‖005‖ .❀SPRING BØNDS❀.

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The breeze was starting to get stronger on a visible degree near the middle of May. The chilling air around them was no longer there, being replaced by wet humidness. The climate kept on adjusting, without a bother to any everyday thought. Only silently warning every one of the passing times.

The wind was calm and smooth when the two girls entered the bus, but the moment Alice noticed a certain blond missing, she stopped to stare directly into Osamu's eyes. Fortunate for the male, he was seated in the third row from the front so Alice didn't have to raise her voice... or so he thought.

"Osamu, where's your handsome brother?" The red head wondered out loud, before her eyes widened as if something struck her. "Did something happen to him?!" Her sudden burst gained attention, both annoyed and curious eyes directed at her before trailing towards Osamu, much to the male's irritation.

Fuyuko's concern however wasn't the attention. Rather, it was Alice's statement.

Alie-chin... I still don't get what you see in Atsumu... Except for the fact that he is very good at Volleyball.

The girl was there at their practice match, and it's safe to say that it kept her completely awake and on the very edge of her seat. She was actually looking forward to seeing the team play against other challengers. Her sudden interest was a surprise for her as well, after all, there were only two other tasks that usually kept her awake. One being Anime, and the other...

"Fuyuko" Osamu's deep voice brought her back to earth, only to see the boy standing right in front of her. "Quit day dreamin' in the middle of nowhere." The boy gently grabbed ahold of her wrist to lead them back to where he was sitting before.

Gesturing to take the window sit, his hand left her wrist to place it on her shoulder, giving it a light push. The girl took her seat without a complaint, eyes darting back front in search for a certain red head.

Osamu leaned back to his seat, glancing to his companion only to lock eyes with her. "Alie-chin... Where did she go?" The girl asked, only to have Osamu deadpanning at her yet again.

The boy could only sigh, already getting used to the new normal habits of his manager. "Ya already have an idea don'tcha."

Did she... Did she seriously leave me for Atsumu?

"What happened to Atsumu?" The girl softly wondered out, leaning her head back, half lidded eyes closing in comfort. Her appearance today was considerably neat, observed Osamu. That school blazer of hers though, still disturbed him as even to this day, he wondered how it wasn't falling off. She would've seemed like one of those badass characters from movies if not for the rest of her appearance.

Osamu too looked forward, face neutral and eyes lazily staring at nothingness. "He's just bein' a scaredy-cat. Don' worry bout his useless ass." He uttered, but didn't get an immediate response... till after a while that is.

"I see..." The girl softly murmured before they fell into a comfortable silence. It wasn't surprising, considering the calm demeanor both of them posed. Despite what it may seem, both of them knew they were nothing alike each other. They acknowledge the others presence and respects them just the same. Maybe that would explain the usual silences they've shared among them countless times before.

Osamu stared at the scenery rushing by, before being interrupted by the vibration of his phone. His brows raised as the device vibrated again, and again, and again. Giving him an idea of who it was. With his usual deadpan expression, he unlocked his phone and clicked on the notification sent by his brother.







Calm down onigiri boy 🍙

Oh shit that ain't a bad name
YOSH that's what I'll call you from now on


NoOooOo I'm sangwoo~
Tsun-chan and yours long lost brother 😃

gross wtf
i don want another piss head in my life

Chile onigiri boy
I'm leaving Fuyuko in your care alright?!

Pretty sure she's probably sleeping by now lol
Just make sure she's clear of creeps
Those mfs linger around

Osamu's brows furrowed at the last text, before his eyes flickered to the girl only to sweat drop. Sure, enough the girl was peacefully slumbering. At this point he really wasn't really surprised. The boy silently stared at her bangs framing hair face. Long lashes noticeably glistening in the morning rays.

As if fate was watching them—more like author wanted it to- the bus made a turn, a sharp one which almost had girl's head banging on the window. Osamu was quick to grab her arm to keep her in place though, his phone almost slipping from him hold.


The grey head's eyes were wide, wondering his next course of action. It was cliché when he watched such scenes from the television, and his brother would always say it's because he'd been single for too long. He wouldn't admit it, but...

Tsumu might've been right bout that...

The boy silently admitted as he carefully placed the girls head against his shoulder. Sure, Osamu have dated before, but none of them ended well for him. He might have kissed them, but none got close to a physical level. And while the girl sitting with him at the moment was far from the type of girls he dated before...

I wouldn't mind datin' 'er.


Their morning practice have always been lighter than the afterschool one. Their time before class is mostly spent on strategical discussions and gauging out areas of improvement. Sometimes they conduct practice matches among the team as well. Hence, during the morning practices, Fuyuko didn't have to do much other than handing out the water and towels, and sorting out her notes.

That day, she didn't change out of her official uniform. Simply because she forgot it at home. She had completely forgotten about it, since she's still getting adjusted to attending a club where they have to regularly change into spots wear. Something her previous club didn't have to do.

Either ways, just a few minutes till the end of their practice, Alice came barging into the gym looking panicked. "Fuyuko! I need your help! Ichigo got injured practicing and the fucking nurse is absent!" The red head was clearly in distress.

Fuyuko glanced back to the coach, who made eye contact with her before nodding with a small smile. The girl immediately ran up to Alice, hastily changing her shoes before stepping out. In return, Alice didn't wait to grab ahold of her wrist, making the shorter girl hyperaware of how cold her hand was. It wasn't until they completely got out that the girl knew, it was drizzling outside.

The boys' volleyball team was left to silently stare at the scene with confusion. Atsumu and Osamu glancing at each other with furrowed brows, while the other regulars moved towards the twins. "Why'd she take Rairakku?" Aran wondered out the questioning running through all of their heads. "I get the nurse 's not here, but why 'er?"

Suna casually shrugged from near the coach a bit away from them. "Her mother's a nurse, and she picked up basic first aid from her." The boy answered before taking a gulp of water. Leaving the rest staring at the narrow-eyed boy with surprise.

"What? How'd ya know bout that?" Atsumu questioned, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. Suna in response only shrugged, walking to exit the gym as their practice was over.

"That's one reason why I wanted her in, she can clean up after you lot if you guys ended up fighting or getting injured." Ōmi, their advisor explained, entering the gym. His eyes were targeted directly on the Miya twins, recalling the many fights that went down between them last year.

"Wa- We're not lil kids y'know!" Atsumu shouted, deeply offended while Osamu rolled his eyes, finding that one wall very interesting.

Cue, laughter breaking out among the team.

The rain continued to drizzle as the boys departed to their classes, casually talking among themselves as they did so. Atsumu was whispering something to Aran while Osamu and Suna walked a bit behind the group, the latter scrolling through his phone.

"Suna." Osamu called out, making the said male let out hum. "Somethin' tells me yer very close with 'er." The Onigiri boy voiced, gaining Suna's undivided attention.

The fox eyed male eyed Osamu's neutral expression for a moment. "Are you jealous, or curious." He raised a single brow when Osamu's brows furrowed.

"Huh? Why'd I be jealous." The grey head asked, before shaking his head a little. "I just wanna know cuz ya seem to know a lot bout 'er."

Suna averted his eyes to the school ground on Osamu's other side, coming to a stop. "I guess... you can call us friends?" Osamu stopped to look back at his friend, who seemed to be distracted by something else. "Yes, we're close friends."

Osamu followed Suna's eyes, landing on a familiar girl jogging towards the direction of the gym. Her brown blazer was held above her head, doing a pathetic job of shielding the light rain. Suna's eyes flickered to his friend, a small smirk gracing his lips when he found Osamu's furrowed brows. The dark brown-haired male placed a hand on the distracted male's shoulder, momentarily gaining his attention.

"Go." The simple command took Osamu by surprise, only to have Suna shove him forward. "Go. I'll distract your brother." The grey head's confused eyes met Suna's for a brief moment, before the boy started to Jog towards the gym as well.

"Suna! Yer slow!" Atsumu came walking towards him, before taking notice of his missing brother. "Huh? Where's Samu?" The boy narrowed his eyes suspiciously, which earned an eye roll from Suna.

The dark-haired male grabbed ahold of Atsumu's back collar, dragging him back to the stairs. "He left something in the changing room. He'll be back."

"Oi! Suna let go- wait... is that Samu with tiny de-"


Osamu slowed his pace near the front of their gym, where his manager was dusting off her half-drenched blazer. "Fuyuko." The boy breathed out, scaring the hell out of the girl who didn't notice him approaching.

Fuyuko swiftly turned to the boy, eyes wide and blazer clutched to her chest, before both of them found themselves observing each other. Osamu's eyes trailed from her right eye to left, noting her light pants caused by her jog. His grey eyes observed the way water drops slowly slide down her bangs before falling off the tips.

The poor boy went completely rigid though, when he saw the water seep through the half-wet shirt. White fabric clinging tight on her pale skin. His widened eyes barely caught something black before he quickly averted it to the ground.

"Osamu?" Fuyuko softly called out, tilting her head a bit to get a glimpse of his expression.

"Ya didn' bring yer sports uniform did ya?" Osamu asked, already knowing the answer. He was the one who teased her not too long ago, because of her forgetfulness.

"Hmm? Yeah I kind of forgot." The girl responded, before glancing down at the blazer held in her hands. "It's fine though, it'll dry eventually." The girl clearly didn't seem too aware of how she looked at the moment.

"No." Osamu bluntly refused, making Fuyuko's eyes dart back up to him.

"Huh?" The girl let out dumbly, only watching as Osamu moved forward to take the blaze from her hands. "Osamu?" He respectfully kept his gaze away from her shoulders as he gently grabbed her wrist, coldness seeping from the touch as he silently led her towards the boys changing room.

Again, he was never in a situation like this before. Sure, he'd shared umbrella's, but never had he handed his clothes to a girl before.

His mind worked a hundred times faster than usual as he searched his locker for his other uniform. Since he was used to changing in school grounds, he'd always kept an extra pair of shirts, something he was all of a sudden thankful for. Upon finding a long-sleeved white shirt, he turned to the girl who was currently drying her hair with a towel.

She should be more self-aware of 'erself...

The boy dumped his shirt on her head. "Change into that, and call me will ya." Osamu walked out of the room, a small red tint standing out on his otherwise blank face. The grey head leaned against the wall next to the door, head leaning back while trying to forget about the view he saw moments ago.

Shit damnit! What'll happen if it's someone else who saw 'er first?

"Idiot." The boy murmured to himself just before the door opened. His gaze flickered to the opened door, only for it to widen. His heart rushing at an abnormal state.

"It's a bit loose, but very comfortable." Fuyuko smiled, glancing down at the sleeves that basically drowned her hands. Osamu's shirt was carelessly tucked into her skirt, one side spilling out despite her efforts. The neck was considerably large as well, but the most it revealed was her collars.

All in all, Osamu thought the girl looked downright cute in his shirt. A small smirk formed on his lips, moving away from the wall to stand straight in front of the girl. "Not gonna lie, that looks better on ya." The boy let out, taking her right hand into his own, before wordlessly starting to fold the sleeve with a smile.

Fuyuko was silently left to stare at his hands, afraid to lift her head with the thought of him seeing her flustered face. "I... I can do that you know..." The girl hopelessly let out, only for Osamu to lightly chuckle as he moved on to the other sleeve.

"It's fine." The boy voiced, briefly glancing at the girl's face as he finished his task at hand. Feeling bold, Osamu took her noticeable cold hands into his own, fully encasing and hiding it with his larger ones.

Startled at his actions, Fuyuko's eyes flickered up. Only to make direct eye contact with apathetic orbs, a corner of his lips tugged up to form a small smirk. The girl shyly let her head drop, turning it to a side so that her bangs could cover her face. Totally unaware of Osamu's gaze moving to her visible red ear.



Rairakku Fuyuko was a dangerous enigma, Atsumu finalized. The fact that she was mysterious and unpredictable didn't stand well with him. Not when he likes to think he's personally good at reading people. He especially didn't like the fact that she's unfazed and relaxed around him when he's clearly trying to intimidate her. Then again, these are mere extra points that adds to his irritation.

The main reason for his negative feelings, was the fact that she was getting too close to Osamu and his team. She easily managed to gain favor of them. Jealousy is such a minacious thing indeed, and Atsumu let it control him.

For him it was obvious, the girl was anything but worthy of being on the team. She was just a spoiled girl with too much power in her hand. Power in the form of Rairakku Alice. It was the She-devil's influence that has everyone respecting the girl, it was the She-devil's influence that got her on the team by buttering up Kita, and it was the She-devil's influence which led to Fuyuko's unwavering personality.

Of course, the red head was feared among all, including himself, and it was obvious Alice had a soft spot for the girl, labeled as her best friend. That was all it took for the tiny delinquent to gain all the power she needed. The power to be above him.

Quite frankly, he hated the her. He wanted nothing to do with her. He didn't want her getting near him, his brother, nor his team. He hated when she interacted with them so casually. He hated how she's been in his head during his practices, and he hated that he was getting distracted.

He didn't care what Alice wants, but he won't stand as this random weak looking girl get between him and volleyball. He wanted her gone and he wanted it soon, and he will use any means for it.

It has been a few days since Fuyuko returned Osamu's shirt back to him in front of Atsumu. Safe to say, he didn't like how Osamu and her are getting close was an understatement. He knew if something wasn't done fast, some serious feelings would be involved.

That morning, Atsumu felt more drained than normal. Not that it didn't stop him from attending school though—obviously not for the sake of studies, but for volleyball. He intently took a different bus to escape both Rairakkus that's been practically ruining his life. Only for the day to take a turn for the worst when Fuyuko walked out of the gym just as he was about to enter it.

Ultimately, they stared at each other for a solid minute. Lavender's calm while the dark brown shot lasers. Honestly if looks could kill, the girl would have been six feet under ages ago. Not that she didn't want to-

"Get outta my way." Atsumu snapped, walking past the girl and intentionally bumping her shoulder. He at least hoped to see her out of her apathetic façade, but she didn't really seem bothered by his behavior. Either that, or she was just good at hiding it.

Then again, Fuyuko wasn't dumb. She was aware of his hate, and today she clearly saw that something was wrong with the fake blond. Fuyuko held the boy's sleeve, gaining yet another glare. "Are you feeling okay?"

Atsumu brushed her hand off, roughly. Somehow having trouble keeping in his anger. "What're ya, my mom? Fuck off!"

The boy stormed inside, leaving the girl staring at his back in deep thought. Fuyuko was brought back to real world when she felt a hand on her shoulder, noticing Osamu and Suna standing behind her. "Don't mind Atsumu, he's probably on his man period." The sand fox eyed boy voiced out bluntly.

Osamu on the other hand stared at the back of his twin's head, brows slightly furrowed in thought. "Want me to have a talk with 'em?" The boy asked absentmindedly, lightly pressing against the girl's shoulder.

Fuyuko spared Osamu a glance before her eyes flickered back to the entrance of the gym. She remembered Atsumu's expression, clearly planted in her mind. His raw emotions directed to her.

"No." The girl stated bluntly. "I don't know what I did, but I think I did something wrong. Either ways this is between him and me. I'll talk to him."

I wonder...


The rest of the day went smoothly with Atsumu avoiding Fuyuko and Alice. The pale haired girl observed Atsumu's behavior from afar, noting his every and all actions that day. Even through the Physical Education—where class one and two were combined, Fuyuko kept her eyes on the blond. Osamu, Suna and Alice obviously noticed her odd behavior, but none of them had the guts to ask it out loud because of the intensity of her stare.

He will never admit it, but Atsumu was slowly letting the stare get to him. Making shivers crawl up his spine every single time he accidently makes eye contact with the girl. At one point he tried glaring right back, but it didn't affect her much. In fact, her stare only intensified, eyes narrowing further without a single emotion visible on her face. To make it worse, he felt his cold getting worse.

Not that he was going home this late into the day though, he will stick around till after school practice and that's final. That's what he thought at least... before Kita literally forced him out of the gym that is. To make it worse, Fuyuko was waiting for him outside the changing room when he was ready to head home.

The male scoffed. "What're ya doin' 'ere?"

Fuyuko glanced at the male, before pushing away from the wall she was leaning on. She wordlessly stared at him directly in the eye for a few seconds before turning to walk away.

This bitc-

"Let's go." Fuyuko called out, without a single glance back to the blond.

Atsumu's face immediately converted to utter confusion, before he effortlessly caught up to her with his long legs. "What do ya mean 'Let's go'?"

Fuyuko kept her gaze forward, face blank as ever as they made their way out of school. "I'm taking you home."

Her blunt response had Atsumu reeling back. "Are ya kiddin' me? You? Take me home?" The boy asked, emphasizing 'you' and 'me' while gesturing to both of them incredulously.

The girl in turn spared him a glance. "I gave your mom a call, she said she's not home." Atsumu's brows furrowed.

"Wha?" He couldn't help but utter out, completely lost. "My mom?"

"She asked me to take care of you. She was worried you'll do something stupid while sick and home alone." The girl explained monotonously.

"Wa- That old hag." Atsumu grumbled to himself. "I don' need ya to take care of me, 'm not a kid!" Atsumu was mad that's for sure.

"Kita-san agreed." Fuyuko's blunt statement had Atsumu absolutely speechless. On the other hand, he was also incredibly pissed off with the fact that he'd have to spend the rest of his day with the person on the very top of his hate list at the moment.

Wait, my first 's Alice- next comes this delinquent...

"How the fuck did ya even get my mom's number?" Atsumu questioned, suspiciously narrowing his eyes to the girl, who once again spared him a glance.

A small smile grazed her lips before she tuned back front. "Wouldn't you want to know... Atsu-chin."

"Huh? what's with that honorific?" The boy cringed.

"What? do you want to be called Atsumu-chwan?" Fuyuko asked bluntly, face going blank at the memory of the honorific one of her classmates used after her name.

Atsumu visibly shivered. "No thanks."

"That's what I thought."

Atsumu's not gonna lie, that was the first time they had a proper conversation. As frustrating as it was, he enjoyed it. No that he was ever gonna admit it though, only over his dead body. With their soft banter, it didn't take them long to reach the bus. Where the girl promptly got knocked out on the ride.

Now, Atsumu wasn't a complete jerk—even if the idea of leaving her on the bus did cross his mind, he didn't follow it though. Unlike his awkward brother, he casually let her sleep on his shoulder before waking her up when he reached his stop.

"Oi idiot, get yer lazy ass up!" And that's how they ended up inside Atsumu's home. The girl observing the interior while the blond threw himself on the couch without even attempting to change out of his uniform. Atsumu laid on his stomach, shifting his face to observe Fuyuko carefully placing her bag on top of his coffee table.

"I'll be right back Atsu-chin." The girl softly mumbled out, before walking towards the door.

"Where're ya headin' to?" Atsumu asked, raising a brow before shifting to sit up.

Fuyuko glanced back over her shoulder. "I asked mom to prepare something for you." She turned back to put on her shoes. "I won't take long, but lock the door okay."

Atsumu's brows furrowed.

What the fuck... What's with 'er all of a sudden?"

Somewhat lost in his thought, he turned to grab the keys from the coffee table. "Ya can take the keys with ya." The boy voiced; voice lower than normal as he threw the keys across the room just as Fuyuko turned around.

"Ow-" It landed on her forehead before gravity carried it to the floor.



Atsumu didn't know how long the girl was gone, because soon after she left, he fell asleep with his thoughts wondering back to the long-haired girl. In his sleep, he faintly felt something cold on his forehead and a soft melodious voice mummering something to him.

"Hey Atsu-chin, I've never told you this... but the way you play your position in handball is dulcet... despite your plays looking aggressive. You don't show it much, but you are really dedicated to your spikers, aren't you?" Her tone was soft, as Atsumu felt fingers gently brushing his hair away from his forehead. "You love volleyball with all your heart... and if I'm distracting you from it then... I'll back off. I don't want to disturb your passion because of my selfish reasons..."

There was a sense of longing in her voice, a sadness he couldn't figure out. It was unlike her apathetic voice, not one bit... and it left him with a bad feeling in his guts.

The blond was ruthlessly woken up when someone shoved their foot to his abdomen. The poor boy felt his breath leave him before he snapped his eyes open to sit up abruptly, already knowing the culprit of his abuse. "SAMU WHAT THE HELL!"

Osamu returned his glare with a bored look, before pointing at a bowl of soup and the glass of water on top of the coffee table. "She said to eat 'n get enough rest." Only then did Atsumu noticed the lack of the lavender haired girl's presence.

"Did she leave?" The blond asked, all of a sudden going calm.

"Yea just now, she was sleepin' on the floor." Osamu voiced, the image of her sitting with her back slouched against the couch appearing momentarily.

Atsumu on the other hand felt something peel off his forehead, falling to his lap. He picked up the wet napkin, seeing a certain girl's initials knitted on a corner of the cloth. The boy remembered back to the words that rang through his head in his sleep, getting lost in his thoughts.

Was that... a dream?

"Tsumu." His brother called out, casually falling back on the couch next to him. "Why'd ya hate 'er so much?" His question was blunt, but the blond clearly caught the sharp glint in his twin's eyes directed to him. "What'd she even do to ya."

Atsumu contemplated his brother's words, silently scoffing afterwards before he turned back to reach the soup left for him. "I don' hate 'er." The older twin murmured just loud enough for Osamu to hear her. The grey headed boy raised a single brow, watching his brother lift the spoon to his lips—only for him to lean forward to take the spoon into his own mouth.

Osamu retreated with a thoughtful hum. "Not bad..."


"Huh? That's what ya get for stealin' my Onigiri"



The very next day, Fuyuko and Osamu were seen lingering in their classroom.

The grey head was somewhat concerned you can say, because the girl was being a bit more silent compared to usual. It wasn't until they got ready to leave for their club did, she pull out a form. "Osa-chin... I... am resigning my position as your manager."


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