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"Hey, the Miya twins 're fightin'."

"Ooh, a volleyball team classic!"

"The twins 're fightin'!"

"Let's bet our lunches on who's gonna win!"

Ginjima was the only one panicking. Leaving Aran to tiredly sigh at the sight while Suna continued to take pictures of them from different angles. "Can someone get Kita-san!" The sandy brown haired second year called out to everyone present

"Fuyuko would be fine too!" Aran added right afterwards.

"What 're they? Their parents?!" The students gathered burst into laughter, just as the people at the back made way for the girl member of the club who made her way towards the entrance—already knowing what exactly the commotion was all about.

"OH FUYUKO-CHAN'S 'ERE!" The people crowding the entrance stepped back, giving her the space and waiting silently for her reaction.

Her reaction was pretty normal for someone from Volleyball club, only staring at the two brawling on the floor with a dead stare before turning a full one-eighty. "I'm not dealing with that—"

Had it not been for Ginjima who held the back of her jacket with shadowed eyes, she would've been out of there already. But no, he just had to pull her back and urge her to stop the commotion because he would rather it be her than Kita. "Please Fuyuko! Stop 'em already! They're gonna get seriously hurt!"

With a twitching brow, the girl glanced back, seeing visible bruises on the twins faces even from where they stood. "If I die, I'm coming back to haunt you." Fuyuko let out with a sigh, before calmly making her way towards the two.

What are they doing when their Spring tournament is just around the corner?

"Alright both of you, stop that already..." Her voice was barely heard by the two, drowned out by the noise of their own shouts. "Seriously... giving me more work..." With a frown, Fuyuko shuffled to take off her shoes before taking each of them into two hands.

"YOU IDIOT TWINS..." With fierce and precision, she never knew she had, the girl swung her right arm before the next followed—nailing them right in the face because they turned at the sound of her shouting out loud. "STOP FIGHTING!"

"OW!" The twins chorused out on the floor, rubbing their faces, only to flinch when Fuyuko sent them a close eyed irritated smile, her brows twitching.

"If you don't stop fighting right now, I'm not tending to your injuries." She opened her eyes, narrowing them directly into their souls and making them go entirely tense. "Do you want to suffer through the pain? Hmm?"

"N-no ma'am!"

Suna clicked one final shot of the scene, before standing up to his full height with a satisfied look. "And the winner is..."

Ginjima let out a relieved sigh. "That's Fuyuko for ya!"

"Aw come on~"

"Now we dunno who won, what bout the bet!"

"I get to keep my lunch after all."

"Fuyuko-Chan! Yer lookin' as beautiful as ever this mornin'!"

Osamu's brow twitched, his irritation intensifying. It didn't help that Atsumu sent him a mocking look, a taunting laugh following right afterwards. "Ya mad?"

"Why y—"

"'n there they go again..." Aran facepalmed, before silently turning around to walk away in search for his best friend.

Leaving Ginjima with his soul less body and Suna patting Fuyuko's back. "Don't mind."

"You... that's— DIE!" Fuyuko lunged forward, gaining a lot of gasps.


By the time Aran arrived back with Kita and Ōmimi—the real parents of the club, the sight of a frowning Fuyuko roughly tending to two foxes with large bumps on their heads was not what they were expecting. Especially not the deathly pale terrified expressions of the Miya twins as they endured Fuyuko's rough treatment method with tight lips.

The third years blinked, before their eyes trailed over to Suna and Ginjima standing by the sidelines, the former with a sweat drop at the back of his head—holding Fuyuko's indoor shoes, while the latter continued to stare at their manager as if he'd seen a ghost.

"So...? What exactly happened 'ere?" Aran asked, making Suna turn to him with all of his seriousness.

"Trust me, it'll be better if you don't know."

Osamu gulped, watching his girl turn back to the first aid kit. "'ve never seen Fuyu snap like that..." He whispered lowly in fear of the girl hearing him.

Well. except the time she was stressed 'n threatened to break 'er guitar...

Atsumu awkwardly smiled. "Fuyu-Chan, 're ya on yer perio—" The dark, irritated narrowed gaze they received that day, would forever be painted in their memories.


"Lets... let's not ever make 'er mad..." Ginjima voiced randomly, gaining concerned looks from Aran and Ōmimi as the sand brown head sounded completely detached from reality itself.

Later that day, the team had their heights and weights measured. Their highest contact points were noted down as well, all while the Miya twins continued to maintain silence with each other. Once a while, they comment back handed insults here and there, but never directly to each other.

No one took the bait to start any fights or arguments the rest of that day though, which was definitely odd. The discreet glances sent to their manager was another thing the rest of their team noted different about them. Wait, it wasn't only them, but Ginjima kept sending the girl reluctant stares for the rest of the day as well.

That didn't mean the competitive air disappeared, instead it intensified even more. Their silence was the only thing different, because the Miya's were absolutely not backing off with their glares, insulting each other telepathically. Apparently, it's a twin thing.

Despite that, the odd silence shared between the two teens had the rest getting an eerie feeling the rest of the day. Which led the non-regulars to a silent conclusion, that they liked the loud Miya twins over the completely silent but just as aggressive ones.

Hence hearing them arguing with each other early at dawn next day at their morning practice, did put them at ease. "They're back to normal..." Aran commented from outside their club locker room, the argument of the two inside as clear as day.

"It's kinda sad to say this, but Inarizaki Volleyball team 's just not the same without their usual bickerin'." Ōmimi commented, making Kita nod.

"As much as I wanna disagree to that, I can't." Kita voiced bluntly, making the other two exchange glances before letting out soft laughs. 


A few days later, during one of their morning practices, their coach dropped off a huge bomb. It wasn't surprising really, but Atsumu definitely was with the fact that his twin wasn't going to be with him for a while.

That was what brought Fuyuko to sit on the stairs of the gym entrance after their practice, listening to one of the most brother-to-brother conversation she'd heard from them in a while.

"Good job gettin' picked for the All-Japan Youth Camp, Tsumu." Osamu voiced from behind Fuyuko, standing just by the door as he stared at the morning sky.

The one he was addressing clenched his fists. "Be more frustrated, Samu!" He exclaimed, looking more frustrated than anyone else at the moment.

"I am, dumbass." The grey head shot back, sparing his brother a neutral look. "'m frustrated at the fact that 'm not more frustrated." Osamu turned back to stare at the sky, thinking of his next words. "Ya 've been workin' hard."

Atsumu blinked at that. "What the hell?! You'd better not be implyin' that ya aren'!"

The younger twin's expression didn't change much as he once more stared back into his brother's brown hues. "'m pretty sure I am. But I think they just wanted to pick someone who's a bit crazy." He explained, before casually turning to look at the girl minding her own business as she openly eavesdropped on their conversation.

"I think so too." Fuyuko muttered out, gaining a look from Atsumu.


"Our skill is equal—"

"No! 'm better than ya—"

"Hear me out, damn it!"

Their manager could only sigh, feeling like an idiot for thinking they could have a nice conversation without arguing.

"It's just... ya love volleyball a smidge more than I do, Tsumu." Osamu explained, letting silence overtake the air around them.

"I couldn't have put it better." Fuyuko voiced, placing her chin on her palm, elbow on her knee as she stared nowhere in particular. "When it comes to volleyball, both of you are powerful and are always challenging each other. You hate to lose so you both continuously got stronger to beat the other."

"But Atsu-chin seems to have something more than hating to lose." The girl spared a single look at Atsumu over her shoulder. "As Osa-chin said, it's your devotion to Volleyball. No doubt, I can't see a future for you where volleyball isn't involved."

A smile crawled over Fuyuko's lips as she calmly stood up from her spot. "Honestly..." She fully turned to get a good look at the two, the day light from behind reflecting her right eye and making the bright lavender hue more prominent. "... there's never a boring day with you two, is there."


The day before Atsumu's departure was eventful one can say. Both Rairakku and Miya families had gathered for a dinner together and had offered the blond best wishes. As much as Osamu didn't like how smug his brother carried himself while being the center of attention, he didn't really mind it much. All because he had got his own time with his Fuyuko and nothing less.

However, no matter how he acted, Atsumu had his own demons to face as well. They made more apparent that day as he observed his twin and his soon to be sister in law from afar. The girl carefully wiping away excess food from a corner of Osamu's lips before they both broke into soft smiles.

As much as they fought, they were twins after all. They spent each and every day together and was involved with each other along with everything they did. Despite them having other friends or lovers, they always had their own invisible circle they themselves weren't aware of.

That was before Fuyuko appeared in their lives. Even he could tell, that she was completely different from all other friends or lovers his brother had. She easily made space for herself in their own circle and got comfortable. She wasn't going to go away from their lives anytime soon and he knew that well.

Maybe that's why he had been so against her during the first few weeks after they met. Back then he didn't know why, but now he knew it well.

He was scared. Scared to be left behind, and there was nothing he could do to prevent that. Fuyuko was a genuine good person after all, and he could never see his brother with anyone else. Even still, that doesn't change that fact that he was scared. Scared to be left behind by them.

Fuyuko once mentioned that she can't see Atsumu's future without Volleyball in it. Just the same, he can't see their future without each other in them.

"What am I even thinkin' bout?" Atsumu muttered to himself, sitting on the front steps of the Rairakku household. Despite him trying so hard not to think about it though, his mind continued to spiral through thought about his current unease.

The fact that he has to be away from them for a week didn't help him. He couldn't help but wonder how much of a distance would be put between them by the time he comes back. "This is stupid." He muttered to himself, letting his fingers burry themselves in his blond locks as he stared down at the ground.

"What is?" The female voice that came from behind him made him jump in his spot, letting out a loud scream along with it.

The blond snapped his head back to look at the female occupying half of his thoughts with wide eyes. "FUYU-CHAN! DON' DO THAT!"

The girl huffed out a breath, a corner of her lips curled up as she unfolded her arms before making her way down. She didn't think twice to casually taking a seat next to Atsumu. "So..." She placed her cheek in her palm, elbow being propped up by her knee. "What's been bothering you? You have been more silent compared to your usual self." She pointed out bluntly, taking Atsumu by surprise.

"Huh me? I've been more than fine! 'm supper excited for the Youth Camp! Just imagine playin' with people on the same level as me~" Atsumu's paused at her deadpanned expression, before his smiled faltered with her next words.

"Have to admit, you would've fooled me had I've been someone else Atsu-chin." It sent an arrow straight through his heart, before he dramatically turned away from her with his hand held against his eyes.

"Fuyu-Chan! Ya don' have to be so blunt bout it!" The blond whined, still trying to distract Fuyuko into changing topics.

"Again, you aren't fooling me, Atsu-chin." A second arrow stabbed through him yet again, before he finally dropped off his fake smile which only a few can recognize.

"Where's yer trash, aren'cha supposed to be with him?" He asked, pouting as he spared her a single glance, wincing when he made direct eye contact with her as she'd been staring at him the entire time.

"My trash is in the toilet right now, so don't worry, we have time." She casually assured, going as far as to humor him with his own words. The girl then raised her head, turning to look at the never-ending night sky as she as she leaned back on her arms. "You know you can always come to me if you have anything bothering you, right?"

Course... she's not stupid no matter how airheaded she looks—

Atsumu went silent at that, before he too turned his head to stare at the view Fuyuko was admiring. The silence in between them continuing to stretch as he gathered his thoughts, before finally parting his lips. "Do ya think Samu would ever forget bout me?" He muttered out, making Fuyuko blink.

When she processed his words, the girl turned to stare at him with furrowed brows and a look of disbelief. "What are you talking about? You've been together your entire life, there's no way that's going to happen."

Atsumu could only sigh, feeling her bewilderment despite not looking at her direction. "Things 're changin'. Samu's also changin'." He finally tilted his head to glance at the girl, eyes half lidded as he made eye contact with her confused lavender eyes.

Fuyuko stared right back, before she leaned forward to flick the blond's forehead. Making him howl in pain as he hid his forehead behind his hand to glare at the girl. "Listen, everyone changes at one point. No, everyone's continuously changing every day without them even knowing." She pointed a finger at Atsumu.

"Osa-chin, you and I aren't any different. Of course, we'll change." Atsumu and Fuyuko continued to stare into each other's eyes as Fuyuko's brows furrowed even more. "But remember that Osa-chin and you are bound by blood, you are brothers. There's no way you guys would forget about each other."

"Ya can't be sure Fuyu-Chan! Anythin' could happen!" Atsumu exclaimed, his pout becoming more apparent. "I mean, Samu 'n ya 're always together these days..." His mutter barely reached her ears as it wasn't meant for her, but she instantly paused when she made sense of it.

"Pfft-" Fuyuko burst into loud laughter, taking Atsumu by surprise before his brows furrowed.

"Why're ya laughin' bout!" Atsumu huffed. "Tsk, Ya 've been round Samu too much."

As for Fuyuko, she shouldn't help but continue on laughing, before she finally managed to gather herself. The girl wiped away nonexistent tears from the corners of her eyes as she sent a look of pure amusement at the blond. "I never knew you had it in you to feel insecure." She chuckled.

Atsumu aggressively folded his arms across his chest, turning away with a frown as a light pink cheek of embarrassment when he realized the girl had heard his last sentence. "Shut yer trap!"

With another chuckle of amusement, the girl reached to tap on his shoulder, making him peek at her from a corner of his eye. He made eye contact with the girl who had tilted her head to look at his face with a smile. "Hey Atsu-chin..." She trailed off, grabbing ahold of the boy's chin to turn his face fully towards the girl. "Tell me, have you ever let a girl come between you and your brother?"

Her blunt question had his eyes widening. "A girl? Fuyu-Chan ya—"

"I'm still just another girl out there." She informed, cutting him off and her smile unwavering. She took her hand back, continuing to stare directly into his. "Come on, you won't let someone who would come between you two date him, would you?"

Her words held a clear meaning only Atsumu could figure out. It was indirect, but it was as clear as day.

'We're not gonna leave you behind, you idiot.'

Atsumu couldn't help but let out a genuine smile, before he turned back to stare into the dark night sky. "No, I won't."

That's right... 'm an idiot for thinkin' Fuyu-Chan would do somethin' like that...

Just like how she learned to read my fake smiles unlike those other girls... she's different.

Man... Samu ya lucky trash...


This ones sorta like a filler chapter, and I wanted to include Atsumu's feelings into this one! I mean, he's bound to feel something you know~ What do you think?

Also, I'm seriously wondering how this placed 2nd out of 1k+ stories in Murasakibara category when he appeared in a single chapter...

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