Hogwarts year 3 and time traveller

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Started writing on 28th December 23:55 

"Hey, who's that?"

"Who's that?"

"Is- is- is that a mummy?"

Whispers ran through the entire banquet hall as a half body wrapped boy, with a walking stick on his right hand, walked along with the third year. 

Flashback to after the war in the Asgard emergency hospital-

"Is he-?" Alex asked sadly. Odin let out a huge sigh.

"I don't know. None of us do. I will be honest with you and tell you that he has a really low chance of surviving. It's like one in a billion." Odin said. 

Alex nodded and walked away.

12 days later-

The entire Norse council rounded on a bed, looking at the almost dead immortal. 

"Last dose. It's either he wakes up, or he fades." Eir said. She gave him some more ambrosia, along with some herbs from the nine worlds. She dropped a holy water, on his eyes, and waited.

Percy's eyes fluttered. 

"You really need a better eye patch, Odin. That one creeps me out." 

14th day-

"You can not even think of walking right now. How do you think of going to a school to protect someone?" Magnus asked.

"Don't worry. I guess I have been worse." 

15th day-

"Hey, don't dare try to walk!" An Einherjar in duty to check on Percy scolded.

"Come one. Cut me some slack. I have been here for 2 freaking weeks" 

"You want me to die at the hands of Odin?" 

"You will reform. Won't you?"

25th day-

"I must leave now. It was nice meeting you." Percy said, walking like a mummy. 

Magnus and Alex nodded sadly. They were standing near platform 9 and 3 quarter.

"Come on. Cheer up. I will come back next year. K? And for the next 2 waves of war too." 

That cheered the couple up.

"And you asked why I left my world in the first place? I forgot to answer that. Long story short, Annabeth and I broke up, due to a small disagreement. There was some traitor-ish business. I left the camp, and came to Hogwarts to protect a boy. Don't tell anyone about that." 

Magnus and Alex stood there gaping like a fish, on hearing that their favorite ship was broken. 

"Close your mouth. Now, I would have given you a good-bye hug if my arm wasn't broken. Anyways, Au revoir." Percy said in a French accent. He pulled down his black hat with his uninjured hand as a goodbye and walked to cross the brick wall.

Once Percy literally disappeared through the brick wall, the couple stood there once again opening and closing their mouths like a gaping fish.

Hunt P.O.V.-

"When was the marriage again?" Phoebe asked her hunters.

"October 1st. Surely you should remember your mistress' marriage day." Thalia replied.

What the hunt did not know, was that Theo just killed a certain nymph, whose virginity she lost to Theo.

All they knew was that, Theo and Artemis loved each other a lot. And they would kill anyone who tries to break them apart. 

(Go on now. Keep grieving. That's author power!)

On Hogwarts-

The teachers stared at Percy. He was a half mummy. 

When they saw Remus Lupin, they thought he was in a bad state. Now looking at Percy, Lupin looked like a millionaire dressed in his finest dress robes.

Harry and co. hadn't noticed Peter on the train. Well, they didn't even see him before they were walking up the staircase. They didn't ask question. 

Till they sat at the dining table.

"Hey Peter, you okay?" Harry asked

Peter looked away from his food to Harry and nodded. 

"Merlin's beard. What even happened to you?" Ron asked.

"Nothing much. Just tripped on a stone, fell down a small cliff and you get this." He practiced that lie well. 

"That's nothing much?" Hermione asked wide-eyed.

"Hey, what's that super fat book in your arms?" Percy asked, changing the conversation. Percy wanted to sit with his two old friends, Ginny and Luna, but they had sat with the second years. 

"Oh. This is not super fat. It's  'The newest constellations, and their guides.' It's just for some light reading." 

Percy snorted. Ron did too. 

"Yah. That's for light reading, then Percy is a guinea pig." Ron said. (hAhAhAhAhA. I KnOw RiGhT.)

Peter, A.K.A. Percy Jackson froze in his seat. 

"What?" he asked. 

"You know, my brother. Percy Weasley? Head boy extraordinaire." 

Percy let out a sigh of relief. 

"Mr. Johnson. Professor Dumbledore's calling for you."  Professor McGonagall called when Percy was walking towards his dormitory, with Ginny and Luna.

"You go. I will go later." Percy motioned for them to go, and walked with McGonagall. 

"Cockroach cluster" 

The gargoyle opened revealing a staircase. Percy walked up alone with the other professor at the bottom.

The door opened as Percy walked in. 

"Professor Dumbledore." he acknowledged. 

"Mr. Jackson. We need to have a talk." Dumbledore's beard was still shiny as ever.


"There's quite a few things. Perhaps we can talk while having a walk." He said.

Percy raised an eyebrow, before joining Dumbledore, down the castle, towards the black lake.

"Starting with, tell me about yourself, and your. . . wounds." 

Percy finished his total explanation of the Norse world and the war. Then about his blood, and last year. His immortality and everything related to the last 2 months.

"Now, I have a small question in my mind. Perhaps you could you give me the answer."

It was not a question, rather a statement. Percy nodded hesitantly.

"Why did you leave your camp in the first place? I happen to know that it can't be only because of Lady Hecate's orders. You can't really leave your entire life to come to protect a child." 

Percy stared at the night sky. 

"It's personal. Any other things you want to ask, you can. Other than my private life before Hogwarts." 

Percy waited.

"Okay. I was merely curious about it. Anyways, I have a small gift for you. This." he said giving Percy a small locket.

"is a time turner. Can turn time up to 36 hours in the past. Its my personal one. I have a feeling, you will be needing this. All you need to do is turn that button as many hours you want to go before. Remember- You must not be seen in the past by anyone. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary." Giving that to Percy, Dumbledore walked away leaving a pondering Percy staring at the sky. 

Next day, at 11:30 PM, night, astrology class-

"Today, we have a noble astrologist among here, to give you a brief detail about his latest discovery constellation." Professor Sinistra said. 

An old bearded man in a red robe walked in front of the class.

"My dear students. I am Alabaster Branson. Indeed I discovered a new constellation 4 years ago, and studied on the particular for quite a few time. On Professor Sinistra's request, I have decided to share my discovery with all of you." His voice was deep.

"The name of the constellation is The huntress."

Hey there.  

1. So this has been a short update. Sorry for disappointing you with this small update.

2. There's a cliffhanger.

3. By the way, guys stop trying to find ways to kill me. Honestly, Thertemis is gonna get married after all. I bless them a happy and nice future. There shan't be any obstacle on their path. I am planning on a half smut scene about Thertemis. Only the starting. Not the full. Cuz I am a freaking pre-teen.

With 1275 words in all,

Logging out,


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