‖017‖ .☮︎AUTUMN CANDØRS☮︎.

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With her white and black volleyball track clothes, she had always stood out among the maroon clad players of her team. Safe to say she hated it, would be an understatement. I mean, why won't she when she stands out like a sore thumb? She was practically announcing to the entire world 'Hey! It is I! The only female in the team!'

Then again, she understood. That was practically the uniform of the coach, advisor and manager after all. It has been that way all along for years already, so she could do nothing to change it. Even still, considering that the two older males aren't always around the group unlike the manager, she does attract attention.

A full white tracksuit with a single black line going over her shoulder and down her long-sleeves, it really did stand out among the contrast maroon of the team. She at first thought she would get used to it, she really did, but now she had entirely given up on that thought. Why? Because she concluded that such attention brings nothing but trouble.

"Oh come on cutie~ I just want yer number." A male voiced slyly, easily keeping up with her pace as she walked around the place, trying to find the main Inarizaki team. "Yer from Inarizaki right? I just saw ya earlier, ya stuck out with 'em."

He had been bothering for a while now, but his friendliness and approach seemed almost too natural that it didn't really alert anyone nearby. The fact that Fuyuko was accustomed to keeping a neutral expression to not give him the satisfaction of reacting to his taunts, had people thinking them as friends.

"You think I'm a girl?" Fuyuko asked, finally letting the male hear her voice for the first time. Her statement though, had him dropping his sly smirk and sending her a confused stare.

"I mean aren'cha? Ya clearly look like one." He asked, voice clearly conveying his confusion. His answer said a lot about him though, and Fuyuko immediately concluded that the guy wasn't a major threat as she initially thought.

A light amused smiled formed on her lips at that thought, only making her seem mysterious enough to confuse the male even more. "There's a saying that goes—'Don't judge a book by its cover' remember..." She discreetly glanced to him, making eye contact just briefly before looking away.

The male went completely ridged when he processed her words. Freezing on his steps and staring at the girl's back with face as white as a sheet of paper, looking so horrified as if someone just died just before him. "What..."

That was before Fuyuko stopped as well, before craning her neck to send the male a lopsided smirk from over her shoulder. "Oh, but I'm into guys..."

To say the usually goofy male was traumatized, would be an understatement. Despite having a face of a model and a carefree personality—only a single encounter with a single girl was all it took for him to question his entire life. He was traumatized of trying to get numbers from the random girls he sees around. He never tried to get a stranger's phone number ever again, not after he met that girl with lavender for eyes.

When the Inarizaki manager managed to finally find her team, she didn't hesitate to lean back against Osamu's back—startling the male because of the sudden weight on his back. Atsumu and the rest was soon to realize her presence as well. "Fuyu-Chan!" The blond called out happily. "Where were ya? Samu was sorta panickin' when we realized ya weren' trailin' after the group y'know."

"Shut yer trap Tsumu!" Osamu barked, wanting nothing but to hit his brother who stayed exactly a few inches away from his arm length. All because Atsumu was taking the advantage of knowing his brother can't move with Fuyuko leaning against him. The older one continued to taunt the younger one with provoking gestures, only to be stopped when Kita placed a hand over his shoulder.

"Fuyuko, make sure ya don't wander off too far. If yer goin' somewhere, inform us alright?" The mom of the group reminded her, making the girl send him a smile as she stared at him from a corner of her eyes.

"Aye Captain." Fuyuko chuckled. "I was a bit sleepy, so I kind of dozed off somewhere when I was walking." She reasoned out as if what she said was something very normal with how nonchalant she sounded. She left the rest of the team staring at her with gaping jaws and wide-open eye.

Suna silently snickered into his hands, face turned away from the group. "Why are you guys so surprised. We've always known our manager was weird." He voiced, mocking the girl with the stare he sent her.

Fuyuko only sighed, too tired to even retaliate to the male's teasing. "Yeah..."

The team instantly sweat dropped at her slumping even further back into Osamu.

Atsumu though, was the last to finally snap out of his shock. "Don' get lazy with yer come backs too!"

Fuyuko waved a lazy hand at Atsumu's direction. "All's fine~ Nothing happened either ways. Nothing except getting the chance to traumatize someone." The lopsided sadistic smirk that pulled up her lips was a dangerous combination along with her half-lidded eyes with dark eye bags.

"You look like a crazy maniac." Suna bluntly commented the thought running through literally everyone seeing her current expression.

Osamu let out a sigh. "Fuyu... Yer kinda heavy."

A nerve instantly popped on her temple, smile dropping into a straight deadpan. Without a single thought, she let herself go, not even attempting to stand on her legs as she put all her weight on Osamu. This instantly made the male panic, hurrying to catch the girl before she slipped to a side and make contact with the dirty floor.

"If you can carry my weight, I should not be heavy for you. Osa-chin..."


The preliminary rounds went smoothly with Inarizaki having to play lesser games because of their top four placement. They were included in the seeds after all, and just thinking about it makes Fuyuko proud to be in a team as strong as them.

Things went smoothly for them, up until the semifinals that it. As if mocking their clean transition, someone up there decided to send another challenge towards the team. It came when Osamu misplaced his step after one of his spikes, twisting his ankles and having to pull him out of the game.

"It still hurts, doesn't it?" Fuyuko asked the male, not even looking up at him from her place besides the bed. She gently moved the ice pack on his ankle, being careful to cover all of the swelling area as she did so.

"Yea it does." Osamu muttered, knowing fully well that lying would be dumb because his manager knew what she was doing.

The girl only sighed. She knew playing sports would result in injuries like that. It was inevitable after all, especially with how aggressive their team is with their plays. The Miya twins in particular, were known for their reckless aggressive plays. "I'm glad it's just a minor sprain. Had you gotten a severe one it would have taken about six to twelve weeks to recover."

Osamu's eyes widened at the information. "That's long... How long will it take for mine to heal?" He had a sinking feeling; with the amount of pain he was experiencing that he didn't want to know.

"About two weeks of complete rest, you shouldn't move your ankle too much." Fuyuko reminded, taking away the ice back to stand up and head towards the nurse overseeing the infirmary area. "That also means you can't participate in the finals." She revealed, knowing that was the exact worry going through his head.

The nurse assisting the injured in the small clinic connected to the stadium, smiled at the approaching girl. "Your team must be lucky to have someone knowledgeable with medicine around." The lady voiced, kindly handing a roll of bandage to the girl.

Fuyuko smiled back to the women, grateful for her kindness. "Thank you, ma'am, but sometimes it's not good for my heart. Especially with how fired up the boys are." The manager casually answered, talking with the older women as if they were old friends.

Osamu could only sweat drop at the scene, silently watching their exchange. He followed the younger girl's every single movement until she returned back to him. "Now then, let's get your ankle bandaged shall we." The girl smiled. Holding the bandage roll up to her face before pulling out the end of it, the action hiding her lips behind the pulled-out peach bandage as her eyes glinted in mischief.

Yea... she's one hell of a partner to have...

"Are you worried?" The lavender head asked, sitting on the chair facing the bed Osamu sat in. She continued to run her fingers over the wrapped-up ankle of his, eyes directly in contact with the male.

Osamu averted his eyes to his lap, hands clutching each other. Worry was honestly an understatement after all. He was quite aware how strong his team was, but that doesn't mean the chances of them losing was zero. He knew that very well.

With a quite sigh, the girl calmly stood up to place her hand on Osamu's head. Patting his grey locks gently. "It's fine, I'm sure they'll win. Shin-chin went in for you, and while Atsu-chin was supper silent I'm pretty sure he was plotting revenge."

Osamu blinked, slightly lifting his head to see the small warm smile displayed on Fuyuko's lips. Of course, he knew that—he vividly remembered how Atsumu squeezed his shoulder as he was helped off the court, the usually loud mouth of a blond was awfully silent but that silent reassurance was warm.

"Trust them, Osa-chin. They'll surely win. So that you'll have the chance to play together again at the nationals."

With comforting words and pats, the one-eighty-three male finally calmed down, shoulders relaxing, and his tense muscles finally getting rest. Shamelessly leaning into the girl's touch and intentionally making the rest of the single infirmary inhabitants jealous. 


True to her words, the Inarizaki team safely advanced to nationals with little difficulty. Their finals ended with 3-2, along with Atsumu winning the best setter and server award. It left the blonds ego too inflated that everyone else blatantly ignored him when he starts rambling about his accomplishments.

He got on Osamu's nerves in particular, so much that they end up fighting more often than none. It was Fuyuko and Suna who had to daily remind that the younger twin was still recovering. Their behavior ended up annoying Fuyuko so much that she ended up giving them detention by keeping their hands tied against each other. She let them stare as Suna and her ate away a delicious chocolate cake she baked.

Later the twins reluctantly apologized to the girl, who stared at them judgingly before finally forgiving them and pulling out a second cake she baked just for that outcome. She somehow ended up inviting most of the team regulars over and having a small hangout at her home in the end.

Osamu offered to help in the kitchen, but he was coldly rejected by both Fuyuko and Alice because of his injury. He was left to sulk on the couch, as the rest of the team watched an anime of Fuyuko's recommendation. "How's Jujutsu Kaisen so far?" Alice asked, walking out of the kitchen and ruffling Atsumu's hair as she passed behind the couch and towards the front door.

The blond unconsciously fixed his hair, eyes not leaving the huge television. "Not bad." He murmured out, leaving the rest of the team either agreeing with him with their own comments or staring at the two's casual display of actions.

That was the other thing that have come to change drastically, the usual antics between the two hot headed teens to be specific. Anyone can clearly see that Atsumu have been handling Alice's usual affections more calmly as if he had accepted them. After that certain festival, they've had an entirely different air around them.

While Suna was disappointed they didn't straight up start dating after all of his efforts, all of them were thankful—because their usual banter is now much lighter and less violent. They can clearly see that they've accepted each other as friends, properly this time. Both of them explained that it was their first step, and whatever happens after that was something they would accept. All in all, their relationship was not as complicated as it was before.

While Fuyuko and Osamu on the other hand, had grown closer than ever. At this point, there was no one in the entirety of their school—including the teachers, that thinks the couple would not go a long way. Of course, they would have petty fights here and there, but nothing serious yet. Despite them both having problems and all, they understand the other's problem and reassures each other. In a nut shell, their relationship was strong and beautiful.

Soon, all the deserts and edible food made by both girls—with Kita helping out a bit later, was spread over the dinner table. The volleyball team helped themselves, after thanking for the food. With fizzy drinks bought by Alice earlier, they officially start the small hangout with casual chatter and laughter.

"Come to think of it, Atsumu and Osamu 'll be turnin' seventeen soon." Aran brought up, starting another conversation topic at the table. Fuyuko was honestly glad the table was large enough to fit most of the team regulars. She on the other hand sat on the kitchen counter, Suna and Osamu by her sides as they enjoyed their food.

"When's your birthday Osa-chin?" Fuyuko asked, glancing at the male. Afterall, despite everything they knew about each other, she didn't remember them talking about their birth dates.

"October fifth." He answered, not really bothered with her not knowing it. "What bout yers?"

Fuyuko let out a soft snort. "What a coincidence." She muttered, making the grey head raise a brow at the girl.

Alice grinned at the pair from the table besides Atsumu. "Fuyuko and I are both Octobers' too." She revealed, making the Miya twins turn to her with slightly wide eyes.

"For real?" Atsumu couldn't help but ask.

"For real." Alice and Fuyuko uttered out simultaneously.

"Mine's on October second." Alice stated out, slyly smirking at Atsumu's direction. "Meaning I'm older than you."

The blond spluttered. "For what?! Only three days!" With a click of his tongue, he turned back to Fuyuko in order to avoid the red head's smug look. "When's yer birthday, Fuyu-Chan?"

"Hmm?" Fuyuko looked up at his direction, a fork in between her lips. She slowly pulled it out, calmly savoring and swallowing the taste of chocolate before finally deciding to answer. "Mine's on sixteenth." She instantly narrowed her eyes at Atsumu who let out a relieved sigh at the fact that she was younger than him. "You're not much older than me Atsu-chin..."

"Still younger." Osamu shot at her, making her turn to him. Only to be met with an amused smirk.

"Not you too... you guys are definitely twins." Fuyuko murmured, knowing fully well that Osamu wouldn't like her placing him and his brother on the same line.

The grey head instantly deadpanned. "'m clearly better than that piss head."

"Sometimes." Fuyuko didn't hesitate to reply, making Osamu's brow twitch.

"What do ya mean 'sometimes' Fuyu-Chan!" Atsumu exclaimed out. "'m clearly the better twin!"

Suna instantly coughed into his hand, hiding the laughter that bubbled out of his lips. 


A brush, a rat-tail comb, a spray bottle, one bun maker, one large hair band, one small hair elastic, three Goody Spin Pins 'n three bobby pins...

The lavender haired girl sat completely relaxed on the couch, sitting between Osamu's legs who sat on the armrest and facing her back. Her own legs laid comfortably stretched to hog most of the couch as she leaned her cheek against the male's thigh—as it was obstructing her from leaning against the backrest directly to her left. Hair flowed over her shoulders and cascaded behind her; long locks being gently handled by the male sitting behind her.

"Do you even know how to style long hair?" The girl questioned Osamu, fluttering her lids close along with his gentle movements.

The grey head let out a 'hmm', concentrating on combing through the girl's hair that he barely managed to process her words. "Last night I kinda ended up watchin' a tutorial for this..." His voice was just a little louder than a mutter, deadly focused on the task at hand.

"Hmm~ It feels so good~" Fuyuko sighed, the relaxation of her brain wanting her to just fall asleep right there and then. "I feel sleepy..."

The grey head paused, sweat dropping as he stared at the back of her head. "Should I stop?"

Fuyuko lightly shook her head at that. "Noo~ Continue please..." The girl slurred, now sounding like she was drunk and high.

Nevertheless, the male continued his work. Taking an elastic hair band to tie her hair. "Tell me if I hurt ya, Kay?"

"Ow— you just pulled a hair— ah, again—" Fuyuko's eyes twitched, her relaxing peace from before disappearing into nothingness. "You suck at this."

Her blunt comment had him rolling his eyes. "Oh shut it, 've never had long ass hair before." He grumbled out, but kept in mind to be more careful with her long locks. "Just tell me if 'm hurtin' ya."

"Mhm. You are actually doing a lot better than my mom. She shows completely zero mercy." The girl voiced, a tense smile on her lips at the mention of the women dealing with her hair. "Sushi-chin on the other hand, while being very impatient is a lot better at handling things like that."

"Yer brother huh?" Osamu muttered, unconsciously keeping the conversation going. "He sounded childish durin' that time we met him. Gives me Tsumu vibes."

Fuyuko's smile widened at that. "Sushi-chin for me, is like Tsumu to you. Immature but still there for you always." She let out a chuckle, ironic over the fact that both of them have brothers. "We don't admit it, but we're extremely grateful to have them. Won't you agree?"

Fuyuko never failed it make him smile, even during the darkest of days. Even if he was forced to bear the heaviest burdens, the girl was always there to lighten his load and brighten up his day. When it comes to her, smiling comes effortlessly. This time, wasn't an exception either.

"I don' wanna admit it, don' even like the idea of it... but yea. I think so too." Osamu replied, quite thankful that Atsumu and the rest of the group was out hanging out right now. Had the blond heard what the grey head just admitted to, he was sure his brother's ego would expand larger than the world itself.

"By the way..." The girl trailed off, her voice dropping from the previous irony to a tone filled with doubt. "I... applied for the next high school classical music competition. The piano division specifically." She informed, making the great head pause him work for a moment—processing her words.

Osamu honestly didn't know what to say. He didn't know how the girl was going to handle the competition when she still has a hard time going through a single music sheet without stopping.

Sure, that one time in a café she managed to play a song from start till end for the first time in a span of a year, but that was it. Afterwards, as if she didn't play at all, her problems came barreling back. He had to admit, the girl can now play much further than before—but even then, she gets stuck close to the end.

It was painful to see. The girl ripping off her music sheets and almost smashing the guitar due to her frustrations. Had Osamu not rushed to stop her that day when she snapped, he was sure she would've bashed the guitar into her award shelf. He was sure had he wasn't there; the girl would've gotten hurt—especially when the showcase shelves were made out of glass.

"I know what you're thinking Osa-chin." Fuyuko's voice snapped the male out if his worried trail of thoughts, looking down at the girl who tilted her chin up to look up at the boy. "Don't worry much, I'll be fine."

"Ya sure?" Osamu was not convinced, not one bit. "Even if ya 're, I'll still worry Fuyu..."

The girl smiled at his response, looking back front as Osamu continued his work with her hair. "I'm sure you would. But honestly, I feel much better after that outburst the other day. I promise."

The grey head freed his right hand, before bringing it over her shoulder until it was in front of her. "Pinky promise me." He held out his pinky finger, making the girl stare at it with a look of bewilderment.

"Osa-chin..." Fuyuko bit her bottom lip, honestly not expecting something like that from the grey head.

"Don' underestimate the power of pinky promise, Fuyu. Cuz if ya break it, I get the chance to order ya 'round for an entire week." The male informed, tone dead serious.

Fuyuko went silent, blinking at the condition. "Huh? Is that how pinky promise works these days?"

"Yes. Now promise me Fuyu, that ya 'll be alright." Osamu was not backing off; he wasn't the one to anyways. Especially when it comes to worrying over her, he was stubborn.

With a lopsided smile, Fuyu connected her pinky with his, her smaller digit holding onto his as she lightly shook their hands. "Pinky promise."

Satisfied, the male took back his hand to pat her head. "Good girl, now remember that I get to order ya 'round if ya break it, alright?" He reminded, pretending not to notice her letting out a choking noise.

I honestly don't know why I reacted when he said 'good girl'—

"Wow... This is beautiful Osa-chin... Amazing..." Fuyuko was at first, lost for words as she stood in front of the mirror in her room. Turning her head from one side to another to check out the extremely neat lace braided bun at the back of her head. "It looks like Saber's bun! Your awesome!"

Her reaction and excitement did not disappoint Osamu one bit. In fact, he was all there for it. To see her beaming smile directed at him was worth all the troubles he went through to research a hair style that would fit the girl. He was damn proud of the fact that he was the reason for that smile despite not admitting it in front of her.

With his fingers gently brushing through her untouched bangs, the male smiled down at her. "Glad ya like it."

"I don't like it Osa-chin. I absolutely love it!"

Ahh damnit, why 's she so cute...


It's funny cause Osamu and Atsumu's birthday's are on Oct 5th, which is also my dad's birthday. I gave Alice Oct 2nd cause that's my mom's birthday. While Fuyuko on the other hand— I gave her the same birthday as Kenma, Oct 16. Honestly, I feel bad for Suna being the only one in the group for having a different birth month. 

On the other hand, I have college exams on 23rd and 24th, so I wont be updating till it's over. I won't be too active on Wattpad till then too. Just wanted to publish a chapter before that, so sorry this was written in a rush! 

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