‖018‖ .☮︎AUTUMN FACTØRS☮︎.

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Autumn was a beautiful time of a year. It was filled with different hues of red, orange, yellow and many other warm colorful colors artists could easily name. Those beautiful hues reminded her of the setting sun, painting everything in its warmth like a comfortable blanket. As if setting the entire sky ablaze itself. In a way, it felt like every single tree transforms into its own sun in Autumn.

Despite the meaning her given name conveys, she loved Autumn. It was her favorite season among all, and she didn't think it would ever change. Honestly, she didn't know why her mother named her 'winter child' when she was born in Autumn itself—even when her mother kept saying she reminded her of winter itself. she didn't understand.

Which was why she was lowkey offended when Osamu blurted out that she reminded him of winter. Literarily out of nowhere at that, as if it was a passing though. That was before she found out that he had been comparing her to winter that day.

"I love winter. Like how I love ya."

That was his main reason, and she was left with no words to explain what she felt. At one point she was sure he had given her a heart burn with how fast it was pumping blood as if it wanted to jump straight out of her chest.

Her mind partially distracted with thoughts of the grey head, other half focusing on the grand piano underneath her fingers. Digits pressing down on the keys to form the familiar song called 「Asphyxia by Cö Shu Nie」 Making a piano cover to upload to her YouTube, the account she hasn't touched in ages.

Her fake grey-haired partner sat in a seat to her right. The camera he was supposed to watch, forgotten in its stand on the table next to him. He can't help it really. Not when the music she performs makes him breathless till date. The current song being played was more intense compared to anything she had played in front of him before. Every single chord was graduate. Unwavering. It astonished him.

Which is why he had been on the edge of his seat the entire time. Watching as her hands and fingers moved with such speed that his eyes glinted with newfound fascination. The smooth transitions ranging from what felt like calming waves to violently raging fires took away his ability to breath. The change in chords and pace overwhelming. It stole away his undivided attention.

Above all, it was the culprit of the noise itself which had him completely hooked. The way Fuyuko kept her sharp focus on the black and white keys accumulated a sense of tenseness in the air. As if she was in the middle of a battle with her own music itself, which just might be true. Osamu didn't want to take his eyes off her—more like he couldn't. Fascination had him in its claws after all.

It was scary how those tired eyes can change to look like a shape blade capable of cutting through steel, terrifying concentration never breaking as she approached the ending of the song. The male's breath hitched, forgetting how to breath as Fuyuko gradually brought it around to end, her deadly concentration never breaking and fingers unwavering as it carried the piece until the last note.

The last note echoed in the air before getting suffocated in the silence, leaving Fuyuko to take a few breaths to come down from her rush of adrenaline. She barely processed the fact that she finally managed to play a piece until the end, when she was caught off guard as arms scooped her out of her seat.

She momentarily stopped breathing as she stared with wide eyes, forced to clutch her tired fingers tightly onto Osamu's shoulders as he spun her around. Heck she didn't process the fact that her feet were off ground when she caught sight of the male's grin. Bright as the moon shining through the darkest of nights as he congratulated her, happy from the bottom of his heart.

"FUYU! YA DID IT! YA FUCKIN' DID IT!" The male finally placed her down, but didn't dare put distance between them as he continued to genuinely smile down at her, his lips trembling with the sudden overwhelm of emotions. "Fuck, Ya dunno how happy 'm for ya right now."

Fuyuko's eyes watered, before she lunged into his arms and tightly wrapped her arms around Osamu's neck like a leech. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST DID— I'm so happy I could cry!" And cry she did. Not out of sadness, but pure tears of joy. "Osa-chin, I actually managed to play it until the end! I didn't even think about stopping! I swear that was— that was—"

The girl sniffled into the crook of his neck, only to have him run a comforting hand up and down her back to reassure the girl. Yes, he was there. He would always be there for her. She was glad, to have someone like him around. To have him to witness her first steps towards her dream and to celebrate her success with. It was truly a wonderful thing to have, someone to be there by their side, always.


Fuyuko loved everything about the Autumn season. From the colorful leaves, to the deserted lonely branches, to the weather change itself.

Now, we all know everyone has their different opinions when it comes to rainy seasons. Some people absolutely adore it, finding comfort in the natural phenomenon. While there are few who doesn't like the humid air and all the rain that come along with it.

Fuyuko was someone who loved rainy weather, while Osamu on the other hand didn't like it much. It was one of the biggest differences they've come across in between them yet.

Currently, the Miya twins were occupying the Rairakku residence couch—fighting over it specifically. Both of them intending to push the other off the comfort as they irritated each other to no faults.



It was safe to say, that Miya twins were officially the number one visitors of their abode with the amount of time they spend in the household. Heck Ms. Miya and Ms. Rairakku usually talk about that very same topic at work, considering both women are mostly away from home. They thought it was a good thing for the teens, knowing they can easily take care of themselves.

It was simple. Osamu was around so Fuyuko and Atsumu can't burn down the kitchen, and to keep them from starving. Atsumu was around so that he can keep an eye on both laid back teens, to keep them from being lazy couch potatoes the entire visit—and Fuyuko was around to keep both Miya's usual fighting and banter to a minimum. It was a win, win, win in all three ways.










Now than back to the main scene, we see a certain fox eyed male named Suna Rintarō. Casually sitting right in front of the Television, to record the entire fight without a single thought of stopping them. "Your insults are more creative than the conversation itself. You guys are insane." He continued to chuckle to himself, his words falling on the twin's deaf ears as they continued to brawl away on the couch.

During the loud racket, both Miya's didn't notice Fuyuko and Alice's presence walking up to the couch and blankly staring at the scene. No wait—Fuyuko was the only one with a deadpan, because Alice was already supporting Atsumu with a wide grin and a fist pumping in the air. Fuyuko could only sigh at her red-haired friend's behavior, wincing when she screamed louder than the fighting twins. "GO GET HIM TSUN-CHAN!"

Suna didn't stop his recording, only shifting so that Fuyuko and Alice would appear in the screen as well. He clearly caught the twins going rigid at Alice's voice on camera, Freezing with Atsumu flat on his back on the couch with one of his hands crumbling Osamu's shirt while the other attempted to rip out his brother's grey hair.

Osamu on the other hand was towering on top of the blond, one hand copying his brother to attempt ripping out blond hair while his other hand was firmly wrapped around his elder brother's neck—looking absolutely ready to choke the life out of him. Fuyuko was sure he would have actually killed him if they weren't interrupted.

Both of their gazes were paused on Fuyuko and her only, eyes blown wide and jaws tense resembling two frightened foxes. The lavender eyed girl could only let out a tired sigh, the sound being heard by everyone with how silent the room had gone. "Both of you... out of my house."

"F-Fuyu-Chan? It's rainin' cats 'n dogs out th—"

"Do I look like I give a damn right now? Hmm?"

That was how their current situation came to be. All of them in raincoats and rain shoes walking around the almost empty looking town in the rainy weather. "Is this why you asked us to bring rain coats and rain shoes?" Alice wondered out, already knowing the answer.

Suna though, was the only one showing visible distaste to what they were doing. "How did you know I wasn't going to bring any of them?" The boy asked, sending a wary glance towards his club manager and female best friend. "You had them prepared for me..."

Fuyuko beamed. She literally beamed out bright, showing as much as teeth as she could with tired closed eyes. "Cause you're Suna Rintarō~" Suna swore he felt literal shivers of terror going through his entire being.

She's scary sometimes!

His thoughts weren't his only. It was fully shared by everyone in their group except for Fuyuko herself. Alice sweat dropped when Fuyuko skipped in front of the group, doing short jumps into every single puddle that came her way.

Sensing the rest weren't as enthusiastic as the girl, Fuyuko spun around, before sending them another smile. Her half-lidded eyes glinting mischievously. "Last one to Kita park is getting punished by me!" She immediately turned and ran for her life.

Ironically, the one who initiated the small race was the most unathletic in the group. By the time she made to the small park struggling to breath, the others were already waiting for her there—relaxed as if they didn't just run a few blocks. Heck she was shell shocked when Suna took the whole thing seriously and more so when he participated.

The lavender head pathetically gasped to gain her breath, bent over with her hands on her knees. Osamu was instantly by her side the next second, comfortingly patting her back and putting a hand on her shoulder to straighten her up so that she was standing up right. "Ya doin' good Fuyu?"

The girl in response, inhaled a huge mouth full of air before placing her left hand on her hip and pointing a finger at the rest with her free hand. "I'm the one who promised to punish, so I won't be able to punish myself losers!" The girl forced herself to let out low sinister giggles, before choking on her own spit. Leaving the rest to stare at the girl with varying degrees of deadpans and looks of concern.

"The hell happened to her today?" Suna asked Atsumu and Alice standing near him.

Alice merely shrugged, but continuing to send the girl a concerned look. "I don't know... she was unusually active and cheerful when she was getting dressed too..." Alice was honestly concerned, because after that accident, Fuyuko had never acted the way she was right now. It was almost as if she was seeing middle school Fuyuko, bringing back a lot of memories along with it. "But this feels... nostalgic..."

Suna nodded, having interacted with her before the accident, when they were still first years. Fuyuko was a full-on extrovert back then, easily breaking through his shell and forcing him to group up with her for a class project. "Yeah... it does, doesn't it?"

Atsumu on the other hand, was racking his brain to figure out Fuyuko's behavior. Only to pale like a white sheet of paper with the conclusion he came to. "Oh my god! FUYU-CHAN 'S BEIN' POSSESSED!" With an expression that could completely define the word horrified, Atsumu turned to grasp both of Alice's shoulder before shaking the life out of her. "WHAT SHOULD WE DO!"

Meanwhile Osamu let the girl lean back into him, only to have her snap her head up and stare at him with a half-lidded gaze. Her lips curled into a sly grin as she raised a hand to trail down his jaw, taking him completely off guard with the words she let out. "Hey Osa-chin~ Did I ever tell you how hot you look every day in practice?"

Atsumu and Alice simultaneously choked on air itself—while Suna stared at the girl as if she was some scary shit that crawled out of his television. Three of them started panicking in their own ways while Osamu was left with a burning face, but he was also filled with extreme confusion because of how out of character she was being.

"Fuyu? 're ya seriously okay? What'd ya eat today?" The rain continued to fall upon them as Osamu turned her around to face him, his hold firmly grasping her shoulder as he stared directly into her eyes which looked more tired compared to usual. His concern only doubled when Fuyuko merely slumped forward, pressing her face into his rain coated chest.

"I just want to splash in puddles." The girl let out another chuckle, this time coming off tiredly with a slight croak—leaving the rest staring at her tired posture.

"I think she's tired." Alice commented.

"Yeah." Suna instantly agreed. "Let's go back, before she becomes even more out of character."

Their words fell on deaf ears when Osamu put his undivided attention on Fuyuko. He gently pushed her back before freeing his right hand to brush them under her slightly wet bangs, only to have his eyes widen. "Fuck, she had a fever the entire time?" 


"Well, aunty Nanami mentioned that she acts like a drunkard when she gets sick." Alice's voice sounded in the room, sitting on one side of Fuyuko's bed. She gently brushed lavender bangs away from her friend's forehead, leaving Osamu to place a wet cloth on the exposed skin.

The male leaned back to sit on the chair placed on the other side of the sleeping girl, silently watching her lips part with every heavy breath she took. Chest raising and falling faster than it normally does.

"Stop lookin' like she's bout to die Samu." Atsumu commented from the foot of the bed, sitting crisscrossed next to where Fuyuko's feet's laid. The blond leaned his chin on his hand, elbow propped up on his thigh as he smirked at the grey head. "It's not yer fault for not noticin' it sooner." The blond added, knowing that was the main thought on his brother's mind.

"She'll survive." Suna commented, leaning against the bed while sitting on the floor, casually scrolling through his phone as usual. "Stop mopping around already."

Osamu let out a light sigh, acknowledging there was no reason to feel so guilty. Yet he couldn't help it really, he couldn't help but worry over her. So, he stood up to bend over and place a chaste kiss on top of the girl's faintly red nose before moving to head out. "Imma make 'er somethin' easy to digest."

Alice instantly perked up. "Oh! Let me help you!" She followed right after the grey head, but not before pausing to look back at the two. "Change the cloth every fifteen minutes will you."

She left Atsumu and Suna staring at her disappearing behind the door, before the fox eyed male lazily stood up to drop himself in the chair Osamu previously occupied.

"'m settin' up the stop watch." Atsumu muttered to himself, understanding their assignment very well. "We can't 've 'er dyin' when we still 've nationals to win—"

"She isn't dying."

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, the grey head found himself getting lost in his own head. Only snapping out when the red head accompanying him tapped his shoulder. "What are you thinking about? I've been calling you for an entire minute now..."

Osamu's instantly tense and calmly panicked, becoming a bit flustered when reminded of what he was thinking. He averted his eyes elsewhere almost instantly. "It's nothin'..."

_______›»FLASH BACK«‹_______

Fortunately, the rain clouds have momentarily passed their area at the moment, leaving behind non grey clouds to cover the sun despite clearing up the rain.

With them with their rain coats off, the group casually walked back to the Rairakku household after their discovery of sick Fuyuko. Osamu walked besides Suna, a considerable distance behind the two walking in front of them having what seemed to be a serious conversation.

Fuyuko on the other hand was being carried on his back by her Osamu, who easily managed to carry her weight as if it was nothing. He was half concentrating on his steps, the other half being painfully aware of Fuyuko nuzzling against his neck. Her hot breaths distracted the male as she was on the verse of passing out, barely open eyes conveying how tired she was.

"Osamu..." The girl muttered into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. "The clouds remind me of you... It's calm when it's calm, but it builds a storm when pissed off... I like it... both calm Osa-chin, and agitated Osa-chin..." The girl let out a weak chuckle, her arms loosening around his neck. "Your hair is grey too hehe~ Like a cloud~" She snuggled even closer with the last of her strength. "Your soft and comfortable to cuddle too~"

Suna had his teeth's sunk into his bottom lip the entire time. Threatening to just burst out at the sight of the Osamu's beet red face, not failing to sneak in a picture with his skills—without him noticing of course.

_______›»FLASH BACK END«‹_______

You'll be the death of me, Fuyu.


Hello! I've been stress writing guys! Yes, apparently that's a thing... Exams sucks, it can go to hell~ Pls someone end my suffering right here and right now because studying sucks!


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