Chapter 15

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Ms.Lee: I will be glad but it seems to be that the members of the team doesn't want that.
She said looking at jungkook. I glared at him and he gave me a smirk.
Sara: I'll try but it would have been more easy if my girls were there with me.
Chae: ms.Lee she is right. Even if we don't perform our her can we just go with her to cheer for her while she is cheering for the boys.
She said hoping that ms. Lee would agree. The principal signed deeply and replied.
Ms.Lee: fine you can do that but Sara should be the only one performing. Am I clear?
I signed before i nodded.
Sara: thanks for having us.
We bowed and got out of that place. As I stepped out.
I glared at them one by one.  No one dared to speak. Just then someone hug me from behind. I felt myself calm down at the warmth of the hug but I pushed him away.
I shouted at jungkook. He looked shocked as he moved away.
Jungkook: Sara. What's wrong?
Sara: Everything is wrong.
I hate him not because I'm acting but I really hate him at this moment cause he made my friends not to perform with me. I'm going to lose my temper any moment if he speaks another word.
Chae: Sara. Gwanchana. Don't be cold towards him.
Sara: like I care. So your still going to take his side even if you can't perform that you have worked hard for just to reach your dream.
I was disappointed at her. I walked past but jungkook held my hand. I looked at him and pulled it away.
Sara: stay away from me.
I said in a dangerous voice before leaving. I went to the classroom and sat in my seat. I can't believe he did this for me. And he only wants me to perform that's not gonna happen. Either we all will perform or none of us will. I made my decision. After class I was heading to the principal's office when someone grabbed my wrist and took me to a unused room. I know it's jungkook.
Sara: what do you want?
Jungkook: baby. Are you mad at me?
Sara: why would I be?
Jungkook: listen. It was a misunderstanding. We didn't tell her to do that. But Jimin was the one who did that. He also offered chae with you but that bitch refused and said only you can do it. 
Sara: thanks for the information but I'm not going to perform. That's what I'm going to tell her right now.
I turned to move to the door but I was stopped my two hands wrapped around my wrist. I looked at him and harshly pushed him away.
Sara: I have made up my mind. If you can tell them that I'm not gonna perform if my gang isn't there. Then I might change my mind.
I said and left without any hesitation. Why do I feel heavy around my heart when it's just jungkook why can't I stand being cold to him. I went to the principal's office.
Ms.Lee: sweetie what made you come here?
She asked me so calmly. I took a deep breath and spoke.
Sara: umm I'm not performing.
She looked at me surprised cause I have never refused it when it comes to cheerleading.
Ms.Lee: did I hear you right?
Sara: do I look like I'm joking?
I replied to her coldly.
Ms.Lee: miss park. We were hoping that you would've excepted it but you didn't. Do you want your team to lose the final performance and never be on rank like the past.
I took a second in what was going on. I don't thought about the time when I was a trainee. They weren't therefor me then. Whey am I losing my position just because of that. I think if I make a mistake now I'll regret it later. So don't give up the opportunity. Your friends will be there with you and always gonna support you. I told my self that it was a challenge for me. I took a deep breathe and spoke up.
Sara: I'll perform but you are going to tell the guys that I'm not performing. I will just give them a surprise.
Ms.Lee: so you agreed to it.
Sara: yes. It's my decision and you are not gonna dare to let it out to anyone.
I said and made my way out of the office. Then suddenly someone grabbed my wrist. I think I know who it was so without looking I raised my hand to slap him but before my hand could touch the skin I realized it was yoongi's. But  it landed on his left cheek making it turn red. His eyes also got widen by the sudden action. I just can't tell or do anything so I left him there. But he grabbed my wrist again.
Sara: what do you want?
I said I'm annoyed.
Yoongi: jung- why did you fucking slap me?
Sara: I didn't mean to. I  thought it was jungkook. He kept annoying me so much.
Yoongi: he annoys you cause he loves you.
I know that bitch.
Sara: what exactly do you want from me?
Yoongi: perform for us.
He said shortly. I slowly shook my head saying it's a "no". But deep inside me it's a yes. I'm going to keep my reputations and work it out by myself.
Yoongi: why?
I left him dumbfound. I don't want to answer his stupid questions. I got in my class and everyone stopped taking and looked at me.
Sara: what are you looking at?
I shouted and they all turned doing what they were doing. I sat in my seat and closed my eyes. I totally don't feel like the Sara I used to know. It's all because of jungkook. Why does he have to come in my life and make my life hard to live. Then the teacher came in. Chae was sitting next to me. Then jungkook stood up and walked to the teacher.
Jungkook: I would like to change my seat.
Mr.Kim: May I have your permission.
He handed him the permission slip. Mr.Kim looked at the slip and then to jungkook and finally at me.
Mr.Kim: sure you can sit there.
Jungkook: thanks.
He walked towards me with a smirk on his face along with his stuffs. He approached chae who was sitting next to me.
Jungkook: get out.
He ordered. But she didn't move a inch. She looked at where jungkook's seat was and jimin was sitting there with his head down.
Chae: I'm not going anywhere.
Jungkook: out.
Mr.Kim: chae go to jungkook's seat.
She gave me a sad look and went to jungkook's seat. Jungkook sat next to me.
Jungkook: so what has been bugging you?
He said clinging onto my left arm.
Sara: yah! Get your hands off me.
I moved away from him. I don't give a shit about what is happening right now. I have to think about my choreographies since I won't be able to practice it all. I got my notebook and scratch of the choreography. It looked perfect. I looked satisfied by my drawing. Then I felt someone on my shoulder. I looked at it and it was jungkook. he was looking at what I've drawn.
Jungkook: what is this supposed to be?
Sara: none of your business.
I said coldly but didn't move from my position.
Jungkook: come on jagi. Don't be mad.
Sara: shut up.
I said getting more annoyed. I paid my full attention to the teacher. And as soon as the bell rang I walked quickly out of the classroom. I reached the practice room and started to do the choreography that I made earlier. It looked pretty good. I was almost done with it when the practice room door opened. I pretended like I didn't notice it. It was jungkook. He stood there frozen to see me practice cheerleading choreographies. I finally stopped and took my stuffs and started for the door.
Jungkook: wait.....
I turned towards him and gave him a questionable look.
Jungkook: why are you avoiding me?
Sara: you know the reason.
Jungkook: what. So it because we're in school?
I shook my head.
Jungkook: then.
I gave him a disappointed look and turned to leave. But without saying anything he grabbed my wrist and turned around to face him. 
Sara: what do yo-
He kissed me full on my lips that made me a little surprised. I didn't respond. I just stood there like a statue. He pulled out and held onto my waist tight. I asked him again.
Sara: what do you want?
Jungkook: forgiveness.
He said simply. Really that is what he wanted.
Sara: why are you asking for forgiveness? What did you do?
Although I know what he is asking forgiveness for. But I acted like I don't know.
Jungkook: I'm sorry.
He hugged me tight that made me startle a little. I didn't know what to do so I just patted his back.
Jungkook: I'm sorry. It wasn't Jimin that told ms.Lee. It was me.
"I knew it." I said in my head.
Jungkook: I'm sorry. I wanted you to only cheer for us. Mianhae.

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