The Battle of Fates

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Started writing at 8:58 PM on 27th December. Sorry for delay. 

On the battleground-


"Are you sure, you want to fight us, puny Greek?" The giant leader said cockily. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Of course. Today is the day we shall win. GIANTS, TO WAR!!!" he shouted.

More than 8000 giants, each of them thrice the size of each einherjar charged towards the enemy.

"ARROW CHARGE FIRST!!!" Percy yelled. A thousand arrows rained on the sky. The arrows fell on the giants. Their was a slight moan of pain, but the charge did not stop.

"FIRE AT WILL!" Arrows kept flying through the air. Few giants fell on their way, and was stomped by the others of their army.

"SPEAR CHARGE!" Percy yelled. a thousand einherjars, riding on horses charged. The spears forming a protective barrier. On the front was Percy riding on a black and white pegasi. In his hand was a bronze sword glowing faintly. Beside Percy was Magnus Chase, on a white mare with Summerbrander in his hands. On the other side of Percy was Alex Fierro.

Behind the trio were the gods. 

The two armies were almost about to be collided, but was stopped by a wall of ice rising through the ground. The ground shook on the other side of the wall.

The giants tried their best to break through the wall. Small spear-holes appeared on the wall, from where the einherjars kept poking spears. It continued for a minute or two, before the wall collapsed.

The giants had brought heavy cannons.

"Shit." All the gods along with Percy and Alex said together. 


Arrows were aimed at the cannons. 

Percy used his water powers to feel the material that the cannons were made of. They had 17% water. Percy vaporized the water present in the cannons. They exploded with a boom.

Percy felt extremely tired. He reminded himself that only 5 minutes of the war has started, but using his powers so much weakened him.

"CHARGE. FRONTAL CHARGE!" Percy shouted. A huge roar filled the air. All the einherjars started running, with their swords or knives or whatever weapons they were using.

This was going to be a long long long battle.

17 hours later-

"PUNY GODS! SHOW YOUR FACE!" The enemy leader shouted. The einherjars were losing. Badly. Just as the fates had said. 

Percy was too tired to even look up. Yet, he rode on his pegasi killing giant and giant. These giants were not a quarter as large as the Greek giants. Nor were they as clever or strong. Yet, number mattered. 

"We are losing." Percy murmured.

"Come on buddy. Go on. Just a little." Percy soothed the horse. He fed it some water, and jumped from its back. 

Percy had to prove to the people to not follow three old baggy evil cockroaches' words. He had to save the Norse world. 

"You came to show up your face?" It was a pure evil laugh. Percy turned around and noticed it was the leader of the Norse army. More than 4 times as large as Percy in his 14 year old self.

"Retreat your army. I say it one last time. Unless you want to die, retreat!" Percy murmured. The threat did not sound half as intimidating as he wanted it to.

"You wish. Bow before the great Eliadon(i know. Sounds weird. Well, I had no idea about Norse names. Made one up.) the third, if you want to live." 

"In your wildest dreams." The prince of the seas pointed Riptide towards Eliadon.

"A one to one battle?" Eliadon grinned before swinging his own blade towards the sea prince.

The two people began circling each other. Just like two animals. Their eyes sharp checking on their enemies' weak points. Eliadon changed his height to Percy's.

Percy called water out from the ground. It showered on Percy, giving the young immortal more strength and energy.

Eliadon was a fire giant. 

It was a fight between fire and water. To find which was the superior- Fire or water? (Why is this sounding too much like Avatar? Fire nation and water tribe? Whatever.)

Percy gave the first blow. He swung Riptide against Eliadon's silver sword. It hit with a clang. 

The clang seemed quiet to Percy, but as soon as the clang was heard, the battle outside stopped. Both sides ceased fire, and turned to look at Percy and Eliadon. 

Water rose behind Percy. His eyes turned shining blue. Percy started growing in size. He reached his 21 years old form. The swords were taken back.

Eliadon started his fierce attack on Percy. Percy was taken aback by the force with which he was being attacked. A better swordsman than him. Percy was immediately put to a defense stance with fourteen gashes on his arms and legs and chest. He honestly missed the Achilles curse.

21 hours later (from the last moment)-

The fight between the two legends lasted for hours. Percy's ADHD which was somehow still there and immortality, kept him alive. 

Percy then decided that enough was enough. Eliadon was impossible to be defeated in sword-fighting. 

"Anaklusmos" he muttered. His sword changing into a long beautifully carved stick. 

'Let's show them some real Percy power.' he chucked at the thought.

"AGUAMENTI" A huge wave of water appeared out of thin air. Percy immediately controlled the water, and hit Eliadon with it.  

Eliadon's fire extinguished immediately given the huge amount of water that landed on him. 


The red beam of light hit Eliadon square on his chest.

Eliadon dropped to his knees.


Eliadon's sword flew out of his hand.


 Eliadon started bleeding. Percy smiled. It was such a smile that no one would ever want to be on the opponent side of Percy.

His eyes glowed the dangerous blue color, with black in it too. As if he was possessed by an evil Percy.

Percy closed his fist.

"Feel that? Feel that, you puny giant? The immortal blood that runs on your vein? Let me state a fact. Almost 70% of a human body is made of water. Don't know about giants, but who cares. Anyway, the percentage of water in your body is under my control."

Eliadon shrieked in pain.

"Feel that? Do you feel that burning in your body? Oh, a bit too hot? Want me to make it colder?" Eliadon nodded vigorously. Then he shrieked again. This time louder.

"Oh. A bit too cold I guess. Oops, my bad." 

Eliadon then started twisting in pain. Twisting here and there. 

Another giant came in to help his/her master. But the giant exploded as soon it is reached a radius of 10 feet of Percy. 

"Feel that burn in your head? Its because your brain can't hold any longer. Your end is approaching, Eliadon. Just know this before your death.

Your killer it Percy Jackson. Prince of the seas. Mess with my friends, and you mess with me."

 Eliadon exploded into golden dust.

The giants ran away from the battleground.

Percy collapsed on the ground. His head hit hard on a rock. Golden ichor flowed out his body.

So, that's an epic update. How do you like it? I know I kinda suck at battle scenes.

BTW, Thanks a lot for mentioning the different ways you want to torture me before killing me for making Thertemis kayio2 and Darthbugge. What can I say? I simply love thertemis. A rapist with a virgin goddess. Simply awesome. No sarcasm included. 


1270 words


from PerseusJSonOfSea.

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