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Lilac was a well-known name when Fuyuko was in Middle School and during her first year of High School. Her last name had nothing to do with it, even if she was the main reason for it.

Lilac, when translated to Japanese means Rairakku, which ironically happened to be her surname. However, it was also the name her fanbase decided to give her, starting around her second year of Middle School. It was the name given to her by her fans.

Apparently, it's been said that the name fits her well for reasons Fuyuko herself wasn't aware of. All she knew was that by the time she herself got to know about it, the name Lilac had been stamped on her existence like some stage name. It was not chosen, but given.

Not that she minded it much, she had initially thought it was going to die at one point. Not to mention, it was practically her last name so she didn't do anything against it, she saw no need to.

It didn't die down though. Never did even when she graduated and ended up in Highschool. The fact that she had managed to gain such a title from the famous school of Teikō was honestly saying something.

It was then she knew, that she wasn't getting rid of that name any time soon. Not even with the chance of her getting married and getting her last name changed. The name Lilac was bound to stay with her for life.

It was not a bad thing, Fuyuko thought. Really wasn't supposed to be until she got into that accident. Afterwards, when it came to wanting to hide her past name, it became impossible as her just introducing herself was basically giving it all away.

At one point she had started to hate it, but as of present, she decided she wouldn't change it for the world. Why? Because for one, that was how she met Alice. The red head angrily confronting Fuyuko when she got tired of hearing her last name all around School that is.

Had it not been for her name, she wouldn't have met Alice, and if it wasn't for the accident, she wouldn't have met Osamu at the hospital.

In the end she came to a conclusion that no matter what happens in the future, she was going to accept it all. All good and bad things that happened and will happen to her, she will accept it and be grateful no matter what. All because there was a possibility of them leading to something bigger and better.

Then again, seeing her last name in bold displayed on her television was nothing short of embarrassing. Especially when it said 'is it the fallen Lilac's return?'

God, she wanted to dig up her own grave and burry herself right there and then. She knew she would be talked about when she had posted a couple videos of piano covers on YouTube, but she didn't think she would end up on the news.

Please kill me right now kami-Sama...


From the moment a certain stranger introduced herself to them, Kenma found her last name familiar. It ended up bothering him for quite a while, so he ended up searching it up.

He found out that there were two main hot topics based on that name as far as Japan and Tokyo was involved.

First, was the infamous company named Rairakku—the second largest company in the entire Japan right after the Akashi. The next successor being someone who had attended the prestigious Teikō Middle School in Tokyo.

Second was the so called Rairakku/ Lilac Fanclub, belonging to a well-known musician during his Middle School days. Fuyuko's features were instantly noted into his memory, seeing that she graduated from the same Teikō Middle School as well.

He instantly knew based on their weird encounter that the Fuyuko right now was completely different from her past self—that was the conclusion he came to after reviewing a single footage of her performance from Teikō's cultural day, posted in one of her fan pages.

He had also stumbled upon the accident being mentioned and the cold case that followed after it, which had Fuyuko's online posts going completely cold and her name on the brink of being forgotten.

So, imagine the shock he got when Kuroo burst into his room with wide eyes, frantically urging to open his television. The moment he changed channels, a huge picture of a smiling lavender haired girl in Teikō Middle School's uniform was seen on the news.

At the same time at a certain training camp, Atsumu had sprung towards Sakusa with his phone in hand. Proudly showing him the current news of their famous manager being talked about, as if it was a hot topic.

Maybe it was. Honestly Fuyuko couldn't see why, I mean there were better things to talk about after all. Then again though, Miya twins were often talked about in television as well, so that basically places her in the same boat at them she guesses. She wondered if she was following after Osamu's footsteps or something.

In another part of Japan, specifically in Miyagi, Oikawa had loose jaws as he kept his stare on the television.

No wonder she didn't swoon over me... SHE'S BASICALLY A CELEBRITY HERSELF! THE HECK!

Iwaizumi had a nice laugh at the poor boy's expression as the news continued on, enjoying the sour look Oikawa displayed that he once or twice thought about recording.

A bit away from their location, Kyōtani's older sister panicked when Kyōtani unconsciously dropped his dog. He was left to gape at the television, mind working faster than ever, before his sister delivered a hard blow to his head because she was being ignored.

Meanwhile at Akita, Himuro glanced at the purple titan he was hanging out with. "Why am I not surprised that Teikō had more people like the Generation of Miracles around." He commented, making the lavender head hum before leaning to take a look at Himuro's phone.

"Huh? Fuyu-chin?" Atsushi muttered, brows furrowing as he paused his current actions—which was none other than stuffing his face with junk food mind you.

"You know her Atsushi?" Himuro asked, noticing his friend's unusual behavior. I mean he actually stopped eating after all.

"That's her... my sister."

Like a ripple forming from its center and extending till it reached the edges itself, her name was once more remembered throughout the entire Japan. 


"Rairakku, or more known as Lilac is a name at least once heard in the music industry. A name that had disappeared without a trace for more than a year, had been suddenly brought back from the dead. Lilac have taken up the most recent trending bars along with her new posts, her name reappearing as suddenly as it disappeared." The reporter voiced.

The lady disappeared, instead showing a few pictures of Fuyuko in Middle School on screen. One where she was flashing the camera a grin along with a peace sign, one where she was seen sitting on a bench with Alice and Atsushi and another one where she and her classmates were pausing behind a table where a birthday cake was placed.

"Ever since Middle School, she had gained a name for herself. Winning many piano and violin competitions scattered all around Tokyo, before going further to competing nationally since her second year."

The picture on the screen changed to a short video of Fuyuko wearing a black sleeveless dress, sitting in front of a piano and expertly pressing on the tiles. She had her eyes closed and brows furrowed as her body moved along with her hands, a beautiful peaceful smile on her lips.

The video soon faded into a new one, where she now stood facing the audience and camera, adorning a white one-piece dress as she made a good work done with the violin in her dainty hands. Brows furrowed and eyes closed as her body slowly moved along.

"Her accomplishments piled up one after another."

Three different pictures of her standing on the first-place podium was shown, all of them graced with her wide genuine smile of happiness.

"Her streak had continued on even after graduation. Having participated in the spring competition and coming out as the undefeated victor. She was often seen around Inarizaki's famous Orchestra Squad during their practices as well."

A picture of Fuyuko in her Inarizaki activity uniform, conducting the large orchestra was shown. Followed by a close up shot of her smiling at the camera with the baton pressed to her cheek. The photo faded away soon after, the lady from before appearing yet again.

"Until this raising star had vanished from stage afterwards. Many theories were raised along with her disappearance, with rumors showing evidence of her getting into an accident. Many of her rivals and friends questioned about her absence when she didn't appear in the regular piano and violin competitions held last seasons."

The screen changed again, showing a clip of a wavy black-haired girl with green eyes. "What do you feel about the first place?" The one interviewing her asked, only making her frown.

"I'm not happy. I won't ever be happy getting first place like this when Rairakku isn't one of the competitors. I don't know why she's not here this season, but I'm hoping she'll be there in the next. We've been competing for three years now, so I won't be satisfied unless I beat her at her best."

Another clip of a straight-haired blond boy with blue eyes in shown. "I'm happy with the first place, but somehow this doesn't satisfy me. Not until I get it with her participating as well."

The video disappeared, to see a few pictures of her from recent Volleyball matches, seeing her handling towels and water bottles. It ended with a pretty shot of her side profile, a note book on her lap as she smiles up at Miya twins conversing in front of her.

"She was recently seen to have taken the manager position on the popular powerhouse Volleyball team of her School. Gaining many doubts of her return." The screen changed once more to the lady from before. "However, despite this, there have been a few active talks going around of her return for a while now. So can her YouTube uploads be a good sign?"

The lady faded to a Fuyuko wearing Teikō's activity uniform, the clip showing her practicing a cartwheel which failed epically and had her ending up on her back. From the background, a few students were seen laughing at the girl as Fuyuko sat up with a bright red face.

It quickly changed to a Fuyuko dressed in purple and black punky clothes, doing a perfect cartwheel on top of a stage before coming to a coordinated crouch to pick up a mic from the floor. She stood back up, shouting something into the mic as she fisted the air, the other band members doing the same from behind her.

The scene was showed from above and toward the other direction, seeing many Teikō students responding back to her actions in the dimly lit hall.

"Or will her name disappear from the world of music altogether?"


Lilac flowers are known to have different meanings respective to the colors they present.

Lilacs of White symbolize purity and innocence.

Lilacs of Blue symbolize happiness and tranquility.

Lilacs of Magenta symbolize love and passion.

Lilacs of Violet symbolize spirituality.

Lilacs of Lilac symbolize first love.

When Miya Osamu had joined her so called Fanclub after getting to know she had one, he often wondered why she was given that name. Sure, Lilac was literally her last name, but he knew that wasn't all there is to it.

More specifically, he had wondered exactly which of the many colors, represented Fuyuko best.

's it white? Was the name given to 'er based on the white colored Lilacs?

There was a possibility despite purity and innocence not being the best words he would describe her with. She was well informed, yes, she was not innocent at all. That can be clearly proved with a single special playlist she had among many, one that would definitely rank #1 to not listen in public. While purity on the other hand could be something, he could use for her, with her being an air-headed and all.

Osamu loves that about her. Her nonchalance to things despite knowing it all. It gave her an air-headed vibe, lost in her own wonderland and making her clumsy at times. He found that part of her cute, and won't ever want her to change. Except maybe sometimes it tends to get dangerous, so it equally concerns him sometimes because he doesn't want her getting hurt over her own clumsiness.

Or maybe it's blue... cuz it relates on a personal level...

Never in his life would he deny the happiness she gives him. Her presence, her kindness, her smile, her scent and how she made him feel. He loves it all about her, and it brought him immense happiness he never thought he would ever get from a girl. Then again, she was just that special. Just that thought made him smile like an idiot.

Tranquility is another word that perfectly describes what he felt when he's around her. It wasn't the type of calm before a storm, but a calm where he can fully relax and be himself. Fuyuko was his tranquility, and he would never accept anything less. Not like it's possible to find any other tranquility that can rival hers anyway. 

Those are his personal feelings, but then again, her music itself gives him those feelings as well. So, the Lilac being blue was a possibility, especially with it being her favorite color.


Love and passion, is no doubt her feelings towards music itself. It was something undeniable and explained it completely. Anyone who can't see that was plain stupid or delusional.

To her, music was like food to him. It was relatable to some degree so he can respect that about her. No, it went beyond respect to pure admiration. How she kept fighting for her dreams despite thinking of giving up, despite everything pulling her back. She still managed to move forward even if it took time.

She had faced the high wall in front of her, slowly breaking it down at her own pace. He found it nothing less than admirable.

Honestly, often times he found himself thinking— 'That, everyone, 's the girl I fell in love with. That person right there. Isn' she just amazin'?' Or something along those lines.

That girl... It fits 'er too well... why is she always in my head I wonder... 's it cuz I love 'er?

Now what's the next color? Violet?

Violet symbolizes spirituality. Sure, he admits violet is a color that does and will always suit her, but...

Spirituality? The hell is that? Anyways...

The final 'n last color 's Lilac, the color which the flower 's named after... First love huh...

Where love was related, Fuyuko was not his first, but Osamu was hers.

Osamu sometimes found himself thinking about his past relationships, and sometimes wondered what would have happened had he met Fuyuko a bit sooner. Would she have been his first? Or maybe things would have been different, because then there was a possibility of them never meeting in the hospital at that time.

Honestly, he doesn't like himself for thinking such thoughts. What they have right now wasn't something he'd change for anything. They met by chance but have become special to each other more than they could have imagined after all.

Even still, if forgetting all of his past relationships was possible, he would, because Fuyuko deserved nothing more than being his first. First love, first kiss, first date... name it all. He would give it to her if he could just go back in time.

Urgh... why am I thinkin' bout this again... This 's useless, I should be grateful I got to 've someone like Fuyu by my side right now...

Maybe it wasn't just one of those colors after all, maybe it was all of them. Just like the harmony involved with her music, the different colors resemble her well. Like a huge painting of Lilacs filled with white, magenta, blue, violet and lilac, hung behind the musician playing her violin in peace and harmony. It fits her well.

Well known, respected and admired. That is the definition of Illustrious. Something that followed Fuyuko around at all times after her exposure to the world of music.

Laying on his bottom bunk, hands at the back of his head, Osamu couldn't help but smile.

She's... my Illustrious Musician.


I dunno about this chapter 〒▽〒 I'm not a television person, I can't even remember the last time I watched news on it. So pardon if what I wrote was cringy >︿<

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