Chapter 14

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We got in bed and started talking.
Chae: so do you kind of like jungkook?
Sara: What? Why that question all of a sudden?
Chae: just wondering cause he was with you when you got to the gym and when we were about to go home.
Sara: it's just he won't stop following me.
Chae: so what did you do at the club?
Changing the topic.
Sara: chae. I really don't know what happened. I only know that I drank 8 shot of the strongest alcohol that they had.
Chae: really?
She asked me with a smirk on her lips.
Sara: yeah.
Chae: okay so where did you end up when you woke up in the morning?
Sara: in my room.
I said without thinking. If I take time to answer she will suspect me.
Chae: but you were wearing jungkook's hoodie this morning.
Sara: oh he wore a hoodie when we went to the club. And I was wearing a very small cloth and I felt cold. So he gave me his hoodie. I refused but he made me wear it.
Chae: okay then why were you with jungkook at McDonald's eating breakfast.
Sara: my mom asked him to stay at my house and he took me to McDonald's right after I woke up.
Chae: and why did jungkook bring his bike with him?
Sara: what the hell? Are you taking an interview of me about him?
Chae: no. I just want to make sure that nothing is going on between you two.
Sara: you should not worry cause I'll never let anyone love me or never let my heart love anyone. You can count on me.
I said. Then I turned to the other side so I'm not facing her. My back was facing her. I fell asleep super fast Cause I've did a lot of flips today.

                             [Next morning]
I woke up and found chae still sleeping. I got out of my bed and looked at my phone. My eyes got widen when I saw 97 calls and 90 messages from JUNGKOOK. What the hell. What does he want now. On of the messages caught my attention.
"Jungkook: hey babe I'm missing you. I wish you were in my arms while sleeping."
This kid gotta get over me. As I'm a cheerleader I don't know what happens to anytime. When I was about to put my phone away. I got a call. It was jungkook.
On the call
Jungkook:hey babe are you a-
I cut him off
Sara: what is your problem. Why did you keep on calling and texting. Can't you see I have chae with me today. What if she saw the messages and calls.
Jungkook: babe. I'm sorry.
Sara: I hate you.
Jungkook: see you at school. I love you too.
Sara: what th-
I didn't even finish my sentence he hanged up. I ignored it and went to the washroom. I did my morning routine and took a fresh shower. I wore a white shirt that had black stripes and my Gucci jeans with a roots jacket. And wore my white Nike's. I straightened my hair and kept it down. I put some make up as usual and got out of the washroom and found chae sitting up.
Chae: wow. Are you real?
Sara: yeah. What makes you think that?
Chae: you look so beautiful in just those simple clothes.
Sara: I know. Why do I have to look beautiful?
Chae: cause that's how you're supposed to be like.
Sara: whatever.
I rolled my eyes and she went to the bathroom to get ready. I let her wear my clothes cause we had school. And if she went to her house then we would be late for school. She got out of the bathroom wearing my black hoodie with my white Gucci jeans. She looked good in my clothes.
Sara: you look much good in my clothes.
Chae: I figured that after wearing your clothes.
I looked at her awkwardly. I shrugged my shoulders and went downstairs. I found my mom cooking breakfast.
Sara: morning mom.
She scanned the room and
Mom: I thought he was going to come over yesterday.
Sara: he was but chae asked to have a girls night.
Mom: I get that. Well eat up.
Chae came and sat next to me taking a piece of pancake.
Mom: so how was it?
I gave her a bitter smile.
Chae: well it was good but why did her room smell like there was a boy in it.
Mom: well I asked a boy to come and meet her but as he arrived I asked him to go to her room. When he didn't find him. I remembered that she went out. So that's why it smelled like boys. Oh. Did you guys clean it.
Sara,chae: yes.
We said in chorus. We ate our breakfast and left for school. We took my Ducati to school. I love to ride her so bad. She is just perfect to fit my personality. We reached school. I found the boys coming towards us while the whole school is screaming their names. I saw jungkook in a mad mood. Oh that idiot. I hate him. He came close to me and grabbed my wrist.
Sara: yah! You bitch let go of me.
Jungkook: you're coming with me messy.
I kicked his leg and he let go of my wrist while he groaning in pain.
Sara: now how does that feel.
I know it's wrong but what else can I do.
Chae: um Sara the principal called us to her room right?
We went to the principals room and
Principal: ah my best beautiful cheerleaders. 
Sara: hello ms. Lee. Why did you call us?
I said straightly. Then we heard the door open. Even if I didn't look back my heart tells me that it's jungkook and his team.
Namjoom:: ms. Lee why did you call us?
The same question as mine.
Ms. Lee: now that everyone is here let's start. So we have the best cheerleaders in our school and because of them a lot of our basketball teams win the championships. We feel proud to have them especially Sara. She is the leader and right girl just made to be a cheerleader.
Sara: thanks ms.Lee. 
She nodded.
Ms.lee:as she is the best cheerleader. We would like her to do cheerleading for the boys.
And as for jungkook he wants you to be cheering for him.
I gleaned at him.
Sara: how about we all cheer for them?
I said with no emotions.

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