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what about the second season?
do you know what it's called?

it is a season, where one
experience dryness, yet not as
close as the warmth of Summer.

dear, be informed
the other alternating season
is called, the Dry Season.


Rairakku Alice had the perfect life everyone would wish for. She had been one of those lucky ones, where she could get her hands on anything she desired with a single snap of her fingers. It was no wonder she was considered born lucky.

She is rich. Being the only daughter of their wealthy family and soon to inherit all of the family fortune. Money was never a problem for her, and she lived inside a beautiful mansion where she was considered nothing less than a princess.

She has a loving family. Sure, there are many expectations around for her who is soon to success their company, but her parents never failed to provide her with love and affection she deserved. Their family had a very healthy relationship, and she had nothing to complain about that.

She was blessed with good looks. A gorgeous body, as if handcrafted by the hands of the gods themselves. Beautiful scarlet hair granting her a fiery touch that goes along with her straightforward and confident personality. It was no wonder people would fall to their knees at a single glance at her beauty.

Her eyes were as sharp as diamonds, brown hues betraying the ordinary touch and demanding respect form whoever they laid themselves upon. No one, not even her superiors or parents are exempted from it—and that fact alone, made her special. A child blessed with everything.

It was no surprise that people would admire and respect her. Like mere peasants parting away as she walked by—lowered heads, hushed voices, careful steps and fiddling hands. For them she was unreachable, someone so perfect that no imperfections can ever taint her with hopes to mark her impure.

That's right, she was the red empress of Teikō Junior High, the cousin of Akashi Seijuro and the one every single girl wanted to become.

That's what everyone thought of her as.

But what about the lady red herself? Was she satisfied with her life?

She had everything, so everyone says.

She was perfect, so everyone says.

She was untouchable, so everyone says.

Not knowing one bit, that the lady herself was willing to sacrifice all and everything she had for one single thing.

She wanted a friend.

It was a simple thing, but deemed impossible to have with the kind of status she had.

That was before she met Rairakku Fuyuko that is.

At first, when Rairakku Alice had confronted Rairakku Fuyuko because of the rumors she had brought upon the Rairakku name, she never expected much from her.

Oh, how she should've been prepared.

"Well, my last name happens to be Rairakku too. So, it's not really my fault is it?" Fuyuko had shot back with a raised brow.

At once Alice knew, that the girl before her was different. She stared at her like she would stare at any other person present in the room. She saw them as equals—she viewed Alice and everyone else as equals.

The short girl refused to grovel before her, and stood proud against her. She was not intimidated by her appearance or her status.

Just like that, she had managed to gain that one single thing she was willing to sacrifice everything for. For free, without any sacrifices and no hold barred. They became friends.

Alice would never admit it as long as she lived, but she respected the petite female—and it showed obviously for everyone else to see their interactions, despite Alice trying to hide it.

For her, Rairakku Fuyuko was like Rairakku Alice to everyone else. Yet Fuyuko refused to let her bow below her, and she wanted her stand on the same level as her.

Of course, Alice transferred into Inarizaki alongside her one and only friend. It was an easy feat with her connections. It was her one and only request to her parents in a long time, hence her parents were prepared to support her fully.  


At that point, Alice completely agreed with what everyone said about her. She was lucky, she was blessed, she was perfect, and she was untouchable—with Fuyuko by her side.

Yet as soon as she had entered High School. She started wanting something else. Something not within her reach, and sometimes she would search for in the future.

She wanted a Romantic Love.

It was around the time where Inter High Volleyball nationals was taking place in Tokyo, and Alice had been visiting her parents in Tokyo at the time. As a family outing, they had gone to watch a match of the infamous volleyball team of their School. Something she had never thought of doing before.

Alice never expected much like always. She was only there to bond with her family after all. However, there, sitting along the VIP seats, Alice found herself giving respect to a stranger for the first time since Fuyuko. The respect which was reserved for Fuyuko and Fuyuko only—she found herself sharing that with a complete stranger.

Her breath was taken away, sitting at the edge of her seat.

Body tense and Anticipating.


Because the one called Miya Atsumu was it? Yes him. He was absolutely handsome within his element. He played with so much freedom, with so much love and with that huge grin reserved for Volleyball and Volleyball only.

Because it was obvious, he loved—no, loves it with the bottom of his heart. And Alice found herself wondering―whether a human would come along, who would show her a love of the same level, towards her.

Despite knowing not to, and despite the many times the crowd muted themselves when he served—Alice found herself shouting out with everything she had—to him, within the dead of silence.

She never regretted it. It never embarrassed her, for her eyes were on him and him only. And her smile only brightened when he turned to glare at her darkly. It was like she could her his thoughts out loud, asking her to shut up, insulting her—but that only brought her excitement.

At that very moment—with that glare, her heart skipped a beat.

Next followed an entire year of confessions and rejections. She was smitten, completely lost in love that no one could talk her out of. She had already been carried away by the currents of the electric waves, along with the pleasure of being close to him despite him rejecting her entire existence.

He loathed her.

She loved him.

They were entirely opposites, yet they were still on both sides of the same coin.

Both holding on to their own convections, gripping tight, clenched jaws, braced strength and never willing to let go at the cost of their lives. Never, not in eternity nor infinity.

One of them wanted acceptance, yet the other rejected.

One of them wanted to be beloved, yet the other offered hate.

One of them wanted them gone, yet the other refused to.

One of them wanted to treat her the same as everyone else, yet it was impossible because she was different.


He hated her with his entire being—he really did. However, somewhere along the line though, changes began, and he trapped himself within a lie.

Yes, Atsumu acknowledged it. Alice was someone who can easily catch up to him and even leave him in her dust if she wanted to.

She, who had been associated with the devil itself, was feared yet respected. It was different from him, who had charms associated with what he loves to do, was adored and respected.

She was beautiful in his eyes. The red fits her oh so very well. There was no way a red can ever exist within his vision without his traitorous mind reeling back the wild and grace she carried with her every step.

He felt inferior, and it scared him to know that he was ok with being on losing end when it came to her.

Despite getting scared, dreading her presence, and having loathed her entire existence, he noticed that she had always easily betrayed all of his negative expectations.

She was perfect.

And he was just another person who fell on his knees in front of her.

He was pathetic, was that he thought of himself.

He felt unworthy, was what he thought of himself.

He was no different, was what he thought of himself.

Yes, while he found the red devil of death completely pretty, he knew he was just another someone else to exist.

While she was someone stood upon all, feared and respected, he knew the only thing special about him was his volleyball.

While he found himself bowing down before her, acknowledging her unique and superior colors among all other girls—he knew he was nothing comparable to her, he was no different than anyone else in her eyes.

That was what he thought at least.

So, he pushed her away. Kept her at a distance. Yet never took his eyes of her.

He kept her at a distance, yet he continued to look at her direction.

That was when thoughts popped up in his head.

What did she see in me? To chase after me specifically?

His answer would only be gained through proper communication. But he was scared. And it held him beck.

It was during a single festival in the beauty of autumn did he finally decide to face his fears, because the thought of her ending up with someone else—the thought of losing her completely, had him losing his composure.

So, what if he was completely ordinary before her?

So, what if he's just someone else wanting to have a devil all to himself?

He didn't care.

Because everyone else were the same as him. They were disgusting humans just like him. Just the same and there was no different.

Except for one single fact that rebuts everything above.

She chose him.

He was the same as everyone, yet she chose him.

He was nothing before her, yet she chose him.

He was a complete nobody, yet she chose him.

He wanted to know why. Why? Why was it him? Is it alright to grab this slim lonely red thread extended to him? Is it alright to take this opportunity?

That night, he had asked her. He finally gathered the courage to.

"Idiot, because Tsun-chan is Tsun-chan duh!" She had responded as if it was obvious and asking something like that was stupid. "I love you because you are you. You're Miya Atsumu, and you are you in your own special way."

He realized. That while he never found himself as anything special when it came to her. She had always found him special and recognized the entire time.

The coin with two different sides changed. Red overtook the yellow. Like the sky covering red as the sun sets. It resembles the end of all doubt in between them, like the mix of red and yellow leaves of autumn.

"Then, do ya mind waitin' for me a bit longer?" Atsumu found himself asking. "Cuz right now, 'm nothin'. But I'll find a way to stand on the same level as ya! Just ya wait!"

He acknowledged it. He loves her. He wants her. He wants to call her his, and he will work hard for her.

He had to be patient after all, because despite settling everything thoroughly, they're still from different worlds.

She was a fallen angel, deadly and strong.

He was an ordinary human, plain and bare.

However, he would work through everything. After dripping blood of disappointing failures, after shedding sweat of thousands hard work, and after he cried rivers of frustration enough to fill a sea—he had finally achieved it.

He stood at the top of his word. Becoming renowned, feared and respected. He became like her, but within in own world. In his world of Volleyball, he had gained wings to fly on the same level as her.

To reach her who now sat in a throne as one of the largest influencers in Japan. Leading an entire company at her disposal.

Thinking back, Atsumu realized that his teenage self was right in saying that he was all nothing but ordinary compared to her.

Within his first year of being accepted into the national team in division one, he knew the time to sit on a throne next to her was near.

The final step being his first MSBY Vs Black Jackals match. Achieving the win was like a sign of permission from above. A chance he was willing to take and was prepared for that is.

Within the spectators in the VIP box, a certain red-haired devil was moved to tears when Atsumu picked up the mic to take the entire stage for himself.

"Rairakku Alice! I've proven myself to ya in front of the world!" The bright grin he displayed was so pure. Pure enough to tug on a devil's heartstrings. "So, become my girlfriend, will ya?!"

He announced it to the world, that she was his. He announced that he was proud to call her, his, and him, hers.

"Finally! I've been waiting since forever for you Tsun-chan!"

She was a devil. Who had wanted a friend, who had wanted to experience love.

He was a human, who fell in love with a devil and worked to go to hell for her.

Both of them were rulers, and they shall be one of the scariest pairs to have as anyone's enemies.

This is their story, and it had been beautiful throughout.

It started beautifully.

Progressed beautifully.

And ended beautifully.


"So, dad? You're the bottom in your relationship? Lame." A red-haired kid commented, riding on the said male's shoulder.

"HEY! Who even taught ya to say things like that, geez..." Atsumu grumbled to himself, used to conversations as the one they were having at the very moment.

"Mom did."

Yes, Alice was to blame for being the root of Akito's smart brain. Their child was a quick Lerner, a genius one can say. And often times, the blond finds himself trapped within a highly intelligent conversation between mother and son—which will end with a single outcome.

He is painfully reminded how dumb he is compared to the vast knowledge his wife carried. She was a businesswoman after all, and the only thing he can completely rule over her was when Volleyball is involved.

However, despite the daily struggles he goes through living with two red haired devils, he was damn proud.

Both as a husband and as a father.

For having them as his wife and son.

He would never change it for the world.

Neither would Miya Alice.  


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