The Azkaban Prisoner

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Started writing at  11PM 10-01-2022. Right I am in a cranky mood rn. So I am writing this. 

Sirius P.O.V.-

"Holy Hera! Who the fuck are you?" 

That was Percy's question when a person randomly changed from a dog to human inside their dormitory. 

Sirius Black, had by, mistake of course, went to the wrong bed. Instead of Harry's bed, he went to Percy's bed. He totally didn't expect a teenager to wake up in his bed and start cussing and asking him who he was.

'Crookshanks told me that this was where Peter was.' Sirius thought.

"You don't know me?"

"Um- No?" It came out more as a question than an answer.

"Okay kid. Do me a favor and shut up. I have a murder- I mean um- a rat to kill." 

"Oh. Wait. You are the room-cleaner? Don't they have elves to do this stuff in Hogwarts?"

"Shut up. Don't tell anyone about me, or else I will kill you." Sirius said before turning to leave. A child ruined everything. 

"You are serious?"

Sirius froze in his steps. 

"No. I am not Sirius."

"You are kidding?" 


"What what?"

"What what what?"

"What what what what?"

"What - You know. You are gonna eat away my brain."

"You are serious."


"You okay? Cause you seem like you have been from an asylum." 

"Maybe because I am from Asylum."

"Are you really serious?"


The entire dormitory woke up with the shouting. Percy immediately as if on instinct dropped down on his bed. Sirius Black stood in front of Percy's bed with a knife that he took out because he wanted to kill Percy seriously now.

"SIRIUS BLACK!" Ron shouted out loud. Sirius escaped through the door, running away. 

Then all hell broke loose.

~Time Skip Brought to You by Chronos and Co.~

"PERCY, I EXPECTED BETTER OF YOU" McGonagall walked through the room. 

Percy J. was once again confused.

"No. It was just my brother here who thinks he saw Sirius Black near Peter's bed." Percy W. said.

"Peter, did you see anything?" McGonagall asked. 

"Ron's yelling woke me up, but by the time I woke up, the man had left through the door. I am not sure if he was Sirius Black or not." Peter lied smoothly. 

"I saw a man too." Neville Longbottom said. "And he looked like Sirius Black." 

"The man shouted out loud that he was not Sirius." Ron said again. 

"Yes. He shouted out that he was not serious. Like who shouts out loud in the night that he is not serious." Percy J. said.

The wizards gave Percy quizzical looks. 


"He meant he was not Sirius Black. Not not Sirius." Dean Thomas said. 


The argument continued if it was seriously Sirius (Sorry, can't help it) or someone else. 

"Everyone Quiet now. Go back to your beds. We will make a search of the entire castle again." McGonagall announced before she left. 

 Percy shrugged before becoming unconsciously sleeping again.

"We really have to do that?" Percy asked when they appeared in the divination with Harry and co. In front of them were giant orbs. 

"My dears, today we shall be glancing at the future with the miracles of nature- the orbs. Divide into four people each group and take one a table." Trelawney's shrill voice spoke. 

"I swear if this class is at any bit ridiculous, I will kill that old lady." Percy muttered to Ron, before murmuring to himself 'three old hags to make fate and another one to see glances of them. Like Rachel and Octavian wasn't enough'.

"You, you have been grasped by the fates!" Professor Crazy Prophet suddenly said pointing at Percy.

"Good." Percy said nodding. He decided to play along.

"Your lifeline becomes shorter!" Professor Old Hag said again. 

"I know right."

"You- you have a terrific future in front of you." Professor crazy-too-many-beads said. 

"What's new lady? Those are out dated." Percy replied cheekily. 

"You have the spirit as bright as a pure hero, while also having the spirit of the coldest murderer in the world." This lady was getting into Percy's nerves. 

"So what?" he snapped. "You know what? Teach us something that's important." 

Trelawney's eyes returned to their color. Percy didn't even know when the color faded.

"Now, what was I talking about again- oh, today we will be learning about orbs. Sit down sit down class." Percy, Ron, Hermione and Harry sat down at one table. 

"What was she talking about?" Harry asked in hushed voice. 

"Only that crazy lady knows." Percy lied. He was getting considerably better at it after doing it for 3 years. 

The class was boring for everyone. All that Percy saw was blue and blue. Well that might have been Percy sleeping in the class too. 

"THAT'S IT. I AM LEAVING." Hermione shouted before leaping up from her chair. She had been called by Trelawney, 'with only a faint trace of a seer'. Hermione left the classroom shouting indescribable words about the subject. 

"I could have left with her as well. But I don't want to spoil the fun. This class sucks." Percy whispered to Ron and Harry. "Professor Trelawney, my stomach is really upset today. Can I go and pay a visit to Madam Pomphrey?" 

Trelawney unfroze from her shock at seeing Hermione's behavior, and waved at Percy to go. Percy muttered a quick thanks before leaving, and dropping a wink at Harry and Ron. 

"Did he just-"

"Yeah. He did." Ron completed for Harry.

On Olympus, Hecate's palace - 

"With all due respects, my world is my world. It was decided from earlier that you can't force it out of me. I am not giving you the location of the French Magic school." Hecate said again. 

"Look here. You have to give us the location. Please, it's for the great prophecy. You are the secret keeper. Only you can tell. Please. Just for this once." Artemis requested for the billionth time that day.

Hecate gave out a sigh. 

"Swear on the Styx. Swear on the Styx that you won't harm anyone of my world in anyway. Anyone who is in my world."  

"I swear on the Styx that I won't harm anyone of the wizarding world." 

"Anyone who is in the wizarding world" Hecate told her to say.

"anyone who is in the wizarding world." 

"And that you will make sure no one, gods, monsters, demigods, mortals, no one will harm them." 

Artemis repeated the words. Thunder rumbled in the sky sealing the oath. 

"I will take you to the school. Lessen your age, and you can bring any 5 of your hunters with you. You will be joining the third year in Beaxbutons. It is an all-girls academy, so hopefully you won't have any problems." Artemis let out a breath of relief. She hated the species of male so much that she would kill anyone who is a male in front of her or the hunt. "I will bless you all with magic." 

"I will take Thalia, Phoebe, Atlanta, Lena (Luthor anyone? Sorry couldn't resist), and Ruby with me." Artemis decided. 

Hecate snapped her fingers as the five mentioned appeared next to Artemis. "All your belongings will be in your house, where I am going to teleport you." She snapped her fingers again and the six of them vanished from sight. 

Hecate summoned a quill and a paper, and started writing a letter to Peter aka Percy (dam. I wanted to write spiderman instead of Percy so badly). 

So, that's it guys. Short chapter. I know. Only 4 or 5 more remaining. I have a relatively high fever but still I am writing. Fever sucks. I know I am a good author. Welcome. 

1300 words only
Logging out 


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