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To say, Fuyuko struggled with the so-called pastries was an understatement, and there was only a single reason to blame.

Food. Yes, Fuyuko blamed the food.

She was not a food friendly person, despite sneaking to eat during random times. So, the results of her trying equals to disasters.

Disasters so big that Atsushi was low key regretting ever opening his mouth that night. He had thought she would be the one doing the struggling, but no, not at all. Because every single time she asks to taste test something, he had to battle against death to save his life.

Yes, that's how much she sucked, and Atsushi was extremely disappointed to have her as a sister. Half-blood or not.

However, those little arguments and bickering's was all it took for a sweet bond to form between them. Meaning whether she was able to satisfy him or not, they had grown a lot closer than before.

Nanami was surely glad.

The results of such bonds were shown during school one day, when his so-called friends had invited him to plan about something against an enemy of theirs.

The enemy turned out to be none other than Fuyuko.

"I've been planning to embarrass her in front of everyone tomorrow." Their leader declared to his friends gathered outside during lunch.

"You mean that girl whose always around Murasakibara?" One asked with a raised. "The one who beat you up?"

"She didn't beat me up! It was all part of my plan to ger her in trouble." The leader huffed out.

"But you got into a trouble t—"

"ANYWAYS! I'm planning to have someone dump water on her." He grinned. "We're gonna lead her outside around lunch time, and I'm gonna dump an entire water bucket on her head from the first floor!" The boy was excited alright. "What do you think?"

"Huh, not bad, that'd teach her a lesson not to mess with boys."

"Whose gonna lead her outside? I don't wanna talk to her, she's scary." Another kid voiced, looking quite uncomfortable at the idea of approaching their supposed target.

The leader's eyes trailed over to Atsushi who had been busy eating his lunch, sitting at the base of s tree. "That's where Murasakibara comes in!"

"Hm?" Said male turned to the group, continuing to eat his onigiri. "What'd you say?"

The leaders smile faltered, but nevertheless managed to contain his front as he repeated his plan to the lavender head. "Got it? I want you to ask her to meet you outside, right below the window of our class. I bet she'll listen to you, cuz she can't seem to get enough of you."

A kid perked up, sending Atsushi a look. "I'm telling you! She likes you! She's like that only to you!"

That was all it took for Atsushi to realize, that his 'friends' didn't know the full extent of his and Fuyuko's relationship. It wasn't surprising really, considering they had different last names. He didn't know if that was a good thing or not, because the situation also had him realizing how little his 'friends' knew him, or ever even tried to get to know him.

"Maybe we should have him fake confess, and then laugh at her face or somethin'."

"Oh my god! That's be fun! Imagine the look on her face!"

"She'd regret ever messing with you!"

"Murasakibara, you up for it? I mean it's not like you'd mind, cuz you hate her, right."

Atsushi merely scoffed, not at all even considering their petty plan. "You guys are too childish that it makes me wanna crush all of you."

His answer left the others baffled. "Huh?"

The leader in particular, was more annoyed than anything else. He stomped over to stand in front of the lavender head, looming over his sitting figure with a glare. "Oh come on! why're you going against this? I thought you'd be happy to get revenge on her for being so annoying! I mean, you do hate her right?" He narrowed his eyes. "Or what? You starting to like her or something?"

Behind him, all others paused to take in his words, before bursting out into loud laughter.

"What?! No way!"

"That's lame!"

They were quickly forced to be silenced though, by the noise of Atsushi closing the lid of his lunch. "You're making me lose my appetite." The lavender haired child voiced with a dissatisfied frown. He proceeded to get up, making the rest step back from him with wide eyes as his height loomed over everyone. The glare being directed their way making him more intimidating. "Fuyuko's my sister you idiots, I can't date her."

"Eh?" To say they were shocked would be an understatement.

Atsushi merely scoffed at the faces of his 'friends' before turning to walk back to his class, or in search of Fuyuko. That was before he remembered something, which made him pause before sending them a fleeting glare over his shoulder. "Oh, and the only one who can call her annoying is me. So, don't let me hear you say something like that again."

He walked off with lazy but long strides. Leaving the rest to watch his back with various emotions present within them.

As for Atsushi, he saw his half-blood sister peeking into his class from the window—obviously searching for him. "What're you doing?" Atsushi blurted out, which startled the unsuspecting girl and had her yelping out loud.

She had spun around with wide eyes, only for them to narrow at her brother. "Huh? Oi, Sushi-chin! Don't scare me like that!" The girl shouted, walking closer to him before presenting him her lunch box. "I can't finish my lunch. I'm letting you can have it instead."

The boy blinked, both of them holding a silent staring contest before he deadpanned. "You're just scared cause Nanami's gonna be mad if you don't finish that." He bluntly blurted out, making Fuyuko pout.

"Oh, come on! You know you want it. No one can resist mom's cooking!" Fuyuko shoved the lunch towards his chest, forcing him to take it before turning back to saunter away with a waving hand. "Enjoy~"

Atsushi watched her walk away, silently staring as she disappeared around a corner before glancing down towards the lunch held in his hand. The boy couldn't help but scoff, lips tugging into a very small rare smile. "You're seriously annoying."


Days have come to pass and six entire years of growing up together have gone by. Six years was a lot, and there was bound to have many changes in life for everyone. The same goes for Fuyuko's small family of three.

The girl had started her second year in Junior High, while Atsushi just started as a freshman. His looks betrayed him though, because while he was only twelve, he stood over 180 cm. He was a damn giant one can say, a giant whose height bothered Fuyuko to no end.

Atsushi had also picked up the habit of shortening names and adding -Chin after it. It had been rooted to him when he started imitating Fuyuko's way of referring to people, just to annoy her as she was completely against the idea of him copying her ways.

Over time though, it had become a norm to them. Fuyuko had gotten used to Atsushi copying her and he had gotten used to using Fuyuko's way of giving people names.

Nanami in particular found it cute, it was like a special tick both of them shared and one of the many similarities of their sibling ties. She was happy with the way things were, and never would she change it for the world.

Another huge change was Fuyuko's talent to make pastries. By the time she'd reached the first year of Junior High, she had become a pro.

For one, Atsushi was happy with her improvement. Why? Because now he can get good pastries from home without visiting nearby bakeries like he used to. Nanami was a busy woman, so it wasn't like she could always make them after all.

It was also during her first year of Junior High that Fuyuko discovered her lover for music as well. Getting better and better at it faster than her baking skills did—she now stood as one of the well-known students of Teiko Middle School, for her skillful plays in music club.

Atsushi wasn't losing to her though.

Following her footsteps, by the time his first year of Junior High ended, he had become a part of the infamous Generation of Miracles. His name becoming well known in the world of basketball.

All while Fuyuko continued to gain fame in the world of Music.

Honestly, they were a hell of a pair. Despite being half-blood, and despite having different last names, no one can deny the bond they have to be anything less that of siblings. They were that close.

However, no story is all rainbows and butterflies. Not even theirs.


By the time Fuyuko graduated Junior High, she had been scouted by Inarizaki High in Hyogo, and had decided to attend High School there.

From the money Nanami had collected, she had bought a cozy home where Fuyuko could live in— and by the time Atsushi entered his last year in Junior High, Fuyuko had enrolled and started attending Inarizaki.

At first, he was against it, he didn't like the thought of her living far away from him after getting used to her presence. Not like there was anything to be done though, so despite the huge argument that broke out between them, Fuyuko had left him in Tokyo along with Nanami.

Things were already rocky between them, and it only got worse during Fuyuko's first visit. The visit being around the time when Teiko was qualified for the nationals, and the time Fuyuko had decided to watch their final match to surprise him afterwards.

It was also the final match where Atsushi's team played not to win—but to make the score [111 - 11] where all ones would be displayed.

It was total annihilation, and the girl had been intimidated by the sheer power they held. Of course, she'd confronted Atsushi afterwards, but it didn't go well. Not one bit.

"What was that Sushi-chin?" Fuyuko asked, walking alongside Atsushi as they headed back home from Teiko. He had been surprised when he walked out of school to see her waiting for him, but from the look on her face he immediately knew she'd seen his match. "Why did you play like that?"

"What's it to you, Fuyu-chin?" He drawled out, munching on chips as he threw her a bored glance.

"What's it to me?" The girl repeated, furrowed brows boring right into his eyes. "That was hard to watch Sushi-chin. Did you even think about the feelings of the other team? They looked traumatized!" Her eyes narrowed further. "That was inhuman Sushi-chin."

With a loud exhale, Atsushi came to a stop before narrowing his eyes right back at her. "I'm seeing you after a long time, and here you are being annoying. Why're you so bothered with my match? It's not like you even know anything about basketball." He asked, making Fuyuko huff out a breath of frustration.

"It's not about me knowing basketball. Anyone, literally ask anyone to watch that match, ask them if it was horrifying or not." She shot back, folding her arms across her chest as both of them glared at each other on a side of a walkway. "I'm trying to tell you, breaking people's spirits like that isn't a good thing."

"Why do you care Fuyu-chin?" Atsushi shot back; tone agitated. "You left me to do your own thing, why don't you leave me alone to do my own thing too?"

"I didn't leave you Sushi-chin, you'll know why I did what I did when you graduate." Fuyuko reasoned. "And I'm talking to you about this because I'm your big sister, so listen to me okay."

Atsushi's brow twitched. "Huh? I never accepted you as a sister, so don't tell me what to do. I won't hesitate to crush even you Fuyu-chin." Atsushi had been completely serious and Fuyuko knew that well.

He had changed a lot since she'd seen him, and she'd just begun to realize that. His words still impacted her though, considering he was the only sibling she had. Hence, after all those memories and times they've spend getting to know each other, hearing him say he had never accepted her was like saying everything was a lie.

Overwhelmed by sadness, the tears that emerged was quick to roll down her cheeks. Shocking Atsushi who had stared at her face with wide eyes, the snack in his hands long forgotten.

After all, among all those times he'd known her, she had never cried. Not when people said things about her or had ganged up on her, not when she'd failed to accomplish her targets, and not at all when she received random injuries from playing around.

Since kindergarten days until now, that had been the first time he'd ever seen her cry, and it held him frozen in place.

Even then, she forced herself to glare right back at him. "I... seriously hate you Atsushi. It would've been better if I never came back." With that, she turned to walk off, back where she'd come from. Leaving the lavender haired male to willow in his regret as he watched her retreating back. His own heart clenching with hurt from her words.

The bad streak didn't end there. Not at all. Because Atsushi was forced to face something even worse when he got home to the sight of Nanami sobbing—her phone held to her ear.

"Fuyuko got into an accident."

Those simple words shattered everything for him.


It was as if he'd gone back to when he was just six years old, forced to watch from a side as someone important to him laid unmoving on a hospital bed.

The guilt within him swallowed his entire being, and it intensifies every time he sees her arm wrapped in a cast.

For her who loved music more than anything, he knew being told she can never play again would affect her gravely.

It did, more then he'd ever thought.

She had completely lost her appetite, and showed lesser facial expressions. As if everything was drained out of her system completely.

She sat there, within the whites of the hospital. As if she was within a white canvas where everything was overwhelmed by white, where everything she once knew was no more, as if it was another reality.

For him, it felt like she'd lost her reason of existence as she just sad there, staring into space with that hazy look in her eyes, and it hurt him greatly.

"Sorry." He remembered muttering into her hair, holding her in his arms as gently as he could. "Sorry for everything I said. I was just mad because that's the first thing you started talking about after finally visiting me. I didn't mean any of that." His voice was softer than usual, reaching her ears only despite no one else being present.

Through the overwhelming regret, grief, and sadness he had been experiencing back then—the one thing he would remember would be the instant feeling of relief he felt when her good arm circled around him to finally return his hug. "It's fine, I'm sorry for the things I said too, and for leaving you right after our argument."

Atsushi shook his head, burring his face further into her hair. Disliking how her lavender scent was replaced with the smell of disinfectant. "No, I was just being petty back then."

Fuyuko leaned back, making Atsushi let go of his hold to stare down at her face. Again, disliking the lesser amount of expressions being shown to him unlike usual. "No, you're still in Junior high, it's not your fault for not understanding my decision, I should have explained it better." She raised her good arm to cup Atsushi's face, making him instinctively lean into its warmth.

"And this goes without saying, but it's not your fault I got into that accident either. It was just me being careless. So, don't blame yourself okay?" She had reminded, but it wasn't like he could forget everything that led up to the accident.

Hence, despite him nodding, he didn't stop blaming himself even till date—because in his mind he had concluded that he was partially to blame for it too.

Fuyuko smiled, remembering back to the days they've yet to warm up to each other. "We may be older, but you're still my dumb half-brother no matter what happens, dumbass."

"And you're still my annoying half-sister." He murmured right back.

Things changed a lot, especially for Fuyuko's family.

Upon Atsushi's request, Nanami had moved to Hyogo along with Fuyuko. Getting a job and setting down while he had gone to live with one of his older brothers he had contact with.

He had figured that he'll be mature about the approach, especially with Fuyuko's injury. He concluded that she needed Nanami more, and went along with it.

His mind had been fully made by the time he graduated Junior High.

It's my turn to look after her like she'd always done to me.

It had been a rocky start, like the heaviness of the rain making things difficult—testing those willing to face the heaviness and those who gives up without trying.

Rain is beautiful phenomenon, but it is ruthless just the same.

However, no matter what, there will come a time where it thins and clears up. Leaving behind a rainbow to those who survived the heaviness.

For Fuyuko and Atsushi, their story had been like that. Like the phenomenal rain experienced. For them, the rain had been cleared as they've managed to battle against the difficulties.

For them who had an unbreakable bond despite the changes they've experienced, will have a long-lasting bond as survivors.


"Fuyu-chin, you know you've been less annoying after that accident." Atsushi voiced, reminiscing about his past as he laid there on the couch of the Rairakku residence—head placed on her thighs comfortably.

The girl spared him a single glance before going right back to watching the anime called Haikyuu—the anime which was inspired by their Highschool days where the journey of a single volleyball club was shown. Author being Akaashi Keiji, a friend of hers and a regular of Onigiri Miya.

"Isn't that a good thing?" She muttered out, voice considerably softer and lower than what it used to be—back in the past.

Atsushi let out a hum, staring up at her face form his angle. "I miss past Fuyu-chin, but current Fuyu-chin is not too bad."

Fuyuko ended up chuckling at that. "Well, I'm flattered." She looked down to make direct eye contact—lavenders meeting violets. "But for me, I like the current Sushi-chin way better than your child version."


This is the end of one bonus! Hope you enjoyed!

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