from the dusty ground. Fuyuko's tired eyed trailed up to the figure, stopping at the male's face and instantly recognizing the person.

Osamu lend out his other hand to the girl who silently trailed her eyes to the extended hand. Her actions lagged quite a bit, but when her half-asleep brain managed to process what was going on, she placed her right hand on his. The boy didn't really mind her delayed actions, getting a firm grasp on her smaller hand to easily pull her up.

His own partially lidded eyes moved to her eyes, meeting the girl's, only for him to raise a brow when Fuyuko's brows furrowed in confusion. "Did you... get here before me today?" She wondered out loud, immediately making Osamu sweat drop, silently giving the girl a stare of disbelief which she failed to notice.

"Yer... kiddin' me... right?" He helplessly uttered out, only for the girl to tilt her head. Her eyes swarming with confusion.

While this was going on, Atsumu had another horrific goodbye experience from the red head. Adding to the list of his other goodbye experiences he'd had in the past, which involved the She-devil and her only. With tense shoulders and a white pale face, he watched Alice run backwards while waving at him with a bright smile.

His face only paled further at the sight of her, instantly turning to his brother who had once again abandoned him to Alice. However, the moment he turned; he was struck with shock. Why won't he when he sees his brother and the dubbed tiny delinquent holding hands.

"Samu!" Atsumu bellowed, stomping up to Osamu and Fuyuko who unconsciously slipped away their hands to turn to Atsumu. The act having gone almost too naturally to the point that the two didn't even notice it themselves. 

They only watched as the outraged fake blond stop in front of them to place his hand on his waist, glaring right at his brother. "Ya left me with that devil again! For what! So ya can hold hands with this tiny delinquent?!"

Fuyuko deadpanned at the nick name given to her, the name irritating her enough to the fact that everything else he said fell on her deaf ears. Surprisingly her face stayed blank, the only give away of her annoyance being the slight twitch of her brow.

Osamu too shot him a look. "Stop bein' dramatic Tsumu." He commented, which went unheard by the blond who noticed Osamu holding a second bag which most definitely didn't belong to him.

He instantly pointed it out. "Yer carryin' 'er bag too! What're ya, 'er boyfriend?!" Atsumu's words made the both of them look at Fuyuko's bag still held in Osamu's hand.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Fuyuko mumbled, extending her hand for the bag. The grey-haired boy calmly placed the straps of in in her grasp without a single word. Again, the exchange between them going smoothly as if they were longtime friends. This seemed to struck Atsumu hard.

The piss haired boy stumbled back, giving both of them a wide-eyed stare of disbelief. "Ya guys... YA GUY'S ARE DATIN' AREN'TCHA!"

Atsumu's accusation only received unimpressed stares in response. The male of the two turned back to the lockers, walking up to his own one to exchange his shoes. "Ignore him. Let's just get to class." He was frankly done with dealing with his other half.

Fuyuko followed after him, ignoring the blond as per Osamu's orders. Atsumu who was presented with ignorance, rushed up to them. "Don' ignore me Samu! Tell me!"

The grey head imagined his brother as a mere fly buzzing around him. Turning to the girl when he was done preparing. "Ya done?"

Fuyuko tapped the tip of the shoe against the wooden floor, before looking up to close her locker. "Done. Let's head inside." She voiced, entering the building. Her companion followed after her, both of them ignoring the cries of Atsumu as he hurried to change his shoes.


The morning practice proceeded as usual without much of a change and without a problem. Rather, for most of them, it felt refreshing to have a pretty girl, in other words, Fuyuko ready to lend them a hand during their break with her calm friendly smile. 

Ignoring the fact that her eyes are always tiredly lidded and the fact that she sometimes looks like she's about to fall asleep there and then.

Atsumu didn't seem to like her though, in fact he ignored the girl's existence toughly, giving the same treatment for his brother as well after what happened that morning. Not that Osamu and Fuyuko minded of course.

Kita noticed the clear tension though, and he ended up lecturing the three about it right after practice. If lecture means for the captain to shoot them with obvious facts that none of them could resort to, then yeah, it was typical Kita's lecture.

Afterwards the three of them plus Suna, met Alice in class and Atsumu ended up complaining about Kita in Alice's presence. With a laugh of amusement, the red head immediately took the captain's side, leaving Atsumu gritting his teeth in irritation.

Osamu to calmly turned away, his eyes landing on the other girl of the group, sound asleep with her head placed on her arms. The grey head leaned his head against his palm, a small smile gracing his features at the sight of Fuyuko drooling.

Suna didn't fail to capture the rare moment, feeling triumph with the potential blackmail.


School passed by, with the pale lavender haired girl getting busted in History class.

"Why do we have to learn about the past? What has happened, happened. It's hard enough thinking of the future. We live in the present for a reason you know." Fuyuko murmured to herself with a small pout, narrowing her eyes at the teacher in the process. To her right, a corner of Osamu's lips tilted up, amused of the girl's words.

The moment lunch break started though, Fuyuko got kidnapped by two third year females. Leaving the class to watch with wide eyes as the girl get dragged backwards by both her upper arms. Taking her away to god knows where.

"Should we've done somethin' to stop 'em." Osamu wondered out loud, gaining uncertain answers from the rest of the class.

In a while, Alice and Atsumu entered the class as well, noticing a certain girl missing from it. "Where's Fuyuko?" Alice asked, turning to Osamu and Suna.

"Some third years dragged her away." Suna answered casually, looking through his phone.

The red head's expression instantly changed. "Those little..." With gritted teeth, she stomped out of the class leaving behind anxious students. Immediately Atsumu pressed his palms together, praying for the safety of the She-devil's prey.

A boy stood up from his seat from the front of the class, instantly rushing out. "She-devil's gone rampage! Take cover! I repeat, She-devil's gone rampage!"

"I'm guessin' we should've done somethin' to stop 'em." Osamu uttered, gaining nods from Suna and Atsumu.

The blond twin let out a forced smile, sweat beads apparent on his whole face. "L-let's just meet with the cap'n'."

Suna for once agreed with the blond. "That's the best idea for now." He uttered, before the three of them headed for their destination. Suna took one last glance back, at the direction Fuyuko got dragged away to.

Those were probably her old club seniors, trying to persuade her to come back...

"Suna, ya comin'?!" Atsumu called out, in a hurry to get to the roof and to the safety of Kita's presence.

That day the lunch was peaceful for the Volleyball club with no signs of Alice. However, with the red heads absence, her usual companion wasn't present either, with was unfortunate since some of them were hoping to at least formally introduce themselves.

With the first bell reminding them the end of lunch, students returned back to their own class. Osamu and Suna were no exception, yet the moment they entered the class, they were met with concerned students questioning Fuyuko, who was casually siting in her seat with a blood leaking nose.

Both boys paused in front of the class while the grey heads eyes widened, imagining the worst-case scenarios which started with getting dragged off by some third years. "Ya gettin' bullied?" He asked, taking his seat with his body turned to her, not once taking his eyes off from the girl.

The said girl only glanced at him before letting out a tired sigh. Her eyes flickered to the male who stopped in front of Fuyuko's desk to hand out a tissue, which was gratefully accepted by the girl who instantly stuffed it into her right nostril. "Thank you, Tarō-chin."

"So? What exactly happened?" Suna asked, leaning against Osamu's desk, him too facing the girl, holding his phone towards her, as if taking a picture or a video.

Seriously Tarō-chin?

The girl deadpanned, leaning her right cheek against her right fist as she glanced at Osamu and Suna without actually turning her head. "Oh this? Well-"

The classrooms front door was slammed open, the bang having heard through the whole class and probably the entire floor. In came the only women capable of making such a loud noise with the door, who ran up to the calm girl with a first aid kit in her hand.

"FUYUKO! DON'T DIE!" Alice shouted at the top of her lungs, stopping right in front of Fuyuko's desk. The rest of the class providing her the way by jumping away from her path hurriedly.

The only one who wasn't really fazed by her boldness was the girl with the bleeding nose, who casually let both her hands fall on top of her desk. Fuyuko looking straight into the brown eyes of the red head, unamused when the She-devil dumped the first aid box on her desk.

Fuyuko let out a sigh, closing her eyes in the process. "Alie-chin elbowed me." The girl revealed bluntly, finishing the previous sentence she was trying to say.

To say the whole class stared at Alice with faces full of pure horror, was as understatement. It was Atsumu's luck to have been absent at the scene, or his trauma would've doubled, and his mom would've taken him to a therapist. Not that he doesn't need it even now.

In contrast to the wide eyes and loose jaws though, Alice only huffed out a breath with closed eyes, crossing her arms under her chests in the process. "It was your fault for getting in the way."

Fuyuko's half lidded eyes narrowed at that, a frown tugging at her lips. "If I hadn't, you would have probably- no, definitely sent them to a hospital." The girl shot right back, her voice low and softer than Alice's despite the stern edge it had.

Alice wasn't giving up anytime soon though, because she narrowed her eyes right back at Fuyuko. "That's because they deserved it for dragging you back to that place Fuyuko."

Fuyuko went quiet, staring at Alice's expression for a moment, before she shook her head. The girl calmly stood up, taking the first aid kit with both hands before heading straight to the back exit. "Let's head to the infirmary, we're continuing this later." She voiced out, making Alice silently follow after her.

On their way, Fuyuko nodded to their teacher, who took one glance at her stuffed nose and then to the first aid box held in her hand. His eyes than travelled to the red-haired girl pouting behind the shorter one before letting out a tired sigh. "I'm not wasting my energy to ask, just get back soon."

I don't get paid enough for this...

"I don't get how Fuyuko-Chan can hang out with 'er, she literally leaves no place for us." A black-haired girl commented, staring at the door with a small frown.

The guy sitting behind her let out a dejected sigh, depressed lines hanging above him. "Yea, she's especially harder on us dudes. I just wanna be patted by Fuyuko-swan's tiny hands~" The guy trailed off into his dreamland. His aura taking a complete turn to sparkles, which gained disgusting look from the female species.

Yeah... we're definitely keepin' him away form 'er...

"It's actually amazin' how Fuyuko-san managed to tame Alice." Another girl, this time a blonde stated bluntly, reading from one of those books she'd always had her nose in, surprising everyone that she actually talked.

"Yeh, come to think of it, Alice used to hate Fuyuko-san, right?" Another guy, the book girl's cousin asked out, him being more expressive among the two.

"Hate is not the right word for how they first interacted." Suna voiced bluntly, standing back straight to walk back to his seat in the process. "It was more like a one-way rivalry." He voiced, taking his seat, leaving Osamu to stare at the back of his best friend's head with slight furrowed brows.

The brown-haired male sitting in front of Suna tilted his head at the fox eyed male, before he remembered something. "Oh right, ya were pretty close to 'er last year."

Osamu's mind ran, thinking back to last year, remembering all the times he spent with the narrow eyed male. Yet he doesn't remember ever seeing a girl with that long hair. Just as he was about to blurt out his thoughts, Suna's voice cut through it, as if reading his mind.

"We were just classmates, and happened to sit next to each other." He uttered out, giving Osamu a discreet glance from over his shoulder.

"Lucky you Suna~"

Their homeroom teacher, who happened to teach them English had entered the class, resulting the everyone to get back to their seats and for the class to fall into a complete silence.


A while into class, their long-haired classmate returned, a huge rectangular band-aid taped over her nose which was noticeably red. Afterwards, Fuyuko was actually present during the rest of the classes they had, both physically and mentally. All because of her throbbing nose which was beginning to swell slightly.

As for the girl herself, that day was the most boring day she'd ever spent. She couldn't sleep at all. So unlike usual, when the final bell rang, she was ready to get the hell out of the classroom.

Much to her disappointment though, she was the class rep. She was responsible for things like making sure the selected students stayed back to clean the class, as per the schedule they've made together. Unfortunate for him, Osamu was forced to hear her tired sighs and groans of displeasure, sometimes the soft grunts of pain mixing in. Which actually made him pity the girl.

"Ya know, ya can always ditch and go straight to practice right?" Osamu reminded the girl, himself remembering the fact that Atsumu left with an enthusiastic good bye to them, Alice doing the same to head to her own club as well.

Fuyuko turned to him with another sigh, her half-lidded eyes looking much more tired compared to usual, all because she didn't get to sleep in class in this fine afternoon. 

"Osamu-san, I can't ignore this if I was assigned for it. We made a commitment, so let's see though this." The short girl replied, trailing her eyes around the class, where the cleaning students were having casual conversations as they did their tasks. It didn't fail to bring a small smile to her face.

"Besides, I like this class." The girl mentioned out of nowhere, gaining the grey heads attention. "It's quiet and peaceful, and I want to maintain that." With that, Fuyuko had turned away from their classroom window, heading down the hall towards the stairs. 

Osamu silently followed after the girl, keeping a stare at the back of her head as her smile from a minute ago replayed in his mind.

Fuyuko... you're a nice person aren'tcha?

Unknown to him, her main reason was different.

I want the peace to last so I could peacefully get my beauty sleep every day!

While thinking back to her dialogues, Osamu remembered something. "I have somethin' that's been botherin' me." He revealed, both of them reaching the ground floor before they slowly headed towards the gym.

Fuyuko hummed in response, turning to the male walking next to her with tired eyes as if she knew what he's about to say would be boring as hell. That's not the case though, and Osamu knew that well. The girl was just too tired to make a simple expression.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" She drawled out, before tripping on a small stone on her path. "Oh-"

Osamu acted quick to grab the back of her uniform collar, easily pulling her back and helping her regain her balance. "Yer such a handful aren'tcha?" Osamu mentioned casually which made the girl look back up at the male with offended furrowed brows.

"Is that what's been bothering you?" She asked bluntly, wondering exactly why Osamu would be bothered about it. "And no, I'm not a handful Osamu-san." She added a few seconds later, which amused the male.

The boy scoffed out a chuckle, a small smirk tugging his lips as he let go of her collar to walk ahead of her. "That's Osamu for ya."

"Huh?" The girl couldn't help but let out, caught off-guard and a bit slow on the info take because of her tired brain.

Osamu looked over his shoulder, the smirk on his lips daringly taunting even with half lidded eyes. "Drop the -san. It's just Osamu. Call me Osamu from now on."


"We're having a practice match with a nearby college today." The coach announced, eyeing the team, including the long-haired manager who sat far to a side, on the ground along with the players. She had her notebook placed on her lap, sitting on her legs next to Kita. Looking ready to drop dead.

Her heavy eye bags and slightly disheveled hair was a sight for sore eyes. The large bandage compared to her nose making the sight more adorable, especially for a certain third year named Akagi.

Atsumu and a few selected others perked up at the coach's words, all of them excited or looking forward to their practice match, so unlike a certain manager of theirs who internally groaned at the mere idea of work.

When the team dispersed to do the warm ups though, the girl calmly helped the coach and their advisor without a single complaint. Helping to arrange some chairs by the side lines and filling back the water bottles as well.

College students arrived a while later, their presence overwhelming some of the normal peoples around as their height hovered over most of them. Fuyuko observed them with lazy eyes, silently wondering how strong the team was.

College students really do look big... They have a superior aura...

Kita turned his whole body to the team before giving them a slight bow. "We're lookin' forward to playing with ya."

"Lookin' forward to playing with ya!" The rest chorused after him except for a salty Atsumu.

"I don' like how high 'n mighty they're actin'" He muttered under his breath, gaining a look from his brother.

"Like yer the one to talk." He shot, making Atsumu snap his head to his other half.

"That's cuz I am just that!" He shouted making heads turn his way, including the college team that arrived.

Fuyuko could only sigh. "Don't mind him." She mentioned, motioning towards their side of the gym where the chairs were aligned. "I only met him days ago, but I'm sure he's always like that." She added, her calm soft voice instantly been recognized by the older males. 

They watched her leave towards the coach, her long hair making it more sophisticated as it softly moved around her with her actions.

"Cute." A brown head muttered, observing Fuyuko's figure talking to Kita, her half-lidded eyes slowly blinking once in a while.

"She looks like a total clutz..." His friend trailed off, eyes trailing to a couple of first and second year non regulars, glaring at them with dark shadows around them.

Right... the team obviously protects their managers...

He thinks, remembering back to his high school days.

"Awn, I wanna cute manager now~" The childish one among the group whined, the noise reaching Atsumu's ears. It looked as if his ear enlarged, twitching at the news it received.

The next thing they knew, he started to snicker with a confident smirk. "Serves ya right~ That's Inarizaki for ya!"

"I thought ya didn't like 'er." Osamu bluntly commented, unamused.

The fake blonds smirk widened, tilting his head to his brother with a hand on his waist. "Might as well as take the chance to take advantage of 'er."

'Might as well as take the chance to take advantage of 'er.'

Atsumu's voice repeated his last sentence, but it didn't come out of the male's mouth. The Miya twins swirled their heads towards their narrow-eyed teammate. Who had his usual resting bitch face, holding his phone which was practically an enemy of many.

Atsumu's jaw fell. "Oi, Suna..." He trailed of in terror.

"I wonder what would happen if I send this to Alice."

Atsumu turned straight to stone, his imagination going wild.

Fuyuko's eyes caught this, making her turn his way, eyes widening with amazement. "Woah, it's Dr. stone in real life." She softly muttered making Kita, who was standing right next to her, blankly stare at the girl. Observing her like he did with his teammates.


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