The trial of the Hippogriff

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Started writing on 8-01-2022, 9 A.M.

Percy's P.O.V.

"Goin to fight Buckbeak's case tomorrow. Dumbledore wants Peter Johnson to come with us as witness." 

The scroll had arrived by owl post at 8 in the morning, at breakfast. It was Sunday, and thus they had a free day. 

Harry was the receiver of the post. Peter, Ginny, Ron and Hermione gathered around to read it. Percy's dyslexia had apparently reduced ever since being an immortal, yet it did not go away completely as he was still a demigod. 

"Why Per? Aouswee there." Ron exclaimed, while chewing on his food. 

"Ronald Weasley! Chew on your food completely before speaking." Hermione scolded. Crookshanks as if on cue, jumped on Ron's plate, spilling the food everywhere.

"GET THE BLOODY CAT AWAY FROM HERE!" Ron shouted after swallowing the food. Many stares where thrown at us, but Percy's glare made them turn away their heads. Percy was no fan of cats. Even though he liked cats as cute creatures, but well - cats and water don't mix well.

"It was because maybe, I was the one to shout at him after Beaky threw Malfoy down, and that Crabbe-Goyle incident." Percy didn't say anything more.

"You understood what Ron said?"

Percy nodded. "Kinda. Yeah. I also used to eat food like that, before - ".

Again that painful look. All the four others noticed the look, but didn't say any word. Percy trailed off, his eyes were turning less bluer. A minute or two passed away with an awkward silence. Finally Percy broke out of his trance.

"So, where was I? Oh. Ok then. I must get going to Hagrid's house then. Have a nice week end" Peter swallowed the remaining pumpkin juice in one go, before standing up from his table, and making his way to Hagrid's cabin.

"Hagrid. You called for me?" Percy asked.

"Yea. Dumbledore called for ye tellin that ye would be the witness of the entire time." Hagrid's eyes then dropped a little. "Please try ye'r best to convince them." he said almost pleadingly. 

"I will"

"So, how exactly are we going there?" Percy asked Dumbledore as they walked outside the Hogwarts entrance. "Not by walking right?"

"Not quite." Dumbledore chuckled to himself. "We are apparating. Hold on tight." 

Percy grabbed Dumbledore's arm, while Hagrid took out a large pink umbrella. Whoosh.

"Today, we are in the presence of the council for treatment against harmful magical creatures, to discuss the fate of a particular hippogriff from Hogwarts named as Buckbeak, which is under the care of Hagrid, current Care of Magical Creatures Professor and gate keeper at Hogwarts." Cornelius Fudge's voice ran through the hall. "Lucius Malfoy, please start."

Lucius Malfoy or as Percy preferred to call him Octavian 2.0 straightened up a bit, before standing up and reading from a paper.

 "To present this case, the charges against the beast are that it knocked down a completely innocent boy, and almost ate the wrist of another Hogwarts student. The knocked out student is Draco Malfoy, who is my son. He has been under the custody of Madam Pomphrey. It was a near fatal wound enough to kill Draco, had not been put to safety immediately. Vincent Crabbe was the other student to have been harmed by the hippogriff. The beast managed to almost- "

The next part was gross.

"-chew and rip off his hands from his body. Had the beast not been put into custody, Mr. Crabbe wouldn't be having two hands today. For this act, the suggested punishment for the beast is execution." Octavian 2.0 sat down.

"Rubeus Hagrid, the one fighting for the life of the hippogriff, please state your case." 

Hagrid than started speaking about different cases where the beast had been spared. Percy knew half of that was the research of Hermione Granger. Many others were by Dumbledore. Almost a quarter of an hour later, Hagrid finally stopped his speech. Many people had already droned out. Percy knew he would have to change the opinions of the members of the council.

"Witness for the act is Mr. Peter -" Fudge raised his eyebrow at the lack of a middle name.

"Paul Johnson" Percy piped in.

"Mr. Peter Paul Johnson a student of Hogwarts, who was at the spot of incident at that specific time. Please state your case."

Percy stood up from his seat.

"I have simply three statements to say in defense of all the actions caused by the certain hippogriff." Fudge seemed interested by the tone with which Peter started talking.

"1. Professor Hagrid clearly explained to NOT insult a hippogriff, which was the first and foremost rule he said. Draco went to measures to disobey it, by insulting the Hippogriff by calling it names that a hippogriff would not appreciate at all."

That statement alone put a thinking face on the eight members of the CTAHMC (Council for treatment against harmful magical creatures.

"2. Vincent Crabbe tried to hit me, but I merely removed my face from his wrist. He punched the hippogriff which acted as self defense and caught Mr. Crabbe's hand in his mouth."

The CTAHMC considered this. Everyone had a thinking face on.

"3. Do you really want to execute a magnificent beast of the wizarding world just for harming a student a tiny bit? A pride of the wizarding world killed? Think of it as the beast's point of view. Suppose I am the hippogriff. Someone calls me ugly names, insulting me and my race, would I leave him simply? Think about it before declaring your final statement."

Percy simply changed the tides of the case. He looked at Hagrid who was smiling proudly at Percy.

"You make a good point in this case. Indeed the Hippogriff did nothing other than law. But yet, it did harm a student." Fudge said. Octavian 2.0's eyes were pure bloodshot. He was glaring at Percy so hard that Percy had to bit his lips to contain his laughter.

"The Council will now decide the fate of the beast."  The eight council members murmured among themselves. One minute. Two. Three.

Finally one member with shiny white hair, that indicated he was old, coughed before speaking,. "The young boy has made a very valid point - "

"Erm." Lucius Malfoy coughed gaining the attention of the council. "Sorry." But he gave a dangerous glare at the council member. The old man flinched in his seat. However this went unnoticed by the minister of magic.

"-we will be needing 2 hours of time before we make the decision." he said hurriedly. 

"The council has requested for two hours of time before they make their decision. Till then, short break." The minister of magic announced just like in a TV program. 

Percy, Hagrid and Dumbledore walked out of the hall room. 

"What ye said - it, it really helped Peter." Hagrid sobbed a bit. Percy got a bit self conscious. A half-giant crying? Gaea would be like Ma Gasket. Scolding her children for acting like kids.

Those were the days. 

'Shut up Percy. You are still 12, and immortal. Old days won't be true for you.' He chided himself before chuckling a bit.

"May I take Peter for a moment, for a few words?" Dumbledore asked Hagrid. Hagrid nodded letting Percy go with Dumbledore. They walked a few feet away from Hagrid.

"the Hippogriff won't survive. Will it?" Percy asked. 

Dumbledore fixed Percy with a look like 'depends of you'.


"Lucius Malfoy will bribe the council members, threaten them and their family to make sure Buckbeak is executed. But, there is a small chance to keep it safe." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. 


"If the case is lost, the day the execution occurs, I will try my best to delay the executioner inside Hagrid's cabin. You just need to escape with Buckbeak into the forbidden forests, and make sure it flies away to safety." 

Percy nodded with determination in his eyes. 

"There might be change of plans too. But if I don't tell anything, remember, make sure it escapes. The life of a hippogriff depends on you." 

2 hours later-

The eight council members walked in the trial hall with their pockets juggling with galleons. This went unnoticed by the Minister of Magic as well.

"We have made our decision. The beast is to be-" the old man, from earlier paused looking at Lucius. "- executed" 


"Hagrid, please stop." Dumbledore cut Hagrid before he could mutter a string of colorful words not to be heard by a 13 year old(ish) boy. "However this trial has not been fair. I am really disappointed in you Cornelius, Lucius and the Council. Justice has not been served to the beast." 

That was his last words before he grabbed Percy's arm and apparated to Hogsmeade entrance.

Whatever happened then went unnoticed by Percy. All Percy knew was that he had entered his dormitory and had a paper and pen out. (He did not like writing with quills mostly. Pens worked better.) 

He had a sudden spark of brilliance in his mind, as he played his hands around the locket watch given to him by Dumbledore. 

Dear Odin,

I got your letter. The situation's grave indeed. But what if I CAN give you 15 of me?

Please consider and reply.

Perseus Jackson.

Phew. That's a lot. I noticed a pattern in my updating status. I have been updating every 2 days after. 

I decided upon a schedule that I will update 3 times every week. If not, please forgive me in advance.

Anyways, Ciao for now. 



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