‖019‖ .❄︎WINTER CØØKIES❄︎.

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It's windy...

A young boy thought, opening the door to the rooftop belonging to a hospital in Hyogo. It was the hospital his dear mother worked at, and currently she was helping his twin brother's twisted wrist. His other half dumbly getting injured in the match which would qualify them to their goal.

Honestly, he was ready to kill the dumbass if they hadn't made it to the nationals, but luckily, he managed to make up for his brother in his place. Even still, he had no idea why he was forced come along with the dumbass to his regular weekly checkup when his wrists were feeling fine. It had been a month since then after all, so he wasn't surprised.

The first-year boy didn't like the fact that he was forced to leave the couch, I mean it wasn't like he could be of any help by tagging along after all. Unfortunately, he did not have the guts to say that to his mother because he was about one hundred and ten percent sure she would skin him alive.

Not to mention, his summer homework was left untouched and he wasn't about to touch it anytime soon. It was tiring really, very tiring. He had been excited for his first year in Highschool but with his brother around, there wasn't any difference. Not to mention, the fact that the number of their fans have increased in number.

He had nothing against them really, but sometimes they can be a bit too much, that was something his brother agreed despite the dumbass loving the attention he gets. Not to mention, he had found out that the last relationship he had was with a fan as well, and it really didn't end well with him.

The boy let out a tired sigh, leaning against the railing and balancing the plastic bag with him on top of it. The fact that the contents inside it was box shaped helped, and the undeniable smell his nose whiffed made his stomach growl in hunger.

"Hungry." He, muttered to himself, taking his eyes away from the vehicles and people moving bellow. Them looking like rushing ants to the boy. Instead, he turned towards the area were a few benches were scattered, only to pause when he realized he was not alone.

It wasn't uncommon to have people lingering around the building, not at all when the place was a hospital. It wasn't uncommon to see patients in their patient clothes wondering around as well. However, what made that picture uncommon was the fact that the person he saw was balling themselves in a fetal position.

His feet unconsciously moved him towards the figure sitting on the bench, feet pulled up to the wood and a single arm hugging their legs. Their forehead was placed on their knee, and he could clearly make out light colored long hair styled into a simple bun at the back of their head.

A patient... a girl patient... What's she doin' up 'ere alone?

He came to a stop at the side of the bench, facing the girl's left side. Only for him to get a look at her left arm tucked in between her chest and legs, wrapped and tightly secured in an arm sling.

Now, the boy wasn't really one to care about strangers, he was someone to mind his business. Despite that though, he silently moved to sit on the same bench as the patient, leaving a foot in between their bodies. As to why he acted that way might you ask?

Well you see, he made a promise with himself not too long ago. A promise to never be like his own twin brother and to be a better person. Hence, he steeled his will to move his body, because it was obvious to him that the stranger was in pain. At first it was hard to make out, but with the occasional sniffling and huffs reaching his ears was enough to know.

Though her long bangs hid most of her face, he could make out her trembling lips, teeth's sunk to the bottom one as if to keep herself from being heard. The stranger's frail looking body seemingly small compared to his own.

Probably... a middle schooler.

They stayed that way for a while, the boy silently listing to all and any sound the patient accompanying him lets out. That was before he collected the courage to reach for the contents of the plastic bag held in his hand. The high schooler carefully took out the box of cookies and placed it on his lap. Sparing cautious glances towards the girl, as if he was expecting the girl to do something.

Alas, nothing happened. Even when the sweet mouth-watering smell of cookies spread in the air just by opening the lid, the girl continued to stay still as a statue. The boy, once again checked if the girl was going to do something—anything at his actions, only to see the same sight that first greeted him.

With a silent sigh filled with disappointment—not sure why he was feeling disappointed in the first place—he took out a cookie before slowly lifting it to his open mouth. However, the cookie never reached his lips when the sound of sniffling reached his ears once more.

Another moment of silence went by, with him blankly staring at the girl's side profile. His mind working faster than it did during his volleyball matches. In the end, he finally reached a conclusion.

With a hard gulp and second guessing his decision because he was extremely sad about it, the boy silently extended the box towards her—gently tapping it on her head to gain her attention. When the girl actually shifted to move her head towards him though, he turned his head away, cheeks painted a soft pink as he kept his extended arm level and in place. "Ya can have it. 'm not hungry anyway."

As if to mock him, his stomach growled loudly much to his embarrassment. The pink on his cheek instantly intensified, turning bright red as silence prolonged the area around them. The air seemly tense before it was all shattered when a hoarse chuckle was heard, further increasing his embarrassment.

His head slowly moved to glance at the girl's face at that, wanting to catch a glimpse of the stranger's expression despite his red face. He didn't get the chance to see her though, because everything soon blurred. 


Osamu's eyes opened, his hazy mind a bit late to process the lavender scent in his embrace. He silently nuzzled his face further into the girl's chest, arms tightening around her thin waist as he unconsciously thought back to the strange dream he had.

Dream? No, that was a memory...

He shifted from his comfortable position, peeking a glance to the face of the girl he held, only to have her burry it further into his grey hair. Arms tightening around his head and pushing his face future into her chest.

Why'd... that girl... remind me of Fuyu...?

His mind continued to occupy with the thoughts of the stranger he met on the hospital rooftop. Those thoughts bothering him nonstop for some reason he wasn't sure of.

Come to think of it... I didn' get 'er name...


Later that day, Osamu lazily lingered on the couch of the Rairakku residence—mind elsewhere as he ignored his twin trying to annoy him, unaware that the blond took notice of his brother's unusual behavior.

"Okay that's it!" Atsumu sat up on the couch, sitting right next to the grey head, and peering very close at his face. "What're ya so distracted bout? Did ya get into a fight with Fuyu-Chan or somethin'? What? Did she finally dump ya?"

Osamu instantly grabbed ahold of his brother's head, nerves popping all over his temple. "If we did, we won' be sittin' in 'er home ya stupid pig." The grey head uttered out through gritted teeth.

"OW OW OW! SAMU YA JERK! LET GO YA UGLY FAT ASS!" After another brawl among the two, the blond finally managed to escape out of his brothers hold. He huffed as he sat on the single sofa chair, making sure to be away from the grey head's reach as he glared into dark grey eyes. "Then what're ya thinkin' bout? Ya were lost deep in there."

"I agree Osa-chin." Fuyuko voiced from behind the couch before she proceeded to round it to sit beside the grey head. She carefully placed the freshly baked cookies on the table in front of her, them reminding Osamu of his dream once more. The fact that the cookies looked exactly like the ones he had didn't help him. "Did you have a bad dream? You've been out of it since the nap you took."

With a shake of his head, Osamu silently leaned his head on Fuyuko's. "'s nothin' much. Just had a dream of a girl I met on a hospital rooftop." He murmured, instantly making Atsumu snicker.

"Dreamin' of other girl's when Fuyu-Chan 's around, Samu ya really 're a jerk." The blond instantly received a dark glare from Osamu, to which he ignored before trailing his eyes over to the girl. "Fuyu-Chan, if ya decide to break up with Samu, remember 'm always available kay~"

Osamu let out a disgusted noise, before wrapping a protective arm around the girl's shoulders. "'m not loosin' Fuyu to anyone, specially not to trash like ya."

Their argument was disrupted from going further when Fuyuko let out a chuckle. "And here I thought you forgot all about that." The girl voiced—her tone amused. She received two confused stares in response, Osamu leaning back to stare at her questionably as well.

"Forgot?" Osamu let out.

"What're ya talkin' bout Fuyu-Chan?" Atsumu questioned, his tone taking turn to curiosity when Fuyuko merely smiled.

"I'm saying, the girl Osa-chin met on that roof was me."



Fuyuko openly laughed at the Miya twins stunned expressions, enjoying the pure look of shock they held. "My first encounter with Osa-chin wasn't at Inarizaki, it was at a hospital." She casually informed, leaning over to grab ahold of a cookie, remembering back to that faithful day.

_______›»FLASH BACK«‹_______

It was cold outside despite mid-summer daytime, wind picking up more around the time compared to the start of the season. Through it all, a girl officially concluded Summer as her most hated season among all. The heat and the beach weren't the only thing she disliked about it, the fact that she'd gotten into a dangerous accident was more than half reason of her hate.

It had turned her entire world upside down. She hated it. The season of fun and warmth, the season of tasting melodies and the season of water as clear as glass. She hated it with her entire existence.

Despite that fact though, she still found herself out of her air-conditioned room and underneath the warm rays. Trying to escape those suffocating white walls and the distinct mixture of various types of medicines and disinfectants. It was overwhelming her, so when the chance came by, she took it to escape outside, her legs carrying her up the stairs and to the empty rooftop.

It was supposed to be her escape from those pitying glances of the doctors and whispers of strangers she grew to hate. Unfortunate rumors all around the ward she stayed in as her mother continued to fuss over her like a baby, eyes showing hopelessness and despair which didn't help her own darkness at all.

Their words still roamed around in her head as if a broken record playing in repeat.

"Didja hear? She can't play anymore."

"Does that mean the prodigy 's no more."

"I guess geniuses have their own demons to face after all."

"Poor child."

"She was still young too."

"I'm sorry Fuyuko, mom's sorry this happened to you... Why? What did my baby do to suffer like this?"

Mom, what I wanted you to say was words of encouragement... but you've already given up on me...

"I am afraid the chances of your elbow recovering, and getting back to playing like you have been until now, is slim to none Rairakku-san."

Stop... I don't need you to tell that to me...

"I guess this is the end for the infamous Rairakku..."

Her negative thoughts still caught up to her in the moment of peace she searched. The silence around her getting louder and louder with her wondering thoughts, making her ball up on herself in an attempt to block out the noise wandering about like music notes she loved dearly.

If everyone gave up on me already... then there is no point in even trying... right?

Salty water trailed down her cheeks, at the thought of silence itself reminding her of her love. Showing there was no escape for her.

That was before she was saved from those thoughts by the sound of a metal door opening. Her head instinctively snapped up to the direction, sight blurry with her tears as she watched a figure casually walk up to the railing.

The girl sniffled as quietly as she could, using her hands to wipe away at her face and blinking a couple times to get rid of the wetness in her lavender hues. The moment her eyes cleared and had a proper look at the person, a name instantly formed at the tip of her tongue.

Miya... that's one of those famous Miya twins... Which one is that...?

Not that Fuyuko was particularly interested in Volleyball or boys for her to know him. Those twins were just that famous not only in their region, but in the entire national Volleyball community. So, it would be more surprising if she didn't know who those where when they attend the same grade and school.

However, right now wasn't the time to casually identify the boy. Not when Fuyuko was awfully aware of the people who knows her current condition. She didn't want any more people than the ones already in her case at the moment, so she would be glad if anyone from school wasn't fully informed of it.

In a moment of panic, the girl ended up burying her face back into her knees, right hand tightening around her legs. Unfortunately, that resulted with her left hand getting squished between her legs and upper body, and she instantly felt s sharp pain travel from her elbow until the very tips of her fingers. Muscles instantly protesting against her movements.

Owww... I forgot I was disabled for a moment...

The girl bit down on her bottom lip, trying her best to suppress any and all sounds of pain threatening to spill from her lips. Eyes desperately tightening when she heard the steps of the boy approaching her direction, hyper aware of his presence.

Damn... Miya-san, please mind your own business and kindly leave me be...

Her silent prayer went completely unheard though, only left to cuss in her mind when the boy chose to sit next to her on the very same bench. Mind you, there were other benches around, but he specifically chose to sit there. Fuyuko was sure had she not been tensed already—she would have gone completely rigid at his unexpected actions.

Fuck, I seriously don't want to see anyone else right now... I'm sick and tired of everyone pitying me alright... I got it already, it's over for me, just stop giving me those looks...

Go away, go away, go away, go away, please go away, go away, go away, go away, leave me be. I'm begging you to go away!

I don't need your pity...

Leave me alone...


She continued on begging the boy to leave in her mind, but never voiced it out loud. She tried, parting her lips to let it all out, but it simply refused to. Her voice didn't come out, stuck in her throat.

Her own heartbeat controlled her senses, beating inside her ribcage yet feeling it next to her ears. It was telling her the boy wasn't a bad company despite the loud screams of her mind.

In the end her mind lost, leaving her going back to biting her bottom lip with a frustrated furrow of her brows. Honestly, to say she was disappointed with herself would be an understatement.

She felt weird, weirdly so, because before this she never had a hard a time expressing her words. As if the music was the reason of her happiness itself, a part of her was ripped away.

What am I supposed to listen to?

All of a sudden, a nudge to a side of her head snapped her out of her dark thoughts. The boy saving her from her own mind for the second time in a span of minutes.

Don't look!

Her mind screamed at her once again, only to be overwhelmed by the curiosity she had always carried deep in her bones. Engraved deep inside as if telling her the boy next to her was not to be feared.

She hesitantly lifts her head, glancing at the mysterious boy to see his head turned away from her. Her eyes than trailed down to see his arm extended towards her, an opened box on chocolate chipped cookies in his hand.

"Ya can have it. 'm not hungry anyway." His voice came out in a mutter loud enough to reach her, sounding extremely pleasant and making her ears happy.

Fuyuko's eyes went wide with surprise. She was not under informed, after all Alice had a habit to talk her ears off about these Miya brothers. Even when she talks about the older one more, she did mention both of them having a thing for food. She may have forgotten which one had which colored hair, but she knew that the one named Osamu the major food addict. 

Is this Atsumu...? Wasn't he supper arrogant?

She was once again distracted when the sound of rumbling reached her ears. It took her a few seconds to figure out where the sound came from, ending up staring at the boy's barely visible red face.

Was that... him?

The hoarse chuckle that escaped her was involuntary and was completely foreign to her. When was the last time she smiled? She forgot... but this boy her age managed to complete the feat with little to no effort.

"Shut up..." The twin muttered softly under his breath—cheeks completely red as he glanced at her from a corner of his eye. Completely embarrassed. This gained him another soft laugh from the girl who enjoyed the look on his face.

Fuyuko carefully lowered her legs to the floor, reaching out her right hand to take the box only to place on the bench in-between them. "We can share." She voiced, clearing her throat right afterwards when she realized how hoarse her voice came out.

There were no more words exchanged between them after that. Only the fact that the male moved closer to Fuyuko and placed the box on his lap, because he had noticed her struggling to reach for the box with her right hand. Her left hand left in its sling catching his attention once a while because it just looked interesting to look at.

The silence was interrupted though, when the boy hesitantly parted lips to let out his voice. "Do ya... do ya wanna talk bout it?" His voice was soft, unlike all those interactions she witnessed him have with his brother. It held a certain tenderness she could've never imagined from him as he continued to stare at the sky and the surrounding buildings beyond the railing. "'m a stranger ya probably won' meet again... It might help?"

Maybe it was because of his kid gestures, or maybe it was the tenderness in his tone. She didn't know why, but despite not being sure—despite knowing they attend the same school and grade, she ended up pouring her entire heart out to him. All her pent-up feelings, and built up emotions came undone, the knots unraveling to a perfect red ribbon of fate.

By the time she finished, the cookie box laid empty on his lap while she went back to hugging her legs. She had been struggling to not cry in front of him after all, and somehow contained the waterworks.

The silence that followed afterwards continued to stretch for a while, before the male reached to place a hand on Fuyuko's head. His reluctance was as clear as day as he started patting her head with every single gentle bone in his body, eyes dazed at it stared at the now darkening sky.

"Don't pity me..." Fuyuko couldn't help but mumble out. "I already get enough of that." This immediately made her acquittance turn to her, taking his time to admire her side profile.

"I don' pity ya." His blunt words may sound harsh, but it really wasn't. For Fuyuko, it was like a saving grace. She instantly lifted her head, turning it to make direct eye contact with the Miya for the first time, switching from one eye to the other in search for the truth behind those words of his.

His eyes are earnest... those dark greys aren't lying.

"Don' let anyone decide what happens to ya. If ya love what ya do then it's not worth givin' up." He impulsively moved his hand from her head to softly brush her bangs aside, getting a good look into those lavender eyes of hers. "Don' care bout 'em givin' up on ya, just remember that if ya yerself let it go then ya definitely can't have what ya want."

His eyes gleamed in the setting rays of the sun—brows furrowed as if they were determined in her own stead. She couldn't help but stare straight back, lips parting in pure awe at his words.

The male paused, blinking twice as his own actions processed through his mind. When it did, he abruptly sprang up, empty box in left hand while the right rubbed the back of his neck—back turned to the girl who continued her astonished stare.

He loudly cleared his throat, making Fuyuko blink before slightly tilting her head. "A-Anyways! Got it?! Ya get what 'm trynna say don'cha?" He huffed out a breath. "Just remember what I said if ya ever feel like givin' up kay?"

The one and only conversation she had with the boy in her first year ended there, because the male stomped out of there due to his embarrassment. The lavender head merely followed his figure, her lips momentarily opening to called out to him before she was interrupted with a slam of the door.

That... was the strangest first encounter I've ever had... It even beats Alie-chin's one...

But... you being the first person to not show me pity... I will definitely remember your words every time I feel like giving up Miya-san...

Time passed afterwards and the boy gradually forgot the face of the girl he met at the hospital. However, he found himself often recalling back to that memory when he sees the color of lavender around.

The girl on the other hand, never forgot his words. Living her life through the hardships she faced. All while a single questioned remained on her mind every time she recalled back to that day.

Which Miya twin did I meet that day...?

On the April of the next spring, by chance both of them were brought together once more. Placed within the same class and next to each other as if the red sting of fate was returning the favor of unraveling it.

The first eye direct they shared, was probably nothing special in the eyes of others. For Fuyuko though, it was special because she finally had the answer of the question wandering in her mind for a long time.

Miya Osamu, that is the name of the boy who gave me hope...

_______›»FLASH BACK END«‹_______

Atsumu and Osamu stared at Fuyuko with comical wide eyes, before the blond had a double take. "Wait, wait! DOES THAT MEAN SAMU MET YA BEFORE ME?!"

Of course, that's the first thing he thinks about...

Fuyuko merely smiled at the sight of the boys as Osamu proceeded to send Atsumu a smug look which didn't fail to rile him up. "It was fate." The grey head bluntly commented, making Atsumu scoff.



Fuyuko chuckled. "Come to think of it... Summer wasn't bad this year..." She mumbled to herself, leaving the twins to brawl in the background.

I first met him on Summer, went on our first date in Summer, and officially got together in Summer too...

I wonder... can I bring myself to like Winter like I did with Summer?

Honestly with him around, I won't be surprised...

I guess I'll be looking forward to what Winter brings us...

Cold breeze numbs the exposed digits, 

to realize winter had arrived with warnings...

Their time cut short of three sixty five, 

leaving memories and partings full of love...


Yo~ The second half of the first sem of college started today~ And I'm totally not ready for it 😭

ALSO! IT'S THE FINAL ARC OF THE BOOK! After five more chapters would be the Epilogue! It's finally coming to an end you guys!

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